@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ cabal-version: 1.12
-- see:
-- hash: ff53309ec0180b799fcc69ff3a53a6c9411940332e75ebc8097a83d40c085d98
-- hash: 7396988b6b8e966751eaf92b5a8c1cb820f7a3dbbf60736ea46faab4653fb40c
name: graphql
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ test-suite tasty
, graphql
, hspec
, hspec-expectations
, hspec-megaparsec
, megaparsec
, raw-strings-qq
, text
@ -49,4 +49,5 @@ tests:
- graphql
- hspec
- hspec-expectations
- hspec-megaparsec
- raw-strings-qq
@ -1,104 +1,92 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Language.GraphQL.LexerSpec
( spec
) where
import Data.Either (isRight)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Language.GraphQL.Lexer
import Test.Hspec ( Spec
, context
, describe
, it
, shouldBe
, shouldSatisfy
import Text.Megaparsec ( ParseErrorBundle
, parse
import Test.Hspec (Spec, context, describe, it)
import Test.Hspec.Megaparsec (shouldParse, shouldSucceedOn)
import Text.Megaparsec (ParseErrorBundle, parse)
import Text.RawString.QQ (r)
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Lexer" $ do
context "Reference tests" $ do
it "accepts BOM header" $
runParser unicodeBOM "\xfeff" `shouldSatisfy` isRight
parse unicodeBOM "" `shouldSucceedOn` "\xfeff"
it "lexes strings" $ do
runParser string [r|"simple"|] `shouldBe` Right "simple"
runParser string [r|" white space "|] `shouldBe` Right " white space "
runParser string [r|"quote \""|] `shouldBe` Right [r|quote "|]
runParser string [r|"escaped \n"|] `shouldBe` Right "escaped \n"
runParser string [r|"slashes \\ \/"|] `shouldBe` Right [r|slashes \ /|]
runParser string [r|"unicode \u1234\u5678\u90AB\uCDEF"|]
`shouldBe` Right "unicode ሴ噸邫췯"
parse string "" [r|"simple"|] `shouldParse` "simple"
parse string "" [r|" white space "|] `shouldParse` " white space "
parse string "" [r|"quote \""|] `shouldParse` [r|quote "|]
parse string "" [r|"escaped \n"|] `shouldParse` "escaped \n"
parse string "" [r|"slashes \\ \/"|] `shouldParse` [r|slashes \ /|]
parse string "" [r|"unicode \u1234\u5678\u90AB\uCDEF"|]
`shouldParse` "unicode ሴ噸邫췯"
it "lexes block string" $ do
runParser blockString [r|"""simple"""|] `shouldBe` Right "simple"
runParser blockString [r|""" white space """|]
`shouldBe` Right " white space "
runParser blockString [r|"""contains " quote"""|]
`shouldBe` Right [r|contains " quote|]
runParser blockString [r|"""contains \""" triplequote"""|]
`shouldBe` Right [r|contains """ triplequote|]
runParser blockString "\"\"\"multi\nline\"\"\"" `shouldBe` Right "multi\nline"
runParser blockString "\"\"\"multi\rline\r\nnormalized\"\"\""
`shouldBe` Right "multi\nline\nnormalized"
runParser blockString "\"\"\"multi\rline\r\nnormalized\"\"\""
`shouldBe` Right "multi\nline\nnormalized"
runParser blockString [r|"""unescaped \n\r\b\t\f\u1234"""|]
`shouldBe` Right [r|unescaped \n\r\b\t\f\u1234|]
runParser blockString [r|"""slashes \\ \/"""|]
`shouldBe` Right [r|slashes \\ \/|]
runParser blockString [r|"""
parse blockString "" [r|"""simple"""|] `shouldParse` "simple"
parse blockString "" [r|""" white space """|]
`shouldParse` " white space "
parse blockString "" [r|"""contains " quote"""|]
`shouldParse` [r|contains " quote|]
parse blockString "" [r|"""contains \""" triplequote"""|]
`shouldParse` [r|contains """ triplequote|]
parse blockString "" "\"\"\"multi\nline\"\"\"" `shouldParse` "multi\nline"
parse blockString "" "\"\"\"multi\rline\r\nnormalized\"\"\""
`shouldParse` "multi\nline\nnormalized"
parse blockString "" "\"\"\"multi\rline\r\nnormalized\"\"\""
`shouldParse` "multi\nline\nnormalized"
parse blockString "" [r|"""unescaped \n\r\b\t\f\u1234"""|]
`shouldParse` [r|unescaped \n\r\b\t\f\u1234|]
parse blockString "" [r|"""slashes \\ \/"""|]
`shouldParse` [r|slashes \\ \/|]
parse blockString "" [r|"""
"""|] `shouldBe` Right "spans\n multiple\n lines"
"""|] `shouldParse` "spans\n multiple\n lines"
it "lexes numbers" $ do
runParser integer "4" `shouldBe` Right (4 :: Int)
runParser float "4.123" `shouldBe` Right 4.123
runParser integer "-4" `shouldBe` Right (-4 :: Int)
runParser integer "9" `shouldBe` Right (9 :: Int)
runParser integer "0" `shouldBe` Right (0 :: Int)
runParser float "-4.123" `shouldBe` Right (-4.123)
runParser float "0.123" `shouldBe` Right 0.123
runParser float "123e4" `shouldBe` Right 123e4
runParser float "123E4" `shouldBe` Right 123E4
runParser float "123e-4" `shouldBe` Right 123e-4
runParser float "123e+4" `shouldBe` Right 123e+4
runParser float "-1.123e4" `shouldBe` Right (-1.123e4)
runParser float "-1.123E4" `shouldBe` Right (-1.123E4)
runParser float "-1.123e-4" `shouldBe` Right (-1.123e-4)
runParser float "-1.123e+4" `shouldBe` Right (-1.123e+4)
runParser float "-1.123e4567" `shouldBe` Right (-1.123e4567)
parse integer "" "4" `shouldParse` (4 :: Int)
parse float "" "4.123" `shouldParse` 4.123
parse integer "" "-4" `shouldParse` (-4 :: Int)
parse integer "" "9" `shouldParse` (9 :: Int)
parse integer "" "0" `shouldParse` (0 :: Int)
parse float "" "-4.123" `shouldParse` (-4.123)
parse float "" "0.123" `shouldParse` 0.123
parse float "" "123e4" `shouldParse` 123e4
parse float "" "123E4" `shouldParse` 123E4
parse float "" "123e-4" `shouldParse` 123e-4
parse float "" "123e+4" `shouldParse` 123e+4
parse float "" "-1.123e4" `shouldParse` (-1.123e4)
parse float "" "-1.123E4" `shouldParse` (-1.123E4)
parse float "" "-1.123e-4" `shouldParse` (-1.123e-4)
parse float "" "-1.123e+4" `shouldParse` (-1.123e+4)
parse float "" "-1.123e4567" `shouldParse` (-1.123e4567)
it "lexes punctuation" $ do
runParser bang "!" `shouldBe` Right '!'
runParser dollar "$" `shouldBe` Right '$'
runBetween parens "()" `shouldSatisfy` isRight
runParser spread "..." `shouldBe` Right "..."
runParser colon ":" `shouldBe` Right ":"
runParser equals "=" `shouldBe` Right "="
runParser at "@" `shouldBe` Right '@'
runBetween brackets "[]" `shouldSatisfy` isRight
runBetween braces "{}" `shouldSatisfy` isRight
runParser pipe "|" `shouldBe` Right "|"
parse bang "" "!" `shouldParse` '!'
parse dollar "" "$" `shouldParse` '$'
runBetween parens `shouldSucceedOn` "()"
parse spread "" "..." `shouldParse` "..."
parse colon "" ":" `shouldParse` ":"
parse equals "" "=" `shouldParse` "="
parse at "" "@" `shouldParse` '@'
runBetween brackets `shouldSucceedOn` "[]"
runBetween braces `shouldSucceedOn` "{}"
parse pipe "" "|" `shouldParse` "|"
context "Implementation tests" $ do
it "lexes empty block strings" $
runParser blockString [r|""""""|] `shouldBe` Right ""
parse blockString "" [r|""""""|] `shouldParse` ""
it "lexes ampersand" $
runParser amp "&" `shouldBe` Right "&"
runParser :: forall a. Parser a -> Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle Text Void) a
runParser = flip parse ""
parse amp "" "&" `shouldParse` "&"
runBetween :: (Parser () -> Parser ()) -> Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle Text Void) ()
runBetween parser = parse (parser $ pure ()) ""
@ -4,27 +4,23 @@ module Language.GraphQL.ParserSpec
( spec
) where
import Data.Either (isRight)
import Language.GraphQL.Parser (document)
import Test.Hspec ( Spec
, describe
, it
, shouldSatisfy
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Hspec.Megaparsec (shouldSucceedOn)
import Text.Megaparsec (parse)
import Text.RawString.QQ (r)
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Parser" $ do
it "accepts BOM header" $
parse document "" "\xfeff{foo}" `shouldSatisfy` isRight
parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` "\xfeff{foo}"
it "accepts block strings as argument" $
parse document "" [r|{
parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [r|{
hello(text: """Argument""")
}|] `shouldSatisfy` isRight
it "accepts strings as argument" $
parse document "" [r|{
parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [r|{
hello(text: "Argument")
}|] `shouldSatisfy` isRight
@ -6,19 +6,13 @@ module Test.KitchenSinkSpec
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as Text.Lazy.IO
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy (Text)
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Encoder as Encoder
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Parser as Parser
import Paths_graphql (getDataFileName)
import Test.Hspec ( Spec
, describe
, it
import Test.Hspec.Expectations ( expectationFailure
, shouldBe
import Text.Megaparsec ( errorBundlePretty
, parse
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Hspec.Megaparsec (parseSatisfies)
import Text.Megaparsec (parse)
import Text.RawString.QQ (r)
spec :: Spec
@ -26,17 +20,12 @@ spec = describe "Kitchen Sink" $ do
it "minifies the query" $ do
dataFileName <- getDataFileName "tests/data/kitchen-sink.graphql"
minFileName <- getDataFileName "tests/data/kitchen-sink.min.graphql"
actual <- Text.IO.readFile dataFileName
expected <- Text.Lazy.IO.readFile minFileName
(expectationFailure . errorBundlePretty)
(flip shouldBe expected . Encoder.document Encoder.minified)
$ parse Parser.document dataFileName actual
shouldNormalize Encoder.minified dataFileName expected
it "pretty prints the query" $ do
dataFileName <- getDataFileName "tests/data/kitchen-sink.graphql"
actual <- Text.IO.readFile dataFileName
let expected = [r|query queryName($foo: ComplexType, $site: Site = MOBILE) {
whoever123is: node(id: [123, 456]) {
@ -70,7 +59,11 @@ fragment frag on Friend {
(expectationFailure . errorBundlePretty)
(flip shouldBe expected . Encoder.document Encoder.pretty)
$ parse Parser.document dataFileName actual
shouldNormalize Encoder.pretty dataFileName expected
shouldNormalize :: Encoder.Formatter -> FilePath -> Lazy.Text -> IO ()
shouldNormalize formatter dataFileName expected = do
actual <- Text.IO.readFile dataFileName
parse Parser.document dataFileName actual `parseSatisfies` condition
condition = (expected ==) . Encoder.document formatter
Reference in New Issue
Block a user