Fix the type in messages when validating variables
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import Data.List (groupBy, sortBy, sortOn)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing, mapMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing, mapMaybe)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Sequence (Seq(..), (|>))
@ -359,9 +359,9 @@ fragmentSpreadTypeExistenceRule = SelectionRule $ const $ \case
, "\" which doesn't exist in the schema."
maybeToSeq :: forall a m. Maybe a -> ReaderT (Validation m) Seq a
maybeToSeq (Just x) = lift $ pure x
maybeToSeq Nothing = lift mempty
maybeToSeq :: forall a. Maybe a -> Seq a
maybeToSeq (Just x) = pure x
maybeToSeq Nothing = mempty
-- | Fragments can only be declared on unions, interfaces, and objects. They are
-- invalid on scalars. They can only be applied on non‐leaf fields. This rule
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ fragmentsOnCompositeTypesRule = FragmentRule definitionRule inlineRule
check typeCondition location' = do
types' <- asks $ Schema.types . schema
-- Skip unknown types, they are checked by another rule.
_ <- maybeToSeq $ HashMap.lookup typeCondition types'
_ <- lift $ maybeToSeq $ HashMap.lookup typeCondition types'
case Type.lookupTypeCondition typeCondition types' of
Nothing -> pure $ Error
{ message = errorMessage typeCondition
@ -1240,9 +1240,11 @@ possibleFragmentSpreadsRule = SelectionRule go
go _ _ = lift mempty
compareTypes typeCondition parentType = do
types' <- asks $ Schema.types . schema
fragmentType <- maybeToSeq
fragmentType <- lift
$ maybeToSeq
$ Type.lookupTypeCondition typeCondition types'
parentComposite <- maybeToSeq
parentComposite <- lift
$ maybeToSeq
$ Type.outToComposite parentType
possibleFragments <- getPossibleTypes fragmentType
possibleParents <- getPossibleTypes parentComposite
@ -1279,7 +1281,7 @@ findSpreadTarget :: Full.Name -> ReaderT (Validation m1) Seq Full.TypeCondition
findSpreadTarget fragmentName = do
ast' <- asks ast
let target = find (isSpreadTarget fragmentName) ast'
maybeToSeq $ target >>= extractTypeCondition
lift $ maybeToSeq $ target >>= extractTypeCondition
extractTypeCondition (viewFragment -> Just fragmentDefinition) =
let Full.FragmentDefinition _ typeCondition _ _ _ = fragmentDefinition
@ -1397,19 +1399,30 @@ variablesInAllowedPositionRule = OperationDefinitionRule $ \case
Just (Schema.Directive _ _ directiveArguments) ->
mapArguments variables directiveArguments arguments
Nothing -> pure mempty
mapArguments variables argumentTypes
= fmap (Seq.fromList . catMaybes)
mapArguments variables argumentTypes = fmap fold
. traverse (findArgumentVariables variables argumentTypes)
mapDirectives variables = fmap fold
<$> traverse (findDirectiveVariables variables)
findArgumentVariables :: [Full.VariableDefinition]
-> HashMap Full.Name In.Argument
-> Full.Argument
-> ValidationState m (Seq Error)
findArgumentVariables variables argumentTypes argument
| Full.Argument argumentName argumentValue _ <- argument
, Full.Node{ node = Full.Variable variableName, ..} <- argumentValue
, Just expectedType <- HashMap.lookup argumentName argumentTypes
, findVariableDefinition' <- findVariableDefinition variableName
, Just variableDefinition <- find findVariableDefinition' variables =
isVariableUsageAllowed expectedType variableDefinition
| otherwise = pure Nothing
maybeToSeq <$> isVariableUsageAllowed expectedType variableDefinition
| Full.Argument argumentName argumentValue _ <- argument
, Full.Node{ node = Full.Object objectFields, ..} <- argumentValue
, Just typeArgument <- HashMap.lookup argumentName argumentTypes
, In.Argument _ expectedType _ <- typeArgument
, In.InputObjectBaseType inputObjectType <- expectedType
, In.InputObjectType _ _ fieldTypes <- inputObjectType =
fold <$> traverse (traverseObjectField fieldTypes) objectFields
| otherwise = pure mempty
traverseObjectField _fieldTypes = const $ pure mempty
findVariableDefinition variableName variableDefinition =
let Full.VariableDefinition variableName' _ _ _ = variableDefinition
in variableName == variableName'
@ -1418,12 +1431,14 @@ variablesInAllowedPositionRule = OperationDefinitionRule $ \case
, Full.TypeNonNull _ <- variableType =
typesCompatibleOrError variableDefinition locationType
| Just nullableLocationType <- unwrapInType locationType
, Full.VariableDefinition _ _ variableDefaultValue _ <- variableDefinition
, Full.VariableDefinition _ variableType variableDefaultValue _ <-
, hasNonNullVariableDefaultValue' <-
hasNonNullVariableDefaultValue variableDefaultValue
, hasLocationDefaultValue <- isJust locationDefaultValue =
if hasNonNullVariableDefaultValue' || hasLocationDefaultValue
then typesCompatibleOrError variableDefinition nullableLocationType
if (hasNonNullVariableDefaultValue' || hasLocationDefaultValue)
&& areTypesCompatible variableType nullableLocationType
then pure Nothing
else pure $ makeError variableDefinition locationType
| otherwise = typesCompatibleOrError variableDefinition locationType
typesCompatibleOrError variableDefinition locationType
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