Rename variablesInAllowedPositionRule's variables
Name variablesInAllowedPositionRule's variables more meaningful.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1328,6 +1328,12 @@ variablesInAllowedPositionRule = OperationDefinitionRule $ \case
-> ValidationState m (Seq Error)
visitSelectionSet variables selectionType selections =
foldM (evaluateSelection variables selectionType) mempty selections
evaluateFieldSelection variables selections accumulator = \case
Just newParentType -> do
let folder = evaluateSelection variables newParentType
selectionErrors <- foldM folder accumulator selections
pure $ accumulator <> selectionErrors
Nothing -> pure accumulator
evaluateSelection :: [Full.VariableDefinition]
-> Type.CompositeType m
-> Seq Error
@ -1342,30 +1348,28 @@ variablesInAllowedPositionRule = OperationDefinitionRule $ \case
Just fragmentDefinition
| Full.FragmentDefinition _ typeCondition _ _ _ <- fragmentDefinition
, Just spreadType <- Type.lookupTypeCondition typeCondition types' -> do
a <- spreadVariables variables spread
b <- diveIntoSpread variables spreadType fragmentDefinition
pure $ accumulator <> a <> b
spreadErrors <- spreadVariables variables spread
selectionErrors <- diveIntoSpread variables spreadType fragmentDefinition
pure $ accumulator <> spreadErrors <> selectionErrors
_ -> lift $ lift mempty
| Full.FieldSelection fieldSelection <- selection
, Full.Field _ fieldName _ _ subselections _ <- fieldSelection =
case Type.lookupCompositeField fieldName selectionType of
Just (Out.Field _ typeField argumentTypes) -> do
a <- fieldVariables variables argumentTypes fieldSelection
case Type.outToComposite typeField of
Just newParentType -> do
b <- foldM (evaluateSelection variables newParentType) accumulator subselections
pure $ accumulator <> a <> b
Nothing -> pure $ accumulator <> a
fieldErrors <- fieldVariables variables argumentTypes fieldSelection
selectionErrors <- evaluateFieldSelection variables subselections accumulator
$ Type.outToComposite typeField
pure $ selectionErrors <> fieldErrors
Nothing -> pure accumulator
| Full.InlineFragmentSelection inlineSelection <- selection
, Full.InlineFragment typeCondition _ subselections _ <- inlineSelection = do
types' <- lift $ asks $ Schema.types . schema
let inlineType = fromMaybe selectionType
$ typeCondition
>>= flip Type.lookupTypeCondition types'
a <- inlineVariables variables inlineSelection
b <- foldM (evaluateSelection variables inlineType) accumulator subselections
pure $ accumulator <> a <> b
$ typeCondition >>= flip Type.lookupTypeCondition types'
fragmentErrors <- inlineVariables variables inlineSelection
let folder = evaluateSelection variables inlineType
selectionErrors <- foldM folder accumulator subselections
pure $ accumulator <> fragmentErrors <> selectionErrors
inlineVariables variables inline
| Full.InlineFragment _ directives' _ _ <- inline =
mapDirectives variables directives'
@ -1409,26 +1413,28 @@ variablesInAllowedPositionRule = OperationDefinitionRule $ \case
findVariableDefinition variableName variableDefinition =
let Full.VariableDefinition variableName' _ _ _ = variableDefinition
in variableName == variableName'
isVariableUsageAllowed (In.Argument _ locationType locationDefaultValue) variableDefinition@(Full.VariableDefinition _ variableType variableDefaultValue _)
| Full.TypeNonNull _ <- variableType =
isVariableUsageAllowed (In.Argument _ locationType locationDefaultValue) variableDefinition
| Full.VariableDefinition _ variableType _ _ <- variableDefinition
, Full.TypeNonNull _ <- variableType =
typesCompatibleOrError variableDefinition locationType
| Just nullableLocationType <- unwrapInType locationType
, hasNonNullVariableDefaultValue' <- hasNonNullVariableDefaultValue variableDefaultValue
, Full.VariableDefinition _ _ variableDefaultValue _ <- variableDefinition
, hasNonNullVariableDefaultValue' <-
hasNonNullVariableDefaultValue variableDefaultValue
, hasLocationDefaultValue <- isJust locationDefaultValue =
if hasNonNullVariableDefaultValue' || hasLocationDefaultValue
then typesCompatibleOrError variableDefinition nullableLocationType
else pure $ Just $ makeError variableDefinition locationType
else pure $ makeError variableDefinition locationType
| otherwise = typesCompatibleOrError variableDefinition locationType
typesCompatibleOrError variableDefinition locationType
| Full.VariableDefinition _ variableType _ _ <- variableDefinition
, areTypesCompatible variableType locationType = pure Nothing
| otherwise = pure $ Just $ makeError variableDefinition locationType
areTypesCompatible (Full.TypeNonNull nonNullType) (unwrapInType -> Just nullableLocationType) =
case nonNullType of
Full.NonNullTypeNamed n ->
areTypesCompatible (Full.TypeNamed n) nullableLocationType
Full.NonNullTypeList n ->
areTypesCompatible (Full.TypeList n) nullableLocationType
| otherwise = pure $ makeError variableDefinition locationType
areTypesCompatible nonNullType (unwrapInType -> Just nullableLocationType)
| Full.TypeNonNull (Full.NonNullTypeNamed namedType) <- nonNullType =
areTypesCompatible (Full.TypeNamed namedType) nullableLocationType
| Full.TypeNonNull (Full.NonNullTypeList namedList) <- nonNullType =
areTypesCompatible (Full.TypeList namedList) nullableLocationType
areTypesCompatible _ (In.isNonNullType -> True) = False
areTypesCompatible (Full.TypeNonNull nonNullType) locationType
| Full.NonNullTypeNamed namedType <- nonNullType =
@ -1469,15 +1475,18 @@ variablesInAllowedPositionRule = OperationDefinitionRule $ \case
unwrapInType (In.NonNullListType nonNullType) =
Just $ In.ListType nonNullType
unwrapInType _ = Nothing
makeError (Full.VariableDefinition variableName variableType _ location') expectedType = Error
{ message = concat
[ "Variable \"$"
, Text.unpack variableName
, "\" of type \""
, show variableType
, "\" used in position expecting type \""
, show expectedType
, "\"."
, locations = [location']
makeError variableDefinition expectedType =
let Full.VariableDefinition variableName variableType _ location' =
in Just $ Error
{ message = concat
[ "Variable \"$"
, Text.unpack variableName
, "\" of type \""
, show variableType
, "\" used in position expecting type \""
, show expectedType
, "\"."
, locations = [location']
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