forked from OSS/graphql
@ -13,12 +13,8 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Make `Language.GraphQL.AST.Core.Object` is now just a HashMap.
- `Language.GraphQL.AST.Transform` is now isn't exposed publically anymore.
### Fixed
- (Unsupported) nested fragments doesn't throw a runtime error but return a
transformation error.
### Added
- Nested fragments support without forward lookup.
- Nested fragment support.
## [] - 2019-10-22
### Deprecated
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
-- | After the document is parsed, before getting executed the AST is
-- transformed into a similar, simpler AST. This module is responsible for
@ -7,9 +8,11 @@ module Language.GraphQL.AST.Transform
( document
) where
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad (foldM, unless)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, asks, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, ask, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, evalStateT, gets, modify)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
@ -19,26 +22,27 @@ import qualified Language.GraphQL.AST.Core as Core
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Schema as Schema
-- | Associates a fragment name with a list of 'Core.Field's.
type Fragments = HashMap Core.Name (NonEmpty Core.Selection)
data Replacement = Replacement
{ substitute :: Schema.Subs
, fragments :: Fragments
{ fragments :: HashMap Core.Name (NonEmpty Core.Selection)
, fragmentDefinitions :: HashMap Full.Name Full.FragmentDefinition
type TransformT a = ReaderT Replacement Maybe a
type TransformT a = StateT Replacement (ReaderT Schema.Subs Maybe) a
-- | Rewrites the original syntax tree into an intermediate representation used
-- for query execution.
document :: Schema.Subs -> Full.Document -> Maybe Core.Document
document subs doc = do
fragmentMap <- foldr go (Just HashMap.empty) fragments'
runReaderT (operations operations') $ Replacement subs fragmentMap
document subs document' =
flip runReaderT subs
$ evalStateT (collectFragments >> operations operationDefinitions)
$ Replacement HashMap.empty fragmentTable
(fragments', operations') = foldr defragment ([], []) doc
go fragDef (Just fragmentsMap) =
runReaderT (fragmentDefinition fragDef) (Replacement subs fragmentsMap)
go _ Nothing = Nothing
(fragmentTable, operationDefinitions) = foldr defragment mempty document'
defragment (Full.DefinitionOperation definition) acc =
(definition :) <$> acc
defragment (Full.DefinitionFragment definition) acc =
let (Full.FragmentDefinition name _ _ _) = definition
in first (HashMap.insert name definition) acc
-- * Operation
@ -46,7 +50,7 @@ document subs doc = do
operations :: [Full.OperationDefinition] -> TransformT Core.Document
operations operations' = do
coreOperations <- traverse operation operations'
lift $ NonEmpty.nonEmpty coreOperations
lift . lift $ NonEmpty.nonEmpty coreOperations
operation :: Full.OperationDefinition -> TransformT Core.Operation
operation (Full.OperationSelectionSet sels) =
@ -62,8 +66,14 @@ selection ::
TransformT (Either (NonEmpty Core.Selection) Core.Selection)
selection (Full.SelectionField fld) = Right . Core.SelectionField <$> field fld
selection (Full.SelectionFragmentSpread (Full.FragmentSpread name _)) = do
fragments' <- asks fragments
lift $ Left <$> HashMap.lookup name fragments'
fragments' <- gets fragments
Left <$> maybe lookupDefinition liftJust (HashMap.lookup name fragments')
lookupDefinition :: TransformT (NonEmpty Core.Selection)
lookupDefinition = do
fragmentDefinitions' <- gets fragmentDefinitions
found <- lift . lift $ HashMap.lookup name fragmentDefinitions'
fragmentDefinition found
selection (Full.SelectionInlineFragment fragment)
| (Full.InlineFragment (Just typeCondition) _ selectionSet) <- fragment
= Right
@ -75,25 +85,26 @@ selection (Full.SelectionInlineFragment fragment)
-- * Fragment replacement
-- | Extract fragments into a single 'HashMap' and operation definitions.
defragment ::
Full.Definition ->
([Full.FragmentDefinition], [Full.OperationDefinition]) ->
([Full.FragmentDefinition], [Full.OperationDefinition])
defragment (Full.DefinitionOperation op) (fragments', operations') =
(fragments', op : operations')
defragment (Full.DefinitionFragment fragDef) (fragments', operations') =
(fragDef : fragments', operations')
-- | Extract fragment definitions into a single 'HashMap'.
collectFragments :: TransformT ()
collectFragments = do
fragDefs <- gets fragmentDefinitions
let nextValue = head $ HashMap.elems fragDefs
unless (HashMap.null fragDefs) $ do
_ <- fragmentDefinition nextValue
fragmentDefinition :: Full.FragmentDefinition -> TransformT Fragments
fragmentDefinition :: Full.FragmentDefinition -> TransformT (NonEmpty Core.Selection)
fragmentDefinition (Full.FragmentDefinition name _tc _dirs sels) = do
newValue <- emitValue
fragments' <- asks fragments
lift . Just $ HashMap.insert name newValue fragments'
selections <- traverse selection sels
let newValue = either id pure =<< selections
modify $ moveFragment newValue
liftJust newValue
emitValue = do
selections <- traverse selection sels
pure $ selections >>= either id pure
moveFragment newValue (Replacement fullFragments emptyFragDefs) =
let newFragments = HashMap.insert name newValue fullFragments
newDefinitions = HashMap.delete name emptyFragDefs
in Replacement newFragments newDefinitions
field :: Full.Field -> TransformT Core.Field
field (Full.Field a n args _dirs sels) = do
@ -106,8 +117,8 @@ argument (Full.Argument n v) = Core.Argument n <$> value v
value :: Full.Value -> TransformT Core.Value
value (Full.Variable n) = do
substitute' <- asks substitute
lift $ substitute' n
substitute' <- lift ask
lift . lift $ substitute' n
value (Full.Int i) = pure $ Core.Int i
value (Full.Float f) = pure $ Core.Float f
value (Full.String x) = pure $ Core.String x
@ -137,4 +148,7 @@ appendSelection ::
TransformT (NonEmpty Core.Selection)
appendSelection fullSelection = do
coreSelection <-appendSelectionOpt fullSelection
lift $ NonEmpty.nonEmpty coreSelection
lift . lift $ NonEmpty.nonEmpty coreSelection
liftJust :: forall a. a -> TransformT a
liftJust = lift . lift . Just
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
resolver: lts-14.13
resolver: lts-14.14
- .
@ -98,14 +98,37 @@ spec = describe "Inline fragment executor" $ do
it "evaluates nested fragments" $ do
let query = [r|
fragment circumferenceFragment on Hat {
fragment hatFragment on Hat {
actual <- graphql (circumference :| []) query
let expected = object
[ "data" .= object
[ "circumference" .= (60 :: Int)
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "evaluates fragments defined in any order" $ do
let query = [r|
fragment circumferenceFragment on Hat {
fragment hatFragment on Hat {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user