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2019-09-13 20:33:39 +02:00
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Test.FragmentSpec
( spec
) where
import Data.Aeson (object, (.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
2019-10-19 10:00:25 +02:00
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
2019-09-13 20:33:39 +02:00
import Data.Text (Text)
import Language.GraphQL
2020-05-24 13:51:00 +02:00
import Language.GraphQL.Type.Definition
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Out as Out
import Language.GraphQL.Type.Schema
2020-05-14 09:17:14 +02:00
import Test.Hspec
( Spec
, describe
, it
, shouldBe
, shouldNotSatisfy
2019-09-13 20:33:39 +02:00
import Text.RawString.QQ (r)
size :: (Text, Value)
size = ("size", String "L")
2019-09-13 20:33:39 +02:00
circumference :: (Text, Value)
circumference = ("circumference", Int 60)
2019-09-13 20:33:39 +02:00
garment :: Text -> (Text, Value)
garment typeName =
("garment", Object $ HashMap.fromList
[ if typeName == "Hat" then circumference else size
, ("__typename", String typeName)
2019-09-13 20:33:39 +02:00
inlineQuery :: Text
inlineQuery = [r|{
garment {
... on Hat {
... on Shirt {
hasErrors :: Aeson.Value -> Bool
hasErrors (Aeson.Object object') = HashMap.member "errors" object'
2019-11-13 20:40:09 +01:00
hasErrors _ = True
shirtType :: Out.ObjectType IO
shirtType = Out.ObjectType "Shirt" Nothing []
$ HashMap.fromList
[ ("size", Out.Field Nothing (Out.NamedScalarType string) mempty $ pure $ snd size)
, ("circumference", Out.Field Nothing (Out.NamedScalarType int) mempty $ pure $ snd circumference)
, ("__typename", Out.Field Nothing (Out.NamedScalarType string) mempty $ pure $ String "Shirt")
2020-05-21 10:20:59 +02:00
hatType :: Out.ObjectType IO
hatType = Out.ObjectType "Hat" Nothing []
$ HashMap.fromList
[ ("size", Out.Field Nothing (Out.NamedScalarType string) mempty $ pure $ snd size)
, ("circumference", Out.Field Nothing (Out.NamedScalarType int) mempty $ pure $ snd circumference)
, ("__typename", Out.Field Nothing (Out.NamedScalarType string) mempty $ pure $ String "Hat")
toSchema :: Text -> (Text, Value) -> Schema IO
toSchema t (_, resolve) = Schema
2020-05-21 10:20:59 +02:00
{ query = queryType, mutation = Nothing }
2020-05-14 09:17:14 +02:00
unionMember = if t == "Hat" then hatType else shirtType
queryType =
case t of
"circumference" -> hatType
"size" -> shirtType
_ -> Out.ObjectType "Query" Nothing []
$ HashMap.fromList
[ ("garment", Out.Field Nothing (Out.NamedObjectType unionMember) mempty $ pure resolve)
, ("__typename", Out.Field Nothing (Out.NamedScalarType string) mempty $ pure $ String "Shirt")
2020-05-14 09:17:14 +02:00
2019-09-13 20:33:39 +02:00
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Inline fragment executor" $ do
it "chooses the first selection if the type matches" $ do
actual <- graphql (toSchema "Hat" $ garment "Hat") inlineQuery
let expected = object
[ "data" .= object
[ "garment" .= object
[ "circumference" .= (60 :: Int)
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "chooses the last selection if the type matches" $ do
actual <- graphql (toSchema "Shirt" $ garment "Shirt") inlineQuery
let expected = object
[ "data" .= object
[ "garment" .= object
[ "size" .= ("L" :: Text)
2019-10-07 21:03:07 +02:00
2019-09-13 20:33:39 +02:00
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "embeds inline fragments without type" $ do
2020-05-14 09:17:14 +02:00
let sourceQuery = [r|{
garment {
... {
resolvers = ("garment", Object $ HashMap.fromList [circumference, size])
actual <- graphql (toSchema "garment" resolvers) sourceQuery
let expected = object
[ "data" .= object
[ "garment" .= object
[ "circumference" .= (60 :: Int)
, "size" .= ("L" :: Text)
2019-10-07 21:03:07 +02:00
2019-09-13 20:33:39 +02:00
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "evaluates fragments on Query" $ do
2020-05-14 09:17:14 +02:00
let sourceQuery = [r|{
... {
actual <- graphql (toSchema "size" size) sourceQuery
actual `shouldNotSatisfy` hasErrors
describe "Fragment spread executor" $ do
it "evaluates fragment spreads" $ do
2020-05-14 09:17:14 +02:00
let sourceQuery = [r|
fragment circumferenceFragment on Hat {
actual <- graphql (toSchema "circumference" circumference) sourceQuery
let expected = object
[ "data" .= object
[ "circumference" .= (60 :: Int)
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "evaluates nested fragments" $ do
2020-05-14 09:17:14 +02:00
let sourceQuery = [r|
garment {
fragment circumferenceFragment on Hat {
fragment hatFragment on Hat {
actual <- graphql (toSchema "Hat" $ garment "Hat") sourceQuery
let expected = object
[ "data" .= object
[ "garment" .= object
[ "circumference" .= (60 :: Int)
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "rejects recursive fragments" $ do
let expected = object
[ "data" .= object []
sourceQuery = [r|
fragment circumferenceFragment on Hat {
actual <- graphql (toSchema "circumference" circumference) sourceQuery
actual `shouldBe` expected
it "considers type condition" $ do
2020-05-14 09:17:14 +02:00
let sourceQuery = [r|
garment {
fragment circumferenceFragment on Hat {
fragment sizeFragment on Shirt {
expected = object
[ "data" .= object
[ "garment" .= object
[ "circumference" .= (60 :: Int)
actual <- graphql (toSchema "Hat" $ garment "Hat") sourceQuery
actual `shouldBe` expected