tea-cleaner: Read configuration file
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ executable tea-cleaner
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ executable tea-cleaner
req ^>= 3.13,
time >= 1.9 && < 2,
text ^>= 2.1,
tomland ^>= 1.3.3,
vector ^>= 0.13.2
hs-source-dirs: tea-cleaner
default-language: GHC2024
@ -2,30 +2,45 @@ module Main
( main
) where
import Data.Text (StrictText)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Text.URI (URI, mkURI)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as Text.Lazy.IO
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Text.Builder
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as Text.Builder
import GHC.Records (HasField(..))
import TeaCleaner.Filter (filterByActivities, filterByUserProperties)
import TeaCleaner.Filter
( UserFilter(..)
, FilterResult(..)
, filterByActivities
, filterByUserProperties
import TeaCleaner.Client (User(..), getUsers, purgeUser)
import TeaCleaner.CommandLine (ProgramOptions(..), commandLineInfo, execParser)
import TeaCleaner.Configuration
( ProgramOptions(..)
, Settings(..)
, decodeSettingsFile
, commandLineInfo
, execParser
import Control.Monad (when)
printUsers :: URI -> StrictText -> Bool -> Vector User -> IO ()
printUsers server token liveRun users = printCount
>> Vector.forM_ users (printUser liveRun)
handleResults :: Settings -> Bool -> Vector User -> IO ()
handleResults settings liveRun users = printCount
>> Vector.forM_ users (handleResult settings liveRun)
printCount =
let count = Text.Builder.decimal $ Vector.length users
in Text.Lazy.IO.putStrLn
$ Text.Builder.toLazyText
$ "Count: " <> count
buildValue user = getField @"username" user <> "\n"
handleResult :: Settings -> Bool -> User -> IO ()
handleResult settings liveRun user = Text.IO.putStrLn buildValue
>> when liveRun (purgeUser settings user)
buildValue = getField @"username" user <> "\n"
<> " Website: " <> getField @"website" user <> "\n"
<> " Created: " <> Text.pack (show $ getField @"created" user) <> "\n"
<> " Last login: " <> Text.pack (show $ getField @"lastLogin" user) <> "\n"
@ -34,14 +49,23 @@ printUsers server token liveRun users = printCount
<> " Description: " <> getField @"description" user <> "\n"
<> " Avatar: " <> getField @"avatarUrl" user <> "\n"
<> "\n"
printUser True user = Text.IO.putStrLn (buildValue user)
>> purgeUser server token user
printUser False user = Text.IO.putStrLn (buildValue user)
main :: IO ()
main = execParser commandLineInfo >>= withArguments
withArguments ProgramOptions{..} = mkURI server >>= withServer liveRun token
withServer liveRun token server = getUsers server token
>>= Vector.filterM (filterByActivities server token) . Vector.filter filterByUserProperties
>>= printUsers server token liveRun
withArguments ProgramOptions{ liveRun } = decodeSettingsFile "config/tea-cleaner.toml"
>>= withSettings liveRun
withSettings :: Bool -> Settings -> IO ()
withSettings liveRun settings = getUsers settings
>>= Vector.foldM' foldFilterResult Vector.empty . fmap filterByUserProperties
>>= traverse (filterByActivities settings)
>>= Vector.foldM' foldFilterResult Vector.empty
>>= handleResults settings liveRun
foldFilterResult accumulator (FilterResult user SuspiciousFilter)
= pure $ Vector.snoc accumulator user
foldFilterResult accumulator (FilterResult _ PassFilter) = pure accumulator
foldFilterResult accumulator (FilterResult user FailedFilter)
= handleResult settings liveRun user
>> pure accumulator
@ -10,13 +10,17 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Text (StrictText)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text.Encoding
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Text.URI (URI(..))
import qualified Text.URI as URI
import qualified Text.URI.QQ as URI
import Network.HTTP.Req
( DELETE(..)
, GET(..)
, NoReqBody(..)
, HttpMethod(..)
, HttpBody
, HttpResponse(..)
, HttpBodyAllowed
, ProvidesBody
, defaultHttpConfig
, ignoreResponse
, jsonResponse
@ -31,6 +35,9 @@ import TeaCleaner.Options (jsonOptions)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as Aeson
import Data.Time (ZonedTime(..))
import TeaCleaner.Configuration (Settings(..))
import Data.Data (Proxy)
import Text.URI (URI)
data User = User
{ id :: Int64
@ -75,8 +82,8 @@ data Activity = Activity
$(Aeson.deriveJSON jsonOptions ''Activity)
purgeUser :: URI -> StrictText -> User -> IO ()
purgeUser server token user =
purgeUser :: Settings -> User -> IO ()
purgeUser Settings{..} user =
let pathConstructor lastPiece = [URI.pathPiece|api|] :|
[ [URI.pathPiece|v1|]
, [URI.pathPiece|admin|]
@ -88,15 +95,10 @@ purgeUser server token user =
<$> URI.mkPathPiece (getField @"username" user)
, URI.uriQuery = [URI.QueryParam [URI.queryKey|purge|] [URI.queryValue|true|]]
in case useHttpsURI uri of
Just (httpsURI, httpsOptions) -> fmap responseBody
$ runReq defaultHttpConfig
$ req DELETE httpsURI NoReqBody ignoreResponse
$ httpsOptions <> oAuth2Bearer (Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 token)
Nothing -> error "Invalid https URI"
in doRequest uri token DELETE NoReqBody ignoreResponse
getActivities :: URI -> StrictText -> User -> IO (Vector Activity)
getActivities server token user =
getActivities :: Settings -> User -> IO (Vector Activity)
getActivities Settings{..} user =
let pathConstructor lastPiece = [URI.pathPiece|api|] :|
[ [URI.pathPiece|v1|]
, [URI.pathPiece|users|]
@ -109,15 +111,10 @@ getActivities server token user =
<$> URI.mkPathPiece (getField @"username" user)
, URI.uriQuery = [URI.QueryParam [URI.queryKey|purge|] [URI.queryValue|true|]]
in case useHttpsURI uri of
Just (httpsURI, httpsOptions) -> fmap responseBody
$ runReq defaultHttpConfig
$ req GET httpsURI NoReqBody jsonResponse
$ httpsOptions <> oAuth2Bearer (Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 token)
Nothing -> error "Invalid https URI"
in doRequest uri token GET NoReqBody jsonResponse
getUsers :: URI -> StrictText -> IO (Vector User)
getUsers server token =
getUsers :: Settings -> IO (Vector User)
getUsers Settings{..} =
let pathPieces = [URI.pathPiece|api|] :|
[ [URI.pathPiece|v1|]
, [URI.pathPiece|admin|]
@ -126,9 +123,15 @@ getUsers server token =
uri = server
{ URI.uriPath = Just (False, pathPieces)
in case useHttpsURI uri of
in doRequest uri token GET NoReqBody jsonResponse
:: (HttpMethod method, HttpBody body, HttpResponse response, HttpBodyAllowed (AllowsBody method) (ProvidesBody body))
=> URI -> StrictText -> method -> body -> Proxy response -> IO (HttpResponseBody response)
doRequest uri token method body response =
case useHttpsURI uri of
Just (httpsURI, httpsOptions) -> fmap responseBody
$ runReq defaultHttpConfig
$ req GET httpsURI NoReqBody jsonResponse
$ req method httpsURI body response
$ httpsOptions <> oAuth2Bearer (Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 token)
Nothing -> error "Invalid https URI"
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
module TeaCleaner.CommandLine
( ProgramOptions(..)
, commandLineInfo
, execParser
) where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Options.Applicative
( Parser
, ParserInfo
, (<**>)
, argument
, execParser
, fullDesc
, help
, helper
, info
, long
, metavar
, progDesc
, str
, switch
data ProgramOptions = ProgramOptions
{ server :: Text
, token :: Text
, liveRun :: Bool
} deriving (Eq, Show)
commandLineInfo :: ParserInfo ProgramOptions
commandLineInfo = info (commandLine <**> helper)
$ fullDesc <> progDesc "Helps to detect some spam gitea accounts"
commandLine :: Parser ProgramOptions
commandLine = ProgramOptions
<$> serverOption
<*> tokenOption
<*> liveRunOption
serverOption = argument str
$ metavar "SERVER" <> help "Gitea server URL"
tokenOption = argument str
$ metavar "TOKEN" <> help "Access token"
liveRunOption = switch $ long "live-run" <> help "Purge suspicious users"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
module TeaCleaner.Configuration
( ProgramOptions(..)
, Settings(..)
, decodeSettingsFile
, commandLineInfo
, execParser
) where
import GHC.Records (HasField(..))
import Data.Text (StrictText)
import qualified Toml
import Toml ((.=))
import Options.Applicative
( Parser
, ParserInfo
, (<**>)
, execParser
, fullDesc
, help
, helper
, info
, long
, progDesc
, switch
import Text.URI (URI)
import qualified Text.URI as URI
import Data.Time (UTCTime(..), getCurrentTime)
data ConfigFile = ConfigFile
{ token :: StrictText
, server :: StrictText
} deriving (Eq, Show)
configFileCodec :: Toml.TomlCodec ConfigFile
configFileCodec = ConfigFile
<$> Toml.text "token" .= getField @"token"
<*> Toml.text "server" .= getField @"server"
data Settings = Settings
{ token :: StrictText
, server :: URI
, now :: UTCTime
} deriving (Eq, Show)
decodeSettingsFile :: FilePath -> IO Settings
decodeSettingsFile configPath = Toml.decodeFile configFileCodec configPath
>>= withConfiguration
withConfiguration configFile@ConfigFile{ server } = URI.mkURI server
>>= withServer configFile
withServer configFile parsedServer = getCurrentTime
>>= withTime configFile parsedServer
withTime ConfigFile{..} parsedServer now = pure $ Settings
{ token = token
, server = parsedServer
, now = now
newtype ProgramOptions = ProgramOptions
{ liveRun :: Bool
} deriving (Eq, Show)
commandLineInfo :: ParserInfo ProgramOptions
commandLineInfo = info (commandLine <**> helper)
$ fullDesc <> progDesc "Helps to detect some spam gitea accounts"
commandLine :: Parser ProgramOptions
commandLine = ProgramOptions
<$> liveRunOption
liveRunOption = switch $ long "live-run" <> help "Purge suspicious users"
@ -1,32 +1,43 @@
module TeaCleaner.Filter
( filterByActivities
( FilterResult(..)
, UserFilter(..)
, filterByActivities
, filterByUserProperties
) where
import Data.Text (StrictText)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Time (LocalTime(..), ZonedTime(..))
import Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate (fromOrdinalDate)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Text.URI (URI)
import TeaCleaner.Client (Activity(..), User(..), getActivities)
import TeaCleaner.Configuration (Settings(..))
filterByUserProperties :: User -> Bool
filterByUserProperties User{ created, lastLogin, description, website }
= zonedDay created == zonedDay lastLogin
&& zonedDay created > fromOrdinalDate 2024 1
&& zonedDay created < fromOrdinalDate 2025 17
&& not (Text.null description)
&& not (Text.null website)
data UserFilter
= PassFilter
| SuspiciousFilter
| FailedFilter
deriving (Eq, Show)
data FilterResult = FilterResult User UserFilter
deriving (Show)
filterByUserProperties :: User -> FilterResult
filterByUserProperties user@User{ created, lastLogin, description, website }
| zonedDay created == zonedDay lastLogin
, zonedDay created > fromOrdinalDate 2024 1
, zonedDay created < fromOrdinalDate 2025 17
, not (Text.null description)
, not (Text.null website) = FilterResult user SuspiciousFilter
| otherwise = FilterResult user PassFilter
zonedDay = localDay . zonedTimeToLocalTime
filterByActivities :: URI -> StrictText -> User -> IO Bool
filterByActivities server token user
= getActivities server token user
filterByActivities :: Settings -> User -> IO FilterResult
filterByActivities settings user = getActivities settings user
>>= evalActivities
evalActivities activities
| Just (Activity{ opType }, rest) <- Vector.uncons activities
, Vector.null rest = pure $ opType == "create_repo"
evalActivities _ = pure False
, Vector.null rest
, opType == "create_repo" = pure $ FilterResult user SuspiciousFilter
evalActivities _ = pure $ FilterResult user PassFilter
Reference in New Issue
Block a user