Implement if statements with equality
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
- Sort the symbols so that local symbols come first. Some table header had a
number specifiying the index of the first non-local symbol. Adjust that number.
# Name analysis
- Format error messages.
@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ data RelocationType
| RLower12S Text Funct3 XRegister XRegister
| RHigher20 XRegister Text -- Type U.
| RBranch Text Funct3 XRegister XRegister -- Type B.
| RJal XRegister Text -- Type J.
deriving Eq
data Instruction
@ -304,6 +305,7 @@ relocationType (RLower12I rd funct3' rs1 _) = type' $ I rd funct3' rs1 0
relocationType (RLower12S _ funct3' rs1 rs2) = type' $ S 0 funct3' rs1 rs2
relocationType (RHigher20 rd _) = type' $ U rd 0
relocationType (RBranch _ funct3' rs1 rs2) = type' $ B 0 funct3' rs1 rs2
relocationType (RJal rd _) = type' $ J rd 0
instruction :: Instruction -> ByteString.Builder.Builder
instruction = \case
@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ allocate MachineConfiguration{..} = fmap function
= DivisionQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2)
$ Store
$ temporaryRegisters !! fromIntegral index
quadruple (LabelQuadruple label) = LabelQuadruple label
quadruple (GoToQuadruple label) = GoToQuadruple label
quadruple (EqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel) =
EqualQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2) goToLabel
operand :: Operand Variable -> Operand (Store r)
operand (IntOperand x) = IntOperand x
operand (VariableOperand (TempVariable index))
@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
module Language.Elna.Backend.Intermediate
( Operand(..)
, Quadruple(..)
{- , Label(..) -}
, Label(..)
, Variable(..)
) where
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
newtype Label = Label { unLabel :: Text }
deriving Eq
instance Show Label
show (Label label) = '.' : Text.unpack label
newtype Variable = TempVariable Word32 -- | Variable Text
deriving Eq
@ -32,15 +40,15 @@ data Quadruple v
| NegationQuadruple (Operand v) v
| ProductQuadruple (Operand v) (Operand v) v
| DivisionQuadruple (Operand v) (Operand v) v
{-| GoToQuadruple Label
| AssignQuadruple Operand Variable
| GoToQuadruple Label
{-| AssignQuadruple Operand Variable
| ArrayQuadruple Variable Operand Variable
| ArrayAssignQuadruple Operand Operand Variable
| EqualQuadruple Operand Operand Label
| NonEqualQuadruple Operand Operand Label
| LessQuadruple Operand Operand Label
| GreaterQuadruple Operand Operand Label
| LessOrEqualQuadruple Operand Operand Label
| GreaterOrEqualQuadruple Operand Operand Label
| LabelQuadruple Label -}
| GreaterOrEqualQuadruple Operand Operand Label -}
| EqualQuadruple (Operand v) (Operand v) Label
| LabelQuadruple Label
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ module Language.Elna.Frontend.AST
, Statement(..)
, TypeExpression(..)
, VariableDeclaration(..)
{-, VariableAccess(..)
, Condition(..)-}
--, VariableAccess(..)
, Condition(..)
, Expression(..)
, Literal(..)
) where
@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ instance Show TypeExpression
data Statement
= EmptyStatement
{-| AssignmentStatement VariableAccess Expression
| IfStatement Condition Statement (Maybe Statement)
{-| AssignmentStatement VariableAccess Expression
| WhileStatement Condition Statement -}
| CompoundStatement [Statement]
| CallStatement Identifier [Expression]
@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ data Statement
instance Show Statement
show EmptyStatement = ";"
{-show (AssignmentStatement lhs rhs) =
concat [show lhs, " := ", show rhs, ";"]
show (IfStatement condition if' else') = concat
[ "if (", show condition, ") "
, show if'
, maybe "" ((<> " else ") . show) else'
{-show (AssignmentStatement lhs rhs) =
concat [show lhs, " := ", show rhs, ";"]
show (WhileStatement expression statement) =
concat ["while (", show expression, ") ", show statement, ";"]-}
show (CompoundStatement statements) =
@ -143,22 +143,21 @@ instance Show VariableAccess
show (VariableAccess variableName) = show variableName
show (ArrayAccess arrayAccess elementIndex) =
concat [show arrayAccess, "[", show elementIndex, "]"]
data Condition
= EqualCondition Expression Expression
| NonEqualCondition Expression Expression
| LessCondition Expression Expression
| GreaterCondition Expression Expression
| LessOrEqualCondition Expression Expression
| GreaterOrEqualCondition Expression Expression
-- | NonEqualCondition Expression Expression
-- | LessCondition Expression Expression
-- | GreaterCondition Expression Expression
-- | LessOrEqualCondition Expression Expression
-- | GreaterOrEqualCondition Expression Expression
deriving Eq
instance Show Condition
show (EqualCondition lhs rhs) = concat [show lhs, " = ", show rhs]
show (NonEqualCondition lhs rhs) = concat [show lhs, " # ", show rhs]
show (LessCondition lhs rhs) = concat [show lhs, " < ", show rhs]
show (GreaterCondition lhs rhs) = concat [show lhs, " > ", show rhs]
show (LessOrEqualCondition lhs rhs) = concat [show lhs, " <= ", show rhs]
show (GreaterOrEqualCondition lhs rhs) = concat [show lhs, " >= ", show rhs]
-- show (NonEqualCondition lhs rhs) = concat [show lhs, " # ", show rhs]
-- show (LessCondition lhs rhs) = concat [show lhs, " < ", show rhs]
-- show (GreaterCondition lhs rhs) = concat [show lhs, " > ", show rhs]
-- show (LessOrEqualCondition lhs rhs) = concat [show lhs, " <= ", show rhs]
-- show (GreaterOrEqualCondition lhs rhs) = concat [show lhs, " >= ", show rhs]
@ -160,17 +160,37 @@ statement globalTable (AST.CallStatement name arguments)
>> traverse_ (expression globalTable) arguments
statement globalTable (AST.CompoundStatement statements) =
traverse_ (statement globalTable) statements
{- statement globalTable (AST.AssignmentStatement lvalue rvalue)
= variableAccess globalTable lvalue
>> expression globalTable rvalue
statement globalTable (AST.IfStatement ifCondition ifStatement elseStatement)
= condition globalTable ifCondition
>> statement globalTable ifStatement
>> maybe (pure ()) (statement globalTable) elseStatement
statement globalTable (AST.WhileStatement whileCondition loop)
= condition globalTable whileCondition
>> statement globalTable loop
-- statement globalTable (AST.AssignmentStatement lvalue rvalue)
-- = variableAccess globalTable lvalue
-- >> expression globalTable rvalue
--statement globalTable (AST.WhileStatement whileCondition loop)
-- = condition globalTable whileCondition
-- >> statement globalTable loop
condition :: SymbolTable -> AST.Condition -> NameAnalysis ()
condition globalTable (AST.EqualCondition lhs rhs)
= expression globalTable lhs
>> expression globalTable rhs
--condition globalTable (AST.NonEqualCondition lhs rhs)
-- = expression globalTable lhs
-- >> expression globalTable rhs
--condition globalTable (AST.LessCondition lhs rhs)
-- = expression globalTable lhs
-- >> expression globalTable rhs
--condition globalTable (AST.GreaterCondition lhs rhs)
-- = expression globalTable lhs
-- >> expression globalTable rhs
--condition globalTable (AST.LessOrEqualCondition lhs rhs)
-- = expression globalTable lhs
-- >> expression globalTable rhs
--condition globalTable (AST.GreaterOrEqualCondition lhs rhs)
-- = expression globalTable lhs
-- >> expression globalTable rhs
variableAccess :: SymbolTable -> AST.VariableAccess -> NameAnalysis ()
variableAccess globalTable (AST.ArrayAccess arrayExpression indexExpression)
= variableAccess globalTable arrayExpression
@ -178,26 +198,6 @@ variableAccess globalTable (AST.ArrayAccess arrayExpression indexExpression)
variableAccess globalTable (AST.VariableAccess identifier) =
checkSymbol globalTable identifier
condition :: SymbolTable -> AST.Condition -> NameAnalysis ()
condition globalTable (AST.EqualCondition lhs rhs)
= expression globalTable lhs
>> expression globalTable rhs
condition globalTable (AST.NonEqualCondition lhs rhs)
= expression globalTable lhs
>> expression globalTable rhs
condition globalTable (AST.LessCondition lhs rhs)
= expression globalTable lhs
>> expression globalTable rhs
condition globalTable (AST.GreaterCondition lhs rhs)
= expression globalTable lhs
>> expression globalTable rhs
condition globalTable (AST.LessOrEqualCondition lhs rhs)
= expression globalTable lhs
>> expression globalTable rhs
condition globalTable (AST.GreaterOrEqualCondition lhs rhs)
= expression globalTable lhs
>> expression globalTable rhs
enter :: Identifier -> Info -> SymbolTable -> NameAnalysis SymbolTable
enter identifier info table
= maybe (identifierAlreadyDefinedError identifier) pure
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ import Language.Elna.Frontend.AST
, Statement(..)
, TypeExpression(..)
, VariableDeclaration(..)
{-, VariableAccess(..)
, Condition(..)-}
--, VariableAccess(..)
, Condition(..)
, Expression(..)
, Literal(..)
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ variableAccessP = do
identifier <- identifierP
indices <- many $ bracketsP expressionP
pure $ foldr (flip ArrayAccess) (VariableAccess identifier) indices
conditionP :: Parser Condition
conditionP = do
lhs <- expressionP
@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ conditionP = do
conditionCons lhs <$> expressionP
comparisonOperator =
[ symbol "<" >> pure LessCondition
, symbol "<=" >> pure LessOrEqualCondition
, symbol ">" >> pure GreaterCondition
, symbol ">=" >> pure GreaterOrEqualCondition
, symbol "=" >> pure EqualCondition
, symbol "#" >> pure NonEqualCondition
--, symbol "<" >> pure LessCondition
--, symbol "<=" >> pure LessOrEqualCondition
--, symbol ">" >> pure GreaterCondition
--, symbol ">=" >> pure GreaterOrEqualCondition
[ symbol "=" >> pure EqualCondition
--, symbol "#" >> pure NonEqualCondition
symbol :: Text -> Parser Text
symbol = Lexer.symbol space
@ -182,22 +182,22 @@ procedureDeclarationP = procedureCons
statementP :: Parser Statement
= EmptyStatement <$ semicolonP
<|> ifElseP
{-<|> CompoundStatement <$> blockP (many statementP)
<|> try assignmentP
<|> try ifElseP
<|> try whileP -}
<|> try callP
<|> callP
<?> "statement"
callP = CallStatement
<$> identifierP
<*> parensP (sepBy expressionP commaP)
<* semicolonP
{-ifElseP = IfStatement
ifElseP = IfStatement
<$> (symbol "if" *> parensP conditionP)
<*> statementP
<*> optional (symbol "else" *> statementP)
whileP = WhileStatement
{-whileP = WhileStatement
<$> (symbol "while" *> parensP conditionP)
<*> statementP
assignmentP = AssignmentStatement
@ -9,15 +9,24 @@ import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as Text.Builder
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Text.Builder
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Text.Lazy
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Data.Word (Word32)
import qualified Language.Elna.Frontend.AST as AST
import Language.Elna.Backend.Intermediate (Operand(..), Quadruple(..), Variable(..))
import Language.Elna.Backend.Intermediate
( Label(..)
, Operand(..)
, Quadruple(..)
, Variable(..)
import Language.Elna.Frontend.SymbolTable (SymbolTable)
import GHC.Records (HasField(..))
newtype Paste = Paste
data Paste = Paste
{ temporaryCounter :: Word32
, labelCounter :: Word32
newtype Glue a = Glue
@ -39,7 +48,7 @@ instance Monad Glue
glue :: SymbolTable -> AST.Program -> HashMap AST.Identifier (Vector (Quadruple Variable))
glue globalTable
= fst
. flip runState Paste{ temporaryCounter = 0 }
. flip runState Paste{ temporaryCounter = 0, labelCounter = 0 }
. runGlue
. program globalTable
@ -77,6 +86,18 @@ statement localTable (AST.CallStatement (AST.Identifier callName) arguments) = d
$ Vector.length argumentStatements
statement localTable (AST.CompoundStatement statements) =
fold <$> traverse (statement localTable) statements
statement localTable (AST.IfStatement ifCondition ifStatement elseStatement) = do
(conditionStatements, jumpConstructor) <- condition localTable ifCondition
ifLabel <- createLabel
endLabel <- createLabel
ifStatements <- statement localTable ifStatement
possibleElseStatements <- traverse (statement localTable) elseStatement
pure $ conditionStatements <> case possibleElseStatements of
Just elseStatements -> Vector.cons (jumpConstructor ifLabel) elseStatements
<> Vector.fromList [GoToQuadruple endLabel, LabelQuadruple ifLabel]
<> Vector.snoc ifStatements (LabelQuadruple endLabel)
Nothing -> Vector.fromList [jumpConstructor ifLabel, GoToQuadruple endLabel, LabelQuadruple ifLabel]
<> Vector.snoc ifStatements (LabelQuadruple endLabel)
{- statement localTable (AST.AssignmentStatement variableAccess' assignee) = do
(rhsOperand, rhsStatements) <- expression localTable assignee
let variableType' = variableType variableAccess' localTable
@ -90,18 +111,6 @@ statement localTable (AST.CompoundStatement statements) =
Vector.snoc accumulatedStatements
$ AssignQuadruple rhsOperand
$ Variable identifier
statement localTable (AST.IfStatement ifCondition ifStatement elseStatement) = do
(conditionStatements, jumpConstructor) <- condition localTable ifCondition
ifLabel <- createLabel
endLabel <- createLabel
ifStatements <- statement localTable ifStatement
possibleElseStatements <- traverse (statement localTable) elseStatement
pure $ conditionStatements <> case possibleElseStatements of
Just elseStatements -> Vector.cons (jumpConstructor ifLabel) elseStatements
<> Vector.fromList [GoToQuadruple endLabel, LabelQuadruple ifLabel]
<> Vector.snoc ifStatements (LabelQuadruple endLabel)
Nothing -> Vector.fromList [jumpConstructor ifLabel, GoToQuadruple endLabel, LabelQuadruple ifLabel]
<> Vector.snoc ifStatements (LabelQuadruple endLabel)
statement localTable (AST.WhileStatement whileCondition whileStatement) = do
(conditionStatements, jumpConstructor) <- condition localTable whileCondition
startLabel <- createLabel
@ -124,21 +133,23 @@ createTemporary = do
{ temporaryCounter = getField @"temporaryCounter" generator + 1
import Language.Elna.Types (Type(..))
import qualified Language.Elna.SymbolTable as SymbolTable
newtype Label = Label Text
deriving Eq
instance Show Label
createLabel :: Glue Label
createLabel = do
currentCounter <- Glue $ gets $ getField @"labelCounter"
Glue $ modify' modifier
pure $ Label
$ Text.Lazy.toStrict
$ Text.Builder.toLazyText
$ "L" <> Text.Builder.decimal currentCounter
show (Label label) = '.' : Text.unpack label
modifier generator = generator
{ labelCounter = getField @"labelCounter" generator + 1
:: SymbolTable
-> AST.Condition
-> Glue (Vector Quadruple, Label -> Quadruple)
-> Glue (Vector (Quadruple Variable), Label -> Quadruple Variable)
condition localTable (AST.EqualCondition lhs rhs) = do
(lhsOperand, lhsStatements) <- expression localTable lhs
(rhsOperand, rhsStatements) <- expression localTable rhs
@ -146,7 +157,7 @@ condition localTable (AST.EqualCondition lhs rhs) = do
( lhsStatements <> rhsStatements
, EqualQuadruple lhsOperand rhsOperand
condition localTable (AST.NonEqualCondition lhs rhs) = do
{- condition localTable (AST.NonEqualCondition lhs rhs) = do
(lhsOperand, lhsStatements) <- expression localTable lhs
(rhsOperand, rhsStatements) <- expression localTable rhs
@ -178,6 +189,9 @@ condition localTable (AST.GreaterOrEqualCondition lhs rhs) = do
( lhsStatements <> rhsStatements
, GreaterOrEqualQuadruple lhsOperand rhsOperand
import Language.Elna.Types (Type(..))
import qualified Language.Elna.SymbolTable as SymbolTable
:: SymbolTable
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Language.Elna.Architecture.RiscV as RiscV
import Language.Elna.Backend.Allocator (MachineConfiguration(..), Store(..))
import Language.Elna.Backend.Intermediate (Operand(..), Quadruple(..))
import Language.Elna.Backend.Intermediate (Label(..), Operand(..), Quadruple(..))
import Language.Elna.Location (Identifier(..))
import Data.Bits (Bits(..))
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..), foldlM)
@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ riscVConfiguration = MachineConfiguration
-- | Reserved register used for calculations to save an immediate temporary.
immediateRegister :: RiscV.XRegister
immediateRegister = RiscV.A7
type RiscVStore = Store RiscV.XRegister
type RiscVQuadruple = Quadruple RiscVStore
type RiscVOperand = Operand RiscVStore
@ -243,6 +247,43 @@ quadruple (DivisionQuadruple operand1 operand2 (Store register))
$ RiscV.BaseInstruction RiscV.Op
$ RiscV.R register RiscV.DIV register operandRegister2
$ RiscV.Funct7 0b0000001
quadruple (LabelQuadruple (Label label)) = pure $ Vector.singleton $ JumpLabel label mempty
quadruple (GoToQuadruple label) = pure $ Vector.singleton $ unconditionalJal label
quadruple (EqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel)
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
if immediateOperand1 == immediateOperand2
then pure $ Vector.singleton $ unconditionalJal goToLabel
else pure Vector.empty
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 = do
let Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
branchLabel <- createLabel
pure $ Vector.singleton
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch branchLabel RiscV.BEQ operandRegister1 operandRegister2
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
compareImmediateRegister variableOperand1 immediateOperand2
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 =
compareImmediateRegister variableOperand2 immediateOperand1
compareImmediateRegister variableOperand immediateOperand =
let statements = lui immediateOperand immediateRegister
Store operandRegister = variableOperand
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BEQ operandRegister immediateRegister
unconditionalJal :: Label -> Statement
unconditionalJal (Label goToLabel) = Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Jal
$ RiscV.RJal RiscV.Zero goToLabel
loadImmediateOrRegister :: RiscVOperand -> RiscV.XRegister -> (RiscV.XRegister, Vector Statement)
loadImmediateOrRegister (IntOperand intValue) targetRegister =
@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ riscv32Elf code objectHandle = text
, st_info = stInfo STB_GLOBAL STT_FUNC
result =
( encoded <> encoded'
, relocations <> relocations'
( encoded'
, relocations'
, ElfHeaderResult (names <> Text.encodeUtf8 labelName <> "\0") (Vector.snoc symbols newEntry)
, definitions'
@ -260,6 +260,9 @@ riscv32Elf code objectHandle = text
| RiscV.RBranch symbolName _ _ _ <- instructionType
$ UnresolvedRelocation (Text.encodeUtf8 symbolName) offset 16
| RiscV.RJal _ symbolName <- instructionType
-> Just -- R_RISCV_JAL
$ UnresolvedRelocation (Text.encodeUtf8 symbolName) offset 17
RiscV.CallInstruction symbolName
$ UnresolvedRelocation (Text.encodeUtf8 symbolName) offset 19
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
proc main() {
if (1 = 1)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user