Fix emplacing POD structs

This commit is contained in:
Eugen Wissner 2018-11-23 13:36:31 +01:00
parent e67a05138e
commit 884dc30953
1 changed files with 34 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -163,6 +163,24 @@ do
return result;
private void initializeOne(T)(ref void[] memory, ref T* result) @trusted
static if (!hasElaborateAssign!T && isAssignable!T)
*result = T.init;
else static if (__VERSION__ >= 2083 // __traits(isZeroInit) available.
&& __traits(isZeroInit, T))
memory.ptr[0 .. T.sizeof].fill!0;
static immutable T init = T.init;
copy((&init)[0 .. 1], memory);
/// ditto
T* emplace(T, Args...)(void[] memory, auto ref Args args)
if (!isPolymorphicType!T && isAggregateType!T)
@ -170,38 +188,22 @@ in(memory.length >= T.sizeof)
out(result; memory.ptr is result)
auto result = (() @trusted => cast(T*) memory.ptr)();
alias trustedCopy = (ref arg) @trusted =>
copy((cast(void*) &arg)[0 .. T.sizeof], memory);
static if (Args.length == 0)
static assert(is(typeof({ static T t; })),
"Default constructor is disabled");
initializeOne(memory, result);
else static if (is(typeof(result.__ctor(args))))
static if (!hasElaborateAssign!T && isAssignable!T)
*result = T.init;
static if (__VERSION__ >= 2083 // __traits(isZeroInit) available.
&& __traits(isZeroInit, T))
(() @trusted => memory.ptr[0 .. T.sizeof])().fill!0;
static immutable T init = T.init;
initializeOne(memory, result);
else static if (Args.length == 1 && is(typeof({ T t = args[0]; })))
((ref arg) @trusted =>
copy((cast(void*) &arg)[0 .. T.sizeof], memory))(args[0]);
else static if (is(typeof({ T t = T(args); })))
@ -278,6 +280,18 @@ out(result; memory.ptr is result)
// Initializes structs if no arguments are given
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
static struct SEntry
byte content;
ubyte[1] mem = [3];
assert(emplace!SEntry(cast(void[]) mem[0 .. 1]).content == 0);
* Thrown if a type conversion fails.