Move memory functions into memory.lifecycle
- move - moveEmplace - forward - emplace - swap
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ matrix:
- name: D-Scanner
d: dmd-$LATEST
env: DSCANNER=0.6.0
env: DSCANNER=0.7.0
os: linux
- name: DDoc
d: dmd-$LATEST
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ matrix:
- name: D-Scanner
d: dmd-$LATEST
env: DSCANNER=0.6.0
env: DSCANNER=0.7.0
os: linux
@ -53,12 +53,14 @@ script:
dub build :sys -b ddox --compiler=$DC;
dub build :os -b ddox --compiler=$DC;
dub build :encoding -b ddox --compiler=$DC;
dub build :memory -b ddox --compiler=$DC;
dub build -b ddox --compiler=$DC;
elif [ -z "$DSCANNER" ]; then
dub test :meta -b ${UNITTEST:-unittest} --arch=$ARCH --compiler=$DC;
dub test :sys -b ${UNITTEST:-unittest} --arch=$ARCH --compiler=$DC;
dub test :os -b ${UNITTEST:-unittest} --arch=$ARCH --compiler=$DC;
dub test :encoding -b ${UNITTEST:-unittest} --arch=$ARCH --compiler=$DC;
dub test :memory -b ${UNITTEST:-unittest} --arch=$ARCH --compiler=$DC;
dub test -b ${UNITTEST:-unittest} --arch=$ARCH --compiler=$DC;
dub fetch dscanner --version=$DSCANNER;
@ -61,4 +61,5 @@ test_script:
- dub test :sys -b unittest --arch=%Darch% --compiler=%DC%
- dub test :os -b unittest --arch=%Darch% --compiler=%DC%
- dub test :encoding -b unittest --arch=%Darch% --compiler=%DC%
- dub test :memory -b unittest --arch=%Darch% --compiler=%DC%
- dub test -b unittest --arch=%Darch% --compiler=%DC%
@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
"tanya:meta": "*",
"tanya:sys": "*",
"tanya:os": "*",
"tanya:encoding": "*"
"tanya:encoding": "*",
"tanya:memory": "*"
"dependencies-linux": {
@ -24,7 +25,8 @@
"configurations": [
@ -5,5 +5,12 @@
"dependencies": {
"tanya:meta": "*"
"sourcePaths": [
"importPaths": [
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/encoding/ascii.d)
module tanya.encoding.ascii;
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/encoding/package.d)
module tanya.encoding;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
"name": "memory",
"description": "Tools for manual memory management (allocators, smart pointers)",
"targetType": "library",
"dependencies": {
"tanya:meta": "*",
"tanya:os": "*",
"tanya:sys": "*"
"sourcePaths": [
"importPaths": [
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/memory/allocator.d)
module tanya.memory.allocator;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,984 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Lifecycle management functions, types and related exceptions.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2019.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/memory/lifecycle.d)
module tanya.memory.lifecycle;
import tanya.memory : defaultAllocator;
import tanya.memory.allocator;
import tanya.meta.trait;
import tanya.meta.metafunction;
version (unittest) import tanya.test.stub;
* Error thrown if memory allocation fails.
final class OutOfMemoryError : Error
* Constructs new error.
* Params:
* msg = The message for the exception.
* file = The file where the exception occurred.
* line = The line number where the exception occurred.
* next = The previous exception in the chain of exceptions, if any.
this(string msg = "Out of memory",
string file = __FILE__,
size_t line = __LINE__,
Throwable next = null) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
super(msg, file, line, next);
/// ditto
this(string msg,
Throwable next,
string file = __FILE__,
size_t line = __LINE__) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
super(msg, file, line, next);
* Allocates $(D_PSYMBOL OutOfMemoryError) in a static storage and throws it.
* Params:
* msg = Custom error message.
* Throws: $(D_PSYMBOL OutOfMemoryError).
void onOutOfMemoryError(string msg = "Out of memory")
@nogc nothrow pure @trusted
static ubyte[stateSize!OutOfMemoryError] memory;
alias PureType = OutOfMemoryError function(string) @nogc nothrow pure;
throw (cast(PureType) () => emplace!OutOfMemoryError(memory))(msg);
// From druntime
extern (C)
private void _d_monitordelete(Object h, bool det) @nogc nothrow pure;
* Internal function used to create, resize or destroy a dynamic array. It
* may throw $(D_PSYMBOL OutOfMemoryError). The new
* allocated part of the array isn't initialized. This function can be trusted
* only in the data structures that can ensure that the array is
* allocated/rellocated/deallocated with the same allocator.
* Params:
* T = Element type of the array being created.
* allocator = The allocator used for getting memory.
* array = A reference to the array being changed.
* length = New array length.
* Returns: $(D_PARAM array).
package(tanya) T[] resize(T)(shared Allocator allocator,
auto ref T[] array,
const size_t length) @trusted
if (length == 0)
if (allocator.deallocate(array))
return null;
void[] buf = array;
if (!allocator.reallocate(buf, length * T.sizeof))
// Casting from void[] is unsafe, but we know we cast to the original type.
array = cast(T[]) buf;
return array;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
int[] p;
p = defaultAllocator.resize(p, 20);
assert(p.length == 20);
p = defaultAllocator.resize(p, 30);
assert(p.length == 30);
p = defaultAllocator.resize(p, 10);
assert(p.length == 10);
p = defaultAllocator.resize(p, 0);
assert(p is null);
* Destroys the object.
* Returns the memory should be freed.
package(tanya.memory) void[] finalize(T)(ref T* p)
if (p is null)
return null;
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
return (cast(void*) p)[0 .. T.sizeof];
package(tanya.memory) void[] finalize(T)(ref T p)
if (isPolymorphicType!T)
if (p is null)
return null;
static if (is(T == interface))
import : IUnknown;
static assert(!is(T : IUnknown), "COM interfaces can't be destroyed in "
auto ob = cast(Object) p;
alias ob = p;
auto ptr = cast(void*) ob;
auto support = ptr[0 .. typeid(ob).initializer.length];
auto ppv = cast(void**) ptr;
if (!*ppv)
return null;
auto pc = cast(ClassInfo*) *ppv;
scope (exit)
*ppv = null;
auto c = *pc;
// Assume the destructor is @nogc. Leave it nothrow since the destructor
// shouldn't throw and if it does, it is an error anyway.
if (c.destructor)
alias DtorType = void function(Object) pure nothrow @safe @nogc;
(cast(DtorType) c.destructor)(ob);
while ((c = c.base) !is null);
if (ppv[1]) // if monitor is not null
_d_monitordelete(cast(Object) ptr, true);
return support;
package(tanya.memory) void[] finalize(T)(ref T[] p)
destroyAllImpl!(T[], T)(p);
return p;
package(tanya) void destroyAllImpl(R, E)(R p)
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!E)
foreach (ref e; p)
* Destroys and deallocates $(D_PARAM p) of type $(D_PARAM T).
* It is assumed the respective entities had been allocated with the same
* allocator.
* Params:
* T = Type of $(D_PARAM p).
* allocator = Allocator the $(D_PARAM p) was allocated with.
* p = Object or array to be destroyed.
void dispose(T)(shared Allocator allocator, auto ref T p)
() @trusted { allocator.deallocate(finalize(p)); }();
p = null;
@nogc nothrow pure @system unittest
static struct S
~this() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
auto p = cast(S[]) defaultAllocator.allocate(S.sizeof);
// Works with interfaces.
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
interface I
class C : I
auto c = defaultAllocator.make!C();
I i = c;
* Constructs a new class instance of type $(D_PARAM T) using $(D_PARAM args)
* as the parameter list for the constructor of $(D_PARAM T).
* Params:
* T = Class type.
* A = Types of the arguments to the constructor of $(D_PARAM T).
* allocator = Allocator.
* args = Constructor arguments of $(D_PARAM T).
* Returns: Newly created $(D_PSYMBOL T).
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE allocator !is null)
T make(T, A...)(shared Allocator allocator, auto ref A args)
if (is(T == class))
in (allocator !is null)
auto mem = (() @trusted => allocator.allocate(stateSize!T))();
if (mem is null)
scope (failure)
() @trusted { allocator.deallocate(mem); }();
return emplace!T(mem[0 .. stateSize!T], args);
* Constructs a value object of type $(D_PARAM T) using $(D_PARAM args)
* as the parameter list for the constructor of $(D_PARAM T) and returns a
* pointer to the new object.
* Params:
* T = Object type.
* A = Types of the arguments to the constructor of $(D_PARAM T).
* allocator = Allocator.
* args = Constructor arguments of $(D_PARAM T).
* Returns: Pointer to the created object.
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE allocator !is null)
T* make(T, A...)(shared Allocator allocator, auto ref A args)
if (!isPolymorphicType!T && !isAssociativeArray!T && !isArray!T)
in (allocator !is null)
auto mem = (() @trusted => allocator.allocate(stateSize!T))();
if (mem is null)
scope (failure)
() @trusted { allocator.deallocate(mem); }();
return emplace!T(mem[0 .. stateSize!T], args);
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
int* i = defaultAllocator.make!int(5);
assert(*i == 5);
* Constructs a new array with $(D_PARAM n) elements.
* Params:
* T = Array type.
* E = Array element type.
* allocator = Allocator.
* n = Array size.
* Returns: Newly created array.
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE allocator !is null
* && n <= size_t.max / E.sizeof)
T make(T : E[], E)(shared Allocator allocator, size_t n)
in (allocator !is null)
in (n <= size_t.max / E.sizeof)
auto ret = allocator.resize!E(null, n);
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!E)
for (auto range = ret; range.length != 0; range = range[1 .. $])
emplace!E(cast(void[]) range[0 .. 1], E.init);
ret[] = E.init;
return ret;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
int[] i = defaultAllocator.make!(int[])(2);
assert(i.length == 2);
assert(i[0] == int.init && i[1] == int.init);
* Constructs a new object of type $(D_PARAM T) in $(D_PARAM memory) with the
* given arguments.
* If $(D_PARAM T) is a $(D_KEYWORD class), emplace returns a class reference
* of type $(D_PARAM T), otherwise a pointer to the constructed object is
* returned.
* If $(D_PARAM T) is a nested class inside another class, $(D_PARAM outer)
* should be an instance of the outer class.
* $(D_PARAM args) are arguments for the constructor of $(D_PARAM T). If
* $(D_PARAM T) isn't an aggregate type and doesn't have a constructor,
* $(D_PARAM memory) can be initialized to `args[0]` if `Args.length == 1`,
* `Args[0]` should be implicitly convertible to $(D_PARAM T) then.
* Params:
* T = Constructed type.
* U = Type of the outer class if $(D_PARAM T) is a nested class.
* Args = Types of the constructor arguments if $(D_PARAM T) has a constructor
* or the type of the initial value.
* outer = Outer class instance if $(D_PARAM T) is a nested class.
* args = Constructor arguments if $(D_PARAM T) has a constructor or the
* initial value.
* Returns: New instance of type $(D_PARAM T) constructed in $(D_PARAM memory).
* Precondition: `memory.length == stateSize!T`.
* Postcondition: $(D_PARAM memory) and the result point to the same memory.
T emplace(T, U, Args...)(void[] memory, U outer, auto ref Args args)
if (!isAbstractClass!T && isInnerClass!T && is(typeof(T.outer) == U))
in (memory.length >= stateSize!T)
out (result; memory.ptr is (() @trusted => cast(void*) result)())
import tanya.memory.op : copy;
copy(typeid(T).initializer, memory);
auto result = (() @trusted => cast(T) memory.ptr)();
result.outer = outer;
static if (is(typeof(result.__ctor(args))))
return result;
/// ditto
T emplace(T, Args...)(void[] memory, auto ref Args args)
if (is(T == class) && !isAbstractClass!T && !isInnerClass!T)
in (memory.length == stateSize!T)
out (result; memory.ptr is (() @trusted => cast(void*) result)())
import tanya.memory.op : copy;
copy(typeid(T).initializer, memory);
auto result = (() @trusted => cast(T) memory.ptr)();
static if (is(typeof(result.__ctor(args))))
return result;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
class C
int i = 5;
class Inner
int i;
this(int param) pure nothrow @safe @nogc
this.i = param;
ubyte[stateSize!C] memory1;
ubyte[stateSize!(C.Inner)] memory2;
auto c = emplace!C(memory1);
assert(c.i == 5);
auto inner = emplace!(C.Inner)(memory2, c, 8);
assert(c.i == 5);
assert(inner.i == 8);
assert(inner.outer is c);
/// ditto
T* emplace(T, Args...)(void[] memory, auto ref Args args)
if (!isAggregateType!T && (Args.length <= 1))
in (memory.length >= T.sizeof)
out (result; memory.ptr is result)
auto result = (() @trusted => cast(T*) memory.ptr)();
static if (Args.length == 1)
*result = T(args[0]);
*result = T.init;
return result;
private void initializeOne(T)(ref void[] memory, ref T* result) @trusted
import tanya.memory.op : copy, fill;
static if (!hasElaborateAssign!T && isAssignable!T)
*result = T.init;
else static if (__VERSION__ >= 2083 // __traits(isZeroInit) available.
&& __traits(isZeroInit, T))
memory.ptr[0 .. T.sizeof].fill!0;
static immutable T init = T.init;
copy((&init)[0 .. 1], memory);
/// ditto
T* emplace(T, Args...)(void[] memory, auto ref Args args)
if (!isPolymorphicType!T && isAggregateType!T)
in (memory.length >= T.sizeof)
out (result; memory.ptr is result)
auto result = (() @trusted => cast(T*) memory.ptr)();
static if (Args.length == 0)
static assert(is(typeof({ static T t; })),
"Default constructor is disabled");
initializeOne(memory, result);
else static if (is(typeof(result.__ctor(args))))
initializeOne(memory, result);
else static if (Args.length == 1 && is(typeof({ T t = args[0]; })))
import tanya.memory.op : copy;
((ref arg) @trusted =>
copy((cast(void*) &arg)[0 .. T.sizeof], memory))(args[0]);
static if (hasElaborateCopyConstructor!T)
else static if (is(typeof({ T t = T(args); })))
auto init = T(args);
(() @trusted => moveEmplace(init, *result))();
static assert(false,
"Unable to construct value with the given arguments");
return result;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
ubyte[4] memory;
auto i = emplace!int(memory);
static assert(is(typeof(i) == int*));
assert(*i == 0);
i = emplace!int(memory, 5);
assert(*i == 5);
static struct S
int i;
@disable this();
@disable this(this);
this(int i) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
this.i = i;
auto s = emplace!S(memory, 8);
static assert(is(typeof(s) == S*));
assert(s.i == 8);
// Handles "Cannot access frame pointer" error.
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
struct F
~this() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
static assert(is(typeof(emplace!F((void[]).init))));
// Can emplace structs without a constructor
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
static assert(is(typeof(emplace!WithDtor(null, WithDtor()))));
static assert(is(typeof(emplace!WithDtor(null))));
// Doesn't call a destructor on uninitialized elements
@nogc nothrow pure @system unittest
static struct SWithDtor
private bool canBeInvoked = false;
~this() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
void[SWithDtor.sizeof] memory = void;
auto actual = emplace!SWithDtor(memory[], SWithDtor(true));
// Initializes structs if no arguments are given
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
static struct SEntry
byte content;
ubyte[1] mem = [3];
assert(emplace!SEntry(cast(void[]) mem[0 .. 1]).content == 0);
// Postblit is called when emplacing a struct
@nogc nothrow pure @system unittest
static struct S
bool called = false;
this(this) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
this.called = true;
S target;
S* sp = ⌖
emplace!S(sp[0 .. 1], S());
private void deinitialize(bool zero, T)(ref T value)
static if (is(T == U[S], U, size_t S))
foreach (ref e; value)
import tanya.memory.op : copy, fill;
static if (isNested!T)
// Don't override the context pointer.
enum size_t size = T.sizeof - (void*).sizeof;
enum size_t size = T.sizeof;
static if (zero)
fill!0((cast(void*) &value)[0 .. size]);
copy(typeid(T).initializer()[0 .. size], (&value)[0 .. 1]);
* Moves $(D_PARAM source) into $(D_PARAM target) assuming that
* $(D_PARAM target) isn't initialized.
* Moving the $(D_PARAM source) copies it into the $(D_PARAM target) and places
* the $(D_PARAM source) into a valid but unspecified state, which means that
* after moving $(D_PARAM source) can be destroyed or assigned a new value, but
* accessing it yields an unspecified value. No postblits or destructors are
* called. If the $(D_PARAM target) should be destroyed before, use
* $(D_PSYMBOL move).
* $(D_PARAM source) and $(D_PARAM target) must be different objects.
* Params:
* T = Object type.
* source = Source object.
* target = Target object.
* See_Also: $(D_PSYMBOL move),
* $(D_PSYMBOL hasElaborateCopyConstructor),
* $(D_PSYMBOL hasElaborateDestructor).
* Precondition: `&source !is &target`.
void moveEmplace(T)(ref T source, ref T target) @system
assert(&source !is &target, "Source and target must be different");
static if (is(T == struct) || isStaticArray!T)
import tanya.memory.op : copy;
copy((&source)[0 .. 1], (&target)[0 .. 1]);
static if (hasElaborateCopyConstructor!T || hasElaborateDestructor!T)
static if (__VERSION__ >= 2083) // __traits(isZeroInit) available.
deinitialize!(__traits(isZeroInit, T))(source);
if (typeid(T).initializer().ptr is null)
target = source;
@nogc nothrow pure @system unittest
static struct S
int member = 5;
this(this) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
S source, target = void;
moveEmplace(source, target);
assert(target.member == 5);
int x1 = 5, x2;
moveEmplace(x1, x2);
assert(x2 == 5);
// Is pure.
@nogc nothrow pure @system unittest
struct S
S source, target = void;
static assert(is(typeof({ moveEmplace(source, target); })));
// Moves nested.
@nogc nothrow pure @system unittest
struct Nested
void method() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
Nested source, target = void;
moveEmplace(source, target);
assert(source == target);
// Emplaces static arrays.
@nogc nothrow pure @system unittest
static struct S
size_t member;
this(size_t i) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
this.member = i;
~this() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
S[2] source = [ S(5), S(5) ], target = void;
moveEmplace(source, target);
assert(source[0].member == 0);
assert(target[0].member == 5);
assert(source[1].member == 0);
assert(target[1].member == 5);
* Moves $(D_PARAM source) into $(D_PARAM target) assuming that
* $(D_PARAM target) isn't initialized.
* Moving the $(D_PARAM source) copies it into the $(D_PARAM target) and places
* the $(D_PARAM source) into a valid but unspecified state, which means that
* after moving $(D_PARAM source) can be destroyed or assigned a new value, but
* accessing it yields an unspecified value. $(D_PARAM target) is destroyed before
* the new value is assigned. If $(D_PARAM target) isn't initialized and
* therefore shouldn't be destroyed, $(D_PSYMBOL moveEmplace) can be used.
* If $(D_PARAM target) isn't specified, $(D_PSYMBOL move) returns the source
* as rvalue without calling its copy constructor or destructor.
* $(D_PARAM source) and $(D_PARAM target) are the same object,
* $(D_PSYMBOL move) does nothing.
* Params:
* T = Object type.
* source = Source object.
* target = Target object.
* See_Also: $(D_PSYMBOL moveEmplace).
void move(T)(ref T source, ref T target)
if ((() @trusted => &source is &target)())
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
(() @trusted => moveEmplace(source, target))();
/// ditto
T move(T)(ref T source) @trusted
static if (hasElaborateCopyConstructor!T || hasElaborateDestructor!T)
T target = void;
moveEmplace(source, target);
return target;
return source;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
static struct S
int member = 5;
this(this) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
S source, target = void;
move(source, target);
assert(target.member == 5);
assert(move(target).member == 5);
int x1 = 5, x2;
move(x1, x2);
assert(x2 == 5);
assert(move(x2) == 5);
// Moves if source is target.
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
int x = 5;
move(x, x);
assert(x == 5);
* Exchanges the values of $(D_PARAM a) and $(D_PARAM b).
* $(D_PSYMBOL swap) moves the contents of $(D_PARAM a) and $(D_PARAM b)
* without calling its postblits or destructors.
* Params:
* a = The first object.
* b = The second object.
void swap(T)(ref T a, ref T b) @trusted
T tmp = void;
moveEmplace(a, tmp);
moveEmplace(b, a);
moveEmplace(tmp, b);
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
int a = 3, b = 5;
swap(a, b);
assert(a == 5);
assert(b == 3);
* Forwards its argument list preserving $(D_KEYWORD ref) and $(D_KEYWORD out)
* storage classes.
* $(D_PSYMBOL forward) accepts a list of variables or literals. It returns an
* argument list of the same length that can be for example passed to a
* function accepting the arguments of this type.
* Params:
* args = Argument list.
* Returns: $(D_PARAM args) with their original storage classes.
template forward(args...)
static if (args.length == 0)
alias forward = AliasSeq!();
else static if (__traits(isRef, args[0]) || __traits(isOut, args[0]))
static if (args.length == 1)
alias forward = args[0];
alias forward = AliasSeq!(args[0], forward!(args[1 .. $]));
@property auto forwardOne()
return move(args[0]);
static if (args.length == 1)
alias forward = forwardOne;
alias forward = AliasSeq!(forwardOne, forward!(args[1 .. $]));
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
static assert(is(typeof((int i) { int v = forward!i; })));
static assert(is(typeof((ref int i) { int v = forward!i; })));
static assert(is(typeof({
void f(int i, ref int j, out int k)
f(forward!(i, j, k));
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/memory/mallocator.d)
module tanya.memory.mallocator;
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/memory/mmappool.d)
module tanya.memory.mmappool;
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ final class MmapPool : Allocator
if (p !is null)
copy(p[0 .. min(p.length, size)], reallocP);
copy(p[0 .. p.length < size ? p.length : size], reallocP);
p = reallocP;
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/memory/op.d)
module tanya.memory.op;
@ -9,15 +9,16 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/memory/package.d)
module tanya.memory;
import tanya.conv;
public import tanya.memory.allocator;
public import tanya.memory.lifecycle;
import tanya.meta.trait;
deprecated("Use tanya.meta.trait.stateSize instead")
public import tanya.meta.trait : stateSize;
* The mixin generates common methods for classes and structs using
@ -37,11 +38,7 @@ mixin template DefaultAllocator()
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE allocator_ !is null)
this(shared Allocator allocator) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
assert(allocator !is null);
in (allocator !is null)
this.allocator_ = allocator;
@ -55,11 +52,7 @@ mixin template DefaultAllocator()
* Postcondition: $(D_INLINECODE allocator !is null)
@property shared(Allocator) allocator() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
out (allocator)
assert(allocator !is null);
out (allocator; allocator !is null)
if (allocator_ is null)
@ -70,11 +63,7 @@ mixin template DefaultAllocator()
/// ditto
@property shared(Allocator) allocator() const @nogc nothrow pure @trusted
out (allocator)
assert(allocator !is null);
out (allocator; allocator !is null)
if (allocator_ is null)
@ -110,11 +99,7 @@ private shared(Allocator) getAllocatorInstance() @nogc nothrow
* Postcondition: $(D_INLINECODE allocator !is null).
@property shared(Allocator) defaultAllocator() @nogc nothrow pure @trusted
out (allocator)
assert(allocator !is null);
out (allocator; allocator !is null)
return (cast(GetPureInstance!Allocator) &getAllocatorInstance)();
@ -128,67 +113,11 @@ do
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE allocator !is null).
@property void defaultAllocator(shared(Allocator) allocator) @nogc nothrow @safe
assert(allocator !is null);
in (allocator !is null)
.allocator = allocator;
* Returns the size in bytes of the state that needs to be allocated to hold an
* object of type $(D_PARAM T).
* There is a difference between the `.sizeof`-property and
* $(D_PSYMBOL stateSize) if $(D_PARAM T) is a class or an interface.
* `T.sizeof` is constant on the given architecture then and is the same as
* `size_t.sizeof` and `ptrdiff_t.sizeof`. This is because classes and
* interfaces are reference types and `.sizeof` returns the size of the
* reference which is the same as the size of a pointer. $(D_PSYMBOL stateSize)
* returns the size of the instance itself.
* The size of a dynamic array is `size_t.sizeof * 2` since a dynamic array
* stores its length and a data pointer. The size of the static arrays is
* calculated differently since they are value types. It is the array length
* multiplied by the element size.
* `stateSize!void` is `1` since $(D_KEYWORD void) is mostly used as a synonym
* for $(D_KEYWORD byte)/$(D_KEYWORD ubyte) in `void*`.
* Params:
* T = Object type.
* Returns: Size of an instance of type $(D_PARAM T).
template stateSize(T)
static if (isPolymorphicType!T)
enum size_t stateSize = __traits(classInstanceSize, T);
enum size_t stateSize = T.sizeof;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
static assert(stateSize!int == 4);
static assert(stateSize!bool == 1);
static assert(stateSize!(int[]) == (size_t.sizeof * 2));
static assert(stateSize!(short[3]) == 6);
static struct Empty
static assert(stateSize!Empty == 1);
static assert(stateSize!void == 1);
* Params:
* size = Raw size.
@ -18,21 +18,18 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/memory/smartref.d)
module tanya.memory.smartref;
import tanya.algorithm.mutation;
import tanya.conv;
import tanya.memory;
import tanya.meta.trait;
import tanya.range.primitive;
version (unittest) import tanya.test.stub;
private template Payload(T)
static if (isPolymorphicType!T || isArray!T)
static if (isPolymorphicType!T || isDynamicArray!T)
alias Payload = T;
@ -529,23 +526,19 @@ do
* Params:
* T = Array type.
* E = Array element type.
* size = Array size.
* allocator = Allocator.
* Returns: Newly created $(D_PSYMBOL RefCounted!T).
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE allocator !is null
* && size <= size_t.max / ElementType!T.sizeof)
* && size <= size_t.max / E.sizeof)
RefCounted!T refCounted(T)(shared Allocator allocator, const size_t size)
RefCounted!T refCounted(T : E[], E)(shared Allocator allocator, size_t size)
if (isArray!T)
assert(allocator !is null);
assert(size <= size_t.max / ElementType!T.sizeof);
in (allocator !is null)
in (size <= size_t.max / E.sizeof)
return RefCounted!T(allocator.make!T(size), allocator);
@ -852,25 +845,21 @@ do
* Params:
* T = Array type.
* E = Array element type.
* size = Array size.
* allocator = Allocator.
* Returns: Newly created $(D_PSYMBOL Unique!T).
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE allocator !is null
* && size <= size_t.max / ElementType!T.sizeof)
* && size <= size_t.max / E.sizeof)
Unique!T unique(T)(shared Allocator allocator, const size_t size)
Unique!T unique(T : E[], E)(shared Allocator allocator, size_t size)
if (isArray!T)
in (allocator !is null)
in (size <= size_t.max / E.sizeof)
assert(allocator !is null);
assert(size <= size_t.max / ElementType!T.sizeof);
auto payload = allocator.resize!(ElementType!T)(null, size);
auto payload = allocator.resize!E(null, size);
return Unique!T(payload, allocator);
@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
"name": "meta",
"description": "Template metaprogramming",
"targetType": "library"
"targetType": "library",
"sourcePaths": [
"importPaths": [
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
* It contains different algorithms for iterating, searching and modifying
* template arguments.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2017-2018.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2017-2019.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/meta/metafunction.d)
module tanya.meta.metafunction;
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
* to transform from one type to another. It has also different algorithms for
* iterating, searching and modifying template arguments.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2017-2018.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2017-2019.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/meta/package.d)
module tanya.meta;
@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
* Templates in this module are used to obtain type information at compile
* time.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2017-2018.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2017-2019.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/meta/trait.d)
module tanya.meta.trait;
@ -2692,6 +2692,58 @@ if (is(T == class))
static assert(classInstanceAlignment!C2 == S.alignof);
* Returns the size in bytes of the state that needs to be allocated to hold an
* object of type $(D_PARAM T).
* There is a difference between the `.sizeof`-property and
* $(D_PSYMBOL stateSize) if $(D_PARAM T) is a class or an interface.
* `T.sizeof` is constant on the given architecture then and is the same as
* `size_t.sizeof` and `ptrdiff_t.sizeof`. This is because classes and
* interfaces are reference types and `.sizeof` returns the size of the
* reference which is the same as the size of a pointer. $(D_PSYMBOL stateSize)
* returns the size of the instance itself.
* The size of a dynamic array is `size_t.sizeof * 2` since a dynamic array
* stores its length and a data pointer. The size of the static arrays is
* calculated differently since they are value types. It is the array length
* multiplied by the element size.
* `stateSize!void` is `1` since $(D_KEYWORD void) is mostly used as a synonym
* for $(D_KEYWORD byte)/$(D_KEYWORD ubyte) in `void*`.
* Params:
* T = Object type.
* Returns: Size of an instance of type $(D_PARAM T).
template stateSize(T)
static if (isPolymorphicType!T)
enum size_t stateSize = __traits(classInstanceSize, T);
enum size_t stateSize = T.sizeof;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
static assert(stateSize!int == 4);
static assert(stateSize!bool == 1);
static assert(stateSize!(int[]) == (size_t.sizeof * 2));
static assert(stateSize!(short[3]) == 6);
static struct Empty
static assert(stateSize!Empty == 1);
static assert(stateSize!void == 1);
* Tests whether $(D_INLINECODE pred(T)) can be used as condition in an
* $(D_KEYWORD if)-statement or a ternary operator.
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
* types. They take some type as argument and return a different type after
* perfoming the specified transformation.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2017-2018.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2017-2019.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/meta/transform.d)
module tanya.meta.transform;
@ -5,5 +5,12 @@
"dependencies": {
"tanya:meta": "*"
"sourcePaths": [
"importPaths": [
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/os/error.d)
module tanya.os.error;
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/os/package.d)
module tanya.os;
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
module tanya.algorithm.iteration;
import tanya.algorithm.comparison;
import tanya.algorithm.mutation;
import tanya.memory.lifecycle;
import tanya.meta.trait;
import tanya.meta.transform;
import tanya.range;
@ -14,284 +14,21 @@
module tanya.algorithm.mutation;
import tanya.conv;
static import tanya.memory.op;
static import tanya.memory.lifecycle;
import tanya.meta.trait;
import tanya.meta.transform;
import tanya.range;
version (unittest) import tanya.test.stub;
private void deinitialize(bool zero, T)(ref T value)
static if (is(T == U[S], U, size_t S))
foreach (ref e; value)
static if (isNested!T)
// Don't override the context pointer.
enum size_t size = T.sizeof - (void*).sizeof;
enum size_t size = T.sizeof;
static if (zero)
tanya.memory.op.fill!0((cast(void*) &value)[0 .. size]);
tanya.memory.op.copy(typeid(T).initializer()[0 .. size],
(&value)[0 .. 1]);
deprecated("Use tanya.memory.lifecycle.swap instead")
alias swap = tanya.memory.lifecycle.swap;
* Moves $(D_PARAM source) into $(D_PARAM target) assuming that
* $(D_PARAM target) isn't initialized.
* Moving the $(D_PARAM source) copies it into the $(D_PARAM target) and places
* the $(D_PARAM source) into a valid but unspecified state, which means that
* after moving $(D_PARAM source) can be destroyed or assigned a new value, but
* accessing it yields an unspecified value. No postblits or destructors are
* called. If the $(D_PARAM target) should be destroyed before, use
* $(D_PSYMBOL move).
* $(D_PARAM source) and $(D_PARAM target) must be different objects.
* Params:
* T = Object type.
* source = Source object.
* target = Target object.
* See_Also: $(D_PSYMBOL move),
* $(D_PSYMBOL hasElaborateCopyConstructor),
* $(D_PSYMBOL hasElaborateDestructor).
* Precondition: `&source !is &target`.
void moveEmplace(T)(ref T source, ref T target) @system
assert(&source !is &target, "Source and target must be different");
static if (is(T == struct) || isStaticArray!T)
tanya.memory.op.copy((&source)[0 .. 1], (&target)[0 .. 1]);
deprecated("Use tanya.memory.lifecycle.moveEmplace instead")
alias moveEmplace = tanya.memory.lifecycle.moveEmplace;
static if (hasElaborateCopyConstructor!T || hasElaborateDestructor!T)
static if (__VERSION__ >= 2083) // __traits(isZeroInit) available.
deinitialize!(__traits(isZeroInit, T))(source);
if (typeid(T).initializer().ptr is null)
target = source;
@nogc nothrow pure @system unittest
static struct S
int member = 5;
this(this) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
S source, target = void;
moveEmplace(source, target);
assert(target.member == 5);
int x1 = 5, x2;
moveEmplace(x1, x2);
assert(x2 == 5);
// Is pure.
@nogc nothrow pure @system unittest
struct S
S source, target = void;
static assert(is(typeof({ moveEmplace(source, target); })));
// Moves nested.
@nogc nothrow pure @system unittest
struct Nested
void method() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
Nested source, target = void;
moveEmplace(source, target);
assert(source == target);
// Emplaces static arrays.
@nogc nothrow pure @system unittest
static struct S
size_t member;
this(size_t i) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
this.member = i;
~this() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
S[2] source = [ S(5), S(5) ], target = void;
moveEmplace(source, target);
assert(source[0].member == 0);
assert(target[0].member == 5);
assert(source[1].member == 0);
assert(target[1].member == 5);
* Moves $(D_PARAM source) into $(D_PARAM target) assuming that
* $(D_PARAM target) isn't initialized.
* Moving the $(D_PARAM source) copies it into the $(D_PARAM target) and places
* the $(D_PARAM source) into a valid but unspecified state, which means that
* after moving $(D_PARAM source) can be destroyed or assigned a new value, but
* accessing it yields an unspecified value. $(D_PARAM target) is destroyed before
* the new value is assigned. If $(D_PARAM target) isn't initialized and
* therefore shouldn't be destroyed, $(D_PSYMBOL moveEmplace) can be used.
* If $(D_PARAM target) isn't specified, $(D_PSYMBOL move) returns the source
* as rvalue without calling its copy constructor or destructor.
* $(D_PARAM source) and $(D_PARAM target) are the same object,
* $(D_PSYMBOL move) does nothing.
* Params:
* T = Object type.
* source = Source object.
* target = Target object.
* See_Also: $(D_PSYMBOL moveEmplace).
void move(T)(ref T source, ref T target)
if ((() @trusted => &source is &target)())
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
(() @trusted => moveEmplace(source, target))();
/// ditto
T move(T)(ref T source) @trusted
static if (hasElaborateCopyConstructor!T || hasElaborateDestructor!T)
T target = void;
moveEmplace(source, target);
return target;
return source;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
static struct S
int member = 5;
this(this) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
S source, target = void;
move(source, target);
assert(target.member == 5);
assert(move(target).member == 5);
int x1 = 5, x2;
move(x1, x2);
assert(x2 == 5);
assert(move(x2) == 5);
// Moves if source is target.
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
int x = 5;
move(x, x);
assert(x == 5);
* Exchanges the values of $(D_PARAM a) and $(D_PARAM b).
* $(D_PSYMBOL swap) moves the contents of $(D_PARAM a) and $(D_PARAM b)
* without calling its postblits or destructors.
* Params:
* a = The first object.
* b = The second object.
void swap(T)(ref T a, ref T b) @trusted
T tmp = void;
moveEmplace(a, tmp);
moveEmplace(b, a);
moveEmplace(tmp, b);
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
int a = 3, b = 5;
swap(a, b);
assert(a == 5);
assert(b == 3);
deprecated("Use tanya.memory.lifecycle.move instead")
alias move = tanya.memory.lifecycle.move;
* Copies the $(D_PARAM source) range into the $(D_PARAM target) range.
@ -494,7 +231,7 @@ if (isInputRange!Range && hasLvalueElements!Range
for (; !range.empty; range.popFront())
ElementType!Range* p = &range.front;
emplace!(ElementType!Range)(cast(void[]) (p[0 .. 1]), value);
tanya.memory.lifecycle.emplace!(ElementType!Range)(cast(void[]) (p[0 .. 1]), value);
@ -577,13 +314,7 @@ if (isInputRange!Range && hasLvalueElements!Range)
void destroyAll(Range)(Range range)
if (isInputRange!Range && hasLvalueElements!Range)
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!(ElementType!Range))
foreach (ref e; range)
tanya.memory.lifecycle.destroyAllImpl!(Range, ElementType!Range)(range);
@ -632,7 +363,7 @@ if (isForwardRange!Range && hasSwappableElements!Range)
while (!front.empty && !next.empty && !sameHead(front, next))
swap(front.front, next.front);
tanya.memory.lifecycle.swap(front.front, next.front);
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ module tanya.container.array;
import core.checkedint;
import tanya.algorithm.comparison;
import tanya.algorithm.mutation;
import tanya.functional;
import tanya.memory;
import tanya.meta.trait;
import tanya.meta.transform;
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
module tanya.container.entry;
import tanya.algorithm.mutation;
import tanya.container.array;
import tanya.memory.allocator;
import tanya.memory.lifecycle;
import tanya.meta.trait;
import tanya.meta.transform;
import tanya.typecons;
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
module tanya.container.list;
import tanya.algorithm.comparison;
import tanya.algorithm.mutation;
import tanya.container.entry;
import tanya.memory;
import tanya.meta.trait;
@ -14,15 +14,13 @@
module tanya.conv;
import tanya.algorithm.mutation;
import tanya.container.string;
import tanya.format;
import tanya.memory;
import tanya.memory.op;
deprecated("Use tanya.memory.lifecycle.emplace instead")
public import tanya.memory.lifecycle : emplace;
import tanya.meta.trait;
import tanya.meta.transform;
import tanya.range.array;
import tanya.range.primitive;
import tanya.range;
version (unittest)
@ -30,269 +28,6 @@ version (unittest)
import tanya.test.stub;
* Constructs a new object of type $(D_PARAM T) in $(D_PARAM memory) with the
* given arguments.
* If $(D_PARAM T) is a $(D_KEYWORD class), emplace returns a class reference
* of type $(D_PARAM T), otherwise a pointer to the constructed object is
* returned.
* If $(D_PARAM T) is a nested class inside another class, $(D_PARAM outer)
* should be an instance of the outer class.
* $(D_PARAM args) are arguments for the constructor of $(D_PARAM T). If
* $(D_PARAM T) isn't an aggregate type and doesn't have a constructor,
* $(D_PARAM memory) can be initialized to `args[0]` if `Args.length == 1`,
* `Args[0]` should be implicitly convertible to $(D_PARAM T) then.
* Params:
* T = Constructed type.
* U = Type of the outer class if $(D_PARAM T) is a nested class.
* Args = Types of the constructor arguments if $(D_PARAM T) has a constructor
* or the type of the initial value.
* outer = Outer class instance if $(D_PARAM T) is a nested class.
* args = Constructor arguments if $(D_PARAM T) has a constructor or the
* initial value.
* Returns: New instance of type $(D_PARAM T) constructed in $(D_PARAM memory).
* Precondition: `memory.length == stateSize!T`.
* Postcondition: $(D_PARAM memory) and the result point to the same memory.
T emplace(T, U, Args...)(void[] memory, U outer, auto ref Args args)
if (!isAbstractClass!T && isInnerClass!T && is(typeof(T.outer) == U))
in (memory.length >= stateSize!T)
out (result; memory.ptr is (() @trusted => cast(void*) result)())
copy(typeid(T).initializer, memory);
auto result = (() @trusted => cast(T) memory.ptr)();
result.outer = outer;
static if (is(typeof(result.__ctor(args))))
return result;
/// ditto
T emplace(T, Args...)(void[] memory, auto ref Args args)
if (is(T == class) && !isAbstractClass!T && !isInnerClass!T)
in (memory.length == stateSize!T)
out (result; memory.ptr is (() @trusted => cast(void*) result)())
copy(typeid(T).initializer, memory);
auto result = (() @trusted => cast(T) memory.ptr)();
static if (is(typeof(result.__ctor(args))))
return result;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
import tanya.memory : stateSize;
class C
int i = 5;
class Inner
int i;
this(int param) pure nothrow @safe @nogc
this.i = param;
ubyte[stateSize!C] memory1;
ubyte[stateSize!(C.Inner)] memory2;
auto c = emplace!C(memory1);
assert(c.i == 5);
auto inner = emplace!(C.Inner)(memory2, c, 8);
assert(c.i == 5);
assert(inner.i == 8);
assert(inner.outer is c);
/// ditto
T* emplace(T, Args...)(void[] memory, auto ref Args args)
if (!isAggregateType!T && (Args.length <= 1))
in (memory.length >= T.sizeof)
out (result; memory.ptr is result)
auto result = (() @trusted => cast(T*) memory.ptr)();
static if (Args.length == 1)
*result = T(args[0]);
*result = T.init;
return result;
private void initializeOne(T)(ref void[] memory, ref T* result) @trusted
static if (!hasElaborateAssign!T && isAssignable!T)
*result = T.init;
else static if (__VERSION__ >= 2083 // __traits(isZeroInit) available.
&& __traits(isZeroInit, T))
memory.ptr[0 .. T.sizeof].fill!0;
static immutable T init = T.init;
copy((&init)[0 .. 1], memory);
/// ditto
T* emplace(T, Args...)(void[] memory, auto ref Args args)
if (!isPolymorphicType!T && isAggregateType!T)
in (memory.length >= T.sizeof)
out (result; memory.ptr is result)
auto result = (() @trusted => cast(T*) memory.ptr)();
static if (Args.length == 0)
static assert(is(typeof({ static T t; })),
"Default constructor is disabled");
initializeOne(memory, result);
else static if (is(typeof(result.__ctor(args))))
initializeOne(memory, result);
else static if (Args.length == 1 && is(typeof({ T t = args[0]; })))
((ref arg) @trusted =>
copy((cast(void*) &arg)[0 .. T.sizeof], memory))(args[0]);
static if (hasElaborateCopyConstructor!T)
else static if (is(typeof({ T t = T(args); })))
auto init = T(args);
(() @trusted => moveEmplace(init, *result))();
static assert(false,
"Unable to construct value with the given arguments");
return result;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
ubyte[4] memory;
auto i = emplace!int(memory);
static assert(is(typeof(i) == int*));
assert(*i == 0);
i = emplace!int(memory, 5);
assert(*i == 5);
static struct S
int i;
@disable this();
@disable this(this);
this(int i) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
this.i = i;
auto s = emplace!S(memory, 8);
static assert(is(typeof(s) == S*));
assert(s.i == 8);
// Handles "Cannot access frame pointer" error.
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
struct F
~this() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
static assert(is(typeof(emplace!F((void[]).init))));
// Can emplace structs without a constructor
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
static assert(is(typeof(emplace!WithDtor(null, WithDtor()))));
static assert(is(typeof(emplace!WithDtor(null))));
// Doesn't call a destructor on uninitialized elements
@nogc nothrow pure @system unittest
static struct SWithDtor
private bool canBeInvoked = false;
~this() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
void[SWithDtor.sizeof] memory = void;
auto actual = emplace!SWithDtor(memory[], SWithDtor(true));
// Initializes structs if no arguments are given
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
static struct SEntry
byte content;
ubyte[1] mem = [3];
assert(emplace!SEntry(cast(void[]) mem[0 .. 1]).content == 0);
// Postblit is called when emplacing a struct
@nogc nothrow pure @system unittest
static struct S
bool called = false;
this(this) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
this.called = true;
S target;
S* sp = ⌖
emplace!S(sp[0 .. 1], S());
* Thrown if a type conversion fails.
@ -2,77 +2,17 @@
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Functions that manipulate other functions and their argument lists.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2018.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2018-2019.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/functional.d)
deprecated("Use tanya.memory.lifecycle instead")
module tanya.functional;
import tanya.algorithm.mutation;
import tanya.meta.metafunction;
* Forwards its argument list preserving $(D_KEYWORD ref) and $(D_KEYWORD out)
* storage classes.
* $(D_PSYMBOL forward) accepts a list of variables or literals. It returns an
* argument list of the same length that can be for example passed to a
* function accepting the arguments of this type.
* Params:
* args = Argument list.
* Returns: $(D_PARAM args) with their original storage classes.
template forward(args...)
static if (args.length == 0)
alias forward = AliasSeq!();
else static if (__traits(isRef, args[0]) || __traits(isOut, args[0]))
static if (args.length == 1)
alias forward = args[0];
alias forward = AliasSeq!(args[0], forward!(args[1 .. $]));
@property auto forwardOne()
return move(args[0]);
static if (args.length == 1)
alias forward = forwardOne;
alias forward = AliasSeq!(forwardOne, forward!(args[1 .. $]));
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
static assert(is(typeof((int i) { int v = forward!i; })));
static assert(is(typeof((ref int i) { int v = forward!i; })));
static assert(is(typeof({
void f(int i, ref int j, out int k)
f(forward!(i, j, k));
public import tanya.memory.lifecycle : forward;
@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Lifecycle management functions, types and related exceptions.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2019.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/memory/init.d)
module tanya.memory.lifecycle;
import tanya.algorithm.mutation;
import tanya.conv;
import tanya.memory;
import tanya.meta.trait;
import tanya.range.primitive;
* Error thrown if memory allocation fails.
final class OutOfMemoryError : Error
* Constructs new error.
* Params:
* msg = The message for the exception.
* file = The file where the exception occurred.
* line = The line number where the exception occurred.
* next = The previous exception in the chain of exceptions, if any.
this(string msg = "Out of memory",
string file = __FILE__,
size_t line = __LINE__,
Throwable next = null) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
super(msg, file, line, next);
/// ditto
this(string msg,
Throwable next,
string file = __FILE__,
size_t line = __LINE__) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
super(msg, file, line, next);
* Allocates $(D_PSYMBOL OutOfMemoryError) in a static storage and throws it.
* Params:
* msg = Custom error message.
* Throws: $(D_PSYMBOL OutOfMemoryError).
void onOutOfMemoryError(string msg = "Out of memory")
@nogc nothrow pure @trusted
static ubyte[stateSize!OutOfMemoryError] memory;
alias PureType = OutOfMemoryError function(string) @nogc nothrow pure;
throw (cast(PureType) () => emplace!OutOfMemoryError(memory))(msg);
// From druntime
extern (C)
private void _d_monitordelete(Object h, bool det) @nogc nothrow pure;
* Internal function used to create, resize or destroy a dynamic array. It
* may throw $(D_PSYMBOL OutOfMemoryError). The new
* allocated part of the array isn't initialized. This function can be trusted
* only in the data structures that can ensure that the array is
* allocated/rellocated/deallocated with the same allocator.
* Params:
* T = Element type of the array being created.
* allocator = The allocator used for getting memory.
* array = A reference to the array being changed.
* length = New array length.
* Returns: $(D_PARAM array).
package(tanya) T[] resize(T)(shared Allocator allocator,
auto ref T[] array,
const size_t length) @trusted
if (length == 0)
if (allocator.deallocate(array))
return null;
void[] buf = array;
if (!allocator.reallocate(buf, length * T.sizeof))
// Casting from void[] is unsafe, but we know we cast to the original type.
array = cast(T[]) buf;
return array;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
int[] p;
p = defaultAllocator.resize(p, 20);
assert(p.length == 20);
p = defaultAllocator.resize(p, 30);
assert(p.length == 30);
p = defaultAllocator.resize(p, 10);
assert(p.length == 10);
p = defaultAllocator.resize(p, 0);
assert(p is null);
* Destroys the object.
* Returns the memory should be freed.
package(tanya) void[] finalize(T)(ref T* p)
if (p is null)
return null;
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
return (cast(void*) p)[0 .. T.sizeof];
package(tanya) void[] finalize(T)(ref T p)
if (isPolymorphicType!T)
if (p is null)
return null;
static if (is(T == interface))
import : IUnknown;
static assert(!is(T : IUnknown), "COM interfaces can't be destroyed in "
auto ob = cast(Object) p;
alias ob = p;
auto ptr = cast(void*) ob;
auto support = ptr[0 .. typeid(ob).initializer.length];
auto ppv = cast(void**) ptr;
if (!*ppv)
return null;
auto pc = cast(ClassInfo*) *ppv;
scope (exit)
*ppv = null;
auto c = *pc;
// Assume the destructor is @nogc. Leave it nothrow since the destructor
// shouldn't throw and if it does, it is an error anyway.
if (c.destructor)
alias DtorType = void function(Object) pure nothrow @safe @nogc;
(cast(DtorType) c.destructor)(ob);
while ((c = c.base) !is null);
if (ppv[1]) // if monitor is not null
_d_monitordelete(cast(Object) ptr, true);
return support;
package(tanya) void[] finalize(T)(ref T[] p)
return p;
* Destroys and deallocates $(D_PARAM p) of type $(D_PARAM T).
* It is assumed the respective entities had been allocated with the same
* allocator.
* Params:
* T = Type of $(D_PARAM p).
* allocator = Allocator the $(D_PARAM p) was allocated with.
* p = Object or array to be destroyed.
void dispose(T)(shared Allocator allocator, auto ref T p)
() @trusted { allocator.deallocate(finalize(p)); }();
p = null;
@nogc nothrow pure @system unittest
static struct S
~this() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
auto p = cast(S[]) defaultAllocator.allocate(S.sizeof);
// Works with interfaces.
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
interface I
class C : I
auto c = defaultAllocator.make!C();
I i = c;
* Constructs a new class instance of type $(D_PARAM T) using $(D_PARAM args)
* as the parameter list for the constructor of $(D_PARAM T).
* Params:
* T = Class type.
* A = Types of the arguments to the constructor of $(D_PARAM T).
* allocator = Allocator.
* args = Constructor arguments of $(D_PARAM T).
* Returns: Newly created $(D_PSYMBOL T).
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE allocator !is null)
T make(T, A...)(shared Allocator allocator, auto ref A args)
if (is(T == class))
in (allocator !is null)
auto mem = (() @trusted => allocator.allocate(stateSize!T))();
if (mem is null)
scope (failure)
() @trusted { allocator.deallocate(mem); }();
return emplace!T(mem[0 .. stateSize!T], args);
* Constructs a value object of type $(D_PARAM T) using $(D_PARAM args)
* as the parameter list for the constructor of $(D_PARAM T) and returns a
* pointer to the new object.
* Params:
* T = Object type.
* A = Types of the arguments to the constructor of $(D_PARAM T).
* allocator = Allocator.
* args = Constructor arguments of $(D_PARAM T).
* Returns: Pointer to the created object.
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE allocator !is null)
T* make(T, A...)(shared Allocator allocator, auto ref A args)
if (!is(T == interface)
&& !is(T == class)
&& !isAssociativeArray!T
&& !isArray!T)
in (allocator !is null)
auto mem = (() @trusted => allocator.allocate(stateSize!T))();
if (mem is null)
scope (failure)
() @trusted { allocator.deallocate(mem); }();
return emplace!T(mem[0 .. stateSize!T], args);
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
int* i = defaultAllocator.make!int(5);
assert(*i == 5);
* Constructs a new array with $(D_PARAM n) elements.
* Params:
* T = Array type.
* allocator = Allocator.
* n = Array size.
* Returns: Newly created array.
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE allocator !is null
* && n <= size_t.max / ElementType!T.sizeof)
T make(T)(shared Allocator allocator, const size_t n)
if (isArray!T)
in (allocator !is null)
in (n <= size_t.max / ElementType!T.sizeof)
auto ret = allocator.resize!(ElementType!T)(null, n);
return ret;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
int[] i = defaultAllocator.make!(int[])(2);
assert(i.length == 2);
assert(i[0] == int.init && i[1] == int.init);
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import tanya.container.string;
import tanya.conv;
import tanya.encoding.ascii;
import tanya.format;
import tanya.memory.lifecycle;
import tanya.meta.trait;
import tanya.meta.transform;
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
module tanya.range.adapter;
import tanya.algorithm.mutation;
import tanya.functional;
import tanya.memory.lifecycle;
import tanya.meta.trait;
import tanya.range;
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
module tanya.range.primitive;
import tanya.algorithm.comparison;
import tanya.algorithm.mutation;
import tanya.memory.lifecycle;
import tanya.meta.trait;
import tanya.meta.transform;
import tanya.range.array;
@ -17,10 +17,8 @@
module tanya.typecons;
import tanya.algorithm.mutation;
import tanya.conv;
import tanya.format;
import tanya.functional;
import tanya.memory.lifecycle;
import tanya.meta.metafunction;
import tanya.meta.trait;
version (unittest) import tanya.test.stub;
@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
"name": "sys",
"description": "Low-level operating system bindings and definitions",
"targetType": "library"
"targetType": "library",
"sourcePaths": [
"importPaths": [
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/sys/linux/syscall.d)
module tanya.sys.linux.syscall;
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/sys/posix/ioctl.d)
module tanya.sys.posix.ioctl;
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/sys/posix/mman.d)
module tanya.sys.posix.mman;
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/sys/posix/net/if_.d)
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/sys/posix/socket.d)
module tanya.sys.posix.socket;
@ -20,8 +20,6 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/sys/windows/def.d)
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/sys/windows/ifdef.d)
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/sys/windows/iphlpapi.d)
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/sys/windows/package.d)
@ -9,8 +9,6 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/sys/windows/winbase.d)
@ -9,8 +9,6 @@
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2,
* tanya/sys/windows/winsock2.d)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user