Use auto ref for templated overloaded functions

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Eugen Wissner 2016-12-13 10:59:05 +01:00
parent f437dafa6b
commit 061cd6264b
1 changed files with 60 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import tanya.memory;
struct Integer
private RefCounted!(ubyte[]) rep;
private ubyte[] rep;
private bool sign;
private shared Allocator allocator;
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ struct Integer
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE allocator !is null)
this(T)(in T value, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
this(T)(in auto ref T value, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
nothrow @safe @nogc
if (isIntegral!T || is(T == Integer))
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ struct Integer
rep = RefCounted!(ubyte[])(() @trusted {
rep = () @trusted {
return cast(ubyte[]) allocator.allocate(value.length);
}(), allocator);
sign = value.sign;
@ -85,6 +85,24 @@ struct Integer
~this() nothrow @safe @nogc
assert(allocator !is null || !rep.length);
if (allocator !is null)
private @nogc unittest
Integer h; // allocator isn't set, but the destructor should work
* Figures out the minimum amount of space this value will take
* up in bytes and resizes the internal storage. Sets the sign.
@ -121,13 +139,13 @@ struct Integer
if (rep.count)
allocator.resizeArray(rep.get, size);
allocator.resizeArray(rep, size);
rep = RefCounted!(ubyte[])(() @trusted {
rep = () @trusted {
return cast(ubyte[]) allocator.allocate(size);
}(), allocator);
/* Work backward through the int, masking off each byte (up to the
first 0 byte) and copy it into the internal representation in
@ -149,33 +167,20 @@ struct Integer
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
ref Integer opAssign(T)(in T value) nothrow @safe @nogc
ref Integer opAssign(T)(in auto ref T value) nothrow @safe @nogc
if (isIntegral!T || is(T == Integer))
if (allocator is null)
allocator = defaultAllocator;
static if (isIntegral!T)
if (rep.count)
allocator.resizeArray(rep, value.length);
rep = RefCounted!(ubyte[])(() @trusted {
return cast(ubyte[]) allocator.allocate(value.length);
}(), allocator);
allocator.resizeArray(rep, value.length);
sign = value.sign;
return this;
@ -202,7 +207,7 @@ struct Integer
@property size_t length() const pure nothrow @safe @nogc
return rep.get.length;
return rep.length;
@ -216,6 +221,12 @@ struct Integer
return rep == h.rep;
/// Ditto.
bool opEquals(in ref Integer h) const nothrow @safe @nogc
return rep == h.rep;
@ -232,7 +243,7 @@ struct Integer
* Returns: A positive number if $(D_INLINECODE this > h), a negative
* number if $(D_INLINECODE this > h), `0` otherwise.
int opCmp(in Integer h) const nothrow @safe @nogc
int opCmp(in ref Integer h) const nothrow @safe @nogc
if (length > h.length)
@ -262,6 +273,12 @@ struct Integer
return 0;
/// Ditto.
int opCmp(in Integer h) const nothrow @safe @nogc
return opCmp(h);
@ -276,7 +293,7 @@ struct Integer
assert(h1 > h2);
private void add(in ref RefCounted!(ubyte[]) h) nothrow @safe @nogc
private void add(in ref ubyte[] h) nothrow @safe @nogc
uint sum;
uint carry = 0;
@ -319,7 +336,7 @@ struct Integer
private void subtract(in ref RefCounted!(ubyte[]) h) nothrow @safe @nogc
private void subtract(in ref ubyte[] h) nothrow @safe @nogc
auto i = rep.length;
auto j = h.length;
@ -350,7 +367,7 @@ struct Integer
// Go through the representation array and see how many of the
// left-most bytes are unused. Remove them and resize the array.
immutable offset = rep.get.countUntil!((const ref a) => a != 0);
immutable offset = rep.countUntil!((const ref a) => a != 0);
if (offset > 0)
ubyte[] tmp = allocator.makeArray!ubyte(rep.length - offset);
@ -372,7 +389,7 @@ struct Integer
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in Integer h) nothrow @safe @nogc
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in auto ref Integer h) nothrow @safe @nogc
if ((op == "+") || (op == "-"))
@ -485,7 +502,7 @@ struct Integer
/// Ditto.
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in Integer h) nothrow @safe @nogc
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in auto ref Integer h) nothrow @safe @nogc
if (op == "*")
@ -526,7 +543,7 @@ struct Integer
/// Ditto.
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in Integer h) nothrow @safe @nogc
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in auto ref Integer h) nothrow @safe @nogc
if ((op == "/") || (op == "%"))
@ -576,7 +593,8 @@ struct Integer
static if (op == "/")
rep = quotient;
swap(rep, quotient);
sign = sign == h.sign ? false : true;
return this;
@ -607,7 +625,7 @@ struct Integer
/// Ditto.
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in Integer exp) nothrow @safe @nogc
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in auto ref Integer exp) nothrow @safe @nogc
if (op == "^^")
@ -674,7 +692,7 @@ struct Integer
else static if (op == "~")
h.rep.get.each!((ref a) => a = ~a);
h.rep.each!((ref a) => a = ~a);
return h;
@ -712,7 +730,7 @@ struct Integer
private void decrement() nothrow @safe @nogc
immutable size = rep.get.retro.countUntil!((const ref a) => a != 0);
immutable size = rep.retro.countUntil!((const ref a) => a != 0);
if (rep[0] == 1)
allocator.resizeArray(rep, rep.length - 1);
@ -728,13 +746,12 @@ struct Integer
private void increment() nothrow @safe @nogc
auto size = rep
.countUntil!((const ref a) => a != typeof(rep[0]).max);
if (size == -1)
size = length;
allocator.resizeArray(rep.get, rep.length + 1);
allocator.resizeArray(rep, rep.length + 1);
rep[0] = 1;
@ -838,10 +855,6 @@ struct Integer
allocator = defaultAllocator;
if (!rep.count)
rep = allocator.refCounted!(ubyte[])(0);
@ -901,7 +914,7 @@ struct Integer
* Returns: An $(D_PSYMBOL Integer) shifted by $(D_PARAM n) bits.
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in size_t n) nothrow @safe @nogc
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in auto ref size_t n) nothrow @safe @nogc
if (op == ">>")
@ -978,7 +991,7 @@ struct Integer
/// Ditto.
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in size_t n) nothrow @safe @nogc
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in auto ref size_t n) nothrow @safe @nogc
if (op == "<<")
@ -1027,7 +1040,7 @@ struct Integer
/// Ditto.
Integer opBinary(string op)(in size_t n) nothrow @safe @nogc
Integer opBinary(string op)(in auto ref size_t n) nothrow @safe @nogc
if (op == "<<" || op == ">>" || op == "+" || op == "-" || op == "/"
|| op == "*" || op == "^^" || op == "%")
@ -1049,7 +1062,7 @@ struct Integer
/// Ditto.
Integer opBinary(string op)(in Integer h) nothrow @safe @nogc
Integer opBinary(string op)(in auto ref Integer h) nothrow @safe @nogc
if (op == "+" || op == "-" || op == "/"
|| op == "*" || op == "^^" || op == "%")