Accept up2date package parameter
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ module SlackBuilder.Info
( PackageInfo(..)
, generate
, parseInfoFile
, update
, updateDownloadVersion
) where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..))
@ -12,7 +10,6 @@ import qualified Data.ByteArray as ByteArray
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
@ -27,17 +24,15 @@ import Numeric (readHex, showHex)
import Text.Megaparsec (Parsec, count, eof, takeWhile1P)
import Text.Megaparsec.Byte (space, string, hexDigitChar)
import Text.URI
( Authority(..)
, URI(..)
, mkPathPiece
( URI(..)
, parserBs
, render
, unRText
import qualified Data.Word8 as Word8
type GenParser = Parsec Void ByteString
-- | Data used to generate an .info file.
data PackageInfo = PackageInfo
{ pkgname :: String
, version :: Text
@ -108,60 +103,6 @@ parseInfoFile = PackageInfo
*> packageName
<* "\"\n"
updateDownloadVersion :: PackageInfo -> Text -> Maybe String -> [URI]
updateDownloadVersion package toVersion gnomeVersion
= updateDownload (version package) toVersion gnomeVersion
<$> downloads package
updateDownload :: Text -> Text -> Maybe String -> URI -> URI
updateDownload fromVersion toVersion gnomeVersion
= updateCoreVersion fromVersion toVersion gnomeVersion
. updatePackageVersion fromVersion toVersion gnomeVersion
updatePackageVersion :: Text -> Text -> Maybe String -> URI -> URI
updatePackageVersion fromVersion toVersion _gnomeVersion download = download
{ uriPath = uriPath download >>= traverse (traverse updatePathPiece)
updatePathPiece = mkPathPiece
. Text.replace fromMajor toMajor
. Text.replace fromVersion toVersion
. unRText
fromMajor = major fromVersion
toMajor = major toVersion
major :: Text -> Text
major = Text.intercalate "." . take 2 . Text.splitOn "."
updateCoreVersion :: Text -> Text -> Maybe String -> URI -> URI
updateCoreVersion _fromVersion _toVersion (Just gnomeVersion) download
| Just (False, pathPieces) <- uriPath download
, (beforeCore, afterCore) <- NonEmpty.break (comparePathPiece "core") pathPieces
, _ : _ : _ : sources : afterSources <- afterCore
, comparePathPiece "sources" sources && not (null afterSources)
, Right Authority{..} <- uriAuthority download
, "" `Text.isSuffixOf` unRText authHost
, Nothing <- authPort =
download { uriPath = buildPath beforeCore afterSources }
comparePathPiece this that = Just that == mkPathPiece this
buildPath beforeCore afterSources = do
core <- mkPathPiece "core"
let textGnomeVersion = Text.pack gnomeVersion
minorGnomeVersion <- mkPathPiece $ major textGnomeVersion
patchGnomeVersion <- mkPathPiece textGnomeVersion
sources <- mkPathPiece "sources"
let afterCore = core : minorGnomeVersion : patchGnomeVersion : sources : afterSources
(False,) <$> NonEmpty.nonEmpty (beforeCore ++ afterCore)
updateCoreVersion _ _ _ download = download
update :: PackageInfo -> Text -> [URI] -> [Digest MD5] -> PackageInfo
update old toVersion downloads' checksums' = old
{ version = toVersion
, downloads = downloads'
, checksums = checksums'
generate :: PackageInfo -> Text
generate pkg = Lazy.Text.toStrict $ Text.Builder.toLazyText builder
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module SlackBuilder.Package
, Download(..)
, DownloadTemplate(..)
, Package(..)
, PackageInfo(..)
, Maintainer(..)
, Updater(..)
, renderDownloadWithVersion
@ -34,15 +33,6 @@ data Download = Download
, is64 :: Bool
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Data used to generate an .info file.
data PackageInfo = PackageInfo
{ path :: FilePath
, version :: Text
, homepage :: Text
, requires :: [Text]
, maintainer :: Maintainer
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Package maintainer information.
data Maintainer = Maintainer
{ name :: Text
@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
module SlackBuilder.Trans
( SlackBuilderT(..)
( SlackBuilderException(..)
, SlackBuilderT(..)
) where
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import SlackBuilder.Config
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch(..), MonadThrow(..))
import Control.Exception (Exception(..))
newtype SlackBuilderException = UpdaterNotFound Text
deriving Show
instance Exception SlackBuilderException
newtype SlackBuilderT a = SlackBuilderT
{ runSlackBuilderT :: ReaderT Settings IO a
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ common dependencies
containers ^>= 0.6,
cryptonite >= 0.30,
directory ^>= 1.3.8,
exceptions >= 0.10,
filepath ^>= 1.4.2,
megaparsec ^>= 9.5,
modern-uri ^>= 0.3.6,
@ -58,7 +59,6 @@ library
hs-source-dirs: lib
conduit ^>= 1.3.5,
exceptions >= 0.10,
http-client ^>= 0.7
ghc-options: -Wall
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Data.Char (isNumber)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(liftA2))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow(..))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
@ -250,8 +251,13 @@ autoUpdatable =
up2Date :: SlackBuilderT ()
up2Date = for_ autoUpdatable go
up2Date :: Maybe Text -> SlackBuilderT ()
up2Date = \case
Nothing -> for_ autoUpdatable go
Just packageName
| Just foundPackage <- find ((packageName ==) . getField @"name") autoUpdatable ->
go foundPackage
| otherwise -> throwM $ UpdaterNotFound packageName
go package = getAndLogLatest package
>>= mapM_ (updatePackageIfRequired package)
@ -427,10 +433,10 @@ main = do
maybe (pure ()) Text.IO.putStrLn latestVersion
executeCommand = \case
CategoryCommand _packageName -> do
CategoryCommand -> do
repository' <- SlackBuilderT $ asks repository
categories <- liftIO $ findCategory repository'
liftIO $ print $ splitFileName . makeRelative repository' <$> categories
pure Nothing
CheckCommand -> check >> pure Nothing
Up2DateCommand -> up2Date >> pure Nothing
Up2DateCommand packageName -> up2Date packageName >> pure Nothing
@ -16,13 +16,14 @@ import Options.Applicative
, info
, fullDesc
, subparser
, command,
, command
, optional
data SlackBuilderCommand
= CategoryCommand Text
= CategoryCommand
| CheckCommand
| Up2DateCommand
| Up2DateCommand (Maybe Text)
data PackagistArguments = PackagistArguments
{ vendor :: Text
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ slackBuilderCommand = subparser
<> command "check" (info checkCommand mempty)
<> command "up2date" (info up2DateCommand mempty)
categoryCommand = CategoryCommand
<$> argument str (metavar "PKGNAM")
categoryCommand = pure CategoryCommand
checkCommand = pure CheckCommand
up2DateCommand = pure Up2DateCommand
up2DateCommand = Up2DateCommand
<$> optional (argument str (metavar "PKGNAM"))
@ -100,55 +100,3 @@ spec = do
given = PackageInfo
"pkgnam" "1.2.3" "homepage" downloads' checksumSample [] [] [] "Z" ""
in generate given `shouldBe` Text.decodeUtf8 infoDownload1
describe "updateDownloadVersion" $ do
it "replaces the version" $
let downloads' = maybeToList
$ mkURI ""
testPackage = PackageInfo
"pkgnam" "1.2.3" "homepage" downloads' checksumSample [] [] [] "Z" ""
expected = maybeToList
$ mkURI ""
actual = updateDownloadVersion testPackage "2.3.4" Nothing
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "updates the major version" $
let downloads' = maybeToList
$ mkURI ""
testPackage = PackageInfo
"pkgnam" "1.2.3" "homepage" downloads' checksumSample [] [] [] "Z" ""
expected = maybeToList
$ mkURI ""
actual = updateDownloadVersion testPackage "2.3.4" Nothing
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "updates gnome version" $
let downloads' = maybeToList
$ mkURI ""
testPackage = PackageInfo "gnome-calendar" "3.36.0" ""
downloads' checksumSample [] [] [] "Z" ""
expected = maybeToList
$ mkURI ""
actual = updateDownloadVersion testPackage "3.36.2" $ Just "3.36.4"
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "updates versions without a patch number" $
let downloads' = maybeToList
$ mkURI ""
testPackage = PackageInfo
"gnome-contacts" "3.36" "homepage" downloads' checksumSample [] [] [] "Z" ""
expected = maybeToList
$ mkURI ""
actual = updateDownloadVersion testPackage "3.36.2" Nothing
in actual `shouldBe` expected
describe "update" $
it "replaces the version" $
let downloads' = maybeToList
$ mkURI ""
testPackage = PackageInfo
"pkgnam" "1.2.3" "homepage" downloads' checksumSample [] [] [] "Z" ""
expected = PackageInfo
"pkgnam" "2.3.4" "homepage" downloads' checksumSample [] [] [] "Z" ""
given = update testPackage "2.3.4" downloads' checksumSample
in given `shouldBe` expected
Reference in New Issue
Block a user