Find the package category automatically
Some checks failed
Build / audit (push) Successful in 14m21s
Build / test (push) Failing after 5m36s

This commit is contained in:
Eugen Wissner 2024-02-17 14:15:01 +01:00
parent c8643a2fd4
commit 4c06ae274b
Signed by: belka
GPG Key ID: A27FDC1E8EE902C0
3 changed files with 87 additions and 68 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ module SlackBuilder.Package
( DownloadPlaceholder(..)
, Download(..)
, DownloadTemplate(..)
, Package(..)
, PackageDescription(..)
, PackageUpdateData(..)
, Maintainer(..)
, Updater(..)
, renderDownloadWithVersion
@ -23,13 +24,18 @@ import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow)
import Data.Map (Map)
-- | Contains information how a package can be updated.
data Package = Package
data PackageDescription = PackageDescription
{ latest :: Updater
, downloaders :: Map Text Updater
, category :: Text
, name :: Text
data PackageUpdateData = PackageUpdateData
{ description :: PackageDescription
, category :: Text
, version :: Text
-- | Download URI with the MD5 checksum of the target.
data Download = Download
{ download :: URI

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@ -26,13 +26,22 @@ import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT(..), asks)
import SlackBuilder.Download
import SlackBuilder.Package (Package(..))
import SlackBuilder.Package (PackageDescription(..), PackageUpdateData(..))
import qualified SlackBuilder.Package as Package
import Text.URI (URI(..), mkURI)
import Text.URI.QQ (uri)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..), for_, find)
import qualified Text.URI as URI
import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>), dropExtension, takeBaseName, makeRelative, splitFileName, takeDirectory, takeFileName)
import System.FilePath
( (</>)
, (<.>)
, dropExtension
, takeBaseName
, splitFileName
, takeDirectory
, takeFileName
, dropTrailingPathSeparator
import SlackBuilder.Info
import Text.Megaparsec (parse, errorBundlePretty)
import GHC.Records (HasField(..))
@ -55,10 +64,12 @@ import System.Directory (listDirectory, doesDirectoryExist, withCurrentDirectory
import Control.Monad (filterM)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, partition)
import Conduit (runConduitRes, (.|), sourceFile)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor(..))
autoUpdatable :: [Package]
autoUpdatable :: [PackageDescription]
autoUpdatable =
[ Package
[ PackageDescription
{ latest =
let ghArguments = PackageOwner{ owner = "universal-ctags", name = "ctags" }
templateTail =
@ -75,11 +86,10 @@ autoUpdatable =
, getVersion = reuploadWithTemplate template []
, is64 = False
, category = "development"
, name = "universal-ctags"
, downloaders = mempty
, Package
, PackageDescription
{ latest =
let packagistArguments = PackageOwner{ owner = "composer", name = "composer" }
template = Package.DownloadTemplate
@ -90,11 +100,10 @@ autoUpdatable =
, getVersion = downloadWithTemplate template
, is64 = False
, category = "development"
, name = "composer"
, downloaders = mempty
, Package
, PackageDescription
{ latest =
let ghArguments = PackageOwner
{ owner = "jitsi"
@ -109,11 +118,10 @@ autoUpdatable =
, getVersion = downloadWithTemplate template
, is64 = True
, category = "network"
, name = "jitsi-meet-desktop"
, downloaders = mempty
, Package
, PackageDescription
{ latest =
let ghArguments = PackageOwner
{ owner = "php"
@ -132,11 +140,10 @@ autoUpdatable =
, getVersion = downloadWithTemplate template
, is64 = False
, category = "development"
, name = "php82"
, downloaders = mempty
, Package
, PackageDescription
{ latest =
let ghArguments = PackageOwner
{ owner = "kovidgoyal"
@ -156,11 +163,10 @@ autoUpdatable =
, getVersion = reuploadWithTemplate template [RawCommand "go" ["mod", "vendor"]]
, is64 = False
, category = "system"
, name = "kitty"
, downloaders = mempty
, Package
, PackageDescription
{ latest =
let ghArguments = PackageOwner
{ owner = "rdiff-backup"
@ -177,11 +183,10 @@ autoUpdatable =
, getVersion = reuploadWithTemplate template []
, is64 = False
, category = "system"
, name = "rdiff-backup"
, downloaders = mempty
, Package
, PackageDescription
{ latest =
let needle = "Linux—"
textArguments = TextArguments
@ -199,11 +204,10 @@ autoUpdatable =
, getVersion = downloadWithTemplate template
, is64 = True
, category = "network"
, name = "webex"
, downloaders = mempty
, Package
, PackageDescription
{ latest =
let ghArguments = PackageOwner
{ owner = "librsync"
@ -220,11 +224,10 @@ autoUpdatable =
, getVersion = reuploadWithTemplate template []
, is64 = True
, category = "libraries"
, name = "librsync"
, downloaders = mempty
, Package
, PackageDescription
{ latest =
let textArguments = TextArguments
{ textURL = ""
@ -241,11 +244,10 @@ autoUpdatable =
, getVersion = downloadWithTemplate template
, is64 = False
, category = "development"
, name = "dmd"
, downloaders = mempty
, Package
, PackageDescription
{ latest =
let textArguments = TextArguments
{ textURL = ""
@ -259,7 +261,6 @@ autoUpdatable =
, getVersion = reuploadWithTemplate template []
, is64 = False
, category = "development"
, name = "d-tools"
, downloaders =
let dubArguments = PackageOwner{ owner = "dlang", name = "dub" }
@ -302,24 +303,31 @@ up2Date = \case
| otherwise -> throwM $ UpdaterNotFound packageName
go package = getAndLogLatest package
>>= mapM_ (updatePackageIfRequired package)
>>= mapM_ updatePackageIfRequired
>> liftIO (putStrLn "")
check :: SlackBuilderT ()
check = for_ autoUpdatable go
go package = getAndLogLatest package
>>= mapM_ (checkUpdateAvailability package)
>>= mapM_ checkUpdateAvailability
>> liftIO (putStrLn "")
getAndLogLatest :: Package -> SlackBuilderT (Maybe Text)
getAndLogLatest Package{ latest = Package.Updater{ detectLatest }, name }
= liftIO (putStrLn $ Text.unpack name <> ": Retreiving the latest version.")
>> detectLatest
getAndLogLatest :: PackageDescription -> SlackBuilderT (Maybe PackageUpdateData)
getAndLogLatest description = do
let PackageDescription{ latest = Package.Updater{ detectLatest }, name } = description
liftIO (putStrLn $ Text.unpack name <> ": Retreiving the latest version.")
detectedVersion <- detectLatest
category <- fmap Text.pack
<$> findCategory (Text.unpack name)
pure $ PackageUpdateData description
<$> category
<*> detectedVersion
checkUpdateAvailability :: Package -> Text -> SlackBuilderT (Maybe PackageInfo)
checkUpdateAvailability Package{..} version = do
let packagePath = Text.unpack category </> Text.unpack name </> (Text.unpack name <.> "info")
checkUpdateAvailability :: PackageUpdateData -> SlackBuilderT (Maybe PackageInfo)
checkUpdateAvailability PackageUpdateData{..} = do
let name' = Text.unpack $ getField @"name" description
packagePath = Text.unpack category </> name' </> (name' <.> "info")
repository' <- SlackBuilderT $ asks repository
infoContents <- liftIO $ ByteString.readFile $ repository' </> packagePath
@ -329,7 +337,7 @@ checkUpdateAvailability Package{..} version = do
liftIO $ do
setSGR [SetColor Foreground Dull Green]
$ name <> " is up to date (Version " <> version <> ")."
$ getField @"name" description <> " is up to date (Version " <> version <> ")."
setSGR [Reset]
pure Nothing
| otherwise ->
@ -337,7 +345,8 @@ checkUpdateAvailability Package{..} version = do
setSGR [SetColor Foreground Dull Yellow]
$ "A new version of "
<> name <> " " <> getField @"version" parsedInfoFile
<> getField @"name" description
<> " " <> getField @"version" parsedInfoFile
<> " is available (" <> version <> ")."
setSGR [Reset]
putStrLn ""
@ -345,10 +354,10 @@ checkUpdateAvailability Package{..} version = do
Left errorBundle -> liftIO (putStr $ errorBundlePretty errorBundle)
>> pure Nothing
updatePackageIfRequired :: Package -> Text -> SlackBuilderT ()
updatePackageIfRequired package version
= checkUpdateAvailability package version
>>= mapM_ (updatePackage package version)
updatePackageIfRequired :: PackageUpdateData -> SlackBuilderT ()
updatePackageIfRequired updateData
= checkUpdateAvailability updateData
>>= mapM_ (updatePackage updateData)
data DownloadUpdated = DownloadUpdated
{ result :: Package.Download
@ -443,19 +452,21 @@ reuploadWithTemplate downloadTemplate commands packagePath version = do
, child_group = Nothing
updatePackage :: Package -> Text -> PackageInfo -> SlackBuilderT ()
updatePackage Package{..} version info = do
let packagePath = category <> "/" <> name
updatePackage :: PackageUpdateData -> PackageInfo -> SlackBuilderT ()
updatePackage PackageUpdateData{..} info = do
let packagePath = category <> "/" <> getField @"name" description
latest' = getField @"latest" description
repository' <- SlackBuilderT $ asks repository
mainDownload <- (, getField @"is64" latest)
<$> getField @"getVersion" latest packagePath version
moreDownloads <- traverse (updateDownload packagePath) downloaders
mainDownload <- (, getField @"is64" latest')
<$> getField @"getVersion" latest' packagePath version
moreDownloads <- traverse (updateDownload packagePath)
$ getField @"downloaders" description
let (downloads64, allDownloads) = partition snd
$ mainDownload
: (liftA2 (,) (getField @"result") (getField @"is64") <$> toList moreDownloads)
let infoFilePath = repository' </> Text.unpack packagePath
</> (Text.unpack name <.> "info")
</> (Text.unpack (getField @"name" description) <.> "info")
package' = info
{ version = version
, downloads = getField @"download" . fst <$> allDownloads
@ -469,16 +480,26 @@ updatePackage Package{..} version info = do
commit packagePath version
findCategory :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
findCategory currentDirectory = do
contents <- liftIO $ listDirectory currentDirectory
case find (isSuffixOf ".info") contents of
Just _ -> pure [currentDirectory]
Nothing -> do
let contents' = (currentDirectory </>) <$> filter (not . isPrefixOf ".") contents
directories <- filterM doesDirectoryExist contents'
subCategories <- traverse findCategory directories
pure $ concat subCategories
findCategory :: FilePath -> SlackBuilderT (Maybe FilePath)
findCategory packageName = do
repository' <- SlackBuilderT $ asks repository
go repository' [] "" <&> fmap fst . find ((packageName ==) . snd)
go currentDirectory found accumulatedDirectory = do
let fullDirectory = currentDirectory </> accumulatedDirectory
contents <- liftIO $ listDirectory fullDirectory
case find (isSuffixOf ".info") contents of
Just _ ->
let result = first dropTrailingPathSeparator
$ splitFileName accumulatedDirectory
in pure $ result : found
Nothing ->
let accumulatedDirectories = (accumulatedDirectory </>)
<$> filter (not . isPrefixOf ".") contents
directoryFilter = liftIO . doesDirectoryExist
. (currentDirectory </>)
in filterM directoryFilter accumulatedDirectories
>>= traverse (go currentDirectory found) <&> concat
main :: IO ()
main = do
@ -491,10 +512,5 @@ main = do
maybe (pure ()) Text.IO.putStrLn latestVersion
executeCommand = \case
CategoryCommand -> do
repository' <- SlackBuilderT $ asks repository
categories <- liftIO $ findCategory repository'
liftIO $ print $ splitFileName . makeRelative repository' <$> categories
pure Nothing
CheckCommand -> check >> pure Nothing
Up2DateCommand packageName -> up2Date packageName >> pure Nothing

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@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ import Options.Applicative
data SlackBuilderCommand
= CategoryCommand
| CheckCommand
= CheckCommand
| Up2DateCommand (Maybe Text)
slackBuilderParser :: ParserInfo SlackBuilderCommand
@ -32,11 +31,9 @@ slackBuilderParser = info slackBuilderCommand fullDesc
slackBuilderCommand :: Parser SlackBuilderCommand
slackBuilderCommand = subparser
$ command "category" (info categoryCommand mempty)
<> command "check" (info checkCommand mempty)
$ command "check" (info checkCommand mempty)
<> command "up2date" (info up2DateCommand mempty)
categoryCommand = pure CategoryCommand
checkCommand = pure CheckCommand
up2DateCommand = Up2DateCommand
<$> optional (argument str (metavar "PKGNAM"))