Fail with a location for result coercion
The intermediate representation was further modified so that the operation definitions contain location information. Probably I should introduce a data type that generalizes fields and operations, so it contains object type, location and the selection set, so the functions don't accept so many arguments.
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.Sequence (Seq(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Language.GraphQL.AST.Document (Document, Name)
import qualified Language.GraphQL.AST.Document as Full
import Language.GraphQL.Execute.Coerce
import Language.GraphQL.Execute.Execution
import Language.GraphQL.Execute.Internal
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ import Language.GraphQL.Type.Schema
execute :: (MonadCatch m, VariableValue a, Serialize b)
=> Schema m -- ^ Resolvers.
-> Maybe Text -- ^ Operation name.
-> HashMap Name a -- ^ Variable substitution function.
-> Document -- @GraphQL@ document.
-> HashMap Full.Name a -- ^ Variable substitution function.
-> Full.Document -- @GraphQL@ document.
-> m (Either (ResponseEventStream m b) (Response b))
execute schema' operationName subs document =
case Transform.document schema' operationName subs document of
@ -40,20 +40,22 @@ executeRequest :: (MonadCatch m, Serialize a)
=> Transform.Document m
-> m (Either (ResponseEventStream m a) (Response a))
executeRequest (Transform.Document types' rootObjectType operation)
| (Transform.Query _ fields) <- operation =
Right <$> executeOperation types' rootObjectType fields
| (Transform.Mutation _ fields) <- operation =
Right <$> executeOperation types' rootObjectType fields
| (Transform.Subscription _ fields) <- operation
| (Transform.Query _ fields objectLocation) <- operation =
Right <$> executeOperation types' rootObjectType objectLocation fields
| (Transform.Mutation _ fields objectLocation) <- operation =
Right <$> executeOperation types' rootObjectType objectLocation fields
| (Transform.Subscription _ fields objectLocation) <- operation
= either singleError Left
<$> Subscribe.subscribe types' rootObjectType fields
<$> Subscribe.subscribe types' rootObjectType objectLocation fields
-- This is actually executeMutation, but we don't distinguish between queries
-- and mutations yet.
executeOperation :: (MonadCatch m, Serialize a)
=> HashMap Name (Type m)
=> HashMap Full.Name (Type m)
-> Out.ObjectType m
-> Full.Location
-> Seq (Transform.Selection m)
-> m (Response a)
executeOperation types' objectType fields =
runCollectErrs types' $ executeSelectionSet Definition.Null objectType fields
executeOperation types' objectType objectLocation fields
= runCollectErrs types'
$ executeSelectionSet Definition.Null objectType objectLocation fields
@ -117,41 +117,42 @@ completeValue :: (MonadCatch m, Serialize a)
completeValue (Out.isNonNullType -> False) _ Type.Null = pure null
completeValue outputType@(Out.ListBaseType listType) fields (Type.List list)
= traverse (completeValue listType fields) list
>>= coerceResult outputType . List
completeValue outputType@(Out.ScalarBaseType _) _ (Type.Int int) =
coerceResult outputType $ Int int
completeValue outputType@(Out.ScalarBaseType _) _ (Type.Boolean boolean) =
coerceResult outputType $ Boolean boolean
completeValue outputType@(Out.ScalarBaseType _) _ (Type.Float float) =
coerceResult outputType $ Float float
completeValue outputType@(Out.ScalarBaseType _) _ (Type.String string) =
coerceResult outputType $ String string
>>= coerceResult outputType (firstFieldLocation fields) . List
completeValue outputType@(Out.ScalarBaseType _) fields (Type.Int int) =
coerceResult outputType (firstFieldLocation fields) $ Int int
completeValue outputType@(Out.ScalarBaseType _) fields (Type.Boolean boolean) =
coerceResult outputType (firstFieldLocation fields) $ Boolean boolean
completeValue outputType@(Out.ScalarBaseType _) fields (Type.Float float) =
coerceResult outputType (firstFieldLocation fields) $ Float float
completeValue outputType@(Out.ScalarBaseType _) fields (Type.String string) =
coerceResult outputType (firstFieldLocation fields) $ String string
completeValue outputType@(Out.EnumBaseType enumType) fields (Type.Enum enum) =
let Type.EnumType _ _ enumMembers = enumType
Transform.Field _ _ _ _ location = NonEmpty.head fields
location = firstFieldLocation fields
in if HashMap.member enum enumMembers
then coerceResult outputType $ Enum enum
then coerceResult outputType location $ Enum enum
else addError null $ Error "Enum value completion failed." [location] []
completeValue (Out.ObjectBaseType objectType) fields result =
executeSelectionSet result objectType $ mergeSelectionSets fields
completeValue (Out.ObjectBaseType objectType) fields result
= executeSelectionSet result objectType (firstFieldLocation fields)
$ mergeSelectionSets fields
completeValue (Out.InterfaceBaseType interfaceType) fields result
| Type.Object objectMap <- result = do
let abstractType = Internal.AbstractInterfaceType interfaceType
let Transform.Field _ _ _ _ location = NonEmpty.head fields
let location = firstFieldLocation fields
concreteType <- resolveAbstractType abstractType objectMap
case concreteType of
Just objectType -> executeSelectionSet result objectType
Just objectType -> executeSelectionSet result objectType location
$ mergeSelectionSets fields
Nothing -> addError null
$ Error "Interface value completion failed." [location] []
completeValue (Out.UnionBaseType unionType) fields result
| Type.Object objectMap <- result = do
let abstractType = Internal.AbstractUnionType unionType
let Transform.Field _ _ _ _ location = NonEmpty.head fields
let location = firstFieldLocation fields
concreteType <- resolveAbstractType abstractType objectMap
case concreteType of
Just objectType -> executeSelectionSet result objectType
$ mergeSelectionSets fields
location $ mergeSelectionSets fields
Nothing -> addError null
$ Error "Union value completion failed." [location] []
completeValue _ (Transform.Field _ _ _ _ location :| _) _ =
@ -165,13 +166,18 @@ mergeSelectionSets = foldr forEach mempty
forEach (Transform.Field _ _ _ fieldSelectionSet _) selectionSet =
selectionSet <> fieldSelectionSet
firstFieldLocation :: MonadCatch m => NonEmpty (Transform.Field m) -> Full.Location
firstFieldLocation (Transform.Field _ _ _ _ fieldLocation :| _) = fieldLocation
coerceResult :: (MonadCatch m, Serialize a)
=> Out.Type m
-> Full.Location
-> Output a
-> CollectErrsT m a
coerceResult outputType result
coerceResult outputType parentLocation result
| Just serialized <- serialize outputType result = pure serialized
| otherwise = addError null $ Error "Result coercion failed." [] []
| otherwise = addError null
$ Error "Result coercion failed." [parentLocation] []
-- | Takes an 'Out.ObjectType' and a list of 'Transform.Selection's and applies
-- each field to each 'Transform.Selection'. Resolves into a value containing
@ -179,12 +185,14 @@ coerceResult outputType result
executeSelectionSet :: (MonadCatch m, Serialize a)
=> Type.Value
-> Out.ObjectType m
-> Full.Location
-> Seq (Transform.Selection m)
-> CollectErrsT m a
executeSelectionSet result objectType@(Out.ObjectType _ _ _ resolvers) selectionSet = do
executeSelectionSet result objectType@(Out.ObjectType _ _ _ resolvers) objectLocation selectionSet = do
let fields = collectFields objectType selectionSet
resolvedValues <- OrderedMap.traverseMaybe forEach fields
coerceResult (Out.NonNullObjectType objectType) $ Object resolvedValues
coerceResult (Out.NonNullObjectType objectType) objectLocation
$ Object resolvedValues
forEach fields@(field :| _) =
let Transform.Field _ name _ _ _ = field
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Sequence (Seq(..))
import Language.GraphQL.AST (Name)
import qualified Language.GraphQL.AST as Full
import Language.GraphQL.Execute.Coerce
import Language.GraphQL.Execute.Execution
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Execute.OrderedMap as OrderedMap
@ -27,26 +27,31 @@ import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Out as Out
import Language.GraphQL.Type.Schema
subscribe :: (MonadCatch m, Serialize a)
=> HashMap Name (Type m)
=> HashMap Full.Name (Type m)
-> Out.ObjectType m
-> Full.Location
-> Seq (Transform.Selection m)
-> m (Either String (ResponseEventStream m a))
subscribe types' objectType fields = do
subscribe types' objectType objectLocation fields = do
sourceStream <- createSourceEventStream types' objectType fields
traverse (mapSourceToResponseEvent types' objectType fields) sourceStream
let traverser =
mapSourceToResponseEvent types' objectType objectLocation fields
traverse traverser sourceStream
mapSourceToResponseEvent :: (MonadCatch m, Serialize a)
=> HashMap Name (Type m)
=> HashMap Full.Name (Type m)
-> Out.ObjectType m
-> Full.Location
-> Seq (Transform.Selection m)
-> Out.SourceEventStream m
-> m (ResponseEventStream m a)
mapSourceToResponseEvent types' subscriptionType fields sourceStream = pure
mapSourceToResponseEvent types' subscriptionType objectLocation fields sourceStream
= pure
$ sourceStream
.| mapMC (executeSubscriptionEvent types' subscriptionType fields)
.| mapMC (executeSubscriptionEvent types' subscriptionType objectLocation fields)
createSourceEventStream :: MonadCatch m
=> HashMap Name (Type m)
=> HashMap Full.Name (Type m)
-> Out.ObjectType m
-> Seq (Transform.Selection m)
-> m (Either String (Out.SourceEventStream m))
@ -82,10 +87,12 @@ resolveFieldEventStream result args resolver =
executeSubscriptionEvent :: (MonadCatch m, Serialize a)
=> HashMap Name (Type m)
=> HashMap Full.Name (Type m)
-> Out.ObjectType m
-> Full.Location
-> Seq (Transform.Selection m)
-> Definition.Value
-> m (Response a)
executeSubscriptionEvent types' objectType fields initialValue =
runCollectErrs types' $ executeSelectionSet initialValue objectType fields
executeSubscriptionEvent types' objectType objectLocation fields initialValue
= runCollectErrs types'
$ executeSelectionSet initialValue objectType objectLocation fields
@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ data Selection m
-- | GraphQL has 3 operation types: queries, mutations and subscribtions.
data Operation m
= Query (Maybe Text) (Seq (Selection m))
| Mutation (Maybe Text) (Seq (Selection m))
| Subscription (Maybe Text) (Seq (Selection m))
= Query (Maybe Text) (Seq (Selection m)) Full.Location
| Mutation (Maybe Text) (Seq (Selection m)) Full.Location
| Subscription (Maybe Text) (Seq (Selection m)) Full.Location
-- | Single GraphQL field.
data Field m = Field
@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ data OperationDefinition = OperationDefinition
-- | Query error types.
data QueryError
@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ getOperation (Just operationName) operations
| Just operation' <- find matchingName operations = pure operation'
| otherwise = Left $ OperationNotFound operationName
matchingName (OperationDefinition _ name _ _ _) =
matchingName (OperationDefinition _ name _ _ _ _) =
name == Just operationName
coerceVariableValues :: Coerce.VariableValue a
@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ coerceVariableValues :: Coerce.VariableValue a
-> HashMap.HashMap Full.Name a
-> Either QueryError Type.Subs
coerceVariableValues types operationDefinition variableValues =
let OperationDefinition _ _ variableDefinitions _ _ = operationDefinition
let OperationDefinition _ _ variableDefinitions _ _ _ = operationDefinition
in maybe (Left CoercionError) Right
$ foldr forEach (Just HashMap.empty) variableDefinitions
@ -206,14 +207,14 @@ document schema operationName subs ast = do
, types = referencedTypes
case chosenOperation of
OperationDefinition Full.Query _ _ _ _ ->
OperationDefinition Full.Query _ _ _ _ _ ->
pure $ Document referencedTypes (Schema.query schema)
$ operation chosenOperation replacement
OperationDefinition Full.Mutation _ _ _ _
OperationDefinition Full.Mutation _ _ _ _ _
| Just mutationType <- Schema.mutation schema ->
pure $ Document referencedTypes mutationType
$ operation chosenOperation replacement
OperationDefinition Full.Subscription _ _ _ _
OperationDefinition Full.Subscription _ _ _ _ _
| Just subscriptionType <- Schema.subscription schema ->
pure $ Document referencedTypes subscriptionType
$ operation chosenOperation replacement
@ -238,10 +239,10 @@ defragment ast =
(operations, HashMap.insert name fragment fragments')
defragment' _ acc = acc
transform = \case
Full.OperationDefinition type' name variables directives' selections _ ->
OperationDefinition type' name variables directives' selections
Full.SelectionSet selectionSet _ ->
OperationDefinition Full.Query Nothing mempty mempty selectionSet
Full.OperationDefinition type' name variables directives' selections location ->
OperationDefinition type' name variables directives' selections location
Full.SelectionSet selectionSet location ->
OperationDefinition Full.Query Nothing mempty mempty selectionSet location
-- * Operation
@ -250,12 +251,12 @@ operation operationDefinition replacement
= runIdentity
$ evalStateT (collectFragments >> transform operationDefinition) replacement
transform (OperationDefinition Full.Query name _ _ sels) =
Query name <$> appendSelection sels
transform (OperationDefinition Full.Mutation name _ _ sels) =
Mutation name <$> appendSelection sels
transform (OperationDefinition Full.Subscription name _ _ sels) =
Subscription name <$> appendSelection sels
transform (OperationDefinition Full.Query name _ _ sels location) =
flip (Query name) location <$> appendSelection sels
transform (OperationDefinition Full.Mutation name _ _ sels location) =
flip (Mutation name) location <$> appendSelection sels
transform (OperationDefinition Full.Subscription name _ _ sels location) =
flip (Subscription name) location <$> appendSelection sels
-- * Selection
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ philosopherType = Out.ObjectType "Philosopher" Nothing []
, ("school", ValueResolver schoolField schoolResolver)
, ("interest", ValueResolver interestField interestResolver)
, ("majorWork", ValueResolver majorWorkField majorWorkResolver)
, ("century", ValueResolver centuryField centuryResolver)
firstNameField =
Out.Field Nothing (Out.NonNullScalarType string) HashMap.empty
@ -104,6 +105,9 @@ philosopherType = Out.ObjectType "Philosopher" Nothing []
$ HashMap.fromList
[ ("title", "Also sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen")
centuryField =
Out.Field Nothing (Out.NonNullScalarType int) HashMap.empty
centuryResolver = pure $ Float 18.5
workType :: Out.InterfaceType (Either SomeException)
workType = Out.InterfaceType "Work" Nothing []
@ -268,6 +272,22 @@ spec =
$ parse document "" "{ philosopher(id: true) { lastName } }"
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "gives location information for failed result coercion" $
let data'' = Aeson.object
[ "philosopher" .= Aeson.object
[ "century" .= Aeson.Null
executionErrors = pure $ Error
{ message = "Result coercion failed."
, locations = [Location 1 26]
, path = []
expected = Response data'' executionErrors
Right (Right actual) = either (pure . parseError) execute'
$ parse document "" "{ philosopher(id: \"1\") { century } }"
in actual `shouldBe` expected
context "Subscription" $
it "subscribes" $
let data'' = Aeson.object
Reference in New Issue
Block a user