Overhaul Schema DSL
Aside of making the definition of Schemas easier, it takes care of issues like nested aliases which previously wasn't possible. The naming of the DSL functions is still provisional.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,64 +2,41 @@
module Data.GraphQL.Execute (execute) where
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), pure)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Applicative (Alternative, empty)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.GraphQL.AST
import Data.GraphQL.Schema (Resolver, Schema(..))
import Data.GraphQL.Schema (Schema(..))
import qualified Data.GraphQL.Schema as Schema
:: (Alternative m, Monad m)
:: Alternative m
=> Schema m -> Schema.Subs -> Document -> m Aeson.Value
execute (Schema resolv) f doc = selectionSet f resolv =<< query doc
execute (Schema resolvm) subs =
fmap Aeson.toJSON . Schema.withFields resolvm . rootFields subs
query :: Alternative f => Document -> f SelectionSet
query (Document [DefinitionOperation (Query (Node _varDefs _ _ sels))]) = pure sels
query _ = empty
rootFields :: Schema.Subs -> Document -> [Field]
rootFields subs (Document [DefinitionOperation (Query (Node _varDefs _ _ sels))]) =
Schema.fields $ substitute subs <$> sels
rootFields _ _ = []
:: Alternative f
=> Schema.Subs -> Resolver f -> SelectionSet -> f Aeson.Value
selectionSet f resolv = fmap (Aeson.Object . fold)
. traverse (selection f resolv)
substitute :: Schema.Subs -> Selection -> Selection
substitute subs (SelectionField (Field alias name args directives sels)) =
SelectionField $ Field
-- TODO: Get rid of `catMaybes`, invalid arguments should raise an error
(catMaybes $ subsArg subs <$> args)
(substitute subs <$> sels)
substitute _ sel = sel
:: Alternative f
=> Schema.Subs -> Resolver f -> Selection -> f Aeson.Object
selection f resolv (SelectionField field@(Field alias name _ _ _)) =
fmap (HashMap.singleton aliasOrName)
$ Aeson.toJSON
<$> resolv (fieldToInput f field)
aliasOrName = if T.null alias then name else alias
selection _ _ _ = empty
-- * AST/Schema conversions
argument :: Schema.Subs -> Argument -> Maybe Schema.Argument
argument f (Argument n (ValueVariable (Variable v))) =
maybe Nothing (\v' -> Just (n, v')) $ f v
argument _ (Argument n (ValueInt v)) =
Just (n, Schema.ScalarInt $ fromIntegral v)
argument _ (Argument n (ValueString (StringValue v))) =
Just (n, Schema.ScalarString v)
argument _ _ = error "argument: not implemented yet"
fieldToInput :: Schema.Subs -> Field -> Schema.Input
fieldToInput f (Field _ n as _ sels) =
-- TODO: Get rid of `catMaybes`, invalid arguments should raise an error
Schema.InputField n (catMaybes $ argument f <$> as)
(fieldToInput f . selectionToField <$> sels)
selectionToField :: Selection -> Field
selectionToField (SelectionField x) = x
selectionToField _ = error "selectionField: not implemented yet"
-- TODO: Support different value types
subsArg :: Schema.Subs -> Argument -> Maybe Argument
subsArg subs (Argument n (ValueVariable (Variable v))) =
Argument n . ValueString . StringValue <$> subs v
subsArg _ arg = Just arg
@ -1,20 +1,46 @@
module Data.GraphQL.Schema where
module Data.GraphQL.Schema
( Schema(..)
, QueryRoot
, ResolverO
, ResolverM
, Output(..)
, Subs
, Scalar(..)
, withField
, withFieldFinal
, withFields
, withArgument
, outputTraverse
, fields
-- * Reexports
, Field
, Argument
) where
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.String (IsString(fromString))
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(toJSON))
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import qualified Data.Text as T (null)
import Data.GraphQL.AST
data Schema f = Schema (QueryRoot f)
type QueryRoot f = Resolver f
type QueryRoot f = ResolverM f
type Resolver f = Input -> f Output
-- TODO: Come up with a unique data type or better renaming
type ResolverM f = Field -> f (HashMap Text Output)
type ResolverO f = [Field] -> f Output
data Output = OutputObject (HashMap Text Output)
| OutputList [Output]
@ -22,12 +48,7 @@ data Output = OutputObject (HashMap Text Output)
| OutputEnum Text
deriving (Show)
type Argument = (Text, Scalar)
type Subs = Text -> Maybe Scalar
data Input = InputField Text [Argument] [Input]
deriving (Show)
type Subs = Text -> Maybe Text
-- TODO: GraphQL spec for Integer Scalar is 32bits
data Scalar = ScalarInt Int
@ -53,3 +74,38 @@ instance ToJSON Output where
toJSON (OutputScalar x) = toJSON x
toJSON (OutputEnum x) = toJSON x
-- * Helpers
withField :: Alternative f => Text -> ([Argument] -> ResolverO f) -> ResolverM f
withField n f (Field alias name' args _ sels) =
if n == name'
then HashMap.singleton aliasOrName <$> f args (fields sels)
else empty
aliasOrName = if T.null alias then name' else alias
withFieldFinal :: Alternative f => Text -> Output -> ResolverM f
withFieldFinal n o fld@(Field _ _ [] _ []) = withField n (\_ _ -> pure o) fld
withFieldFinal _ _ _ = empty
withFields :: Alternative f => ResolverM f -> ResolverO f
withFields f = fmap (OutputObject . fold) . traverse f
outputTraverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f Output) -> [a] -> f Output
outputTraverse f = fmap OutputList . traverse f
withArgument :: Text -> [Argument] -> Maybe Scalar
withArgument x [Argument n s] = if x == n then scalarValue s else Nothing
withArgument _ _ = Nothing
scalarValue :: Value -> Maybe Scalar
scalarValue (ValueInt x) = Just . ScalarInt $ fromIntegral x
scalarValue (ValueString (StringValue x)) = Just $ ScalarString x
scalarValue _ = Nothing
fields :: SelectionSet -> [Field]
fields = catMaybes . fmap field
field :: Selection -> Maybe Field
field (SelectionField x) = Just x
field _ = Nothing
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ data Droid = Droid
type Character = Either Droid Human
-- I don't think this is cumbersome enough to make it worth using lens.
-- I still don't think this is cumbersome enough to bring lens
id_ :: Character -> ID
id_ (Left x) = _id_ . _droidChar $ x
@ -128,7 +128,6 @@ threepio = Droid
artoo :: Character
artoo = Left artoo'
artoo' :: Droid
artoo' = Droid
{ _droidChar = CharCommon
@ -149,7 +148,6 @@ getHero _ = artoo
getHeroIO :: Int -> IO Character
getHeroIO = pure . getHero
getHuman :: Alternative f => ID -> f Character
getHuman = fmap Right . getHuman'
@ -171,3 +169,9 @@ getDroid' _ = empty
getFriends :: Character -> [Character]
getFriends char = catMaybes $ liftA2 (<|>) getDroid getHuman <$> friends char
getEpisode :: Alternative f => Int -> f Text
getEpisode 4 = pure "NEWHOPE"
getEpisode 5 = pure "EMPIRE"
getEpisode 6 = pure "JEDI"
getEpisode _ = empty
@ -18,12 +18,6 @@ import Test.StarWars.Schema
-- * Test
-- See https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js/blob/master/src/__tests__/starWarsQueryTests.js
testQuery :: Text -> Aeson.Value -> Assertion
testQuery q expected = graphql schema q @?= Just expected
testQueryParams :: Subs -> Text -> Aeson.Value -> Assertion
testQueryParams f q expected = graphqlSubs schema f q @?= Just expected
test :: TestTree
test = testGroup "Star Wars Query Tests"
[ testGroup "Basic Queries"
@ -148,24 +142,23 @@ test = testGroup "Star Wars Query Tests"
$ object [
"human" .= object ["name" .= ("Han Solo" :: Text)]
-- TODO: This test is directly ported from `graphql-js`, however do we want
-- to mimic the same behavior? Is this part of the spec? Once proper
-- exceptions are implemented this test might no longer be meaningful.
-- If the same behavior needs to be replicated, should it be implemented
-- when defining the `Schema` or when executing?
-- , testCase "Invalid ID" . testQueryParams
-- (\v -> if v == "id"
-- then Just "Not a valid ID"
-- else Nothing)
-- [r| query humanQuery($id: String!) {
-- human(id: $id) {
-- name
-- }
-- }
-- |]
-- $ object ["human" .= Aeson.Null]
, testCase "Luke with alias" . testQuery
, testCase "Invalid ID" $ testFailParams
(\v -> if v == "id"
then Just "Not a valid ID"
else Nothing)
[r| query humanQuery($id: String!) {
human(id: $id) {
-- TODO: This test is directly ported from `graphql-js`, however do we want
-- to mimic the same behavior? Is this part of the spec? Once proper
-- exceptions are implemented this test might no longer be meaningful.
-- If the same behavior needs to be replicated, should it be implemented
-- when defining the `Schema` or when executing?
-- $ object ["human" .= Aeson.Null]
, testCase "Luke aliased" . testQuery
[r| query FetchLukeAliased {
luke: human(id: "1000") {
@ -177,6 +170,28 @@ test = testGroup "Star Wars Query Tests"
"name" .= ("Luke Skywalker" :: Text)
, testCase "R2-D2 ID and friends aliased" . testQuery
[r| query HeroNameAndFriendsQuery {
hero {
friends {
friendName: name
$ object [
"hero" .= object [
"id" .= ("2001" :: Text)
, "name" .= ("R2-D2" :: Text)
, "friends" .= [
object ["friendName" .= ("Luke Skywalker" :: Text)]
, object ["friendName" .= ("Han Solo" :: Text)]
, object ["friendName" .= ("Leia Organa" :: Text)]
, testCase "Luke and Leia aliased" . testQuery
[r| query FetchLukeAndLeiaAliased {
luke: human(id: "1000") {
@ -196,3 +211,15 @@ test = testGroup "Star Wars Query Tests"
testQuery :: Text -> Aeson.Value -> Assertion
testQuery q expected = graphql schema q @?= Just expected
-- testFail :: Text -> Assertion
-- testFail q = graphql schema q @?= Nothing
testQueryParams :: Subs -> Text -> Aeson.Value -> Assertion
testQueryParams f q expected = graphqlSubs schema f q @?= Just expected
testFailParams :: Subs -> Text -> Assertion
testFailParams f q = graphqlSubs schema f q @?= Nothing
@ -1,17 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Test.StarWars.Schema where
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative (pure)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Control.Applicative (Alternative, empty)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), Alternative, empty)
import Data.GraphQL.Schema
@ -23,47 +13,43 @@ import Test.StarWars.Data
schema :: (Alternative m, Monad m) => Schema m
schema = Schema query
query :: (Alternative m, Monad m) => QueryRoot m
query (InputField "hero" args ins) = hero args ins
query (InputField "human" args ins) = human args ins
query (InputField "droid" args ins) = droid args ins
query _ = empty
query :: (Alternative m, Monad m) => ResolverM m
query fld =
withField "hero" hero fld
<|> withField "human" human fld
<|> withField "droid" droid fld
hero :: Alternative f => [Argument] -> [Input] -> f Output
hero :: Alternative f => [Argument] -> ResolverO f
hero [] = characterFields artoo
hero [("episode", ScalarInt n)] = characterFields $ getHero n
hero _ = const empty
hero args =
case withArgument "episode" args of
Just (ScalarInt n) -> characterFields $ getHero n
_ -> const empty
human :: (Alternative m, Monad m) => [Argument] -> [Input] -> m Output
human [("id", ScalarString i)] ins = flip characterFields ins =<< getHuman i
human _ _ = empty
human :: (Alternative m, Monad m) => [Argument] -> ResolverO m
human args flds =
case withArgument "id" args of
Just (ScalarString i) -> flip characterFields flds =<< getHuman i
_ -> empty
droid :: (Alternative m, Monad m) => [Argument] -> [Input] -> m Output
droid [("id", ScalarString i)] ins = flip characterFields ins =<< getDroid i
droid _ _ = empty
droid :: (Alternative m, Monad m) => [Argument] -> ResolverO m
droid args flds =
case withArgument "id" args of
Just (ScalarString i) -> flip characterFields flds =<< getDroid i
_ -> empty
episode :: Alternative f => Int -> f Output
episode 4 = pure $ OutputEnum "NEWHOPE"
episode 5 = pure $ OutputEnum "EMPIRE"
episode 6 = pure $ OutputEnum "JEDI"
episode _ = empty
characterField :: Alternative f => Character -> ResolverM f
characterField char fld =
withFieldFinal "id" (OutputScalar . ScalarString . id_ $ char) fld
<|> withFieldFinal "name" (OutputScalar . ScalarString . name $ char) fld
<|> withField "friends" friends' fld
<|> withField "appearsIn" appears' fld
friends' [] flds = outputTraverse (`characterFields` flds) $ getFriends char
friends' _ _ = empty
characterField :: Alternative f => Character -> Input -> f (HashMap Text Output)
characterField char (InputField "id" [] []) =
pure . HashMap.singleton "id" . OutputScalar . ScalarString . id_ $ char
characterField char (InputField "name" [] []) =
pure . HashMap.singleton "name" . OutputScalar . ScalarString . name $ char
characterField char (InputField "friends" [] ins) =
fmap (HashMap.singleton "friends" . OutputList)
. traverse (`characterFields` ins)
. getFriends
$ char
characterField char (InputField "appearsIn" [] []) =
fmap (HashMap.singleton "appearsIn" . OutputList)
. traverse episode
. appearsIn
$ char
characterField _ _ = empty
appears' [] [] = outputTraverse (fmap OutputEnum . getEpisode) $ appearsIn char
appears' _ _ = empty
characterFields :: Alternative f => Character -> [Input] -> f Output
characterFields char = fmap (OutputObject . fold) . traverse (characterField char)
characterFields :: Alternative f => Character -> ResolverO f
characterFields = withFields . characterField
Reference in New Issue
Block a user