enhance query errors
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ and this project adheres to
### Added
- quickCheck Parser test for arguments. Arbitrary instances for Language.GraphQL.AST.Document.
- Enhanced query error messages. Add tests for these cases.
## [] - 2021-12-26
### Added
@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ module Language.GraphQL.AST.Document
, Value(..)
, VariableDefinition(..)
, escape
, showVariableName
, showVariable
) where
import Data.Char (ord)
@ -339,6 +341,12 @@ data VariableDefinition =
VariableDefinition Name Type (Maybe (Node ConstValue)) Location
deriving (Eq, Show)
showVariableName :: VariableDefinition -> String
showVariableName (VariableDefinition name _ _ _) = "$" <> Text.unpack name
showVariable :: VariableDefinition -> String
showVariable var@(VariableDefinition _ type' _ _) = showVariableName var <> ":" <> " " <> show type'
-- ** Type References
-- | Type representation.
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ import Language.GraphQL.Error
, ResponseEventStream
import Prelude hiding (null)
import Language.GraphQL.AST.Document (showVariableName)
newtype ExecutorT m a = ExecutorT
{ runExecutorT :: ReaderT (HashMap Full.Name (Type m)) (WriterT (Seq Error) m) a
@ -190,32 +191,42 @@ data QueryError
tell :: Monad m => Seq Error -> ExecutorT m ()
tell = ExecutorT . lift . Writer.tell
operationNameErrorText :: Text
operationNameErrorText = Text.unlines
[ "Named operations must be provided with the name of the desired operation."
, "See https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/#sec-Language.Document description."
queryError :: QueryError -> Error
queryError OperationNameRequired =
Error{ message = "Operation name is required.", locations = [], path = [] }
let queryErrorMessage = "Operation name is required. " <> operationNameErrorText
in Error{ message = queryErrorMessage, locations = [], path = [] }
queryError (OperationNotFound operationName) =
let queryErrorMessage = Text.concat
[ "Operation \""
, Text.pack operationName
, "\" not found."
let queryErrorMessage = Text.unlines
[ Text.concat
[ "Operation \""
, Text.pack operationName
, "\" is not found in the named operations you've provided. "
, operationNameErrorText
in Error{ message = queryErrorMessage, locations = [], path = [] }
queryError (CoercionError variableDefinition) =
let Full.VariableDefinition variableName _ _ location = variableDefinition
let (Full.VariableDefinition _ _ _ location) = variableDefinition
queryErrorMessage = Text.concat
[ "Failed to coerce the variable \""
, variableName
, "\"."
[ "Failed to coerce the variable "
, Text.pack $ Full.showVariable variableDefinition
, "."
in Error{ message = queryErrorMessage, locations = [location], path = [] }
queryError (UnknownInputType variableDefinition) =
let Full.VariableDefinition variableName variableTypeName _ location = variableDefinition
let Full.VariableDefinition _ variableTypeName _ location = variableDefinition
queryErrorMessage = Text.concat
[ "Variable \""
, variableName
, "\" has unknown type \""
[ "Variable "
, Text.pack $ showVariableName variableDefinition
, " has unknown type "
, Text.pack $ show variableTypeName
, "\"."
, "."
in Error{ message = queryErrorMessage, locations = [location], path = [] }
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Language.GraphQL.Error
import Language.GraphQL.Execute (execute)
import Language.GraphQL.TH
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Schema as Schema
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type as Type
import Language.GraphQL.Type
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.In as In
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Out as Out
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ import Text.Megaparsec (parse)
import Schemas.HeroSchema (heroSchema)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Text as Text
data PhilosopherException = PhilosopherException
deriving Show
@ -182,7 +184,7 @@ quoteType = Out.ObjectType "Quote" Nothing []
quoteField =
Out.Field Nothing (Out.NonNullScalarType string) HashMap.empty
schoolType :: EnumType
schoolType :: Type.EnumType
schoolType = EnumType "School" Nothing $ HashMap.fromList
[ ("NOMINALISM", EnumValue Nothing)
, ("REALISM", EnumValue Nothing)
@ -190,12 +192,12 @@ schoolType = EnumType "School" Nothing $ HashMap.fromList
type EitherStreamOrValue = Either
(ResponseEventStream (Either SomeException) Value)
(Response Value)
(ResponseEventStream (Either SomeException) Type.Value)
(Response Type.Value)
execute' :: Document -> Either SomeException EitherStreamOrValue
execute' =
execute philosopherSchema Nothing (mempty :: HashMap Name Value)
execute philosopherSchema Nothing (mempty :: HashMap Name Type.Value)
spec :: Spec
spec =
@ -339,9 +341,59 @@ spec =
$ parse document "" "{ philosopher(id: \"1\") { firstLanguage } }"
in actual `shouldBe` expected
context "queryError" $ do
namedQuery name = "query " <> name <> " { philosopher(id: \"1\") { interest } }"
twoQueries = namedQuery "A" <> " " <> namedQuery "B"
startsWith :: Text.Text -> Text.Text -> Bool
startsWith xs ys = Text.take (Text.length ys) xs == ys
it "throws operation name is required error" $
let expectedErrorMessage :: Text.Text
expectedErrorMessage = "Operation name is required"
Right (Right (Response _ executionErrors)) = either (pure . parseError) execute' $ parse document "" twoQueries
Error msg _ _ = Seq.index executionErrors 0
in msg `startsWith` expectedErrorMessage `shouldBe` True
it "throws operation not found error" $
let expectedErrorMessage :: Text.Text
expectedErrorMessage = "Operation \"C\" is not found"
execute'' :: Document -> Either SomeException EitherStreamOrValue
execute'' = execute philosopherSchema (Just "C") (mempty :: HashMap Name Type.Value)
Right (Right (Response _ executionErrors)) = either (pure . parseError) execute''
$ parse document "" twoQueries
Error msg _ _ = Seq.index executionErrors 0
in msg `startsWith` expectedErrorMessage `shouldBe` True
it "throws variable coercion error" $
let data'' = Null
executionErrors = pure $ Error
{ message = "Failed to coerce the variable $id: String."
, locations =[Location 1 7]
, path = []
expected = Response data'' executionErrors
executeWithVars :: Document -> Either SomeException EitherStreamOrValue
executeWithVars = execute philosopherSchema Nothing (HashMap.singleton "id" (Type.Int 1))
Right (Right actual) = either (pure . parseError) executeWithVars
$ parse document "" "query($id: String) { philosopher(id: \"1\") { firstLanguage } }"
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "throws variable unkown input type error" $
let data'' = Null
executionErrors = pure $ Error
{ message = "Variable $id has unknown type Cat."
, locations =[Location 1 7]
, path = []
expected = Response data'' executionErrors
Right (Right actual) = either (pure . parseError) execute'
$ parse document "" "query($id: Cat) { philosopher(id: \"1\") { firstLanguage } }"
in actual `shouldBe` expected
context "Error path" $ do
let executeHero :: Document -> Either SomeException EitherStreamOrValue
executeHero = execute heroSchema Nothing (HashMap.empty :: HashMap Name Value)
executeHero = execute heroSchema Nothing (HashMap.empty :: HashMap Name Type.Value)
it "at the beggining of the list" $
let Right (Right actual) = either (pure . parseError) executeHero
Reference in New Issue
Block a user