Initial implementation of AST.Full -> AST.Core
This focused mainly on fragments.
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Data.GraphQL.Error
-- executed according to the given 'Schema'.
-- Returns the response as an @Aeson.@'Aeson.Value'.
graphql :: Alternative m => Schema m -> Text -> m Aeson.Value
graphql :: (Alternative m, Monad m) => Schema m -> Text -> m Aeson.Value
graphql = flip graphqlSubs $ const Nothing
-- | Takes a 'Schema', a variable substitution function and text
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ graphql = flip graphqlSubs $ const Nothing
-- query and the query is then executed according to the given 'Schema'.
-- Returns the response as an @Aeson.@'Aeson.Value'.
graphqlSubs :: Alternative m => Schema m -> Subs -> Text -> m Aeson.Value
graphqlSubs :: (Alternative m, Monad m) => Schema m -> Subs -> Text -> m Aeson.Value
graphqlSubs schema f =
either parseError (execute schema f)
. Attoparsec.parseOnly document
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
module Data.GraphQL.AST.Transform where
import Control.Applicative (empty)
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
-- import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Monoid (Alt(Alt,getAlt))
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
@ -20,7 +21,8 @@ type Name = Text
-- empty list is returned.
type Fragmenter = Name -> [Core.Field]
document :: Schema.Subs -> Full.Document -> Core.Document
-- TODO: Replace Maybe by Either CustomError
document :: Schema.Subs -> Full.Document -> Maybe Core.Document
document subs defs = operations subs fr ops
(fr, ops) = first foldFrags . partitionEithers . NonEmpty.toList $ defrag <$> defs
@ -28,6 +30,34 @@ document subs defs = operations subs fr ops
foldFrags :: [Fragmenter] -> Fragmenter
foldFrags fs n = getAlt $ foldMap (Alt . ($ n)) fs
-- * Operation
:: Schema.Subs
-> Fragmenter
-> [Full.OperationDefinition]
-> Maybe Core.Document
operations subs fr = NonEmpty.nonEmpty <=< traverse (operation subs fr)
:: Schema.Subs
-> Fragmenter
-> Full.OperationDefinition
-> Maybe Core.Operation
operation subs fr (Full.OperationSelectionSet sels) =
operation subs fr $ Full.OperationDefinition Full.Query empty empty empty sels
operation _subs fr (Full.OperationDefinition ot _n _vars _dirs sels) =
case ot of
Full.Query -> Core.Query <$> node
Full.Mutation -> Core.Mutation <$> node
node = traverse (hush <=< selection fr) sels
selection :: Fragmenter -> Full.Selection -> Maybe (Either [Core.Field] Core.Field)
selection fr (Full.SelectionField _fld) = Right <$> field fr _fld
selection fr (Full.SelectionFragmentSpread (Full.FragmentSpread n _dirs)) = Just . Left $ fr n
selection _ (Full.SelectionInlineFragment _) = error "Inline fragments not supported yet"
-- * Fragment replacement
-- | Extract Fragments into a single Fragmenter function and a Operation
@ -38,17 +68,14 @@ defrag (Full.DefinitionFragment fragDef) = Left $ fragmentDefinition fragDef
fragmentDefinition :: Full.FragmentDefinition -> Fragmenter
fragmentDefinition (Full.FragmentDefinition name _tc _dirs sels) name' =
if name == name' then NonEmpty.toList (selection <$> sels) else empty
-- TODO: Support fragments within fragments. Fold instead of map.
if name == name'
then either id pure =<< maybeToList =<< NonEmpty.toList (selection mempty <$> sels)
else empty
selection :: Full.Selection -> Core.Field
selection (Full.SelectionField _fld) = field _fld
selection (Full.SelectionFragmentSpread _) = error "Nested fragments not supported yet"
selection (Full.SelectionInlineFragment _) =
error "Inline fragments within fragments not supported yet"
field :: Full.Field -> Core.Field
field (Full.Field a n args _ sels) =
Core.Field a n (argument <$> args) (selection <$> sels)
field :: Fragmenter -> Full.Field -> Maybe Core.Field
field fr (Full.Field a n args _ sels) =
Core.Field a n (argument <$> args) <$> traverse (hush <=< selection fr) sels
argument :: Full.Argument -> Core.Argument
argument (Full.Argument n v) = Core.Argument n (value v)
@ -67,20 +94,5 @@ value (Full.ValueObject o) = Core.ValueObject (objectField <$> o)
objectField :: Full.ObjectField -> Core.ObjectField
objectField (Full.ObjectField n v) = Core.ObjectField n (value v)
-- * Operation
:: Schema.Subs
-> Fragmenter
-> [Full.OperationDefinition]
-> Core.Document
-- XXX: Replace `fromList` by proper error: at least a Query or Mutation
-- operation must be present
operations subs fr = NonEmpty.fromList . fmap (operation subs fr)
:: Schema.Subs
-> Fragmenter
-> Full.OperationDefinition
-> Core.Operation
operation _subs _fr _op = undefined
hush :: Either a b -> Maybe b
hush = either (const Nothing) Just
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- according to a 'Schema'.
module Data.GraphQL.Execute (execute) where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
import Control.Applicative (Alternative, empty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ import qualified Data.GraphQL.Schema as Schema
-- Returns the result of the query against the 'Schema' wrapped in a /data/ field, or
-- errors wrapped in an /errors/ field.
:: Alternative f
:: (Alternative f, Monad f)
=> Schema f -> Schema.Subs -> AST.Document -> f Aeson.Value
execute schema subs doc = document schema $ Transform.document subs doc
execute schema subs doc = document schema =<< maybe empty pure (Transform.document subs doc)
document :: Alternative f => Schema f -> AST.Core.Document -> f Aeson.Value
document schema (op :| [])= operation schema op
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