Fix resolvers returning a list in the reverse order
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ and this project adheres to
- Partial schema printing: schema definition encoder.
- `Semigroup` and `Monoid` instances for `AST.Document.Description`.
### Fixed
- Fix resolvers returning a list in the reverse order.
## [] - 2022-12-24
### Changed
- Removed deprecated `Language.GraphQL.Error` functions: `addErr`, `addErrMsg`,
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ test-suite graphql-test
hspec ^>= 2.9.1,
hspec ^>= 2.10.9,
hspec-expectations ^>= 0.8.2,
hspec-megaparsec ^>= 2.2.0,
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Typeable (cast)
@ -466,12 +467,12 @@ completeValue :: (MonadCatch m, Serialize a)
completeValue (Out.isNonNullType -> False) _ _ Type.Null =
pure null
completeValue outputType@(Out.ListBaseType listType) fields errorPath (Type.List list)
= foldM go (0, []) list >>= coerceResult outputType . List . snd
= foldM go Vector.empty list >>= coerceResult outputType . List . Vector.toList
go (index, accumulator) listItem = do
let updatedPath = Index index : errorPath
completedValue <- completeValue listType fields updatedPath listItem
pure (index + 1, completedValue : accumulator)
go accumulator listItem =
let updatedPath = Index (Vector.length accumulator) : errorPath
in Vector.snoc accumulator
<$> completeValue listType fields updatedPath listItem
completeValue outputType@(Out.ScalarBaseType _) _ _ (Type.Int int) =
coerceResult outputType $ Int int
completeValue outputType@(Out.ScalarBaseType _) _ _ (Type.Boolean boolean) =
@ -66,8 +66,9 @@ queryType :: Out.ObjectType IO
queryType = Out.ObjectType "Query" Nothing []
$ HashMap.fromList
[ ("philosopher", ValueResolver philosopherField philosopherResolver)
, ("genres", ValueResolver genresField genresResolver)
, ("throwing", ValueResolver throwingField throwingResolver)
, ("count", ValueResolver countField countResolver)
, ("sequence", ValueResolver sequenceField sequenceResolver)
philosopherField =
@ -75,15 +76,22 @@ queryType = Out.ObjectType "Query" Nothing []
$ HashMap.singleton "id"
$ In.Argument Nothing (In.NamedScalarType id) Nothing
philosopherResolver = pure $ Object mempty
genresField =
throwingField =
let fieldType = Out.ListType $ Out.NonNullScalarType string
in Out.Field Nothing fieldType HashMap.empty
genresResolver :: Resolve IO
genresResolver = throwM PhilosopherException
throwingResolver :: Resolve IO
throwingResolver = throwM PhilosopherException
countField =
let fieldType = Out.NonNullScalarType int
in Out.Field Nothing fieldType HashMap.empty
countResolver = pure ""
sequenceField =
let fieldType = Out.ListType $ Out.NonNullScalarType int
in Out.Field Nothing fieldType HashMap.empty
sequenceResolver = pure intSequence
intSequence :: Value
intSequence = Type.List [Type.Int 1, Type.Int 2, Type.Int 3]
musicType :: Out.ObjectType IO
musicType = Out.ObjectType "Music" Nothing []
@ -344,14 +352,14 @@ spec =
in sourceQuery `shouldResolveTo` expected
it "gives location information for failed result coercion" $
let data'' = Object $ HashMap.singleton "genres" Null
let data'' = Object $ HashMap.singleton "throwing" Null
executionErrors = pure $ Error
{ message = "PhilosopherException"
, locations = [Location 1 3]
, path = [Segment "genres"]
, path = [Segment "throwing"]
expected = Response data'' executionErrors
sourceQuery = "{ genres }"
sourceQuery = "{ throwing }"
in sourceQuery `shouldResolveTo` expected
it "sets data to null if a root field isn't nullable" $
@ -375,6 +383,12 @@ spec =
sourceQuery = "{ philosopher(id: \"1\") { firstLanguage } }"
in sourceQuery `shouldResolveTo` expected
it "returns list elements in the original order" $
let data'' = Object $ HashMap.singleton "sequence" intSequence
expected = Response data'' mempty
sourceQuery = "{ sequence }"
in sourceQuery `shouldResolveTo` expected
context "queryError" $ do
let namedQuery name = "query " <> name <> " { philosopher(id: \"1\") { interest } }"
twoQueries = namedQuery "A" <> " " <> namedQuery "B"
Reference in New Issue
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