Use sequences of selections
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,11 +34,14 @@ import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Sequence (Seq, (><))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Execute.Coerce as Coerce
import Language.GraphQL.Execute.OrderedMap (OrderedMap)
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Execute.OrderedMap as OrderedMap
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.In as In
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Out as Out
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type as Type
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Internal as Type.Internal
@ -131,13 +134,13 @@ data Operation = Operation
type SelectionSet = [Selection]
type SelectionSet = Seq Selection
data Selection
= FieldSelection Field
| FragmentSelection Fragment
data Argument = Argument Full.Name (Full.Node Value) Full.Location
data Argument = Argument Full.Name (Full.Node Input) Full.Location
data Field = Field
(Maybe Full.Name)
@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ data Field = Field
data Fragment = Fragment
(Type.Internal.CompositeType IO) SelectionSet Full.Location
data Value
data Input
= Variable Full.Name
| Int Int32
| Float Double
@ -157,12 +160,12 @@ data Value
| Boolean Bool
| Null
| Enum Full.Name
| List [Full.Node Value]
| List [Full.Node Input]
| Object [ObjectField]
data ObjectField = ObjectField
{ name :: Full.Name
, value :: Full.Node Value
, value :: Full.Node Input
, location :: Full.Location
@ -192,10 +195,10 @@ selectionSet :: Full.SelectionSet -> Transform SelectionSet
selectionSet = selectionSetOpt . NonEmpty.toList
selectionSetOpt :: Full.SelectionSetOpt -> Transform SelectionSet
selectionSetOpt = foldM go []
selectionSetOpt = foldM go Seq.empty
go accumulatedSelections currentSelection =
selection currentSelection <&> (accumulatedSelections ++)
selection currentSelection <&> (accumulatedSelections ><)
selection :: Full.Selection -> Transform SelectionSet
selection (Full.FieldSelection field') =
@ -209,7 +212,7 @@ maybeToSelectionSet :: forall a
. (a -> Selection)
-> Transform (Maybe a)
-> Transform SelectionSet
maybeToSelectionSet selectionType = fmap (maybe [] $ pure . selectionType)
maybeToSelectionSet selectionType = fmap (maybe Seq.empty $ pure . selectionType)
directives :: [Full.Directive] -> Transform (Maybe [Type.Directive])
directives = fmap Type.selection . traverse directive
@ -226,13 +229,13 @@ inlineFragment (Full.InlineFragment maybeCondition directives' selectionSet' loc
pure $ case transformedDirectives >> maybeFragmentType of
Just fragmentType -> Right
$ Fragment fragmentType transformedSelections location
Nothing -> Left []
Nothing -> Left Seq.empty
| otherwise = do
transformedSelections <- selectionSet selectionSet'
transformedDirectives <- directives directives'
pure $ if isJust transformedDirectives
then Left transformedSelections
else Left []
else Left Seq.empty
fragmentSpread :: Full.FragmentSpread -> Transform (Maybe Fragment)
fragmentSpread (Full.FragmentSpread spreadName directives' location) = do
@ -260,7 +263,6 @@ fragmentSpread (Full.FragmentSpread spreadName directives' location) = do
fragmentInserter replacement@Replacement{ visitedFragments } = replacement
{ visitedFragments = HashSet.insert spreadName visitedFragments }
field :: Full.Field -> Transform (Maybe Field)
field (Full.Field alias' name' arguments' directives' selectionSet' location') = do
transformedSelections <- selectionSetOpt selectionSet'
@ -309,7 +311,7 @@ directiveValue = \case
transformedValue <- directiveNode value
pure $ HashMap.insert name transformedValue accumulator
variableValue :: Full.Value -> Value
variableValue :: Full.Value -> Input
variableValue (Full.Variable name') = Variable name'
variableValue (Full.Int integer) = Int integer
variableValue (Full.Float double) = Float double
@ -327,7 +329,7 @@ variableValue (Full.Object objectFields) = Object $ objectField <$> objectFields
, location = location
node :: Full.Node Full.Value -> Full.Node Value
node :: Full.Node Full.Value -> Full.Node Input
node Full.Node{node = node', ..} = Full.Node (variableValue node') location
executeRequest :: Schema IO
@ -411,9 +413,39 @@ executeSelectionSet
-> Aeson.Object
-> Type.Subs
-> Aeson.Object
executeSelectionSet selections objectType _objectValue _variableValues =
let _groupedFieldSet = collectFields objectType selections
in mempty
executeSelectionSet selections objectType objectValue variableValues =
let groupedFieldSet = collectFields objectType selections
in OrderedMap.foldlWithKey' go mempty groupedFieldSet
Out.ObjectType _ _ _ resolvers = objectType
executeField' fields resolver =
executeField objectType objectValue fields resolver variableValues
go resultMap responseKey fields@(Field _ fieldName _ _ _ :| _) =
case HashMap.lookup fieldName resolvers of
Just resolver ->
let responseValue = executeField' fields resolver
in HashMap.insert responseKey responseValue resultMap
Nothing -> resultMap
executeField :: Out.ObjectType IO
-> Aeson.Object
-> NonEmpty Field
-> Out.Resolver IO
-> Type.Subs
-> Aeson.Value
executeField _objectType _objectValue fields fieldType _variableValues =
let _field'@(Field _ _fieldName inputArguments _ _) :| _ = fields
Out.Field _ _ argumentTypes = resolverField fieldType
_argumentValues = coerceArgumentValues argumentTypes inputArguments
in Aeson.Null
resolverField (Out.ValueResolver resolverField' _) = resolverField'
resolverField (Out.EventStreamResolver resolverField' _ _) = resolverField'
coerceArgumentValues :: HashMap Full.Name In.Argument
-> [Argument]
-> Either [Full.Location] Type.Subs
coerceArgumentValues _argumentDefinitions _argumentNodes = pure mempty
collectFields :: Out.ObjectType IO
-> SelectionSet
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