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{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-- | After the document is parsed, before getting executed the AST is
-- transformed into a similar, simpler AST. This module is responsible for
-- this transformation.
2019-07-14 05:58:05 +02:00
module Language.GraphQL.AST.Transform
( document
) where
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, asks, runReaderT)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
2019-10-19 10:00:25 +02:00
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Language.GraphQL.AST as Full
import qualified Language.GraphQL.AST.Core as Core
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Schema as Schema
-- | Associates a fragment name with a list of 'Core.Field's.
type Fragments = HashMap Core.Name (NonEmpty Core.Field)
data Replacement = Replacement
{ substitute :: Schema.Subs
, fragments :: Fragments
type TransformT a = ReaderT Replacement Maybe a
-- | Rewrites the original syntax tree into an intermediate representation used
-- for query execution.
document :: Schema.Subs -> Full.Document -> Maybe Core.Document
document subs doc =
(runReaderT (operations operations') . Replacement subs) =<< fragments'
(fragments', operations') = foldr (defrag subs) (Just HashMap.empty, [])
$ NonEmpty.toList doc
-- * Operation
2017-02-25 20:46:51 +01:00
-- TODO: Replace Maybe by MonadThrow CustomError
operations :: [Full.OperationDefinition] -> TransformT Core.Document
operations operations' = do
coreOperations <- traverse operation operations'
lift $ NonEmpty.nonEmpty coreOperations
operation :: Full.OperationDefinition -> TransformT Core.Operation
operation (Full.OperationSelectionSet sels) =
operation $ Full.OperationDefinition Full.Query mempty mempty mempty sels
-- TODO: Validate Variable definitions with substituter
operation (Full.OperationDefinition Full.Query name _vars _dirs sels) =
Core.Query name <$> appendSelection sels
operation (Full.OperationDefinition Full.Mutation name _vars _dirs sels) =
Core.Mutation name <$> appendSelection sels
selection ::
Full.Selection ->
TransformT (Either (NonEmpty Core.Selection) Core.Selection)
selection (Full.SelectionField fld) = Right . Core.SelectionField <$> field fld
selection (Full.SelectionFragmentSpread (Full.FragmentSpread name _)) = do
fragments' <- asks fragments
lift $ Left . fmap Core.SelectionField <$> HashMap.lookup name fragments'
selection (Full.SelectionInlineFragment fragment)
2019-10-07 21:03:07 +02:00
| (Full.InlineFragment (Just typeCondition) _ selectionSet) <- fragment
= Right
. Core.SelectionFragment
. Core.Fragment typeCondition
<$> appendSelection selectionSet
| (Full.InlineFragment Nothing _ selectionSet) <- fragment
= Left <$> appendSelection selectionSet
-- * Fragment replacement
-- | Extract fragments into a single 'HashMap' and operation definitions.
defrag ::
Schema.Subs ->
Full.Definition ->
(Maybe Fragments, [Full.OperationDefinition]) ->
(Maybe Fragments, [Full.OperationDefinition])
defrag _ (Full.DefinitionOperation op) (fragments', operations') =
(fragments', op : operations')
defrag subs (Full.DefinitionFragment fragDef) (Just fragments', operations') =
(runReaderT (fragmentDefinition fragDef) (Replacement subs fragments'), operations')
defrag _ _ (Nothing, operations') =
(Nothing, operations')
fragmentDefinition :: Full.FragmentDefinition -> TransformT Fragments
fragmentDefinition (Full.FragmentDefinition name _tc _dirs sels) = do
emitted <- emitValue
newValue <- lift $ traverse extractField emitted
fragments' <- asks fragments
lift . Just $ HashMap.insert name newValue fragments'
emitValue = do
selections <- traverse selection sels
pure $ selections >>= either id pure
extractField :: Core.Selection -> Maybe Core.Field
extractField (Core.SelectionField field') = Just field'
extractField _ = Nothing -- Fragments within fragments are not supported yet
field :: Full.Field -> TransformT Core.Field
field (Full.Field a n args _dirs sels) = do
arguments <- traverse argument args
selection' <- appendSelectionOpt sels
return $ Core.Field a n arguments selection'
argument :: Full.Argument -> TransformT Core.Argument
argument (Full.Argument n v) = Core.Argument n <$> value v
value :: Full.Value -> TransformT Core.Value
value (Full.Variable n) = do
substitute' <- asks substitute
lift $ substitute' n
value (Full.Int i) = pure $ Core.Int i
value (Full.Float f) = pure $ Core.Float f
value (Full.String x) = pure $ Core.String x
value (Full.Boolean b) = pure $ Core.Boolean b
value Full.Null = pure Core.Null
value (Full.Enum e) = pure $ Core.Enum e
value (Full.List l) =
Core.List <$> traverse value l
value (Full.Object o) =
Core.Object . HashMap.fromList <$> traverse objectField o
objectField :: Full.ObjectField -> TransformT (Core.Name, Core.Value)
objectField (Full.ObjectField n v) = (n,) <$> value v
appendSelectionOpt ::
Traversable t =>
t Full.Selection ->
TransformT [Core.Selection]
appendSelectionOpt = foldM go []
go acc sel = append acc <$> selection sel
append acc (Left list) = NonEmpty.toList list <> acc
append acc (Right one) = one : acc
2019-10-19 10:00:25 +02:00
appendSelection ::
NonEmpty Full.Selection ->
TransformT (NonEmpty Core.Selection)
appendSelection fullSelection = do
coreSelection <-appendSelectionOpt fullSelection
lift $ NonEmpty.nonEmpty coreSelection