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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | ToGraphQL and FromGraphQL typeclasses used for user-defined type
-- conversion.
module Language.GraphQL.Class
( FromGraphQL(..)
, ToGraphQL(..)
) where
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import qualified Data.Text.Read as Text.Read
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type as Type
fromGraphQLToIntegral :: Integral a => Type.Value -> Maybe a
fromGraphQLToIntegral (Type.Int value) = Just $ fromIntegral value
fromGraphQLToIntegral (Type.String value) =
case Text.Read.decimal value of
Right (converted, "") -> Just converted
_conversionError -> Nothing
fromGraphQLToIntegral _ = Nothing
-- | Instances of this typeclass can be converted to GraphQL internal
-- representation.
class ToGraphQL a where
toGraphQL :: a -> Type.Value
instance ToGraphQL Text where
toGraphQL = Type.String
instance ToGraphQL Int where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Int8 where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Int16 where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Int32 where
toGraphQL = Type.Int
instance ToGraphQL Int64 where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Word where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Word8 where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Word16 where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Word32 where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Word64 where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL a => ToGraphQL [a] where
toGraphQL = Type.List . fmap toGraphQL
instance ToGraphQL a => ToGraphQL (Vector a) where
toGraphQL = Type.List . toList . fmap toGraphQL
instance ToGraphQL a => ToGraphQL (Maybe a) where
toGraphQL (Just justValue) = toGraphQL justValue
toGraphQL Nothing = Type.Null
instance ToGraphQL Bool where
toGraphQL = Type.Boolean
2023-05-07 17:19:57 +02:00
instance ToGraphQL Float where
toGraphQL = Type.Float . realToFrac
instance ToGraphQL Double where
toGraphQL = Type.Float
-- | Instances of this typeclass can be used to convert GraphQL internal
-- representation to user-defined type.
class FromGraphQL a where
fromGraphQL :: Type.Value -> Maybe a
instance FromGraphQL Text where
fromGraphQL (Type.String value) = Just value
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
instance FromGraphQL Int where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Int8 where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Int16 where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Int32 where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Int64 where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Word where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Word8 where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Word16 where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Word32 where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Word64 where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL a => FromGraphQL [a] where
fromGraphQL (Type.List value) = traverse fromGraphQL value
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
instance FromGraphQL a => FromGraphQL (Vector a) where
fromGraphQL (Type.List value) = Vector.fromList
<$> traverse fromGraphQL value
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
instance FromGraphQL a => FromGraphQL (Maybe a) where
fromGraphQL Type.Null = Just Nothing
fromGraphQL value = Just <$> fromGraphQL value
instance FromGraphQL Bool where
fromGraphQL (Type.Boolean value) = Just value
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
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instance FromGraphQL Float where
fromGraphQL (Type.Float value) = Just $ realToFrac value
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
instance FromGraphQL Double where
fromGraphQL (Type.Float value) = Just value
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing