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{- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | ToGraphQL and FromGraphQL typeclasses used for user-defined type
-- conversion.
module Language.GraphQL.Class
( FromGraphQL(..)
, ToGraphQL(..)
) where
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.Text (Text)
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import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
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import qualified Data.Text.Read as Text.Read
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type as Type
fromGraphQLToIntegral :: Integral a => Type.Value -> Maybe a
fromGraphQLToIntegral (Type.Int value) = Just $ fromIntegral value
fromGraphQLToIntegral (Type.String value) =
case Text.Read.decimal value of
Right (converted, "") -> Just converted
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_conversionError -> Nothing
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fromGraphQLToIntegral _ = Nothing
-- | Instances of this typeclass can be converted to GraphQL internal
-- representation.
class ToGraphQL a where
toGraphQL :: a -> Type.Value
instance ToGraphQL Text where
toGraphQL = Type.String
instance ToGraphQL Int where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Int8 where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Int16 where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Int32 where
toGraphQL = Type.Int
instance ToGraphQL Int64 where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
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instance ToGraphQL Word where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Word8 where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Word16 where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Word32 where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Word64 where
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
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instance ToGraphQL a => ToGraphQL [a] where
toGraphQL = Type.List . fmap toGraphQL
instance ToGraphQL a => ToGraphQL (Vector a) where
toGraphQL = Type.List . toList . fmap toGraphQL
instance ToGraphQL a => ToGraphQL (Maybe a) where
toGraphQL (Just justValue) = toGraphQL justValue
toGraphQL Nothing = Type.Null
instance ToGraphQL Bool where
toGraphQL = Type.Boolean
-- | Instances of this typeclass can be used to convert GraphQL internal
-- representation to user-defined type.
class FromGraphQL a where
fromGraphQL :: Type.Value -> Maybe a
instance FromGraphQL Text where
fromGraphQL (Type.String value) = Just value
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
instance FromGraphQL Int where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Int8 where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Int16 where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Int32 where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Int64 where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
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instance FromGraphQL Word where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Word8 where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Word16 where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Word32 where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Word64 where
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
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instance FromGraphQL a => FromGraphQL [a] where
fromGraphQL (Type.List value) = traverse fromGraphQL value
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
instance FromGraphQL a => FromGraphQL (Vector a) where
fromGraphQL (Type.List value) = Vector.fromList
<$> traverse fromGraphQL value
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
instance FromGraphQL a => FromGraphQL (Maybe a) where
fromGraphQL Type.Null = Just Nothing
fromGraphQL value = Just <$> fromGraphQL value
instance FromGraphQL Bool where
fromGraphQL (Type.Boolean value) = Just value
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing