Add an option for dumping a single table
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# TrueType font parser.
# TrueType font parser
Fountainhead is a TrueType and OpenType font parser. Its main
purpose is to extract information from the fonts to help to
@ -10,24 +10,27 @@ There is also an executable to dump fonts.
## Installation
Add the library as dependency to your project.
Alternatively build and run the executable with:
Alternatively build an executable with:
cabal build
The binary can be executed with:
The binary can be run with:
cabal run fountainhead --
cabal run fountainhead -- myfont.ttf
or installed locally and executed just as:
fountainhead myfont.ttf
This command will output the contents of the font in a format similar to
ttfdump from TeXLive.
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module Graphics.Fountainhead
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Graphics.Fountainhead.Dumper (dumpTables, DumpError(..))
import Graphics.Fountainhead.Dumper (dumpTable, dumpTables, DumpError(..))
import Graphics.Fountainhead.Parser (ParseErrorBundle, fontDirectoryP)
import Graphics.Fountainhead.TrueType (FontDirectory(..))
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ parseFontDirectoryFromFile fontFile =
in Megaparsec.runParser' fontDirectoryP initialState
dumpFontFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either DumpError Text.Builder.Builder)
dumpFontFile fontFile = do
dumpFontFile :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> IO (Either DumpError Text.Builder.Builder)
dumpFontFile fontFile tableName = do
let dumpRequest = maybe dumpTables dumpTable tableName
(processedState, initialResult) <- parseFontDirectoryFromFile fontFile
pure $ first DumpParseError initialResult >>= dumpTables processedState
pure $ first DumpParseError initialResult >>= dumpRequest processedState
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
module Graphics.Fountainhead.Dumper
( DumpError(..)
, dumpCmap
, dumpGASP
, dumpGlyf
, dumpHead
, dumpHmtx
@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ module Graphics.Fountainhead.Dumper
, dumpMaxp
, dumpOs2
, dumpPost
, dumpTable
, dumpTables
, dumpTrueType
, dumpOffsetTable
@ -95,7 +97,9 @@ import Graphics.Fountainhead.TrueType
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec
import Graphics.Fountainhead.Parser
( fontDirectoryP
( ParseErrorBundle
, ParseState
, fontDirectoryP
, parseTable
, cmapTableP
, headTableP
@ -128,6 +132,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (repeat)
data DumpError
= DumpParseError (Megaparsec.ParseErrorBundle ByteString Void)
| DumpRequiredTableMissingError String
| DumpRequestedTableMissingError String
deriving Eq
instance Show DumpError
@ -135,6 +140,8 @@ instance Show DumpError
show (DumpParseError errorBundle) = Megaparsec.errorBundlePretty errorBundle
show (DumpRequiredTableMissingError tableName) =
"Required table " <> tableName <> " is missing."
show (DumpRequestedTableMissingError tableName) =
"Requested table " <> tableName <> " is missing."
data RequiredTables = RequiredTables
{ hheaTable :: HheaTable
@ -785,53 +792,78 @@ dumpGlyf (GlyfTable glyfDescriptions) = dumpCaption "'glyf' Table - Glyf data"
= "(" <> justifyNumber 7 coordinateX <> ", "
<> justifyNumber 7 coordinateY <> ")"
:: String
-> ParseState
-> FontDirectory
-> Either DumpError Text.Builder.Builder
dumpTable needle processedState FontDirectory{..}
| Just neededTable <- find ((needle ==) . Char8.unpack . getField @"tag") tableDirectory
= parseRequired processedState tableDirectory
>>= maybe (pure mempty) (first DumpParseError)
. dumpSubTable processedState neededTable
| otherwise = Left $ DumpRequestedTableMissingError needle
:: Megaparsec.State ByteString Void
:: ParseState
-> FontDirectory
-> Either DumpError Text.Builder.Builder
dumpTables processedState directory@FontDirectory{..}
= parseRequired >>= traverseDirectory
= parseRequired processedState tableDirectory >>= traverseDirectory
traverseDirectory parsedRequired =
let initial = Right $ dumpOffsetTable directory
in foldl' (go parsedRequired) initial tableDirectory
parseRequired = do
requiredHhea <- findRequired "hhea" hheaTableP
requiredHead@HeadTable{ indexToLocFormat } <-
findRequired "head" headTableP
requiredLoca <- findRequired "loca" (locaTableP indexToLocFormat)
pure $ RequiredTables
{ hheaTable = requiredHhea
, headTable = requiredHead
, locaTable = requiredLoca
go _ (Left accumulator) _ = Left accumulator
go parsedRequired (Right accumulator) tableEntry
= maybe (Right accumulator) (concatDump accumulator . first DumpParseError)
$ dumpSubTable processedState tableEntry parsedRequired
concatDump accumulator builderDump = ((accumulator <> newlineBuilder) <>)
<$> builderDump
:: (Foldable t)
=> ParseState
-> t TableDirectory
-> Either DumpError RequiredTables
parseRequired processedState tableDirectory = do
requiredHhea <- findRequired "hhea" hheaTableP
requiredHead@HeadTable{ indexToLocFormat } <-
findRequired "head" headTableP
requiredLoca <- findRequired "loca" (locaTableP indexToLocFormat)
pure $ RequiredTables
{ hheaTable = requiredHhea
, headTable = requiredHead
, locaTable = requiredLoca
findRequired tableName parser =
let missingError = Left $ DumpRequiredTableMissingError tableName
parseFound tableEntry = parseTable tableEntry parser processedState
in maybe missingError (first DumpParseError . parseFound)
$ find ((== Char8.pack tableName) . getField @"tag") tableDirectory
go _ (Left accumulator) _ = Left accumulator
go parsedRequired (Right accumulator) tableEntry
= maybe (Right accumulator) (concatDump accumulator . first DumpParseError)
$ dumpSubTable parsedRequired tableEntry
concatDump accumulator builderDump = ((accumulator <> newlineBuilder) <>)
<$> builderDump
dumpSubTable RequiredTables{..} tableEntry =
case getField @"tag" tableEntry of
"cmap" -> Just $ dumpCmap <$> parseTable tableEntry cmapTableP processedState
"head" -> Just $ Right $ dumpHead headTable
"hhea" -> Just $ Right $ dumpHhea hheaTable
"hmtx" -> Just $ dumpHmtx
<$> parseTable tableEntry (hmtxTableP $ getField @"numOfLongHorMetrics" hheaTable) processedState
"loca" -> Just $ Right $ dumpLoca locaTable
"maxp" -> Just $ dumpMaxp <$> parseTable tableEntry maxpTableP processedState
"name" -> Just $ dumpName <$> parseTable tableEntry nameTableP processedState
"post" -> Just $ dumpPost <$> parseTable tableEntry postTableP processedState
"OS/2" -> Just $ dumpOs2 <$> parseTable tableEntry os2TableP processedState
"cvt " -> Just $ dumpCVTable <$> parseTable tableEntry cvTableP processedState
"gasp" -> Just $ dumpGASP <$> parseTable tableEntry gaspTableP processedState
"glyf" -> Just $ dumpGlyf <$> parseTable tableEntry (glyfTableP locaTable) processedState
_ -> Nothing
:: ParseState
-> TableDirectory
-> RequiredTables
-> Maybe (Either ParseErrorBundle Text.Builder.Builder)
dumpSubTable processedState tableEntry RequiredTables{..} =
case getField @"tag" tableEntry of
"cmap" -> Just $ dumpCmap <$> parseTable tableEntry cmapTableP processedState
"head" -> Just $ Right $ dumpHead headTable
"hhea" -> Just $ Right $ dumpHhea hheaTable
"hmtx" -> Just $ dumpHmtx
<$> parseTable tableEntry (hmtxTableP $ getField @"numOfLongHorMetrics" hheaTable) processedState
"loca" -> Just $ Right $ dumpLoca locaTable
"maxp" -> Just $ dumpMaxp <$> parseTable tableEntry maxpTableP processedState
"name" -> Just $ dumpName <$> parseTable tableEntry nameTableP processedState
"post" -> Just $ dumpPost <$> parseTable tableEntry postTableP processedState
"OS/2" -> Just $ dumpOs2 <$> parseTable tableEntry os2TableP processedState
"cvt " -> Just $ dumpCVTable <$> parseTable tableEntry cvTableP processedState
"gasp" -> Just $ dumpGASP <$> parseTable tableEntry gaspTableP processedState
"glyf" -> Just $ dumpGlyf <$> parseTable tableEntry (glyfTableP locaTable) processedState
_ -> Nothing
dumpTrueType :: ByteString -> FilePath -> Either DumpError Text.Builder.Builder
dumpTrueType ttfContents fontFile =
@ -3,27 +3,66 @@
obtain one at -}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Graphics.Fountainhead.Metrics
( FontMetrics(..)
, afmFontMetrics
( FontBBox(..)
, FontDescriptor(..)
, Number
, FontDescriptorFlag(..)
) where
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Text.Builder
import Data.Version (Version(..), showVersion)
import Graphics.Fountainhead.Type (newlineBuilder)
import Data.Text (Text)
newtype FontMetrics = FontMetrics
{ version :: Version
type Number = Double
data FontDescriptorFlag
= FixedPitch
| Serif
| Symbolic
| Script
| Nonsymbolic
| Italic
| AllCap
| SmallCap
| ForceBold
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Enum FontDescriptorFlag
toEnum 1 = FixedPitch
toEnum 2 = Serif
toEnum 3 = Symbolic
toEnum 4 = Script
toEnum 6 = Nonsymbolic
toEnum 7 = Italic
toEnum 17 = AllCap
toEnum 18 = SmallCap
toEnum 19 = ForceBold
toEnum _ = error "Font description flag is not supported."
fromEnum FixedPitch = 1
fromEnum Serif = 2
fromEnum Symbolic = 3
fromEnum Script = 4
fromEnum Nonsymbolic = 6
fromEnum Italic = 7
fromEnum AllCap = 17
fromEnum SmallCap = 18
fromEnum ForceBold = 19
data FontBBox = FontBBox Number Number Number Number
deriving (Eq, Show)
data FontDescriptor = FontDescriptor
{ fontName :: Text
, flags :: [FontDescriptorFlag]
, fullName :: Text
, familyName :: Text
, weight :: Text
, fontBBox :: FontBBox
, version :: Text
, notice :: Text
, encodingScheme :: Text
, isFixedPitch :: Bool
, ascender :: Number
, descender :: Number
} deriving (Eq, Show)
afmKeyString :: Text.Builder.Builder -> String -> Text.Builder.Builder
afmKeyString key value = key <> Text.Builder.singleton '\t'
<> Text.Builder.fromString value <> newlineBuilder
afmFontMetrics :: FontMetrics -> Text.Builder.Builder
afmFontMetrics FontMetrics{..}
= afmKeyString "StartFontMetrics" (showVersion version)
<> afmKeyString "Comment" "Generated by Fountainhead"
<> "EndFontMetrics" <> newlineBuilder
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
module Graphics.Fountainhead.Parser
( Parser
, ParseErrorBundle
, ParseState
, cmapTableP
, cvTableP
, f2Dot14P
@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Byte.Binary as Megaparsec.Binary
type Parser = Megaparsec.Parsec Void ByteString
type ParseErrorBundle = Megaparsec.ParseErrorBundle ByteString Void
type ParseState = Megaparsec.State ByteString Void
-- * Font directory
@ -953,7 +955,7 @@ fixedP = Fixed32 . fromIntegral <$> Megaparsec.Binary.word32be
:: TableDirectory
-> Parser a
-> Megaparsec.State ByteString Void
-> ParseState
-> Either ParseErrorBundle a
parseTable TableDirectory{ offset, length = length' } parser state = snd
$ Megaparsec.runParser' parser
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Main
( main
) where
@ -5,49 +6,49 @@ module Main
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Text.Builder
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as Text.Lazy
import Graphics.Fountainhead (dumpFontFile)
import System.Exit (exitWith)
import GHC.IO.Exception (ExitCode(..))
import Options.Applicative
( Parser
, ParserInfo(..)
( ParserInfo(..)
, (<**>)
, argument
, command
, execParser
, header
, help
, helper
, info
, long
, fullDesc
, metavar
, optional
, progDesc
, short
, str
, subparser
, strOption
data Operation
= Dump
| Afm
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Options = Options Operation FilePath
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Options = Options
{ tableName :: Maybe String
, fontFile :: FilePath
} deriving (Eq, Show)
operationOptions :: ParserInfo Options
operationOptions = info (options <**> helper) fullDesc
operationOptions = info (options <**> helper)
$ fullDesc
<> progDesc "Dumping the contents of a TrueType Font file."
<> header "fountainhead - font parser"
options = Options
<$> commands
<$> tableNameArgument
<*> argument str (metavar "FONTFILE")
commands = subparser
$ command "dump" (info (pure Dump) (progDesc "Dumping the contents of a TrueType Font file."))
<> command "afm" (info (pure Afm) (progDesc "Generating Adobe Font Metrics files for TrueType fonts."))
tableNameArgument = optional $ strOption
$ long "table"
<> short 't'
<> metavar "tablename"
<> help "Dump only the specified table. Otherwise dump all tables"
main :: IO ()
main = execParser operationOptions >>= handleArguments
handleArguments (Options Dump fontFile)
handleArguments Options{..}
= putStrLn ("Dumping File:" <> fontFile <> "\n\n")
>> dumpFontFile fontFile
>> dumpFontFile fontFile tableName
>>= either print (Text.Lazy.putStrLn . Text.Builder.toLazyText)
handleArguments (Options Afm _)
= putStrLn "The program expects exactly one argument, the font file path."
>> exitWith (ExitFailure 2)
Reference in New Issue
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