Modify the parser to save less outline flags

… than coordinates if the repeated value is given.
This commit is contained in:
Eugen Wissner 2024-01-30 09:38:03 +01:00
parent 22d37b0972
commit 1bcff4c519
Signed by: belka
GPG Key ID: A27FDC1E8EE902C0
4 changed files with 78 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ import Graphics.Fountainhead.TrueType
, Panose(..)
, SimpleGlyphDefinition(..)
, CVTable(..)
, OutlineFlag (..)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec
import Graphics.Fountainhead.Parser
@ -101,13 +102,14 @@ import Graphics.Fountainhead.Parser
, cvTableP
, glyfTableP
import Graphics.Fountainhead.Type (Fixed32(..), ttfEpoch)
import Graphics.Fountainhead.Type (Fixed32(..), succIntegral, ttfEpoch)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..), find)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Time (LocalTime(..), NominalDiffTime, diffLocalTime, midnight)
import Data.Bits (Bits(..), (.>>.))
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor(first))
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Prelude hiding (repeat)
data DumpError
= DumpParseError (Megaparsec.ParseErrorBundle ByteString Void)
@ -664,36 +666,41 @@ dumpGlyf (GlyfTable glyfDescriptions) = dumpCaption "'glyf' Table - Glyf data"
<> Text.Builder.decimal (Vector.length instructions) <> newlineBuilder
<> newlineBuilder <> " Flags" <> newlineBuilder
<> " -----" <> newlineBuilder
<> foldMap dumpFlag (Vector.indexed coordinates) <> newlineBuilder
<> fst (Vector.foldl' foldFlag ("", 0) flags) <> newlineBuilder
<> " Coordinates" <> newlineBuilder
<> " -----------" <> newlineBuilder
<> dumpCoordinates coordinates
<> fst (Vector.ifoldl' foldCoordinate mempty coordinates)
dumpGlyphDefinition _ = "" -- TODO
dumpFlag (coordinateIndex, GlyphCoordinate{..}) -- TODO
= " " <> justifyNumber 2 coordinateIndex <> ": "
<> (if onCurve then "On" else "Off")
<> newlineBuilder
dumpCoordinates coordinates =
let initial = ("", GlyphCoordinate 0 0 True)
in fst $ Vector.ifoldl' foldCoordinate initial coordinates
dumpFlag lineValue coordinateIndex
= " " <> justifyNumber 2 coordinateIndex <> lineValue
foldFlag :: (Text.Builder.Builder, Int) -> OutlineFlag -> (Text.Builder.Builder, Int)
foldFlag (accumulator, coordinateIndex) OutlineFlag{..} =
let lineValue = ": "
<> (if thisYIsSame then "YDual " else " ")
<> (if thisXIsSame then "XDual " else " ")
<> (if repeat > 0 then "Repeat " else " ")
<> (if yShortVector then "Y-Short " else " ")
<> (if xShortVector then "X-Short " else " ")
<> (if onCurve then "On" else "Off")
<> newlineBuilder
repeatN = succIntegral repeat
repeatedLines = fold
$ Vector.cons accumulator
$ dumpFlag lineValue
<$> Vector.enumFromN coordinateIndex repeatN
in (repeatedLines, coordinateIndex + repeatN)
:: (Text.Builder.Builder, GlyphCoordinate)
-> Int
-> GlyphCoordinate
-> (Text.Builder.Builder, GlyphCoordinate)
foldCoordinate (accumulator, absCoordinate) coordinateIndex relCoordinate =
let nextAbs = GlyphCoordinate
{ coordinateX = sumCoordinate (getField @"coordinateX") relCoordinate absCoordinate
, coordinateY = sumCoordinate (getField @"coordinateY") relCoordinate absCoordinate
, onCurve = getField @"onCurve" relCoordinate -- Not used.
let nextAbs = relCoordinate <> absCoordinate
newLine = " " <> justifyNumber 2 coordinateIndex
<> " Rel " <> dumpCoordinate relCoordinate
<> " -> Abs " <> dumpCoordinate nextAbs
<> newlineBuilder
in (accumulator <> newLine, nextAbs)
sumCoordinate getAxis relCoordinate absCoordinate =
getAxis relCoordinate + getAxis absCoordinate
dumpCoordinate GlyphCoordinate{..}
= "(" <> justifyNumber 7 coordinateX <> ", "
<> justifyNumber 7 coordinateY <> ")"

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@ -142,7 +142,12 @@ import Graphics.Fountainhead.TrueType
, VariationSelectorMap
, unLocaTable
import Graphics.Fountainhead.Type (F2Dot14(..), Fixed32(..), ttfEpoch)
import Graphics.Fountainhead.Type
( F2Dot14(..)
, Fixed32(..)
, succIntegral
, ttfEpoch
import Text.Megaparsec ((<?>))
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Byte.Binary as Megaparsec.Binary
@ -561,60 +566,62 @@ simpleGlyphDefinitionP numberOfContours' = do
instructions' <- vectorNP instructionLength
(Megaparsec.Binary.word8 <?> "simple glyph instruction")
flags' <- flagsP numberOfPoints mempty <?> "flags"
xs <- Vector.foldM (coordinateP xFlagPair) mempty flags'
ys <- Vector.foldM (coordinateP yFlagPair) mempty flags'
xs <- Vector.foldM (coordinatesP xFlagPair) mempty flags'
ys <- Vector.foldM (coordinatesP yFlagPair) mempty flags'
pure $ SimpleGlyphDefinition
{ endPtsOfContours = endPtsOfContours'
, instructions = instructions'
, coordinates = mkCoordinate <$> Vector.zip3 xs ys flags'
, flags = flags'
, coordinates = mkCoordinate <$> xs ys
mkCoordinate (x, y, OutlineFlag{ onCurve }) = GlyphCoordinate x y onCurve
mkCoordinate (x, y) = GlyphCoordinate x y
xFlagPair :: OutlineFlag -> (Bool, Bool)
xFlagPair OutlineFlag{ xShortVector, thisXIsSame } =
(xShortVector, thisXIsSame)
yFlagPair :: OutlineFlag -> (Bool, Bool)
yFlagPair OutlineFlag{ yShortVector, thisYIsSame } =
(yShortVector, thisYIsSame)
coordinateP :: Bool -> Bool -> Parser Int16
coordinateP True True = fromIntegral
<$> Megaparsec.Binary.word8
<?> "1 byte long positive coordinate"
coordinateP True False = negate . fromIntegral
<$> Megaparsec.Binary.word8
<?> "1 byte long negative coordinate"
coordinateP False False = Megaparsec.Binary.int16be
<?> "2 bytes long coordinate"
coordinateP False True = pure 0
:: (OutlineFlag -> (Bool, Bool))
-> Vector Int16
-> OutlineFlag
-> Parser (Vector Int16)
coordinateP get accumulator first =
case get first of
(True, True) -> Vector.snoc accumulator . fromIntegral
<$> Megaparsec.Binary.word8
<?> "1 byte long positive coordinate"
(True, False)
-> Vector.snoc accumulator . negate . fromIntegral
<$> Megaparsec.Binary.word8
<?> "1 byte long negative coordinate"
(False, False) -> Vector.snoc accumulator
<$> Megaparsec.Binary.int16be
<?> "2 bytes long coordinate"
(False, True) -> pure $ Vector.snoc accumulator 0
coordinatesP get accumulator first =
let parser = uncurry coordinateP $ get first
repeatN = succIntegral $ getField @"repeat" first
in (accumulator <>) <$> vectorNP repeatN parser
flagsP :: Int -> Vector OutlineFlag -> Parser (Vector OutlineFlag)
flagsP remaining accumulator
| remaining < 0 = pure accumulator
| otherwise = do
flag <- Megaparsec.Binary.word8 <?> "outline flags"
repeatN <-
if testBit flag 3
then fromIntegral
<$> Megaparsec.Binary.word8
<?> "flag repeat count"
else pure 0
let flag' = OutlineFlag
{ onCurve = testBit flag 0
, xShortVector = testBit flag 1
, yShortVector = testBit flag 2
, repeat = fromIntegral repeatN
, thisXIsSame = testBit flag 4
, thisYIsSame = testBit flag 5
repeatN <-
if testBit flag 3
then (1 +)
. fromIntegral
<$> Megaparsec.Binary.word8
<?> "flag repeat count"
else pure 1
flagsP (remaining - repeatN)
$ accumulator <> Vector.replicate repeatN flag'
flagsP (remaining - repeatN - 1)
$ Vector.snoc accumulator flag'
glyfTableP :: LocaTable -> Parser GlyfTable
glyfTableP locaTable
@ -871,7 +878,7 @@ cmapFormat2TableP = do
length' <- fromIntegral <$> Megaparsec.Binary.word16be
language' <- Megaparsec.Binary.word16be
subHeaderKeys' <- vectorNP 256 Megaparsec.Binary.word16be
let maxIndex = succ $ fromIntegral $ Vector.maximum $ fmap (`div` 8) subHeaderKeys'
let maxIndex = succIntegral $ Vector.maximum $ fmap (`div` 8) subHeaderKeys'
subHeaders' <- vectorNP maxIndex cmapFormat2SubheaderP
let glyphIndexLength = div (length' - 518 - maxIndex * 8) 2
glyphIndexArray' <- vectorNP glyphIndexLength Megaparsec.Binary.word16be

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@ -341,6 +341,8 @@ data SimpleGlyphDefinition = SimpleGlyphDefinition
{ endPtsOfContours :: Vector Word16
-- | Array of instructions for this glyph.
, instructions :: Vector Word8
-- Array of flags.
, flags :: Vector OutlineFlag
-- | Array of coordinates; the first is relative to (0,0), others are
-- relative to previous point.
, coordinates :: Vector GlyphCoordinate
@ -366,9 +368,19 @@ data ComponentGlyphFlags = ComponentGlyphFlags
data GlyphCoordinate = GlyphCoordinate
{ coordinateX :: Int16
, coordinateY :: Int16
, onCurve :: Bool
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Semigroup GlyphCoordinate
lhs <> rhs =
let GlyphCoordinate{ coordinateX = lhX, coordinateY = lhY } = lhs
GlyphCoordinate{ coordinateX = rhX, coordinateY = rhY } = rhs
in GlyphCoordinate{ coordinateX = lhX + rhX, coordinateY = lhY + rhY }
instance Monoid GlyphCoordinate
mempty = GlyphCoordinate 0 0
data ComponentGlyphPartDescription = ComponentGlyphPartDescription
{ flags :: ComponentGlyphFlags
, glyphIndex :: Word16
@ -383,6 +395,7 @@ data OutlineFlag = OutlineFlag
{ onCurve :: Bool
, xShortVector :: Bool
, yShortVector :: Bool
, repeat :: Word8
, thisXIsSame :: Bool
, thisYIsSame :: Bool
} deriving (Eq, Show)

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module Graphics.Fountainhead.Type
, Fixed32(..)
, FWord
, UFWord
, succIntegral
, ttfEpoch
) where
@ -27,3 +28,6 @@ type UFWord = Word16
ttfEpoch :: Day
ttfEpoch = fromOrdinalDate 1904 1
succIntegral :: Integral a => a -> Int
succIntegral = succ . fromIntegral