Eugen Wissner e24386402b Respect subscriptions in the executor
After the last commit there were a few places needed to be adjusted to
support subscriptions. This is done and a test case is added.

It is important to implement subscriptions now, because they require
changes to the library API, and they are a big missing part to finish
the executor. When the executor is finished, we can start to provide
more stable API without breaking everything every release. Validation
and introspection shouldn't require much changes to the API; AST would
require some changes to report good errors after the validation - this
is one thing I can think of.

Fixes #5.
2020-07-15 19:15:31 +02:00

120 lines
4.7 KiB

{- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Language.GraphQL.ExecuteSpec
( spec
) where
import Data.Aeson ((.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Language.GraphQL.AST (Name)
import Language.GraphQL.AST.Parser (document)
import Language.GraphQL.Error
import Language.GraphQL.Execute
import Language.GraphQL.Type as Type
import Language.GraphQL.Type.Out as Out
import Test.Hspec (Spec, context, describe, it, shouldBe)
import Text.Megaparsec (parse)
schema :: Schema Identity
schema = Schema
{ query = queryType
, mutation = Nothing
, subscription = Just subscriptionType
queryType :: Out.ObjectType Identity
queryType = Out.ObjectType "Query" Nothing []
$ HashMap.singleton "philosopher"
$ ValueResolver philosopherField
$ pure $ Type.Object mempty
philosopherField =
Out.Field Nothing (Out.NonNullObjectType philosopherType) HashMap.empty
philosopherType :: Out.ObjectType Identity
philosopherType = Out.ObjectType "Philosopher" Nothing []
$ HashMap.fromList resolvers
resolvers =
[ ("firstName", ValueResolver firstNameField firstNameResolver)
, ("lastName", ValueResolver lastNameField lastNameResolver)
firstNameField =
Out.Field Nothing (Out.NonNullScalarType string) HashMap.empty
firstNameResolver = pure $ Type.String "Friedrich"
= Out.Field Nothing (Out.NonNullScalarType string) HashMap.empty
lastNameResolver = pure $ Type.String "Nietzsche"
subscriptionType :: Out.ObjectType Identity
subscriptionType = Out.ObjectType "Subscription" Nothing []
$ HashMap.singleton "newQuote"
$ EventStreamResolver quoteField (pure $ Type.Object mempty)
$ pure $ yield $ Type.Object mempty
quoteField =
Out.Field Nothing (Out.NonNullObjectType quoteType) HashMap.empty
quoteType :: Out.ObjectType Identity
quoteType = Out.ObjectType "Quote" Nothing []
$ HashMap.singleton "quote"
$ ValueResolver quoteField
$ pure "Naturam expelles furca, tamen usque recurret."
quoteField =
Out.Field Nothing (Out.NonNullScalarType string) HashMap.empty
spec :: Spec
spec =
describe "execute" $ do
context "Query" $ do
it "skips unknown fields" $
let data'' = Aeson.object
[ "philosopher" .= Aeson.object
[ "firstName" .= ("Friedrich" :: String)
expected = Response data'' mempty
execute' = execute schema Nothing (mempty :: HashMap Name Aeson.Value)
actual = fromRight (singleError "")
$ runIdentity
$ either (pure . parseError) execute'
$ parse document "" "{ philosopher { firstName surname } }"
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "merges selections" $
let data'' = Aeson.object
[ "philosopher" .= Aeson.object
[ "firstName" .= ("Friedrich" :: String)
, "lastName" .= ("Nietzsche" :: String)
expected = Response data'' mempty
execute' = execute schema Nothing (mempty :: HashMap Name Aeson.Value)
actual = fromRight (singleError "")
$ runIdentity
$ either (pure . parseError) execute'
$ parse document "" "{ philosopher { firstName } philosopher { lastName } }"
in actual `shouldBe` expected
context "Subscription" $
it "subscribes" $
let data'' = Aeson.object
[ "newQuote" .= Aeson.object
[ "quote" .= ("Naturam expelles furca, tamen usque recurret." :: String)
expected = Response data'' mempty
execute' = execute schema Nothing (mempty :: HashMap Name Aeson.Value)
Left stream = runIdentity
$ either (pure . parseError) execute'
$ parse document "" "subscription { newQuote { quote } }"
Just actual = runConduitPure $ stream .| await
in actual `shouldBe` expected