Eugen Wissner ae2210f659 Support subscriptions
This is experimental support.
The implementation is based on conduit and is boring. There is a new
resolver data constructor that should create a source event stream. The
executor receives the events, pipes them through the normal execution
and puts them into the response stream which is returned to the user.

- Tests are missing.
- The executor should check field value resolver on subscription types.
- The graphql function should probably return (Either
  ResponseEventStream Response), but I'm not sure about this. It will
  make the usage more complicated if no subscriptions are involved, but
  with the current API implementing subscriptions is more
  difficult than it should be.
2020-07-14 19:37:56 +02:00

239 lines
7.0 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Test.FragmentSpec
( spec
) where
import Data.Aeson (object, (.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Text (Text)
import Language.GraphQL
import Language.GraphQL.Type
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Out as Out
import Test.Hspec
( Spec
, describe
, it
, shouldBe
, shouldNotSatisfy
import Text.RawString.QQ (r)
size :: (Text, Value)
size = ("size", String "L")
circumference :: (Text, Value)
circumference = ("circumference", Int 60)
garment :: Text -> (Text, Value)
garment typeName =
("garment", Object $ HashMap.fromList
[ if typeName == "Hat" then circumference else size
, ("__typename", String typeName)
inlineQuery :: Text
inlineQuery = [r|{
garment {
... on Hat {
... on Shirt {
hasErrors :: Aeson.Value -> Bool
hasErrors (Aeson.Object object') = HashMap.member "errors" object'
hasErrors _ = True
shirtType :: Out.ObjectType IO
shirtType = Out.ObjectType "Shirt" Nothing []
$ HashMap.fromList
[ ("size", sizeFieldType)
, ("circumference", circumferenceFieldType)
hatType :: Out.ObjectType IO
hatType = Out.ObjectType "Hat" Nothing []
$ HashMap.fromList
[ ("size", sizeFieldType)
, ("circumference", circumferenceFieldType)
circumferenceFieldType :: Out.Resolver IO
= Out.ValueResolver (Out.Field Nothing (Out.NamedScalarType int) mempty)
$ pure $ snd circumference
sizeFieldType :: Out.Resolver IO
= Out.ValueResolver (Out.Field Nothing (Out.NamedScalarType string) mempty)
$ pure $ snd size
toSchema :: Text -> (Text, Value) -> Schema IO
toSchema t (_, resolve) = Schema
{ query = queryType, mutation = Nothing }
unionMember = if t == "Hat" then hatType else shirtType
typeNameField = Out.Field Nothing (Out.NamedScalarType string) mempty
garmentField = Out.Field Nothing (Out.NamedObjectType unionMember) mempty
queryType =
case t of
"circumference" -> hatType
"size" -> shirtType
_ -> Out.ObjectType "Query" Nothing []
$ HashMap.fromList
[ ("garment", ValueResolver garmentField (pure resolve))
, ("__typename", ValueResolver typeNameField (pure $ String "Shirt"))
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Inline fragment executor" $ do
it "chooses the first selection if the type matches" $ do
actual <- graphql (toSchema "Hat" $ garment "Hat") inlineQuery
let expected = object
[ "data" .= object
[ "garment" .= object
[ "circumference" .= (60 :: Int)
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "chooses the last selection if the type matches" $ do
actual <- graphql (toSchema "Shirt" $ garment "Shirt") inlineQuery
let expected = object
[ "data" .= object
[ "garment" .= object
[ "size" .= ("L" :: Text)
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "embeds inline fragments without type" $ do
let sourceQuery = [r|{
garment {
... {
resolvers = ("garment", Object $ HashMap.fromList [circumference, size])
actual <- graphql (toSchema "garment" resolvers) sourceQuery
let expected = object
[ "data" .= object
[ "garment" .= object
[ "circumference" .= (60 :: Int)
, "size" .= ("L" :: Text)
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "evaluates fragments on Query" $ do
let sourceQuery = [r|{
... {
actual <- graphql (toSchema "size" size) sourceQuery
actual `shouldNotSatisfy` hasErrors
describe "Fragment spread executor" $ do
it "evaluates fragment spreads" $ do
let sourceQuery = [r|
fragment circumferenceFragment on Hat {
actual <- graphql (toSchema "circumference" circumference) sourceQuery
let expected = object
[ "data" .= object
[ "circumference" .= (60 :: Int)
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "evaluates nested fragments" $ do
let sourceQuery = [r|
garment {
fragment circumferenceFragment on Hat {
fragment hatFragment on Hat {
actual <- graphql (toSchema "Hat" $ garment "Hat") sourceQuery
let expected = object
[ "data" .= object
[ "garment" .= object
[ "circumference" .= (60 :: Int)
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "rejects recursive fragments" $ do
let expected = object
[ "data" .= object []
sourceQuery = [r|
fragment circumferenceFragment on Hat {
actual <- graphql (toSchema "circumference" circumference) sourceQuery
actual `shouldBe` expected
it "considers type condition" $ do
let sourceQuery = [r|
garment {
fragment circumferenceFragment on Hat {
fragment sizeFragment on Shirt {
expected = object
[ "data" .= object
[ "garment" .= object
[ "circumference" .= (60 :: Int)
actual <- graphql (toSchema "Hat" $ garment "Hat") sourceQuery
actual `shouldBe` expected