Eugen Wissner 09135c581a Constrain base monad to MonadCatch
Let's try MonadThrow/MonadCatch. It looks nice at a first glance. The
monad transformer stack contains only the ReaderT, less lifts are
required. Exception subtyping is easier, the user can (and should)
define custom error types and throw them. And it is still possible to
use pure error handling, if someone doesn't like runtime exceptions or
need to run a query in a pure environment.

Fixes #42.
2020-07-17 07:05:03 +02:00

205 lines
4.5 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Test.StarWars.Data
( Character
, StarWarsException(..)
, appearsIn
, artoo
, getDroid
, getDroid'
, getEpisode
, getFriends
, getHero
, getHuman
, id_
, homePlanet
, name_
, secretBackstory
, typeName
) where
import Control.Monad.Catch (Exception(..), MonadThrow(..), SomeException)
import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..), liftA2)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Typeable (cast)
import Language.GraphQL.Error
import Language.GraphQL.Type
-- * Data
-- See
-- ** Characters
type ID = Text
data CharCommon = CharCommon
{ _id_ :: ID
, _name :: Text
, _friends :: [ID]
, _appearsIn :: [Int]
} deriving (Show)
data Human = Human
{ _humanChar :: CharCommon
, homePlanet :: Text
data Droid = Droid
{ _droidChar :: CharCommon
, primaryFunction :: Text
type Character = Either Droid Human
id_ :: Character -> ID
id_ (Left x) = _id_ . _droidChar $ x
id_ (Right x) = _id_ . _humanChar $ x
name_ :: Character -> Text
name_ (Left x) = _name . _droidChar $ x
name_ (Right x) = _name . _humanChar $ x
friends :: Character -> [ID]
friends (Left x) = _friends . _droidChar $ x
friends (Right x) = _friends . _humanChar $ x
appearsIn :: Character -> [Int]
appearsIn (Left x) = _appearsIn . _droidChar $ x
appearsIn (Right x) = _appearsIn . _humanChar $ x
data StarWarsException = SecretBackstory | InvalidArguments
instance Show StarWarsException where
show SecretBackstory = "secretBackstory is secret."
show InvalidArguments = "Invalid arguments."
instance Exception StarWarsException where
toException = toException . ResolverException
fromException e = do
ResolverException resolverException <- fromException e
cast resolverException
secretBackstory :: Resolve (Either SomeException)
secretBackstory = throwM SecretBackstory
typeName :: Character -> Text
typeName = either (const "Droid") (const "Human")
luke :: Character
luke = Right luke'
luke' :: Human
luke' = Human
{ _humanChar = CharCommon
{ _id_ = "1000"
, _name = "Luke Skywalker"
, _friends = ["1002","1003","2000","2001"]
, _appearsIn = [4,5,6]
, homePlanet = "Tatooine"
vader :: Human
vader = Human
{ _humanChar = CharCommon
{ _id_ = "1001"
, _name = "Darth Vader"
, _friends = ["1004"]
, _appearsIn = [4,5,6]
, homePlanet = "Tatooine"
han :: Human
han = Human
{ _humanChar = CharCommon
{ _id_ = "1002"
, _name = "Han Solo"
, _friends = ["1000","1003","2001" ]
, _appearsIn = [4,5,6]
, homePlanet = mempty
leia :: Human
leia = Human
{ _humanChar = CharCommon
{ _id_ = "1003"
, _name = "Leia Organa"
, _friends = ["1000","1002","2000","2001"]
, _appearsIn = [4,5,6]
, homePlanet = "Alderaan"
tarkin :: Human
tarkin = Human
{ _humanChar = CharCommon
{ _id_ = "1004"
, _name = "Wilhuff Tarkin"
, _friends = ["1001"]
, _appearsIn = [4]
, homePlanet = mempty
threepio :: Droid
threepio = Droid
{ _droidChar = CharCommon
{ _id_ = "2000"
, _name = "C-3PO"
, _friends = ["1000","1002","1003","2001" ]
, _appearsIn = [ 4, 5, 6 ]
, primaryFunction = "Protocol"
artoo :: Character
artoo = Left artoo'
artoo' :: Droid
artoo' = Droid
{ _droidChar = CharCommon
{ _id_ = "2001"
, _name = "R2-D2"
, _friends = ["1000","1002","1003"]
, _appearsIn = [4,5,6]
, primaryFunction = "Astrometch"
-- ** Helper functions
getHero :: Int -> Character
getHero 5 = luke
getHero _ = artoo
getHuman :: ID -> Maybe Character
getHuman = fmap Right . getHuman'
getHuman' :: ID -> Maybe Human
getHuman' "1000" = pure luke'
getHuman' "1001" = pure vader
getHuman' "1002" = pure han
getHuman' "1003" = pure leia
getHuman' "1004" = pure tarkin
getHuman' _ = empty
getDroid :: ID -> Maybe Character
getDroid = fmap Left . getDroid'
getDroid' :: ID -> Maybe Droid
getDroid' "2000" = pure threepio
getDroid' "2001" = pure artoo'
getDroid' _ = empty
getFriends :: Character -> [Character]
getFriends char = catMaybes $ liftA2 (<|>) getDroid getHuman <$> friends char
getEpisode :: Int -> Maybe Text
getEpisode 4 = pure "NEW_HOPE"
getEpisode 5 = pure "EMPIRE"
getEpisode 6 = pure "JEDI"
getEpisode _ = empty