{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module Language.GraphQL.AST.EncoderSpec ( spec ) where import Language.GraphQL.AST import Language.GraphQL.AST.Encoder import Test.Hspec (Spec, context, describe, it, shouldBe, shouldStartWith, shouldEndWith, shouldNotContain) import Test.QuickCheck (choose, oneof, forAll) import Text.RawString.QQ (r) import Data.Text.Lazy (cons, toStrict, unpack) spec :: Spec spec = do describe "value" $ do context "null value" $ do let testNull formatter = value formatter Null `shouldBe` "null" it "minified" $ testNull minified it "pretty" $ testNull pretty context "minified" $ do it "escapes \\" $ value minified (String "\\") `shouldBe` "\"\\\\\"" it "escapes double quotes" $ value minified (String "\"") `shouldBe` "\"\\\"\"" it "escapes \\f" $ value minified (String "\f") `shouldBe` "\"\\f\"" it "escapes \\n" $ value minified (String "\n") `shouldBe` "\"\\n\"" it "escapes \\r" $ value minified (String "\r") `shouldBe` "\"\\r\"" it "escapes \\t" $ value minified (String "\t") `shouldBe` "\"\\t\"" it "escapes backspace" $ value minified (String "a\bc") `shouldBe` "\"a\\bc\"" context "escapes Unicode for chars less than 0010" $ do it "Null" $ value minified (String "\x0000") `shouldBe` "\"\\u0000\"" it "bell" $ value minified (String "\x0007") `shouldBe` "\"\\u0007\"" context "escapes Unicode for char less than 0020" $ do it "DLE" $ value minified (String "\x0010") `shouldBe` "\"\\u0010\"" it "EM" $ value minified (String "\x0019") `shouldBe` "\"\\u0019\"" context "encodes without escape" $ do it "space" $ value minified (String "\x0020") `shouldBe` "\" \"" it "~" $ value minified (String "\x007E") `shouldBe` "\"~\"" context "pretty" $ do it "uses strings for short string values" $ value pretty (String "Short text") `shouldBe` "\"Short text\"" it "uses block strings for text with new lines, with newline symbol" $ value pretty (String "Line 1\nLine 2") `shouldBe` [r|""" Line 1 Line 2 """|] it "uses block strings for text with new lines, with CR symbol" $ value pretty (String "Line 1\rLine 2") `shouldBe` [r|""" Line 1 Line 2 """|] it "uses block strings for text with new lines, with CR symbol followed by newline" $ value pretty (String "Line 1\r\nLine 2") `shouldBe` [r|""" Line 1 Line 2 """|] it "encodes as one line string if has escaped symbols" $ do let genNotAllowedSymbol = oneof [ choose ('\x0000', '\x0008') , choose ('\x000B', '\x000C') , choose ('\x000E', '\x001F') , pure '\x007F' ] forAll genNotAllowedSymbol $ \x -> do let rawValue = "Short \n" <> cons x "text" encoded = value pretty (String $ toStrict rawValue) shouldStartWith (unpack encoded) "\"" shouldEndWith (unpack encoded) "\"" shouldNotContain (unpack encoded) "\"\"\"" it "Hello world" $ value pretty (String "Hello,\n World!\n\nYours,\n GraphQL.") `shouldBe` [r|""" Hello, World! Yours, GraphQL. """|] it "has only newlines" $ value pretty (String "\n") `shouldBe` [r|""" """|] it "has newlines and one symbol at the begining" $ value pretty (String "a\n\n") `shouldBe` [r|""" a """|] it "has newlines and one symbol at the end" $ value pretty (String "\n\na") `shouldBe` [r|""" a """|] it "has newlines and one symbol in the middle" $ value pretty (String "\na\n") `shouldBe` [r|""" a """|] it "skip trailing whitespaces" $ value pretty (String " Short\ntext ") `shouldBe` [r|""" Short text """|] describe "definition" $ it "indents block strings in arguments" $ let location = Location 0 0 argumentValue = Node (String "line1\nline2") location arguments = [Argument "message" argumentValue location] field = Field Nothing "field" arguments [] [] location operation = DefinitionOperation $ SelectionSet (pure $ FieldSelection field) location in definition pretty operation `shouldBe` [r|{ field(message: """ line1 line2 """) } |]