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Fix values not being coerced to lists 2023-10-10 02:37:22 +02:00
2 changed files with 18 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -106,4 +106,6 @@ test-suite graphql-test
default-language: Haskell2010

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@ -556,33 +556,24 @@ coerceArgumentValues argumentDefinitions argumentValues =
$ Just inputValue
| otherwise -> throwM
$ InputCoercionException (Text.unpack argumentName) variableType Nothing
matchFieldValues' = matchFieldValues coerceArgumentValue
$ Full.node <$> argumentValues
coerceArgumentValue inputType (Transform.Int integer) =
coerceInputLiteral inputType (Type.Int integer)
coerceArgumentValue inputType (Transform.Boolean boolean) =
coerceInputLiteral inputType (Type.Boolean boolean)
coerceArgumentValue inputType (Transform.String string) =
coerceInputLiteral inputType (Type.String string)
coerceArgumentValue inputType (Transform.Float float) =
coerceInputLiteral inputType (Type.Float float)
coerceArgumentValue inputType (Transform.Enum enum) =
coerceInputLiteral inputType (Type.Enum enum)
coerceArgumentValue inputType Transform.Null
| In.isNonNullType inputType = Nothing
| otherwise = coerceInputLiteral inputType Type.Null
coerceArgumentValue (In.ListBaseType inputType) (Transform.List list) =
let coerceItem = coerceArgumentValue inputType
in Type.List <$> traverse coerceItem list
coerceArgumentValue (In.InputObjectBaseType inputType) (Transform.Object object)
| In.InputObjectType _ _ inputFields <- inputType =
let go = forEachField object
resultMap = HashMap.foldrWithKey go (pure mempty) inputFields
in Type.Object <$> resultMap
coerceArgumentValue _ (Transform.Variable variable) = pure variable
coerceArgumentValue _ _ = Nothing
forEachField object variableName (In.InputField _ variableType defaultValue) =
matchFieldValues coerceArgumentValue object variableName variableType defaultValue
coerceArgumentValue inputType transform =
coerceInputLiteral inputType $ extractArgumentValue transform
extractArgumentValue (Transform.Int integer) = Type.Int integer
extractArgumentValue (Transform.Boolean boolean) = Type.Boolean boolean
extractArgumentValue (Transform.String string) = Type.String string
extractArgumentValue (Transform.Float float) = Type.Float float
extractArgumentValue (Transform.Enum enum) = Type.Enum enum
extractArgumentValue Transform.Null = Type.Null
extractArgumentValue (Transform.List list) =
Type.List $ extractArgumentValue <$> list
extractArgumentValue (Transform.Object object) =
Type.Object $ extractArgumentValue <$> object
extractArgumentValue (Transform.Variable variable) = variable
collectFields :: Monad m
=> Out.ObjectType m