Let's try MonadThrow/MonadCatch. It looks nice at a first glance. The
monad transformer stack contains only the ReaderT, less lifts are
required. Exception subtyping is easier, the user can (and should)
define custom error types and throw them. And it is still possible to
use pure error handling, if someone doesn't like runtime exceptions or
need to run a query in a pure environment.
This is experimental support.
The implementation is based on conduit and is boring. There is a new
resolver data constructor that should create a source event stream. The
executor receives the events, pipes them through the normal execution
and puts them into the response stream which is returned to the user.
- Tests are missing.
- The executor should check field value resolver on subscription types.
- The graphql function should probably return (Either
ResponseEventStream Response), but I'm not sure about this. It will
make the usage more complicated if no subscriptions are involved, but
with the current API implementing subscriptions is more
difficult than it should be.