forked from OSS/graphql
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ cabal-version: 1.12
-- see:
-- see:
-- hash: ff53309ec0180b799fcc69ff3a53a6c9411940332e75ebc8097a83d40c085d98
-- hash: 7396988b6b8e966751eaf92b5a8c1cb820f7a3dbbf60736ea46faab4653fb40c
name: graphql
name: graphql
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ test-suite tasty
, graphql
, graphql
, hspec
, hspec
, hspec-expectations
, hspec-expectations
, hspec-megaparsec
, megaparsec
, megaparsec
, raw-strings-qq
, raw-strings-qq
, text
, text
@ -49,4 +49,5 @@ tests:
- graphql
- graphql
- hspec
- hspec
- hspec-expectations
- hspec-expectations
- hspec-megaparsec
- raw-strings-qq
- raw-strings-qq
@ -1,104 +1,92 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Language.GraphQL.LexerSpec
module Language.GraphQL.LexerSpec
( spec
( spec
) where
) where
import Data.Either (isRight)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Language.GraphQL.Lexer
import Language.GraphQL.Lexer
import Test.Hspec ( Spec
import Test.Hspec (Spec, context, describe, it)
, context
import Test.Hspec.Megaparsec (shouldParse, shouldSucceedOn)
, describe
import Text.Megaparsec (ParseErrorBundle, parse)
, it
, shouldBe
, shouldSatisfy
import Text.Megaparsec ( ParseErrorBundle
, parse
import Text.RawString.QQ (r)
import Text.RawString.QQ (r)
spec :: Spec
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Lexer" $ do
spec = describe "Lexer" $ do
context "Reference tests" $ do
context "Reference tests" $ do
it "accepts BOM header" $
it "accepts BOM header" $
runParser unicodeBOM "\xfeff" `shouldSatisfy` isRight
parse unicodeBOM "" `shouldSucceedOn` "\xfeff"
it "lexes strings" $ do
it "lexes strings" $ do
runParser string [r|"simple"|] `shouldBe` Right "simple"
parse string "" [r|"simple"|] `shouldParse` "simple"
runParser string [r|" white space "|] `shouldBe` Right " white space "
parse string "" [r|" white space "|] `shouldParse` " white space "
runParser string [r|"quote \""|] `shouldBe` Right [r|quote "|]
parse string "" [r|"quote \""|] `shouldParse` [r|quote "|]
runParser string [r|"escaped \n"|] `shouldBe` Right "escaped \n"
parse string "" [r|"escaped \n"|] `shouldParse` "escaped \n"
runParser string [r|"slashes \\ \/"|] `shouldBe` Right [r|slashes \ /|]
parse string "" [r|"slashes \\ \/"|] `shouldParse` [r|slashes \ /|]
runParser string [r|"unicode \u1234\u5678\u90AB\uCDEF"|]
parse string "" [r|"unicode \u1234\u5678\u90AB\uCDEF"|]
`shouldBe` Right "unicode ሴ噸邫췯"
`shouldParse` "unicode ሴ噸邫췯"
it "lexes block string" $ do
it "lexes block string" $ do
runParser blockString [r|"""simple"""|] `shouldBe` Right "simple"
parse blockString "" [r|"""simple"""|] `shouldParse` "simple"
runParser blockString [r|""" white space """|]
parse blockString "" [r|""" white space """|]
`shouldBe` Right " white space "
`shouldParse` " white space "
runParser blockString [r|"""contains " quote"""|]
parse blockString "" [r|"""contains " quote"""|]
`shouldBe` Right [r|contains " quote|]
`shouldParse` [r|contains " quote|]
runParser blockString [r|"""contains \""" triplequote"""|]
parse blockString "" [r|"""contains \""" triplequote"""|]
`shouldBe` Right [r|contains """ triplequote|]
`shouldParse` [r|contains """ triplequote|]
runParser blockString "\"\"\"multi\nline\"\"\"" `shouldBe` Right "multi\nline"
parse blockString "" "\"\"\"multi\nline\"\"\"" `shouldParse` "multi\nline"
runParser blockString "\"\"\"multi\rline\r\nnormalized\"\"\""
parse blockString "" "\"\"\"multi\rline\r\nnormalized\"\"\""
`shouldBe` Right "multi\nline\nnormalized"
`shouldParse` "multi\nline\nnormalized"
runParser blockString "\"\"\"multi\rline\r\nnormalized\"\"\""
parse blockString "" "\"\"\"multi\rline\r\nnormalized\"\"\""
`shouldBe` Right "multi\nline\nnormalized"
`shouldParse` "multi\nline\nnormalized"
runParser blockString [r|"""unescaped \n\r\b\t\f\u1234"""|]
parse blockString "" [r|"""unescaped \n\r\b\t\f\u1234"""|]
`shouldBe` Right [r|unescaped \n\r\b\t\f\u1234|]
`shouldParse` [r|unescaped \n\r\b\t\f\u1234|]
runParser blockString [r|"""slashes \\ \/"""|]
parse blockString "" [r|"""slashes \\ \/"""|]
`shouldBe` Right [r|slashes \\ \/|]
`shouldParse` [r|slashes \\ \/|]
runParser blockString [r|"""
parse blockString "" [r|"""
"""|] `shouldBe` Right "spans\n multiple\n lines"
"""|] `shouldParse` "spans\n multiple\n lines"
it "lexes numbers" $ do
it "lexes numbers" $ do
runParser integer "4" `shouldBe` Right (4 :: Int)
parse integer "" "4" `shouldParse` (4 :: Int)
runParser float "4.123" `shouldBe` Right 4.123
parse float "" "4.123" `shouldParse` 4.123
runParser integer "-4" `shouldBe` Right (-4 :: Int)
parse integer "" "-4" `shouldParse` (-4 :: Int)
runParser integer "9" `shouldBe` Right (9 :: Int)
parse integer "" "9" `shouldParse` (9 :: Int)
runParser integer "0" `shouldBe` Right (0 :: Int)
parse integer "" "0" `shouldParse` (0 :: Int)
runParser float "-4.123" `shouldBe` Right (-4.123)
parse float "" "-4.123" `shouldParse` (-4.123)
runParser float "0.123" `shouldBe` Right 0.123
parse float "" "0.123" `shouldParse` 0.123
runParser float "123e4" `shouldBe` Right 123e4
parse float "" "123e4" `shouldParse` 123e4
runParser float "123E4" `shouldBe` Right 123E4
parse float "" "123E4" `shouldParse` 123E4
runParser float "123e-4" `shouldBe` Right 123e-4
parse float "" "123e-4" `shouldParse` 123e-4
runParser float "123e+4" `shouldBe` Right 123e+4
parse float "" "123e+4" `shouldParse` 123e+4
runParser float "-1.123e4" `shouldBe` Right (-1.123e4)
parse float "" "-1.123e4" `shouldParse` (-1.123e4)
runParser float "-1.123E4" `shouldBe` Right (-1.123E4)
parse float "" "-1.123E4" `shouldParse` (-1.123E4)
runParser float "-1.123e-4" `shouldBe` Right (-1.123e-4)
parse float "" "-1.123e-4" `shouldParse` (-1.123e-4)
runParser float "-1.123e+4" `shouldBe` Right (-1.123e+4)
parse float "" "-1.123e+4" `shouldParse` (-1.123e+4)
runParser float "-1.123e4567" `shouldBe` Right (-1.123e4567)
parse float "" "-1.123e4567" `shouldParse` (-1.123e4567)
it "lexes punctuation" $ do
it "lexes punctuation" $ do
runParser bang "!" `shouldBe` Right '!'
parse bang "" "!" `shouldParse` '!'
runParser dollar "$" `shouldBe` Right '$'
parse dollar "" "$" `shouldParse` '$'
runBetween parens "()" `shouldSatisfy` isRight
runBetween parens `shouldSucceedOn` "()"
runParser spread "..." `shouldBe` Right "..."
parse spread "" "..." `shouldParse` "..."
runParser colon ":" `shouldBe` Right ":"
parse colon "" ":" `shouldParse` ":"
runParser equals "=" `shouldBe` Right "="
parse equals "" "=" `shouldParse` "="
runParser at "@" `shouldBe` Right '@'
parse at "" "@" `shouldParse` '@'
runBetween brackets "[]" `shouldSatisfy` isRight
runBetween brackets `shouldSucceedOn` "[]"
runBetween braces "{}" `shouldSatisfy` isRight
runBetween braces `shouldSucceedOn` "{}"
runParser pipe "|" `shouldBe` Right "|"
parse pipe "" "|" `shouldParse` "|"
context "Implementation tests" $ do
context "Implementation tests" $ do
it "lexes empty block strings" $
it "lexes empty block strings" $
runParser blockString [r|""""""|] `shouldBe` Right ""
parse blockString "" [r|""""""|] `shouldParse` ""
it "lexes ampersand" $
it "lexes ampersand" $
runParser amp "&" `shouldBe` Right "&"
parse amp "" "&" `shouldParse` "&"
runParser :: forall a. Parser a -> Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle Text Void) a
runParser = flip parse ""
runBetween :: (Parser () -> Parser ()) -> Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle Text Void) ()
runBetween :: (Parser () -> Parser ()) -> Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle Text Void) ()
runBetween parser = parse (parser $ pure ()) ""
runBetween parser = parse (parser $ pure ()) ""
@ -4,27 +4,23 @@ module Language.GraphQL.ParserSpec
( spec
( spec
) where
) where
import Data.Either (isRight)
import Language.GraphQL.Parser (document)
import Language.GraphQL.Parser (document)
import Test.Hspec ( Spec
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
, describe
import Test.Hspec.Megaparsec (shouldSucceedOn)
, it
, shouldSatisfy
import Text.Megaparsec (parse)
import Text.Megaparsec (parse)
import Text.RawString.QQ (r)
import Text.RawString.QQ (r)
spec :: Spec
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Parser" $ do
spec = describe "Parser" $ do
it "accepts BOM header" $
it "accepts BOM header" $
parse document "" "\xfeff{foo}" `shouldSatisfy` isRight
parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` "\xfeff{foo}"
it "accepts block strings as argument" $
it "accepts block strings as argument" $
parse document "" [r|{
parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [r|{
hello(text: """Argument""")
hello(text: """Argument""")
}|] `shouldSatisfy` isRight
it "accepts strings as argument" $
it "accepts strings as argument" $
parse document "" [r|{
parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [r|{
hello(text: "Argument")
hello(text: "Argument")
}|] `shouldSatisfy` isRight
@ -6,19 +6,13 @@ module Test.KitchenSinkSpec
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as Text.Lazy.IO
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as Text.Lazy.IO
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy (Text)
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Encoder as Encoder
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Encoder as Encoder
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Parser as Parser
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Parser as Parser
import Paths_graphql (getDataFileName)
import Paths_graphql (getDataFileName)
import Test.Hspec ( Spec
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
, describe
import Test.Hspec.Megaparsec (parseSatisfies)
, it
import Text.Megaparsec (parse)
import Test.Hspec.Expectations ( expectationFailure
, shouldBe
import Text.Megaparsec ( errorBundlePretty
, parse
import Text.RawString.QQ (r)
import Text.RawString.QQ (r)
spec :: Spec
spec :: Spec
@ -26,17 +20,12 @@ spec = describe "Kitchen Sink" $ do
it "minifies the query" $ do
it "minifies the query" $ do
dataFileName <- getDataFileName "tests/data/kitchen-sink.graphql"
dataFileName <- getDataFileName "tests/data/kitchen-sink.graphql"
minFileName <- getDataFileName "tests/data/kitchen-sink.min.graphql"
minFileName <- getDataFileName "tests/data/kitchen-sink.min.graphql"
actual <- Text.IO.readFile dataFileName
expected <- Text.Lazy.IO.readFile minFileName
expected <- Text.Lazy.IO.readFile minFileName
shouldNormalize Encoder.minified dataFileName expected
(expectationFailure . errorBundlePretty)
(flip shouldBe expected . Encoder.document Encoder.minified)
$ parse Parser.document dataFileName actual
it "pretty prints the query" $ do
it "pretty prints the query" $ do
dataFileName <- getDataFileName "tests/data/kitchen-sink.graphql"
dataFileName <- getDataFileName "tests/data/kitchen-sink.graphql"
actual <- Text.IO.readFile dataFileName
let expected = [r|query queryName($foo: ComplexType, $site: Site = MOBILE) {
let expected = [r|query queryName($foo: ComplexType, $site: Site = MOBILE) {
whoever123is: node(id: [123, 456]) {
whoever123is: node(id: [123, 456]) {
@ -70,7 +59,11 @@ fragment frag on Friend {
shouldNormalize Encoder.pretty dataFileName expected
(expectationFailure . errorBundlePretty)
(flip shouldBe expected . Encoder.document Encoder.pretty)
shouldNormalize :: Encoder.Formatter -> FilePath -> Lazy.Text -> IO ()
$ parse Parser.document dataFileName actual
shouldNormalize formatter dataFileName expected = do
actual <- Text.IO.readFile dataFileName
parse Parser.document dataFileName actual `parseSatisfies` condition
condition = (expected ==) . Encoder.document formatter
Reference in New Issue
Block a user