forked from OSS/graphql
Validate leaf selections
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ and this project adheres to
- `noUnusedVariablesRule`
- `noUnusedVariablesRule`
- `uniqueInputFieldNamesRule`
- `uniqueInputFieldNamesRule`
- `fieldsOnCorrectTypeRule`
- `fieldsOnCorrectTypeRule`
- `scalarLeafsRule`
- `AST.Document.Field`.
- `AST.Document.Field`.
- `AST.Document.FragmentSpread`.
- `AST.Document.FragmentSpread`.
- `AST.Document.InlineFragment`.
- `AST.Document.InlineFragment`.
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ module Language.GraphQL.Validate.Rules
, noUndefinedVariablesRule
, noUndefinedVariablesRule
, noUnusedFragmentsRule
, noUnusedFragmentsRule
, noUnusedVariablesRule
, noUnusedVariablesRule
, scalarLeafsRule
, singleFieldSubscriptionsRule
, singleFieldSubscriptionsRule
, specifiedRules
, specifiedRules
, uniqueArgumentNamesRule
, uniqueArgumentNamesRule
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import Data.List (groupBy, sortBy, sortOn)
import Data.List (groupBy, sortBy, sortOn)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, mapMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Sequence (Seq(..))
import Data.Sequence (Seq(..))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ specifiedRules =
, uniqueOperationNamesRule
, uniqueOperationNamesRule
-- Fields
-- Fields
, fieldsOnCorrectTypeRule
, fieldsOnCorrectTypeRule
, scalarLeafsRule
-- Arguments.
-- Arguments.
, uniqueArgumentNamesRule
, uniqueArgumentNamesRule
-- Fragments.
-- Fragments.
@ -687,26 +689,79 @@ fieldsOnCorrectTypeRule = SelectionRule go
fieldRule objectType fieldSelection
fieldRule objectType fieldSelection
go _ _ = lift mempty
go _ _ = lift mempty
fieldRule objectType (Field _ fieldName _ _ _ location)
fieldRule objectType (Field _ fieldName _ _ _ location)
| isJust (lookupTypeField fieldName objectType) = lift mempty
| Nothing <- lookupTypeField fieldName objectType
| otherwise = pure $ Error
, Just typeName <- compositeTypeName objectType = pure $ Error
{ message = errorMessage fieldName objectType
{ message = errorMessage fieldName typeName
, locations = [location]
, locations = [location]
errorMessage fieldName objectType = concat
| otherwise = lift mempty
errorMessage fieldName typeName = concat
[ "Cannot query field \""
[ "Cannot query field \""
, Text.unpack fieldName
, Text.unpack fieldName
, "\" on type \""
, "\" on type \""
, Text.unpack $ outputTypeName objectType
, Text.unpack typeName
, "\"."
, "\"."
outputTypeName (Out.ObjectBaseType (Out.ObjectType typeName _ _ _)) =
compositeTypeName (Out.ObjectBaseType (Out.ObjectType typeName _ _ _)) =
Just typeName
outputTypeName (Out.InterfaceBaseType (Out.InterfaceType typeName _ _ _)) =
compositeTypeName (Out.InterfaceBaseType interfaceType) =
let Out.InterfaceType typeName _ _ _ = interfaceType
outputTypeName (Out.UnionBaseType (Out.UnionType typeName _ _)) =
in Just typeName
compositeTypeName (Out.UnionBaseType (Out.UnionType typeName _ _)) =
outputTypeName (Out.ScalarBaseType (Definition.ScalarType typeName _)) =
Just typeName
compositeTypeName (Out.ScalarBaseType _) =
outputTypeName (Out.EnumBaseType (Definition.EnumType typeName _ _)) =
compositeTypeName (Out.EnumBaseType _) =
outputTypeName (Out.ListBaseType wrappedType) = outputTypeName wrappedType
compositeTypeName (Out.ListBaseType wrappedType) =
compositeTypeName wrappedType
-- | Field selections on scalars or enums are never allowed, because they are
-- the leaf nodes of any GraphQL query.
scalarLeafsRule :: forall m. Rule m
scalarLeafsRule = SelectionRule go
go (Just objectType) (FieldSelection fieldSelection) =
fieldRule objectType fieldSelection
go _ _ = lift mempty
fieldRule objectType selectionField@(Field _ fieldName _ _ _ _)
| Just fieldType <- lookupTypeField fieldName objectType =
lift $ check fieldType selectionField
| otherwise = lift mempty
check (Out.ObjectBaseType (Out.ObjectType typeName _ _ _)) =
checkNotEmpty typeName
check (Out.InterfaceBaseType (Out.InterfaceType typeName _ _ _)) =
checkNotEmpty typeName
check (Out.UnionBaseType (Out.UnionType typeName _ _)) =
checkNotEmpty typeName
check (Out.ScalarBaseType (Definition.ScalarType typeName _)) =
checkEmpty typeName
check (Out.EnumBaseType (Definition.EnumType typeName _ _)) =
checkEmpty typeName
check (Out.ListBaseType wrappedType) = check wrappedType
checkNotEmpty typeName (Field _ fieldName _ _ [] location) =
let fieldName' = Text.unpack fieldName
in makeError location $ concat
[ "Field \""
, fieldName'
, "\" of type \""
, Text.unpack typeName
, "\" must have a selection of subfields. Did you mean \""
, fieldName'
, " { ... }\"?"
checkNotEmpty _ _ = mempty
checkEmpty _ (Field _ _ _ _ [] _) = mempty
checkEmpty typeName field' =
let Field _ fieldName _ _ _ location = field'
in makeError location $ concat
[ "Field \""
, Text.unpack fieldName
, "\" must not have a selection since type \""
, Text.unpack typeName
, "\" has no subfields."
makeError location errorMessage = pure $ Error
{ message = errorMessage
, locations = [location]
@ -500,7 +500,9 @@ spec =
it "rejects duplicate fields in input objects" $
it "rejects duplicate fields in input objects" $
let queryString = [r|
let queryString = [r|
findDog(complex: { name: "Fido", name: "Jack" })
findDog(complex: { name: "Fido", name: "Jack" }) {
expected = Error
expected = Error
@ -509,3 +511,36 @@ spec =
, locations = [AST.Location 3 36, AST.Location 3 50]
, locations = [AST.Location 3 36, AST.Location 3 50]
in validate queryString `shouldBe` [expected]
in validate queryString `shouldBe` [expected]
it "rejects undefined fields" $
let queryString = [r|
dog {
expected = Error
{ message =
"Cannot query field \"meowVolume\" on type \"Dog\"."
, locations = [AST.Location 4 19]
in validate queryString `shouldBe` [expected]
it "rejects scalar fields with not empty selection set" $
let queryString = [r|
dog {
barkVolume {
expected = Error
{ message =
"Field \"barkVolume\" must not have a selection since \
\type \"Int\" has no subfields."
, locations = [AST.Location 4 19]
in validate queryString `shouldBe` [expected]
Reference in New Issue
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