forked from OSS/graphql
Validate directives are in valid locations
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
obtain one at -}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
-- | Various parts of a GraphQL document can be annotated with directives.
-- This module describes locations in a document where directives can appear.
module Language.GraphQL.AST.DirectiveLocation
@ -16,7 +18,13 @@ module Language.GraphQL.AST.DirectiveLocation
data DirectiveLocation
= ExecutableDirectiveLocation ExecutableDirectiveLocation
| TypeSystemDirectiveLocation TypeSystemDirectiveLocation
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving Eq
instance Show DirectiveLocation where
show (ExecutableDirectiveLocation directiveLocation) =
show directiveLocation
show (TypeSystemDirectiveLocation directiveLocation) =
show directiveLocation
-- | Where directives can appear in an executable definition, like a query.
data ExecutableDirectiveLocation
@ -27,7 +35,16 @@ data ExecutableDirectiveLocation
| FragmentDefinition
| FragmentSpread
| InlineFragment
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving Eq
instance Show ExecutableDirectiveLocation where
show Query = "QUERY"
show Mutation = "MUTATION"
show Subscription = "SUBSCRIPTION"
show Field = "FIELD"
show FragmentDefinition = "FRAGMENT_DEFINITION"
show FragmentSpread = "FRAGMENT_SPREAD"
show InlineFragment = "INLINE_FRAGMENT"
-- | Where directives can appear in a type system definition.
data TypeSystemDirectiveLocation
@ -42,4 +59,17 @@ data TypeSystemDirectiveLocation
| EnumValue
| InputObject
| InputFieldDefinition
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving Eq
instance Show TypeSystemDirectiveLocation where
show Schema = "SCHEMA"
show Scalar = "SCALAR"
show Object = "OBJECT"
show FieldDefinition = "FIELD_DEFINITION"
show ArgumentDefinition = "ARGUMENT_DEFINITION"
show Interface = "INTERFACE"
show Union = "UNION"
show Enum = "ENUM"
show EnumValue = "ENUM_VALUE"
show InputObject = "INPUT_OBJECT"
show InputFieldDefinition = "INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION"
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
-- | This module defines an abstract syntax tree for the @GraphQL@ language. It
-- follows closely the structure given in the specification. Please refer to
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
-- | This module defines a minifier and a printer for the @GraphQL@ language.
module Language.GraphQL.AST.Encoder
@ -132,38 +132,104 @@ typeSystemExtension context rule = \case
typeExtension :: forall m. Validation m -> ApplyRule m Full.TypeExtension
typeExtension context rule = \case
Full.ScalarTypeExtension _ directives' -> directives context rule directives'
Full.ScalarTypeExtension _ directives' ->
directives context rule scalarLocation directives'
Full.ObjectTypeFieldsDefinitionExtension _ _ directives' fields
-> directives context rule directives'
-> directives context rule objectLocation directives'
>< foldMap (fieldDefinition context rule) fields
Full.ObjectTypeDirectivesExtension _ _ directives' ->
directives context rule directives'
directives context rule objectLocation directives'
Full.ObjectTypeImplementsInterfacesExtension _ _ -> mempty
Full.InterfaceTypeFieldsDefinitionExtension _ directives' fields
-> directives context rule directives'
-> directives context rule interfaceLocation directives'
>< foldMap (fieldDefinition context rule) fields
Full.InterfaceTypeDirectivesExtension _ directives' ->
directives context rule directives'
directives context rule interfaceLocation directives'
Full.UnionTypeUnionMemberTypesExtension _ directives' _ ->
directives context rule directives'
directives context rule unionLocation directives'
Full.UnionTypeDirectivesExtension _ directives' ->
directives context rule directives'
directives context rule unionLocation directives'
Full.EnumTypeEnumValuesDefinitionExtension _ directives' values
-> directives context rule directives'
-> directives context rule enumLocation directives'
>< foldMap (enumValueDefinition context rule) values
Full.EnumTypeDirectivesExtension _ directives' ->
directives context rule directives'
directives context rule enumLocation directives'
Full.InputObjectTypeInputFieldsDefinitionExtension _ directives' fields
-> directives context rule directives'
>< foldMap (inputValueDefinition context rule) fields
-> directives context rule inputObjectLocation directives'
>< foldMap forEachInputFieldDefinition fields
Full.InputObjectTypeDirectivesExtension _ directives' ->
directives context rule directives'
directives context rule inputObjectLocation directives'
forEachInputFieldDefinition =
inputValueDefinition context rule inputFieldDefinitionLocation
schemaExtension :: forall m. Validation m -> ApplyRule m Full.SchemaExtension
schemaExtension context rule = \case
Full.SchemaOperationExtension directives' _ ->
directives context rule directives'
Full.SchemaDirectivesExtension directives' -> directives context rule directives'
directives context rule schemaLocation directives'
Full.SchemaDirectivesExtension directives' ->
directives context rule schemaLocation directives'
schemaLocation :: DirectiveLocation
schemaLocation = TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Schema
interfaceLocation :: DirectiveLocation
interfaceLocation = TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Interface
objectLocation :: DirectiveLocation
objectLocation = TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Object
unionLocation :: DirectiveLocation
unionLocation = TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Union
enumLocation :: DirectiveLocation
enumLocation = TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Enum
inputObjectLocation :: DirectiveLocation
inputObjectLocation = TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.InputObject
scalarLocation :: DirectiveLocation
scalarLocation = TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Scalar
enumValueLocation :: DirectiveLocation
enumValueLocation = TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.EnumValue
fieldDefinitionLocation :: DirectiveLocation
fieldDefinitionLocation =
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.FieldDefinition
inputFieldDefinitionLocation :: DirectiveLocation
inputFieldDefinitionLocation =
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.InputFieldDefinition
argumentDefinitionLocation :: DirectiveLocation
argumentDefinitionLocation =
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.ArgumentDefinition
queryLocation :: DirectiveLocation
queryLocation = ExecutableDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Query
mutationLocation :: DirectiveLocation
mutationLocation = ExecutableDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Mutation
subscriptionLocation :: DirectiveLocation
subscriptionLocation =
ExecutableDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Subscription
fieldLocation :: DirectiveLocation
fieldLocation = ExecutableDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Field
fragmentDefinitionLocation :: DirectiveLocation
fragmentDefinitionLocation =
ExecutableDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.FragmentDefinition
fragmentSpreadLocation :: DirectiveLocation
fragmentSpreadLocation =
ExecutableDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.FragmentSpread
inlineFragmentLocation :: DirectiveLocation
inlineFragmentLocation =
ExecutableDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.InlineFragment
executableDefinition :: forall m
. Validation.Rule m
@ -179,7 +245,8 @@ typeSystemDefinition :: forall m
. Validation m
-> ApplyRule m Full.TypeSystemDefinition
typeSystemDefinition context rule = \case
Full.SchemaDefinition directives' _ -> directives context rule directives'
Full.SchemaDefinition directives' _ ->
directives context rule schemaLocation directives'
Full.TypeDefinition typeDefinition' ->
typeDefinition context rule typeDefinition'
Full.DirectiveDefinition _ _ arguments' _ ->
@ -188,44 +255,54 @@ typeSystemDefinition context rule = \case
typeDefinition :: forall m. Validation m -> ApplyRule m Full.TypeDefinition
typeDefinition context rule = \case
Full.ScalarTypeDefinition _ _ directives' ->
directives context rule directives'
directives context rule scalarLocation directives'
Full.ObjectTypeDefinition _ _ _ directives' fields
-> directives context rule directives'
-> directives context rule objectLocation directives'
>< foldMap (fieldDefinition context rule) fields
Full.InterfaceTypeDefinition _ _ directives' fields
-> directives context rule directives'
-> directives context rule interfaceLocation directives'
>< foldMap (fieldDefinition context rule) fields
Full.UnionTypeDefinition _ _ directives' _ ->
directives context rule directives'
directives context rule unionLocation directives'
Full.EnumTypeDefinition _ _ directives' values
-> directives context rule directives'
-> directives context rule enumLocation directives'
>< foldMap (enumValueDefinition context rule) values
Full.InputObjectTypeDefinition _ _ directives' fields
-> directives context rule directives'
<> foldMap (inputValueDefinition context rule) fields
-> directives context rule inputObjectLocation directives'
<> foldMap forEachInputFieldDefinition fields
forEachInputFieldDefinition =
inputValueDefinition context rule inputFieldDefinitionLocation
enumValueDefinition :: forall m
. Validation m
-> ApplyRule m Full.EnumValueDefinition
enumValueDefinition context rule (Full.EnumValueDefinition _ _ directives') =
directives context rule directives'
directives context rule enumValueLocation directives'
fieldDefinition :: forall m. Validation m -> ApplyRule m Full.FieldDefinition
fieldDefinition context rule (Full.FieldDefinition _ _ arguments' _ directives')
= directives context rule directives'
= directives context rule fieldDefinitionLocation directives'
>< argumentsDefinition context rule arguments'
argumentsDefinition :: forall m
. Validation m
-> ApplyRule m Full.ArgumentsDefinition
argumentsDefinition context rule (Full.ArgumentsDefinition definitions) =
foldMap (inputValueDefinition context rule) definitions
foldMap forEachArgument definitions
forEachArgument =
inputValueDefinition context rule argumentDefinitionLocation
inputValueDefinition :: forall m
. Validation m
-> ApplyRule m Full.InputValueDefinition
inputValueDefinition context rule (Full.InputValueDefinition _ _ _ _ directives') =
directives context rule directives'
-> Validation.Rule m
-> DirectiveLocation
-> Full.InputValueDefinition
-> Seq (Validation.RuleT m)
inputValueDefinition context rule directiveLocation definition' =
let Full.InputValueDefinition _ _ _ _ directives' = definition'
in directives context rule directiveLocation directives'
operationDefinition :: forall m
. Validation.Rule m
@ -239,18 +316,22 @@ operationDefinition rule context operation
, Full.OperationDefinition _ _ variables _ _ _ <- operation =
foldMap (variableDefinition context rule) variables |> variablesRule variables
| Full.SelectionSet selections _ <- operation =
selectionSet context types' rule (getRootType Full.Query) selections
| Full.OperationDefinition operationType _ _ directives' selections _ <- operation
= selectionSet context types' rule (getRootType operationType) selections
>< directives context rule directives'
selectionSet context types' rule queryRoot selections
| Full.OperationDefinition Full.Query _ _ directives' selections _ <- operation
= selectionSet context types' rule queryRoot selections
>< directives context rule queryLocation directives'
| Full.OperationDefinition Full.Mutation _ _ directives' selections _ <- operation =
let root = Out.NamedObjectType <$> Schema.mutation schema'
in selectionSet context types' rule root selections
>< directives context rule mutationLocation directives'
| Full.OperationDefinition Full.Subscription _ _ directives' selections _ <- operation =
let root = Out.NamedObjectType <$> Schema.subscription schema'
in selectionSet context types' rule root selections
>< directives context rule subscriptionLocation directives'
schema' = Validation.schema context
queryRoot = Just $ Out.NamedObjectType $ Schema.query schema'
types' = Validation.types context
getRootType Full.Query =
Just $ Out.NamedObjectType $ Schema.query $ Validation.schema context
getRootType Full.Mutation =
Out.NamedObjectType <$> Schema.mutation (Validation.schema context)
getRootType Full.Subscription =
Out.NamedObjectType <$> Schema.subscription (Validation.schema context)
typeToOut :: forall m. Schema.Type m -> Maybe (Out.Type m)
typeToOut (Schema.ObjectType objectType) =
@ -320,7 +401,7 @@ fragmentDefinition rule context definition'
types' = Validation.types context
applyToChildren typeCondition directives' selections
= selectionSet context types' rule (lookupType' typeCondition) selections
>< directives context rule directives'
>< directives context rule fragmentDefinitionLocation directives'
lookupType' = flip lookupType types'
lookupType :: forall m
@ -367,7 +448,7 @@ field context types' rule objectType field' = go field'
typeField = objectType >>= lookupTypeField fieldName
argumentTypes = maybe mempty typeFieldArguments typeField
in selectionSet context types' rule (typeFieldType <$> typeField) selections
>< directives context rule directives'
>< directives context rule fieldLocation directives'
>< arguments rule argumentTypes arguments'
arguments :: forall m
@ -424,7 +505,7 @@ inlineFragment context types' rule objectType inlineFragment' =
refineTarget Nothing = objectType
applyToChildren objectType' directives' selections
= selectionSet context types' rule objectType' selections
>< directives context rule directives'
>< directives context rule inlineFragmentLocation directives'
fragmentSpread :: forall m. Validation m -> ApplyRule m Full.FragmentSpread
fragmentSpread context rule fragmentSpread'@(Full.FragmentSpread _ directives' _)
@ -432,15 +513,18 @@ fragmentSpread context rule fragmentSpread'@(Full.FragmentSpread _ directives' _
applyToChildren |> fragmentRule fragmentSpread'
| otherwise = applyToChildren
applyToChildren = directives context rule directives'
applyToChildren = directives context rule fragmentSpreadLocation directives'
directives :: Traversable t
=> forall m
. Validation m
-> ApplyRule m (t Full.Directive)
directives context rule directives'
-> Validation.Rule m
-> DirectiveLocation
-> t Full.Directive
-> Seq (Validation.RuleT m)
directives context rule directiveLocation directives'
| Validation.DirectivesRule directivesRule <- rule =
applyToChildren |> directivesRule directiveList
applyToChildren |> directivesRule directiveLocation directiveList
| otherwise = applyToChildren
directiveList = toList directives'
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
-- | This module contains default rules defined in the GraphQL specification.
module Language.GraphQL.Validate.Rules
( executableDefinitionsRule
( directivesInValidLocationsRule
, executableDefinitionsRule
, fieldsOnCorrectTypeRule
, fragmentsOnCompositeTypesRule
, fragmentSpreadTargetDefinedRule
@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ specifiedRules =
, uniqueInputFieldNamesRule
-- Directives.
, knownDirectiveNamesRule
, directivesInValidLocationsRule
, uniqueDirectiveNamesRule
-- Variables.
, uniqueVariableNamesRule
@ -514,7 +516,7 @@ uniqueArgumentNamesRule = ArgumentsRule fieldRule directiveRule
-- of each directive is allowed per location.
uniqueDirectiveNamesRule :: forall m. Rule m
uniqueDirectiveNamesRule = DirectivesRule
$ lift . filterDuplicates extract "directive"
$ const $ lift . filterDuplicates extract "directive"
extract (Directive directiveName _ location') = (directiveName, location')
@ -818,7 +820,7 @@ knownArgumentNamesRule = ArgumentsRule fieldRule directiveRule
-- | GraphQL servers define what directives they support. For each usage of a
-- directive, the directive must be available on that server.
knownDirectiveNamesRule :: Rule m
knownDirectiveNamesRule = DirectivesRule $ \directives' -> do
knownDirectiveNamesRule = DirectivesRule $ const $ \directives' -> do
definitions' <- asks directives
let directiveSet = HashSet.fromList $ fmap directiveName directives'
let definitionSet = HashSet.fromList $ HashMap.keys definitions'
@ -867,3 +869,27 @@ knownInputFieldNamesRule = ValueRule go constGo
, Text.unpack typeName
, "\"."
-- | GraphQL servers define what directives they support and where they support
-- them. For each usage of a directive, the directive must be used in a location
-- that the server has declared support for.
directivesInValidLocationsRule :: Rule m
directivesInValidLocationsRule = DirectivesRule directivesRule
directivesRule directiveLocation directives' = do
Directive directiveName _ location <- lift $ Seq.fromList directives'
maybeDefinition <- asks $ HashMap.lookup directiveName . directives
case maybeDefinition of
Just (Schema.Directive _ allowedLocations _)
| directiveLocation `notElem` allowedLocations -> pure $ Error
{ message = errorMessage directiveName directiveLocation
, locations = [location]
_ -> lift mempty
errorMessage directiveName directiveLocation = concat
[ "Directive \"@"
, Text.unpack directiveName
, "\" may not be used on "
, show directiveLocation
, "."
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module Language.GraphQL.Validate.Validation
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Language.GraphQL.AST.DirectiveLocation (DirectiveLocation(..))
import Language.GraphQL.AST.Document
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.In as In
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Out as Out
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ data Rule m
| FragmentSpreadRule (FragmentSpread -> RuleT m)
| FieldRule (Maybe (Out.Type m) -> Field -> RuleT m)
| ArgumentsRule (Maybe (Out.Type m) -> Field -> RuleT m) (Directive -> RuleT m)
| DirectivesRule ([Directive] -> RuleT m)
| DirectivesRule (DirectiveLocation -> [Directive] -> RuleT m)
| VariablesRule ([VariableDefinition] -> RuleT m)
| ValueRule (Maybe In.Type -> Value -> RuleT m) (Maybe In.Type -> ConstValue -> RuleT m)
@ -606,3 +606,17 @@ spec =
, locations = [AST.Location 3 36]
in validate queryString `shouldBe` [expected]
it "rejects directives in invalid locations" $
let queryString = [r|
query @skip(if: $foo) {
dog {
expected = Error
{ message = "Directive \"@skip\" may not be used on QUERY."
, locations = [AST.Location 2 21]
in validate queryString `shouldBe` [expected]
Reference in New Issue
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