forked from OSS/graphql
Eliminate non-exhaustive patterns in ExecuteSpec
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
obtain one at -}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
@ -11,7 +13,7 @@ module Language.GraphQL.ExecuteSpec
( spec
) where
import Control.Exception (Exception(..), SomeException, throwIO)
import Control.Exception (Exception(..), SomeException)
import Control.Monad.Catch (throwM)
import Data.Conduit
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
@ -33,6 +35,7 @@ import Text.Megaparsec (parse, errorBundlePretty)
import Schemas.HeroSchema (heroSchema)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Test.Hspec.Expectations
( Expectation
@ -49,7 +52,7 @@ instance Exception PhilosopherException where
ResolverException resolverException <- fromException e
cast resolverException
philosopherSchema :: Schema (Either SomeException)
philosopherSchema :: Schema IO
philosopherSchema =
schemaWithTypes Nothing queryType Nothing subscriptionRoot extraTypes mempty
@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ philosopherSchema =
, Schema.ObjectType bookCollectionType
queryType :: Out.ObjectType (Either SomeException)
queryType :: Out.ObjectType IO
queryType = Out.ObjectType "Query" Nothing []
$ HashMap.fromList
[ ("philosopher", ValueResolver philosopherField philosopherResolver)
@ -75,14 +78,14 @@ queryType = Out.ObjectType "Query" Nothing []
genresField =
let fieldType = Out.ListType $ Out.NonNullScalarType string
in Out.Field Nothing fieldType HashMap.empty
genresResolver :: Resolve (Either SomeException)
genresResolver :: Resolve IO
genresResolver = throwM PhilosopherException
countField =
let fieldType = Out.NonNullScalarType int
in Out.Field Nothing fieldType HashMap.empty
countResolver = pure ""
musicType :: Out.ObjectType (Either SomeException)
musicType :: Out.ObjectType IO
musicType = Out.ObjectType "Music" Nothing []
$ HashMap.fromList resolvers
@ -92,7 +95,7 @@ musicType = Out.ObjectType "Music" Nothing []
instrumentResolver = pure $ String "piano"
instrumentField = Out.Field Nothing (Out.NonNullScalarType string) HashMap.empty
poetryType :: Out.ObjectType (Either SomeException)
poetryType :: Out.ObjectType IO
poetryType = Out.ObjectType "Poetry" Nothing []
$ HashMap.fromList resolvers
@ -102,10 +105,10 @@ poetryType = Out.ObjectType "Poetry" Nothing []
genreResolver = pure $ String "Futurism"
genreField = Out.Field Nothing (Out.NonNullScalarType string) HashMap.empty
interestType :: Out.UnionType (Either SomeException)
interestType :: Out.UnionType IO
interestType = Out.UnionType "Interest" Nothing [musicType, poetryType]
philosopherType :: Out.ObjectType (Either SomeException)
philosopherType :: Out.ObjectType IO
philosopherType = Out.ObjectType "Philosopher" Nothing []
$ HashMap.fromList resolvers
@ -146,14 +149,14 @@ philosopherType = Out.ObjectType "Philosopher" Nothing []
= Out.Field Nothing (Out.NonNullScalarType string) HashMap.empty
firstLanguageResolver = pure Null
workType :: Out.InterfaceType (Either SomeException)
workType :: Out.InterfaceType IO
workType = Out.InterfaceType "Work" Nothing []
$ HashMap.fromList fields
fields = [("title", titleField)]
titleField = Out.Field Nothing (Out.NonNullScalarType string) HashMap.empty
bookType :: Out.ObjectType (Either SomeException)
bookType :: Out.ObjectType IO
bookType = Out.ObjectType "Book" Nothing [workType]
$ HashMap.fromList resolvers
@ -163,7 +166,7 @@ bookType = Out.ObjectType "Book" Nothing [workType]
titleField = Out.Field Nothing (Out.NonNullScalarType string) HashMap.empty
titleResolver = pure "Also sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen"
bookCollectionType :: Out.ObjectType (Either SomeException)
bookCollectionType :: Out.ObjectType IO
bookCollectionType = Out.ObjectType "Book" Nothing [workType]
$ HashMap.fromList resolvers
@ -173,7 +176,7 @@ bookCollectionType = Out.ObjectType "Book" Nothing [workType]
titleField = Out.Field Nothing (Out.NonNullScalarType string) HashMap.empty
titleResolver = pure "The Three Critiques"
subscriptionType :: Out.ObjectType (Either SomeException)
subscriptionType :: Out.ObjectType IO
subscriptionType = Out.ObjectType "Subscription" Nothing []
$ HashMap.singleton "newQuote"
$ EventStreamResolver quoteField (pure $ Object mempty)
@ -182,7 +185,7 @@ subscriptionType = Out.ObjectType "Subscription" Nothing []
quoteField =
Out.Field Nothing (Out.NonNullObjectType quoteType) HashMap.empty
quoteType :: Out.ObjectType (Either SomeException)
quoteType :: Out.ObjectType IO
quoteType = Out.ObjectType "Quote" Nothing []
$ HashMap.singleton "quote"
$ ValueResolver quoteField
@ -207,12 +210,40 @@ shouldResolveTo :: Text.Text -> Response Type.Value -> Expectation
shouldResolveTo querySource expected =
case parse document "" querySource of
(Right parsedDocument) ->
case execute philosopherSchema Nothing (mempty :: HashMap Name Type.Value) parsedDocument of
Right (Right result) -> shouldBe result expected
Right (Left _) -> expectationFailure
"the query is expected to resolve to a value, but it resolved to an event stream"
Left executionError -> throwIO executionError
execute philosopherSchema Nothing (mempty :: HashMap Name Type.Value) parsedDocument >>= go
(Left errorBundle) -> expectationFailure $ errorBundlePretty errorBundle
go = \case
Right result -> shouldBe result expected
Left _ -> expectationFailure
"the query is expected to resolve to a value, but it resolved to an event stream"
-- Asserts that the executor produces an error that starts with a string.
shouldContainError :: Either (ResponseEventStream IO Type.Value) (Response Type.Value)
-> Text
-> Expectation
shouldContainError streamOrValue expected =
case streamOrValue of
Right response -> respond response
Left _ -> expectationFailure
"the query is expected to resolve to a value, but it resolved to an event stream"
startsWith :: Text.Text -> Text.Text -> Bool
startsWith xs ys = Text.take (Text.length ys) xs == ys
respond :: Response Type.Value -> Expectation
respond Response{ errors }
| any ((`startsWith` expected) . message) errors = pure ()
| otherwise = expectationFailure
"the query is expected to execute with errors, but the response doesn't contain any errors"
parseAndExecute :: Schema IO
-> Maybe Text
-> HashMap Name Type.Value
-> Text
-> IO (Either (ResponseEventStream IO Type.Value) (Response Type.Value))
parseAndExecute schema' operation variables
= either (pure . parseError) (execute schema' operation variables)
. parse document ""
spec :: Spec
spec =
@ -347,30 +378,18 @@ spec =
context "queryError" $ do
let namedQuery name = "query " <> name <> " { philosopher(id: \"1\") { interest } }"
twoQueries = namedQuery "A" <> " " <> namedQuery "B"
startsWith :: Text.Text -> Text.Text -> Bool
startsWith xs ys = Text.take (Text.length ys) xs == ys
it "throws operation name is required error" $
let expectedErrorMessage :: Text.Text
expectedErrorMessage = "Operation name is required"
execute' :: Document -> Either SomeException EitherStreamOrValue
execute' = execute philosopherSchema Nothing (mempty :: HashMap Name Type.Value)
Right (Right (Response _ executionErrors)) = either (pure . parseError) execute'
$ parse document "" twoQueries
Error msg _ _ = Seq.index executionErrors 0
in msg `startsWith` expectedErrorMessage `shouldBe` True
it "throws operation name is required error" $ do
let expectedErrorMessage = "Operation name is required"
actual <- parseAndExecute philosopherSchema Nothing mempty twoQueries
actual `shouldContainError` expectedErrorMessage
it "throws operation not found error" $
let expectedErrorMessage :: Text.Text
expectedErrorMessage = "Operation \"C\" is not found"
execute' :: Document -> Either SomeException EitherStreamOrValue
execute' = execute philosopherSchema (Just "C") (mempty :: HashMap Name Type.Value)
Right (Right (Response _ executionErrors)) = either (pure . parseError) execute'
$ parse document "" twoQueries
Error msg _ _ = Seq.index executionErrors 0
in msg `startsWith` expectedErrorMessage `shouldBe` True
it "throws operation not found error" $ do
let expectedErrorMessage = "Operation \"C\" is not found"
actual <- parseAndExecute philosopherSchema (Just "C") mempty twoQueries
actual `shouldContainError` expectedErrorMessage
it "throws variable coercion error" $
it "throws variable coercion error" $ do
let data'' = Null
executionErrors = pure $ Error
{ message = "Failed to coerce the variable $id: String."
@ -378,11 +397,10 @@ spec =
, path = []
expected = Response data'' executionErrors
executeWithVars :: Document -> Either SomeException EitherStreamOrValue
executeWithVars = execute philosopherSchema Nothing (HashMap.singleton "id" (Type.Int 1))
Right (Right actual) = either (pure . parseError) executeWithVars
Right actual <- either (pure . parseError) executeWithVars
$ parse document "" "query($id: String) { philosopher(id: \"1\") { firstLanguage } }"
in actual `shouldBe` expected
actual `shouldBe` expected
it "throws variable unkown input type error" $
let data'' = Null
@ -408,17 +426,15 @@ spec =
in path' `shouldBe` expected
context "Subscription" $
it "subscribes" $
it "subscribes" $ do
let data'' = Object
$ HashMap.singleton "newQuote"
$ Object
$ HashMap.singleton "quote"
$ String "Naturam expelles furca, tamen usque recurret."
expected = Response data'' mempty
Left stream
= fromRight (error "Execution error")
$ execute philosopherSchema Nothing (mempty :: HashMap Name Type.Value)
Left stream <- execute philosopherSchema Nothing (mempty :: HashMap Name Type.Value)
$ fromRight (error "Parse error")
$ parse document "" "subscription { newQuote { quote } }"
Right (Just actual) = runConduit $ stream .| await
in actual `shouldBe` expected
Just actual <- runConduit $ stream .| await
actual `shouldBe` expected
Reference in New Issue
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