{- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
   v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
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module TeaCleaner.Configuration
    ( ProgramOptions(..)
    , Settings(..)
    , decodeSettingsFile
    , commandLineInfo
    , execParser
    ) where

import GHC.Records (HasField(..))
import Data.Text (StrictText)
import qualified Toml
import Toml ((.=))
import Options.Applicative
    ( Parser
    , ParserInfo
    , (<**>)
    , execParser
    , fullDesc
    , help
    , helper
    , info
    , long
    , progDesc
    , switch
import Text.URI (URI)
import qualified Text.URI as URI
import Data.Time (UTCTime(..), getCurrentTime)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef)

data ConfigFile = ConfigFile
    { token :: StrictText
    , server :: StrictText
    , spamWords :: [StrictText]
    , mailDomains :: [StrictText]
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

configFileCodec :: Toml.TomlCodec ConfigFile
configFileCodec = ConfigFile
    <$> Toml.text "token" .= getField @"token"
    <*> Toml.text "server" .= getField @"server"
    <*> Toml.arrayOf Toml._Text "spam_words" .= getField @"spamWords"
    <*> Toml.arrayOf Toml._Text "mail_domains" .= getField @"mailDomains"

data Settings = Settings
    { token :: StrictText
    , server :: URI
    , now :: UTCTime
    , spamWords :: [StrictText]
    , mailDomains :: [StrictText]
    , statistics :: IORef Int
    } deriving Eq

decodeSettingsFile :: FilePath -> IO Settings
decodeSettingsFile configPath = do
    ConfigFile{..} <- Toml.decodeFile configFileCodec configPath
    parsedServer <- URI.mkURI server
    now <- getCurrentTime
    ioRef <- newIORef 0
    pure $ Settings
        { token = token
        , server = parsedServer
        , now = now
        , spamWords = spamWords
        , mailDomains = mailDomains
        , statistics = ioRef

newtype ProgramOptions = ProgramOptions
    { liveRun :: Bool
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

commandLineInfo :: ParserInfo ProgramOptions
commandLineInfo = info (commandLine <**> helper)
    $ fullDesc <> progDesc "Helps to detect some spam gitea accounts"

commandLine :: Parser ProgramOptions
commandLine = ProgramOptions
    <$> liveRunOption
    liveRunOption = switch $ long "live-run" <> help "Purge suspicious users"