86 lines
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86 lines
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module TeaCleaner.Client
( getActivities
, getUsers
, purgeUser
) where
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Text.URI (URI(..))
import qualified Text.URI as URI
import qualified Text.URI.QQ as URI
import TeaCleaner.Types (Activity(..), User(..))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8
import Network.HTTP.Req
( DELETE(..)
, GET(..)
, NoReqBody(..)
, defaultHttpConfig
, ignoreResponse
, jsonResponse
, oAuth2Bearer
, responseBody
, req
, runReq
, useHttpsURI
import GHC.Records (HasField(..))
purgeUser :: String -> URI -> User -> IO ()
purgeUser token server user =
let pathConstructor lastPiece = [URI.pathPiece|api|] :|
[ [URI.pathPiece|v1|]
, [URI.pathPiece|admin|]
, [URI.pathPiece|users|]
, lastPiece
uri = server
{ URI.uriPath = (False,) . pathConstructor
<$> URI.mkPathPiece (getField @"username" user)
, URI.uriQuery = [URI.QueryParam [URI.queryKey|purge|] [URI.queryValue|true|]]
in case useHttpsURI uri of
Just (httpsURI, httpsOptions) -> fmap responseBody
$ runReq defaultHttpConfig
$ req DELETE httpsURI NoReqBody ignoreResponse
$ httpsOptions <> oAuth2Bearer (Char8.pack token)
Nothing -> error "Invalid https URI"
getActivities :: String -> URI -> User -> IO (Vector Activity)
getActivities token server user =
let pathConstructor lastPiece = [URI.pathPiece|api|] :|
[ [URI.pathPiece|v1|]
, [URI.pathPiece|users|]
, lastPiece
, [URI.pathPiece|activities|]
, [URI.pathPiece|feeds|]
uri = server
{ URI.uriPath = (False,) . pathConstructor
<$> URI.mkPathPiece (getField @"username" user)
, URI.uriQuery = [URI.QueryParam [URI.queryKey|purge|] [URI.queryValue|true|]]
in case useHttpsURI uri of
Just (httpsURI, httpsOptions) -> fmap responseBody
$ runReq defaultHttpConfig
$ req GET httpsURI NoReqBody jsonResponse
$ httpsOptions <> oAuth2Bearer (Char8.pack token)
Nothing -> error "Invalid https URI"
getUsers :: String -> URI -> IO (Vector User)
getUsers token server =
let pathPieces = [URI.pathPiece|api|] :|
[ [URI.pathPiece|v1|]
, [URI.pathPiece|admin|]
, [URI.pathPiece|users|]
uri = server
{ URI.uriPath = Just (False, pathPieces)
in case useHttpsURI uri of
Just (httpsURI, httpsOptions) -> fmap responseBody
$ runReq defaultHttpConfig
$ req GET httpsURI NoReqBody jsonResponse
$ httpsOptions <> oAuth2Bearer (Char8.pack token)
Nothing -> error "Invalid https URI"