
215 lines
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#include "elna/state.hpp"
namespace elna
std::string cursor_to_column(const std::uint16_t position)
std::string code = std::to_string(position);
code.insert(0, "\x1b[");
return code;
: store(static_cast<unsigned char>(0x1b))
key::key(const unsigned char c, const std::uint8_t modifiers)
: store(c), modifiers(modifiers == 0 ? 0 : modifiers - 1)
key::key(const unsigned char c, const modifier modifiers)
: store(c), modifiers(static_cast<uint8_t>(modifiers))
key::key(const special_key control, const std::uint8_t modifiers)
: store(control), modifiers(modifiers == 0 ? 0 : modifiers - 1)
key::key(const special_key control, const modifier modifiers)
: store(control), modifiers(static_cast<uint8_t>(modifiers))
unsigned char key::character() const
return std::get<unsigned char>(this->store);
special_key key::control() const
return std::get<special_key>(this->store);
bool key::modified(const std::uint8_t modifiers) const noexcept
return this->modifiers == modifiers;
bool key::modified(const modifier modifiers) const noexcept
return this->modifiers == static_cast<std::uint8_t>(modifiers);
bool key::operator==(const unsigned char c) const
return std::holds_alternative<unsigned char>(this->store)
&& std::get<unsigned char>(this->store) == c;
bool key::operator==(const special_key control) const
return std::holds_alternative<special_key>(this->store)
&& std::get<special_key>(this->store) == control;
bool key::operator==(const key& that) const
return this->store == that.store;
bool key::operator!=(const unsigned char c) const
return !(*this == c);
bool key::operator!=(const special_key control) const
return !(*this == control);
bool key::operator!=(const key& that) const
return !(*this == that);
bool key::is_character() const noexcept
return std::holds_alternative<unsigned char>(this->store);
bool key::is_control() const noexcept
return std::holds_alternative<special_key>(this->store);
bool key::empty() const noexcept
return *this == '\x1b';
bool operator==(const special_key control, const key& that)
return that == control;
bool operator==(const char c, const key& that)
return that == c;
bool operator!=(const special_key control, const key& that)
return that != control;
bool operator!=(const char c, const key& that)
return that != c;
void editor_state::load(const std::string& text)
this->input = text;
const std::string& editor_state::command_line() const noexcept
return this->input;
std::size_t editor_state::absolute_position() const noexcept
return this->prompt.size() + this->position;
void editor_state::insert(const std::string& text)
this->input.insert(std::end(this->input), std::cbegin(text), std::cend(text));
action editor_state::process_keypress(const key& press)
if (press.is_control())
switch (press.control())
case special_key::arrow_left:
if (this->position > 1)
return action::move;
case special_key::arrow_right:
if (this->position + 1 < this->input.size() + this->prompt.size())
return action::move;
case special_key::arrow_up:
case special_key::arrow_down:
return action::history;
case special_key::home_key:
this->position = 1;
return action::move;
case special_key::end_key:
this->position = this->input.size() + 1;
return action::move;
return action::ignore;
else if (press.modified(modifier::ctrl))
switch (press.character())
case 'd':
return action::finalize;
case 't':
return action::complete;
return action::ignore;
switch (press.character())
case 127: // Backspace.
if (this->position <= this->input.size() + 1 && this->position > 1)
this->input.erase(this->position - 1, 1);
return action::redraw;
case '\r':
return action::finalize;
return action::write;