module Language.Elna.Architecture.RiscV ( BaseOpcode(..) , RelocationType(..) , Funct3(..) , Funct7(..) , Funct12(..) , Instruction(..) , Type(..) , XRegister(..) , baseOpcode , funct3 , funct12 , instruction , xRegister ) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as ByteString.Builder import Data.Bits (Bits(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Word (Word8, Word32) data XRegister = Zero | RA | SP | GP | TP | T0 | T1 | T2 | S0 | S1 | A0 | A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 | A6 | A7 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S5 | S6 | S7 | S8 | S9 | S10 | S11 | T3 | T4 | T5 | T6 deriving Eq data Funct3 = ADDI | SLTI | SLTIU | ANDI | ORI | XORI | SLLI | SRLI | SRAI | ADD | SLT | SLTU | AND | OR | XOR | SLL | SRL | SUB | SRA | BEQ | BNE | BLT | BLTU | BGE | BGEU | FENCE | FENCEI | CSRRW | CSRRS | CSRRC | CSRRWI | CSRRSI | CSRRCI | PRIV | SB | SH | SW | LB | LH | LW | LBU | LHU | JALR | MUL | MULH | MULHSU | MULHU | DIV | DIVU | REM | REMU deriving Eq data Funct12 = ECALL | EBREAK deriving Eq newtype Funct7 = Funct7 { funct7 :: Word8 } deriving Eq data BaseOpcode = OpImm | Lui | Auipc | Op | Jal | Jalr | Branch | Load | Store | MiscMem | System deriving Eq data Type = I XRegister Funct3 XRegister Word32 | S Word32 Funct3 XRegister XRegister | B Word32 Funct3 XRegister XRegister | R XRegister Funct3 XRegister XRegister Funct7 | U XRegister Word32 | J XRegister Word32 | Type XRegister Funct3 XRegister Funct12 -- Privileged. deriving Eq data RelocationType = RLower12I XRegister Funct3 XRegister Text | RLower12S Text Funct3 XRegister XRegister | RHigher20 XRegister Text -- Type U. | RBranch Text Funct3 XRegister XRegister -- Type B. deriving Eq data Instruction = BaseInstruction BaseOpcode Type | RelocatableInstruction BaseOpcode RelocationType | CallInstruction Text deriving Eq xRegister :: XRegister -> Word8 xRegister Zero = 0 xRegister RA = 1 xRegister SP = 2 xRegister GP = 3 xRegister TP = 4 xRegister T0 = 5 xRegister T1 = 6 xRegister T2 = 7 xRegister S0 = 8 xRegister S1 = 9 xRegister A0 = 10 xRegister A1 = 11 xRegister A2 = 12 xRegister A3 = 13 xRegister A4 = 14 xRegister A5 = 15 xRegister A6 = 16 xRegister A7 = 17 xRegister S2 = 18 xRegister S3 = 19 xRegister S4 = 20 xRegister S5 = 21 xRegister S6 = 22 xRegister S7 = 23 xRegister S8 = 24 xRegister S9 = 25 xRegister S10 = 26 xRegister S11 = 27 xRegister T3 = 28 xRegister T4 = 29 xRegister T5 = 30 xRegister T6 = 31 funct3 :: Funct3 -> Word8 funct3 ADDI = 0b000 funct3 SLTI = 0b001 funct3 SLTIU = 0b011 funct3 ANDI = 0b111 funct3 ORI = 0b110 funct3 XORI = 0b100 funct3 SLLI = 0b000 funct3 SRLI = 0b101 funct3 SRAI = 0b101 funct3 ADD = 0b000 funct3 SLT = 0b010 funct3 SLTU = 0b011 funct3 AND = 0b111 funct3 OR = 0b110 funct3 XOR = 0b100 funct3 SLL = 0b001 funct3 SRL = 0b101 funct3 SUB = 0b000 funct3 SRA = 0b101 funct3 BEQ = 0b000 funct3 BNE = 0b001 funct3 BLT = 0b100 funct3 BLTU = 0b110 funct3 BGE = 0b101 funct3 BGEU = 0b111 funct3 FENCE = 0b000 funct3 FENCEI = 0b001 funct3 CSRRW = 0b001 funct3 CSRRS = 0b010 funct3 CSRRC = 0b011 funct3 CSRRWI = 0b101 funct3 CSRRSI = 0b110 funct3 CSRRCI = 0b111 funct3 PRIV = 0b000 funct3 SB = 0b000 funct3 SH = 0b001 funct3 SW = 0b010 funct3 LB = 0b000 funct3 LH = 0b001 funct3 LW = 0b010 funct3 LBU = 0b100 funct3 LHU = 0b101 funct3 JALR = 0b000 funct3 MUL = 0b000 funct3 MULH = 0b001 funct3 MULHSU = 0b010 funct3 MULHU = 0b011 funct3 DIV = 0b100 funct3 DIVU = 0b101 funct3 REM = 0b110 funct3 REMU = 0b111 funct12 :: Funct12 -> Word8 funct12 ECALL = 0b000000000000 funct12 EBREAK = 0b000000000001 baseOpcode :: BaseOpcode -> Word8 baseOpcode OpImm = 0b0010011 baseOpcode Lui = 0b0110111 baseOpcode Auipc = 0b0010111 baseOpcode Op = 0b0110011 baseOpcode Jal = 0b1101111 baseOpcode Jalr = 0b1100111 baseOpcode Branch = 0b1100011 baseOpcode Load = 0b0000011 baseOpcode Store = 0b0100011 baseOpcode MiscMem = 0b0001111 baseOpcode System = 0b1110011 type' :: Type -> Word32 type' (I rd funct3' rs1 immediate) = (fromIntegral (xRegister rd) `shiftL` 7) .|. (fromIntegral (funct3 funct3') `shiftL` 12) .|. (fromIntegral (xRegister rs1) `shiftL` 15) .|. (immediate `shiftL` 20); type' (S immediate funct3' rs1 rs2) = ((immediate .&. 0x1f) `shiftL` 7) .|. (fromIntegral (funct3 funct3') `shiftL` 12) .|. (fromIntegral (xRegister rs1) `shiftL` 15) .|. (fromIntegral (xRegister rs2) `shiftL` 20) .|. ((immediate .&. 0xfe0) `shiftL` 20) type' (B immediate funct3' rs1 rs2) = ((immediate .&. 0x800) `shiftR` 4) .|. ((immediate .&. 0x1e) `shiftL` 7) .|. (fromIntegral (funct3 funct3') `shiftL` 12) .|. (fromIntegral (xRegister rs1) `shiftL` 15) .|. (fromIntegral (xRegister rs2) `shiftL` 20) .|. ((immediate .&. 0x7e0) `shiftL` 20) .|. ((immediate .&. 0x1000) `shiftL` 19) type' (R rd funct3' rs1 rs2 funct7') = (fromIntegral (xRegister rd) `shiftL` 7) .|. (fromIntegral (funct3 funct3') `shiftL` 12) .|. (fromIntegral (xRegister rs1) `shiftL` 15) .|. (fromIntegral (xRegister rs2) `shiftL` 20) .|. (fromIntegral (funct7 funct7') `shiftL` 25); type' (U rd immediate) = (fromIntegral (xRegister rd) `shiftL` 7) .|. (immediate `shiftL` 12) type' (J rd immediate) = (fromIntegral (xRegister rd) `shiftL` 7) .|. (immediate .&. 0xff000) .|. ((immediate .&. 0x800) `shiftL` 9) .|. ((immediate .&. 0x7fe) `shiftL` 20) .|. ((immediate .&. 0x100000) `shiftL` 11); type' (Type rd funct3' rs1 funct12') = (fromIntegral (xRegister rd) `shiftL` 7) .|. (fromIntegral (funct3 funct3') `shiftL` 12) .|. (fromIntegral (xRegister rs1) `shiftL` 15) .|. (fromIntegral (funct12 funct12') `shiftL` 20); relocationType :: RelocationType -> Word32 relocationType (RLower12I rd funct3' rs1 _) = type' $ I rd funct3' rs1 0 relocationType (RLower12S _ funct3' rs1 rs2) = type' $ S 0 funct3' rs1 rs2 relocationType (RHigher20 rd _) = type' $ U rd 0 relocationType (RBranch _ funct3' rs1 rs2) = type' $ B 0 funct3' rs1 rs2 instruction :: Instruction -> ByteString.Builder.Builder instruction = \case (BaseInstruction base instructionType) -> go base $ type' instructionType (RelocatableInstruction base instructionType) -> go base $ relocationType instructionType (CallInstruction _) -> foldMap instruction [ BaseInstruction Auipc $ U RA 0 , BaseInstruction Jalr $ I RA JALR RA 0 ] where go base instructionType = ByteString.Builder.word32LE $ fromIntegral (baseOpcode base) .|. instructionType