Encode labels as untyped local symbols in ELF
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,10 +9,7 @@
- Don't ignore relocations where the symbol is not defined in the symbol table.
- Don't ignore relocations where the symbol is not defined in the symbol table.
Report an error about an undefined symbol.
Report an error about an undefined symbol.
- JumpLabels inside functions are encoded as functions. Distinguish between
- Labels should start with a dot, ".L", not just "L0" or "L1".
labels (e.g. .A0 or .L0) and global functions. Lables are NOTYPE LOCAL.
- Sort the symbols so that local symbols come first. Some table header had a
number specifiying the index of the first non-local symbol. Adjust that number.
# Name analysis
# Name analysis
@ -3,20 +3,26 @@ module Language.Elna.Object.ElfCoder
( ElfEnvironment(..)
( ElfEnvironment(..)
, ElfWriter(..)
, ElfWriter(..)
, ElfHeaderResult(..)
, ElfHeaderResult(..)
, elfHeaderSize
, UnresolvedRelocation(..)
, UnresolvedRelocations(..)
, addHeaderToResult
, addSectionHeader
, addSectionHeader
, elfHeaderSize
, elfObject
, elfObject
, elfSectionsSize
, elfSectionsSize
, putSectionHeader
, putSectionHeader
, partitionSymbols
, module Language.Elna.Object.Elf
, module Language.Elna.Object.Elf
) where
) where
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, runStateT, modify', gets)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, runStateT, modify', gets)
import Data.Bits (Bits(..))
import Data.ByteString (StrictByteString)
import Data.ByteString (StrictByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as ByteString.Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as ByteString.Builder
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import System.IO (Handle, IOMode(..), SeekMode(..), hSeek, withFile)
import System.IO (Handle, IOMode(..), SeekMode(..), hSeek, withFile)
@ -26,6 +32,10 @@ import Language.Elna.Object.StringTable (StringTable)
import qualified Language.Elna.Object.StringTable as StringTable
import qualified Language.Elna.Object.StringTable as StringTable
import GHC.Records (HasField(..))
import GHC.Records (HasField(..))
data UnresolvedRelocation = UnresolvedRelocation StrictByteString Elf32_Addr Word8
data UnresolvedRelocations =
UnresolvedRelocations (Vector UnresolvedRelocation) (ElfHeaderResult Elf32_Sym) Elf32_Word
data ElfEnvironment = ElfEnvironment
data ElfEnvironment = ElfEnvironment
{ objectHeaders :: ElfHeaderResult Elf32_Shdr
{ objectHeaders :: ElfHeaderResult Elf32_Shdr
, objectHandle :: Handle
, objectHandle :: Handle
@ -57,6 +67,11 @@ instance MonadIO ElfWriter
liftIO = ElfWriter . liftIO
liftIO = ElfWriter . liftIO
partitionSymbols :: ElfHeaderResult Elf32_Sym -> (Vector Elf32_Sym, Vector Elf32_Sym)
partitionSymbols = Vector.partition go . getField @"sectionHeaders"
go Elf32_Sym{ st_info } = (st_info .&. 0xf0) == 0
-- | ELF header size.
-- | ELF header size.
elfHeaderSize :: Elf32_Off
elfHeaderSize :: Elf32_Off
elfHeaderSize = 52
elfHeaderSize = 52
@ -67,17 +82,18 @@ elfSectionsSize :: Vector Elf32_Shdr -> Elf32_Off
elfSectionsSize = (elfHeaderSize +)
elfSectionsSize = (elfHeaderSize +)
. Vector.foldr ((+) . sh_size) 0
. Vector.foldr ((+) . sh_size) 0
addHeaderToResult :: StrictByteString -> a -> ElfHeaderResult a -> ElfHeaderResult a
addHeaderToResult name newHeader accumulator@ElfHeaderResult{..} = accumulator
{ sectionHeaders = Vector.snoc sectionHeaders newHeader
, sectionNames = StringTable.append name sectionNames
addSectionHeader :: StrictByteString -> Elf32_Shdr -> ElfWriter ()
addSectionHeader :: StrictByteString -> Elf32_Shdr -> ElfWriter ()
addSectionHeader name newHeader = ElfWriter $ modify' modifier
addSectionHeader name newHeader = ElfWriter $ modify' modifier
modifier elfEnvironment@ElfEnvironment{ objectHeaders } =
modifier elfEnvironment@ElfEnvironment{ objectHeaders } = elfEnvironment
let ElfHeaderResult{..} = objectHeaders
{ objectHeaders = addHeaderToResult name newHeader objectHeaders
in elfEnvironment
{ objectHeaders = ElfHeaderResult
{ sectionHeaders = Vector.snoc sectionHeaders newHeader
, sectionNames = StringTable.append name sectionNames
putSectionHeader :: StrictByteString -> Elf32_Shdr -> StrictByteString -> ElfWriter ()
putSectionHeader :: StrictByteString -> Elf32_Shdr -> StrictByteString -> ElfWriter ()
putSectionHeader name newHeader encoded = do
putSectionHeader name newHeader encoded = do
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Language.Elna.RiscV.CodeGenerator
module Language.Elna.RiscV.CodeGenerator
( Statement(..)
( Directive(..)
, Statement(..)
, generateRiscV
, generateRiscV
, riscVConfiguration
, riscVConfiguration
) where
) where
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module Language.Elna.RiscV.ElfWriter
( riscv32Elf
( riscv32Elf
) where
) where
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.ByteString (StrictByteString)
import Data.ByteString (StrictByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as ByteString.Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as ByteString.Builder
@ -12,7 +11,6 @@ import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Language.Elna.Object.ElfCoder
import Language.Elna.Object.ElfCoder
( ByteOrder(..)
( ByteOrder(..)
, Elf32_Addr
, Elf32_Ehdr(..)
, Elf32_Ehdr(..)
, Elf32_Half
, Elf32_Half
, Elf32_Word
, Elf32_Word
@ -31,6 +29,10 @@ import Language.Elna.Object.ElfCoder
, ElfWriter(..)
, ElfWriter(..)
, ElfHeaderResult(..)
, ElfHeaderResult(..)
, ElfEnvironment(..)
, ElfEnvironment(..)
, UnresolvedRelocation(..)
, UnresolvedRelocations(..)
, addHeaderToResult
, addSectionHeader
, elf32Sym
, elf32Sym
, elfHeaderSize
, elfHeaderSize
, elfSectionsSize
, elfSectionsSize
@ -38,53 +40,27 @@ import Language.Elna.Object.ElfCoder
, rInfo
, rInfo
, elf32Rel
, elf32Rel
, shfInfoLink
, shfInfoLink
, addSectionHeader
, partitionSymbols
, putSectionHeader
, putSectionHeader
import qualified Language.Elna.Architecture.RiscV as RiscV
import qualified Language.Elna.Architecture.RiscV as RiscV
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (get, gets)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (get, gets)
import Language.Elna.RiscV.CodeGenerator (Statement(..))
import Language.Elna.RiscV.CodeGenerator (Directive(..), Statement(..))
import Language.Elna.Object.StringTable (StringTable)
import qualified Language.Elna.Object.StringTable as StringTable
import qualified Language.Elna.Object.StringTable as StringTable
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import GHC.Records (HasField(..))
import GHC.Records (HasField(..))
data UnresolvedRelocation = UnresolvedRelocation StrictByteString Elf32_Addr Word8
data UnresolvedRelocations = UnresolvedRelocations (Vector UnresolvedRelocation) Elf32_Word
riscv32Elf :: Vector Statement -> ElfWriter Elf32_Ehdr
riscv32Elf :: Vector Statement -> ElfWriter Elf32_Ehdr
riscv32Elf code = text
riscv32Elf code = text code
>>= symtab
>>= uncurry symrel
>>= uncurry symrel
>>= strtab
>>= strtab
>> shstrtab
>> shstrtab
>>= riscv32Header
>>= riscv32Header
shstrtab :: ElfWriter Elf32_Half
shstrtab = do
ElfHeaderResult{..} <- ElfWriter $ gets $ getField @"objectHeaders"
let stringTable = ".shstrtab"
currentNamesSize = StringTable.size sectionNames
nextHeader = Elf32_Shdr
{ sh_type = SHT_STRTAB
, sh_size = currentNamesSize -- Adding trailing null character.
+ fromIntegral (succ $ ByteString.length stringTable)
, sh_offset = elfSectionsSize sectionHeaders
, sh_name = currentNamesSize
, sh_link = 0
, sh_info = 0
, sh_flags = 0
, sh_entsize = 0
, sh_addralign = 1
, sh_addr = 0
addSectionHeader stringTable nextHeader
ElfEnvironment{..} <- ElfWriter get
liftIO $ ByteString.hPut objectHandle
$ StringTable.encode
$ getField @"sectionNames" objectHeaders
pure $ fromIntegral $ Vector.length sectionHeaders
riscv32Header :: Elf32_Half -> ElfWriter Elf32_Ehdr
riscv32Header :: Elf32_Half -> ElfWriter Elf32_Ehdr
riscv32Header shstrndx = do
riscv32Header shstrndx = do
ElfHeaderResult{..} <- ElfWriter $ gets $ getField @"objectHeaders"
ElfHeaderResult{..} <- ElfWriter $ gets $ getField @"objectHeaders"
@ -104,110 +80,45 @@ riscv32Elf code = text
, e_entry = 0
, e_entry = 0
, e_ehsize = fromIntegral elfHeaderSize
, e_ehsize = fromIntegral elfHeaderSize
takeStringZ stringTable Elf32_Sym{ st_name }
= StringTable.index st_name stringTable
resolveRelocation (ElfHeaderResult stringTable entries) unresolvedRelocation
| UnresolvedRelocation symbolName offset type' <- unresolvedRelocation
, Just entry <- Vector.findIndex ((== symbolName) . takeStringZ stringTable) entries =
Right $ Elf32_Rel
{ r_offset = offset
, r_info = rInfo (fromIntegral entry) type'
| otherwise = Left unresolvedRelocation
symtab entries = do
ElfHeaderResult{..} <- ElfWriter $ gets $ getField @"objectHeaders"
let encodedSymbols = LazyByteString.toStrict
$ ByteString.Builder.toLazyByteString
$ foldMap (elf32Sym LSB) entries
symHeader = Elf32_Shdr
{ sh_type = SHT_SYMTAB
, sh_size = fromIntegral $ ByteString.length encodedSymbols
, sh_offset = elfSectionsSize sectionHeaders
, sh_name = StringTable.size sectionNames
, sh_link = fromIntegral $ Vector.length sectionHeaders + 2
, sh_info = 1
, sh_flags = 0
, sh_entsize = 16
, sh_addralign = 4
, sh_addr = 0
putSectionHeader ".symtab" symHeader encodedSymbols
pure $ fromIntegral $ Vector.length sectionHeaders
symrel symbols relocations = do
let UnresolvedRelocations relocationList index = relocations
ElfHeaderResult stringTable entries = symbols
sectionHeadersLength <- symtab entries
text :: Vector Statement -> ElfWriter UnresolvedRelocations
ElfHeaderResult{..} <- ElfWriter $ gets $ getField @"objectHeaders"
text code = do
ElfHeaderResult{..} <- ElfWriter $ gets $ getField @"objectHeaders"
let encodedRelocations = LazyByteString.toStrict
let textTabIndex = fromIntegral $ Vector.length sectionHeaders
$ ByteString.Builder.toLazyByteString
initialHeaders = ElfHeaderResult mempty
$ Vector.foldMap (either (const mempty) (elf32Rel LSB))
$ Vector.singleton
$ resolveRelocation symbols <$> relocationList
$ Elf32_Sym
relHeader = Elf32_Shdr
{ st_value = 0
{ sh_type = SHT_REL
, st_size = 0
, sh_size = fromIntegral $ ByteString.length encodedRelocations
, st_shndx = 0
, sh_offset = elfSectionsSize sectionHeaders
, st_other = 0
, sh_name = StringTable.size sectionNames
, st_name = 0
, sh_link = sectionHeadersLength
, st_info = 0
, sh_info = index
, sh_flags = shfInfoLink
, sh_entsize = 8
, sh_addralign = 4
, sh_addr = 0
putSectionHeader ".rel.text" relHeader encodedRelocations
(encoded, updatedRelocations, symbols, definitions) =
pure stringTable
encodeFunctions textTabIndex (mempty, Vector.empty, initialHeaders, HashSet.empty) code
strtab stringTable = do
size = fromIntegral $ LazyByteString.length encoded
ElfHeaderResult{..} <- ElfWriter $ gets $ getField @"objectHeaders"
newHeader = Elf32_Shdr
let strHeader = Elf32_Shdr
{ sh_type = SHT_PROGBITS
{ sh_type = SHT_STRTAB
, sh_size = size
, sh_size = StringTable.size stringTable
, sh_offset = elfSectionsSize sectionHeaders
, sh_offset = elfSectionsSize sectionHeaders
, sh_name = StringTable.size sectionNames
, sh_name = StringTable.size sectionNames
, sh_link = 0
, sh_link = 0
, sh_info = 0
, sh_info = 0
, sh_flags = 0b110
, sh_flags = 0
, sh_entsize = 0
, sh_entsize = 0
, sh_addralign = 4
, sh_addralign = 1
, sh_addr = 0
, sh_addr = 0
putSectionHeader ".text" newHeader $ LazyByteString.toStrict encoded
putSectionHeader ".strtab" strHeader $ StringTable.encode stringTable
let filterPredicate :: StrictByteString -> Bool
text = do
filterPredicate = not
ElfHeaderResult{..} <- ElfWriter $ gets $ getField @"objectHeaders"
. (`StringTable.elem` getField @"sectionNames" symbols)
let textTabIndex = fromIntegral $ Vector.length sectionHeaders
symbolResult = HashSet.foldl' encodeEmptyDefinitions symbols
initialHeaders = ElfHeaderResult mempty
$ HashSet.filter filterPredicate definitions
$ Vector.singleton
pure $ UnresolvedRelocations updatedRelocations symbolResult
$ Elf32_Sym
$ fromIntegral $ Vector.length sectionHeaders
{ st_value = 0
, st_size = 0
, st_shndx = 0
, st_other = 0
, st_name = 0
, st_info = 0
(encoded, updatedRelocations, symbols, definitions) =
encodeFunctions textTabIndex (mempty, Vector.empty, initialHeaders, HashSet.empty) code
size = fromIntegral $ LazyByteString.length encoded
newHeader = Elf32_Shdr
{ sh_type = SHT_PROGBITS
, sh_size = size
, sh_offset = elfSectionsSize sectionHeaders
, sh_name = StringTable.size sectionNames
, sh_link = 0
, sh_info = 0
, sh_flags = 0b110
, sh_entsize = 0
, sh_addralign = 4
, sh_addr = 0
putSectionHeader ".text" newHeader $ LazyByteString.toStrict encoded
let filterPredicate :: StrictByteString -> Bool
filterPredicate = not
. (`StringTable.elem` getField @"sectionNames" symbols)
symbolResult = HashSet.foldl' encodeEmptyDefinitions symbols
$ HashSet.filter filterPredicate definitions
pure (symbolResult, UnresolvedRelocations updatedRelocations $ fromIntegral $ Vector.length sectionHeaders)
encodeEmptyDefinitions (ElfHeaderResult names entries) definition =
encodeEmptyDefinitions (ElfHeaderResult names entries) definition =
let nextEntry = Elf32_Sym
let nextEntry = Elf32_Sym
{ st_value = 0
{ st_value = 0
@ -219,34 +130,36 @@ riscv32Elf code = text
in ElfHeaderResult (StringTable.append definition names)
in ElfHeaderResult (StringTable.append definition names)
$ Vector.snoc entries nextEntry
$ Vector.snoc entries nextEntry
encodeFunctions shndx (encoded, relocations, ElfHeaderResult names symbols, definitions) instructions
encodeFunctions shndx (encoded, relocations, symbolResult, definitions) instructions
| Just (instruction, rest) <- Vector.uncons instructions =
| Just (instruction, rest) <- Vector.uncons instructions =
case instruction of
case instruction of
Instruction _ ->
Instruction _ ->
let (encoded', relocations', rest', definitions') =
let (encoded', relocations', symbolResult', definitions', rest') =
encodeInstructions (encoded, relocations, instructions, definitions)
encodeInstructions shndx (encoded, relocations, symbolResult, definitions, instructions)
in encodeFunctions shndx (encoded', relocations', ElfHeaderResult names symbols, definitions') rest'
in encodeFunctions shndx (encoded', relocations', symbolResult', definitions') rest'
JumpLabel labelName _ ->
JumpLabel labelName directives ->
let (encoded', relocations', rest', definitions') =
let (encoded', relocations', ElfHeaderResult _names _symbols, definitions', rest') =
encodeInstructions (encoded, relocations, rest, definitions)
encodeInstructions shndx (encoded, relocations, symbolResult, definitions, rest)
isGlobal = GlobalDirective `elem` directives
newEntry = Elf32_Sym
newEntry = Elf32_Sym
{ st_value = fromIntegral $ LazyByteString.length encoded
{ st_value = fromIntegral $ LazyByteString.length encoded
, st_size = fromIntegral $ LazyByteString.length encoded'
, st_size = if isGlobal then fromIntegral $ LazyByteString.length encoded' else 0
, st_shndx = shndx
, st_shndx = shndx
, st_other = 0
, st_other = 0
, st_name = StringTable.size names
, st_name = StringTable.size _names
, st_info = stInfo STB_GLOBAL STT_FUNC
, st_info = stInfo (if isGlobal then STB_GLOBAL else STB_LOCAL)
$ if FunctionDirective `elem` directives then STT_FUNC else STT_NOTYPE
result =
result =
( encoded'
( encoded'
, relocations'
, relocations'
, ElfHeaderResult (StringTable.append (Text.encodeUtf8 labelName) names)
, ElfHeaderResult (StringTable.append (Text.encodeUtf8 labelName) _names)
$ Vector.snoc symbols newEntry
$ Vector.snoc _symbols newEntry
, definitions'
, definitions'
in encodeFunctions shndx result rest'
in encodeFunctions shndx result rest'
| otherwise = (encoded, relocations, ElfHeaderResult names symbols, definitions)
| otherwise = (encoded, relocations, symbolResult, definitions)
encodeInstructions (encoded, relocations, instructions, definitions)
encodeInstructions shndx (encoded, relocations, ElfHeaderResult names symbols, definitions, instructions)
| Just (Instruction instruction, rest) <- Vector.uncons instructions =
| Just (Instruction instruction, rest) <- Vector.uncons instructions =
let offset = fromIntegral $ LazyByteString.length encoded
let offset = fromIntegral $ LazyByteString.length encoded
unresolvedRelocation = case instruction of
unresolvedRelocation = case instruction of
@ -275,11 +188,136 @@ riscv32Elf code = text
result =
result =
( encoded <> chunk
( encoded <> chunk
, maybe relocations (Vector.snoc relocations) unresolvedRelocation
, maybe relocations (Vector.snoc relocations) unresolvedRelocation
, rest
, ElfHeaderResult names symbols
, addDefinition unresolvedRelocation definitions
, addDefinition unresolvedRelocation definitions
, rest
in encodeInstructions result
in encodeInstructions shndx result
| otherwise = (encoded, relocations, instructions, definitions)
| Just (JumpLabel labelName directives , rest) <- Vector.uncons instructions
, FunctionDirective `notElem` directives =
let newEntry = Elf32_Sym
{ st_value = fromIntegral $ LazyByteString.length encoded
, st_size = 0
, st_shndx = shndx
, st_other = 0
, st_name = StringTable.size names
, st_info = stInfo (if GlobalDirective `elem` directives then STB_GLOBAL else STB_LOCAL) STT_NOTYPE
result =
( encoded
, relocations
, ElfHeaderResult (StringTable.append (Text.encodeUtf8 labelName) names)
$ Vector.snoc symbols newEntry
, definitions
, rest
in encodeInstructions shndx result
| otherwise = (encoded, relocations, ElfHeaderResult names symbols, definitions, instructions)
addDefinition (Just (UnresolvedRelocation symbolName _ _)) =
addDefinition (Just (UnresolvedRelocation symbolName _ _)) =
HashSet.insert symbolName
HashSet.insert symbolName
addDefinition Nothing = id
addDefinition Nothing = id
shstrtab :: ElfWriter Elf32_Half
shstrtab = do
ElfHeaderResult{..} <- ElfWriter $ gets $ getField @"objectHeaders"
let stringTable = ".shstrtab"
currentNamesSize = StringTable.size sectionNames
nextHeader = Elf32_Shdr
{ sh_type = SHT_STRTAB
, sh_size = currentNamesSize -- Adding trailing null character.
+ fromIntegral (succ $ ByteString.length stringTable)
, sh_offset = elfSectionsSize sectionHeaders
, sh_name = currentNamesSize
, sh_link = 0
, sh_info = 0
, sh_flags = 0
, sh_entsize = 0
, sh_addralign = 1
, sh_addr = 0
addSectionHeader stringTable nextHeader
ElfEnvironment{..} <- ElfWriter get
liftIO $ ByteString.hPut objectHandle
$ StringTable.encode
$ getField @"sectionNames" objectHeaders
pure $ fromIntegral $ Vector.length sectionHeaders
symtab :: UnresolvedRelocations -> ElfWriter (Elf32_Word, UnresolvedRelocations)
symtab (UnresolvedRelocations relocationList symbolResult index) = do
ElfHeaderResult{..} <- ElfWriter $ gets $ getField @"objectHeaders"
let (localSymbols, globalSymbols) = partitionSymbols symbolResult
sortedSymbols = localSymbols <> globalSymbols
sortedResult = symbolResult{ sectionHeaders = sortedSymbols }
encodedSymbols = LazyByteString.toStrict
$ ByteString.Builder.toLazyByteString
$ foldMap (elf32Sym LSB) sortedSymbols
symHeader = Elf32_Shdr
{ sh_type = SHT_SYMTAB
, sh_size = fromIntegral $ ByteString.length encodedSymbols
, sh_offset = elfSectionsSize sectionHeaders
, sh_name = StringTable.size sectionNames
, sh_link = fromIntegral $ Vector.length sectionHeaders + 2
, sh_info = fromIntegral $ Vector.length localSymbols
, sh_flags = 0
, sh_entsize = 16
, sh_addralign = 4
, sh_addr = 0
putSectionHeader ".symtab" symHeader encodedSymbols
( fromIntegral $ Vector.length sectionHeaders
, UnresolvedRelocations relocationList sortedResult index
symrel :: Elf32_Word -> UnresolvedRelocations -> ElfWriter StringTable
symrel sectionHeadersLength relocations = do
ElfHeaderResult{..} <- ElfWriter $ gets $ getField @"objectHeaders"
let UnresolvedRelocations relocationList symbols index = relocations
encodedRelocations = LazyByteString.toStrict
$ ByteString.Builder.toLazyByteString
$ Vector.foldMap (either (const mempty) (elf32Rel LSB))
$ resolveRelocation symbols <$> relocationList
relHeader = Elf32_Shdr
{ sh_type = SHT_REL
, sh_size = fromIntegral $ ByteString.length encodedRelocations
, sh_offset = elfSectionsSize sectionHeaders
, sh_name = StringTable.size sectionNames
, sh_link = sectionHeadersLength
, sh_info = index
, sh_flags = shfInfoLink
, sh_entsize = 8
, sh_addralign = 4
, sh_addr = 0
putSectionHeader ".rel.text" relHeader encodedRelocations
pure $ getField @"sectionNames" symbols
takeStringZ stringTable Elf32_Sym{ st_name }
= StringTable.index st_name stringTable
resolveRelocation (ElfHeaderResult stringTable entries) unresolvedRelocation
| UnresolvedRelocation symbolName offset type' <- unresolvedRelocation
, Just entry <- Vector.findIndex ((== symbolName) . takeStringZ stringTable) entries =
Right $ Elf32_Rel
{ r_offset = offset
, r_info = rInfo (fromIntegral entry) type'
| otherwise = Left unresolvedRelocation
strtab :: StringTable -> ElfWriter ()
strtab stringTable = do
ElfHeaderResult{..} <- ElfWriter $ gets $ getField @"objectHeaders"
let strHeader = Elf32_Shdr
{ sh_type = SHT_STRTAB
, sh_size = StringTable.size stringTable
, sh_offset = elfSectionsSize sectionHeaders
, sh_name = StringTable.size sectionNames
, sh_link = 0
, sh_info = 0
, sh_flags = 0
, sh_entsize = 0
, sh_addralign = 1
, sh_addr = 0
putSectionHeader ".strtab" strHeader $ StringTable.encode stringTable
Reference in New Issue
Block a user