Add call pseudo instruction
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,3 +8,4 @@
- Don't ignore relocations where the symbol is not defined in the symbol table.
Report an error about an undefined symbol.
- Don't hardcode symbols in symbolEntry.
@ -1,25 +1,56 @@
module Language.Elna.AST
( Program(..)
( Declaration(..)
, Identifier(..)
, Parameter(..)
, Program(..)
, Statement(..)
, TypeExpression(..)
, VariableDeclaration(..)
{-, VariableAccess(..)
, Condition(..)
, Declaration(..)
, Expression(..)
, Identifier(..)
, Literal(..)
, Parameter(..)
, Statement(..)
, VariableDeclaration(..)
, TypeExpression(..)-}
, Literal(..)-}
) where
data Program = Program
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Word (Word16, Word32)
import Data.Char (chr)
import Data.Word ({-Word16, -}Word32)
import Language.Elna.Location (Identifier(..), showArrayType)
import Numeric (showHex)
newtype Program = Program [Declaration]
deriving Eq
instance Show Program
show (Program declarations) = unlines (show <$> declarations)
data Declaration
= ProcedureDeclaration Identifier [Parameter] [VariableDeclaration] [Statement]
-- | TypeDefinition Identifier TypeExpression
deriving Eq
instance Show Declaration
{- show (TypeDefinition identifier typeExpression) =
concat ["type ", show identifier, " = ", show typeExpression, ";"] -}
show (ProcedureDeclaration procedureName parameters variables body)
= "proc " <> show procedureName <> showParameters parameters <> " {\n"
<> unlines ((" " <>) . show <$> variables)
<> unlines ((" " <>) . show <$> body)
<> "}"
data Parameter = Parameter Identifier TypeExpression Bool
deriving Eq
instance Show Parameter
show (Parameter identifier typeName ref) = concat
[ if ref then "ref " else ""
, show identifier, ": ", show typeName
showParameters :: [Parameter] -> String
showParameters parameters =
"(" <> intercalate ", " (show <$> parameters) <> ")"
data TypeExpression
= NamedType Identifier
@ -31,6 +62,45 @@ instance Show TypeExpression
show (NamedType typeName) = show typeName
show (ArrayType elementCount typeName) = showArrayType elementCount typeName
data Statement
= EmptyStatement
{-| AssignmentStatement VariableAccess Expression
| IfStatement Condition Statement (Maybe Statement)
| WhileStatement Condition Statement
| CompoundStatement [Statement]
| CallStatement Identifier [Expression]-}
deriving Eq
instance Show Statement
show EmptyStatement = ";"
{-show (AssignmentStatement lhs rhs) =
concat [show lhs, " := ", show rhs, ";"]
show (IfStatement condition if' else') = concat
[ "if (", show condition, ") "
, show if'
, maybe "" ((<> " else ") . show) else'
show (WhileStatement expression statement) =
concat ["while (", show expression, ") ", show statement, ";"]
show (CompoundStatement statements) =
concat ["{\n", unlines (show <$> statements), " }"]
show (CallStatement name parameters) = show name <> "("
<> intercalate ", " (show <$> parameters) <> ")"-}
data VariableDeclaration =
VariableDeclaration Identifier TypeExpression
deriving Eq
instance Show VariableDeclaration
show (VariableDeclaration identifier typeExpression) =
concat ["var ", show identifier, ": " <> show typeExpression, ";"]
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.Char (chr)
import Numeric (showHex)
data Literal
= IntegerLiteral Int32
| HexadecimalLiteral Int32
@ -96,75 +166,4 @@ instance Show Condition
show (GreaterCondition lhs rhs) = concat [show lhs, " > ", show rhs]
show (LessOrEqualCondition lhs rhs) = concat [show lhs, " <= ", show rhs]
show (GreaterOrEqualCondition lhs rhs) = concat [show lhs, " >= ", show rhs]
data Statement
= EmptyStatement
| AssignmentStatement VariableAccess Expression
| IfStatement Condition Statement (Maybe Statement)
| WhileStatement Condition Statement
| CompoundStatement [Statement]
| CallStatement Identifier [Expression]
deriving Eq
instance Show Statement
show EmptyStatement = ";"
show (AssignmentStatement lhs rhs) =
concat [show lhs, " := ", show rhs, ";"]
show (IfStatement condition if' else') = concat
[ "if (", show condition, ") "
, show if'
, maybe "" ((<> " else ") . show) else'
show (WhileStatement expression statement) =
concat ["while (", show expression, ") ", show statement, ";"]
show (CompoundStatement statements) =
concat ["{\n", unlines (show <$> statements), " }"]
show (CallStatement name parameters) = show name <> "("
<> intercalate ", " (show <$> parameters) <> ")"
data Parameter = Parameter Identifier TypeExpression Bool
deriving Eq
instance Show Parameter
show (Parameter identifier typeName ref) = concat
[ if ref then "ref " else ""
, show identifier, ": ", show typeName
data VariableDeclaration =
VariableDeclaration Identifier TypeExpression
deriving Eq
instance Show VariableDeclaration
show (VariableDeclaration identifier typeExpression) =
concat ["var ", show identifier, ": " <> show typeExpression, ";"]
data Declaration
= TypeDefinition Identifier TypeExpression
| ProcedureDefinition Identifier [Parameter] [VariableDeclaration] [Statement]
deriving Eq
instance Show Declaration
show (TypeDefinition identifier typeExpression) =
concat ["type ", show identifier, " = ", show typeExpression, ";"]
show (ProcedureDefinition procedureName parameters variables body)
= "proc " <> show procedureName <> showParameters parameters <> " {\n"
<> unlines ((" " <>) . show <$> variables)
<> unlines ((" " <>) . show <$> body)
<> "}"
newtype Program = Program [Declaration]
deriving Eq
instance Show Program
show (Program declarations) = unlines (show <$> declarations)
showParameters :: [Parameter] -> String
showParameters parameters =
"(" <> intercalate ", " (show <$> parameters) <> ")"
@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ data RelocationType
data Instruction
= Instruction BaseOpcode Type
| RelocatableInstruction BaseOpcode RelocationType
| CallInstruction Text
deriving Eq
xRegister :: XRegister -> Word8
@ -306,6 +307,10 @@ instruction :: Instruction -> ByteString.Builder.Builder
instruction = \case
(Instruction base instructionType) -> go base $ type' instructionType
(RelocatableInstruction base instructionType) -> go base $ relocationType instructionType
(CallInstruction _) -> foldMap instruction
[ Instruction Auipc $ U RA 0
, Instruction Jalr $ I RA JALR RA 0
go base instructionType
= ByteString.Builder.word32LE
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ import Language.Elna.SymbolTable (SymbolTable)
generateCode :: SymbolTable -> Vector Quadruple -> Vector RiscV.Instruction
generateCode _ _ = Vector.fromList
[ RiscV.Instruction RiscV.OpImm $ RiscV.I RiscV.A0 RiscV.ADDI RiscV.Zero 0
[ RiscV.CallInstruction "printi"
, RiscV.Instruction RiscV.OpImm $ RiscV.I RiscV.A0 RiscV.ADDI RiscV.Zero 0
, RiscV.Instruction RiscV.OpImm $ RiscV.I RiscV.A7 RiscV.ADDI RiscV.Zero 93
, RiscV.Instruction RiscV.System $ RiscV.Type RiscV.Zero RiscV.PRIV RiscV.Zero RiscV.ECALL
@ -3,89 +3,48 @@ module Language.Elna.Parser
, programP
) where
-- import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad (void)
-- import Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr (Operator(..), makeExprParser)
import Data.Text (Text)
-- import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Void (Void)
import Language.Elna.AST
( Program(..)
{-, VariableAccess(..)
, Condition(..)
, Declaration(..)
, Expression(..)
( Declaration(..)
, Identifier(..)
, Literal(..)
, Parameter(..)
, Program(..)
, Statement(..)
, TypeExpression(..)
, VariableDeclaration(..)-}
, VariableDeclaration(..)
{-, VariableAccess(..)
, Condition(..)
, Expression(..)
, Literal(..)-}
import Text.Megaparsec
( Parsec
{-, MonadParsec(..)
, (<?>)
--, MonadParsec(..)
, eof
, optional
, between
, sepBy
, choice -}
{- import Text.Megaparsec.Char
( alphaNumChar
, char
, letterChar
, space1
, string
--, choice
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as Lexer
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
( alphaNumChar
-- , char
, letterChar
, space1
-- , string
import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..))
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Functor (($>))
-- import Data.Functor (($>))
type Parser = Parsec Void Text
space :: Parser ()
space = space1 (Lexer.skipLineComment "//")
$ Lexer.skipBlockComment "/*" "*/"
lexeme :: forall a. Parser a -> Parser a
lexeme = Lexer.lexeme space
symbol :: Text -> Parser Text
symbol = Lexer.symbol space
blockP :: forall a. Parser a -> Parser a
blockP = between (symbol "{") (symbol "}")
procedureP :: Parser ()
procedureP = void $ symbol "proc"
parensP :: forall a. Parser a -> Parser a
parensP = between (symbol "(") (symbol ")")
bracketsP :: forall a. Parser a -> Parser a
bracketsP = between (symbol "[") (symbol "]")
colonP :: Parser ()
colonP = void $ symbol ":"
semicolonP :: Parser ()
semicolonP = void $ symbol ";"
identifierP :: Parser Identifier
identifierP =
let wordParser = (:) <$> letterChar <*> many alphaNumChar <?> "identifier"
in fmap Identifier $ lexeme $ Text.pack <$> wordParser
typeExpressionP :: Parser TypeExpression
typeExpressionP = arrayTypeExpression
<|> NamedType <$> identifierP
<?> "type expression"
arrayTypeExpression = ArrayType
<$> (symbol "array" *> bracketsP (lexeme Lexer.decimal))
<*> (symbol "of" *> typeExpressionP)
typeDefinitionP :: Parser Declaration
typeDefinitionP = TypeDefinition
<$> (symbol "type" *> identifierP)
@ -93,24 +52,6 @@ typeDefinitionP = TypeDefinition
<* semicolonP
<?> "type definition"
variableDeclarationP :: Parser VariableDeclaration
variableDeclarationP = VariableDeclaration
<$> (symbol "var" *> identifierP)
<*> (colonP *> typeExpressionP)
<* semicolonP
<?> "variable declaration"
parameterP :: Parser Parameter
parameterP = paramCons
<$> optional (symbol "ref")
<*> identifierP
<*> (colonP *> typeExpressionP)
paramCons ref name typeName = Parameter name typeName (isJust ref)
commaP :: Parser ()
commaP = void $ symbol ","
literalP :: Parser Literal
= HexadecimalLiteral <$> (string "0x" *> lexeme Lexer.hexadecimal)
@ -174,17 +115,80 @@ conditionP = do
, symbol "=" >> pure EqualCondition
, symbol "#" >> pure NonEqualCondition
symbol :: Text -> Parser Text
symbol = Lexer.symbol space
space :: Parser ()
space = space1 (Lexer.skipLineComment "//")
$ Lexer.skipBlockComment "/*" "*/"
lexeme :: forall a. Parser a -> Parser a
lexeme = Lexer.lexeme space
blockP :: forall a. Parser a -> Parser a
blockP = between (symbol "{") (symbol "}")
parensP :: forall a. Parser a -> Parser a
parensP = between (symbol "(") (symbol ")")
bracketsP :: forall a. Parser a -> Parser a
bracketsP = between (symbol "[") (symbol "]")
colonP :: Parser ()
colonP = void $ symbol ":"
commaP :: Parser ()
commaP = void $ symbol ","
semicolonP :: Parser ()
semicolonP = void $ symbol ";"
identifierP :: Parser Identifier
identifierP =
let wordParser = (:) <$> letterChar <*> many alphaNumChar <?> "identifier"
in fmap Identifier $ lexeme $ Text.pack <$> wordParser
procedureP :: Parser ()
procedureP = void $ symbol "proc"
parameterP :: Parser Parameter
parameterP = paramCons
<$> optional (symbol "ref")
<*> identifierP
<*> (colonP *> typeExpressionP)
paramCons ref name typeName = Parameter name typeName (isJust ref)
typeExpressionP :: Parser TypeExpression
typeExpressionP = arrayTypeExpression
<|> NamedType <$> identifierP
<?> "type expression"
arrayTypeExpression = ArrayType
<$> (symbol "array" *> bracketsP (lexeme Lexer.decimal))
<*> (symbol "of" *> typeExpressionP)
procedureDeclarationP :: Parser Declaration
procedureDeclarationP = procedureCons
<$> (procedureP *> identifierP)
<*> parensP (sepBy parameterP commaP)
<*> blockP ((,) <$> many variableDeclarationP <*> many statementP)
<?> "procedure definition"
procedureCons procedureName parameters (variables, body) =
ProcedureDeclaration procedureName parameters variables body
statementP :: Parser Statement
= EmptyStatement <$ semicolonP
<|> CompoundStatement <$> blockP (many statementP)
{-<|> CompoundStatement <$> blockP (many statementP)
<|> try assignmentP
<|> try ifElseP
<|> try whileP
<|> try callP
<|> try callP -}
<?> "statement"
ifElseP = IfStatement
<$> (symbol "if" *> parensP conditionP)
<*> statementP
@ -201,19 +205,16 @@ statementP
<* symbol ":="
<*> expressionP
<* semicolonP
procedureDefinitionP :: Parser Declaration
procedureDefinitionP = procedureCons
<$> (procedureP *> identifierP)
<*> parensP (sepBy parameterP commaP)
<*> blockP ((,) <$> many variableDeclarationP <*> many statementP)
<?> "procedure definition"
procedureCons procedureName parameters (variables, body) =
ProcedureDefinition procedureName parameters variables body
variableDeclarationP :: Parser VariableDeclaration
variableDeclarationP = VariableDeclaration
<$> (symbol "var" *> identifierP)
<*> (colonP *> typeExpressionP)
<* semicolonP
<?> "variable declaration"
declarationP :: Parser Declaration
declarationP = typeDefinitionP <|> procedureDefinitionP
declarationP = procedureDeclarationP -- <|> typeDefinitionP
programP :: Parser Program
programP = pure Program -- <$> many declarationP
programP = Program <$> many declarationP <* eof
@ -211,9 +211,17 @@ riscv32Elf code objectHandle = text
, st_name = fromIntegral $ ByteString.length names
, st_info = stInfo STB_GLOBAL STT_FUNC
printEntry = Elf32_Sym
{ st_value = 0
, st_size = 0
, st_shndx = 0
, st_other = 0
, st_name = fromIntegral (ByteString.length names) + 7
, st_info = stInfo STB_GLOBAL STT_FUNC
liftIO $ ByteString.hPut objectHandle $ LazyByteString.toStrict encoded
let newResult = ElfHeaderResult (names <> "_start\0")
$ Vector.snoc entries newEntry
let newResult = ElfHeaderResult (names <> "_start\0printi\0")
$ Vector.snoc (Vector.snoc entries newEntry) printEntry
pure (newResult, size, updatedRelocations)
encodeInstruction (instructions, offset, relocations) instruction =
let unresolvedRelocation = case instruction of
@ -227,6 +235,9 @@ riscv32Elf code objectHandle = text
| RiscV.Lower12S symbolName _ _ _ <- instructionType
-> Just -- R_RISCV_LO12_S
$ UnresolvedRelocation (Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 symbolName) offset 28
RiscV.CallInstruction symbolName
$ UnresolvedRelocation (Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 symbolName) offset 19
RiscV.Instruction _ _ -> Nothing
encoded = ByteString.Builder.toLazyByteString
$ RiscV.instruction instruction
@ -5,32 +5,47 @@ require_relative 'shared'
CLEAN.include(TMP + 'riscv')
LINKER = 'build/rootfs/riscv32-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/ld'
AS = 'build/rootfs/riscv32-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/as'
namespace :test do
test_sources = FileList['tests/vm/*.elna']
test_sources = FileList['tests/vm/*.elna', 'tests/vm/*.s']
compiler = `cabal list-bin elna`.strip
object_directory = TMP + 'riscv/tests'
root_directory = TMP + 'riscv/root'
executable_directory = root_directory + 'tests'
expectation_directory = root_directory + 'expectations'
init = TMP + 'riscv/root/init'
builtin = TMP + 'riscv/builtin.o'
directory root_directory
directory object_directory
directory executable_directory
directory expectation_directory
file builtin => ['tools/builtin.s', object_directory] do |task|
sh AS, '-o',, task.prerequisites.first
test_files = test_sources.flat_map do |test_source|
test_basename = File.basename(test_source, '.elna')
test_basename = File.basename(test_source, '.*')
test_object = object_directory + test_basename.ext('.o')
file test_object => [test_source, object_directory] do
sh compiler, '--output', test_object.to_path, test_source
file test_object => [test_source, object_directory] do |task|
case File.extname(task.prerequisites.first)
when '.s'
sh AS, '-mno-relax', '-o',, task.prerequisites.first
when '.elna'
sh compiler, '--output',, task.prerequisites.first
raise "Unknown source file extension #{task.prerequisites.first}"
test_executable = executable_directory + test_basename
file test_executable => [test_object, executable_directory] do
sh LINKER, '-o', test_executable.to_path, test_object.to_path
file test_executable => [test_object, executable_directory, builtin] do |task|
objects = task.prerequisites.filter { |prerequisite| File.file? prerequisite }
sh LINKER, '-o', test_executable.to_path, *objects
expectation_name = test_basename.ext '.txt'
source_expectation = "tests/expectations/#{expectation_name}"
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
proc main() {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
.global printi
.type printi, @function
addi sp, sp, -8
sw s0, 0(sp)
sw ra, 4(sp)
addi s0, sp, 8
addi t0, a0, 0
addi a0, a0, '0'
sw a0, 0(s0)
addi a0, x0, 1
addi a1, s0, 0
addi a2, x0, 1
addi a7, x0, 64
addi t1, x0, '\n'
sw t1, 0(s0)
addi a0, t0, 0
lw s0, 0(sp)
lw ra, 4(sp)
addi sp, sp, 8
@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ enum status run_test(const char *file_entry_name)
int wait_status = 0;
make_path(filename, "./expectations/", file_entry_name, ".txt");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user