Add allocator convertion functions

This commit is contained in:
Eugen Wissner 2024-10-01 00:02:19 +02:00
parent c2c923276f
commit bbb15a0218
Signed by: belka
GPG Key ID: A27FDC1E8EE902C0
5 changed files with 80 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -25,4 +25,7 @@
- Temporary variables always use the same register, t0. Allocate registers for
# Type analysis
# Other
- Type analysis.
- Move platform dependent code generation into a submodule.

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@ -1,3 +1,39 @@
module Language.Elna.Allocator
( MachineConfiguration(..)
, Store(..)
, allocate
) where
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Language.Elna.Intermediate (Operand(..), Quadruple(..), Variable(..))
import Language.Elna.Location (Identifier(..))
newtype Store r = Store r
newtype MachineConfiguration r = MachineConfiguration
{ temporaryRegister :: r
:: forall r
. MachineConfiguration r
-> HashMap Identifier (Vector (Quadruple Variable))
-> HashMap Identifier (Vector (Quadruple (Store r)))
allocate MachineConfiguration{..} = fmap function
function :: Vector (Quadruple Variable) -> Vector (Quadruple (Store r))
function = fmap quadruple
quadruple :: Quadruple Variable -> Quadruple (Store r)
quadruple StartQuadruple = StartQuadruple
quadruple StopQuadruple = StopQuadruple
quadruple (ParameterQuadruple operand1) =
ParameterQuadruple (operand operand1)
quadruple (CallQuadruple name count) = CallQuadruple name count
quadruple (AddQuadruple operand1 operand2 _) =
AddQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2) (Store temporaryRegister)
quadruple (SubtractionQuadruple operand1 operand2 _) =
SubtractionQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2) (Store temporaryRegister)
operand :: Operand Variable -> Operand (Store r)
operand (IntOperand x) = IntOperand x
operand (VariableOperand _) = VariableOperand (Store temporaryRegister)

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Language.Elna.CodeGenerator
( Statement(..)
, generateCode
, generateRiscV
, riscVConfiguration
) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
@ -10,10 +11,10 @@ import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text.Encoding
import Language.Elna.Allocator (MachineConfiguration(..), Store(..))
import Language.Elna.Location (Identifier(..))
import Language.Elna.Intermediate (Operand(..), Quadruple(..), Variable(..))
import Language.Elna.Intermediate (Operand(..), Quadruple(..))
import qualified Language.Elna.Architecture.RiscV as RiscV
import Language.Elna.SymbolTable (SymbolTable)
import Data.Bits (Bits(..))
data Directive
@ -26,15 +27,24 @@ data Statement
| JumpLabel ByteString [Directive]
deriving Eq
generateCode :: SymbolTable -> HashMap Identifier (Vector Quadruple) -> Vector Statement
generateCode _ = HashMap.foldlWithKey' go Vector.empty
riscVConfiguration :: MachineConfiguration RiscV.XRegister
riscVConfiguration = MachineConfiguration
{ temporaryRegister = RiscV.T0
type RiscVStore = Store RiscV.XRegister
type RiscVQuadruple = Quadruple RiscVStore
type RiscVOperand = Operand RiscVStore
generateRiscV :: HashMap Identifier (Vector RiscVQuadruple) -> Vector Statement
generateRiscV = HashMap.foldlWithKey' go Vector.empty
go accumulator (Identifier key) value =
let code = Vector.cons (JumpLabel (Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 key) [GlobalDirective, FunctionDirective])
$ Vector.foldMap quadruple value
in accumulator <> code
quadruple :: Quadruple -> Vector Statement
quadruple :: RiscVQuadruple -> Vector Statement
quadruple StartQuadruple = Vector.fromList
[ Instruction (RiscV.BaseInstruction RiscV.OpImm $ RiscV.I RiscV.SP RiscV.ADDI RiscV.SP (negate 4))
, Instruction (RiscV.BaseInstruction RiscV.Store $ RiscV.S 0 RiscV.SW RiscV.SP RiscV.S0)
@ -57,25 +67,25 @@ quadruple StopQuadruple = Vector.fromList
, Instruction (RiscV.BaseInstruction RiscV.OpImm $ RiscV.I RiscV.SP RiscV.ADDI RiscV.SP 4)
, Instruction (RiscV.BaseInstruction RiscV.Jalr $ RiscV.I RiscV.RA RiscV.JALR RiscV.Zero 0)
quadruple (AddQuadruple operand1 operand2 (TempVariable _)) =
quadruple (AddQuadruple operand1 operand2 (Store register)) =
let (operandRegister1, statements1) = loadImmediateOrRegister operand1 RiscV.A0
(operandRegister2, statements2) = loadImmediateOrRegister operand2 RiscV.A1
in Vector.snoc (statements1 <> statements2)
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.BaseInstruction RiscV.Op
$ RiscV.R RiscV.T0 RiscV.ADD operandRegister1 operandRegister2 (RiscV.Funct7 0b0000000)
quadruple (SubtractionQuadruple operand1 operand2 (TempVariable _)) =
$ RiscV.R register RiscV.ADD operandRegister1 operandRegister2 (RiscV.Funct7 0b0000000)
quadruple (SubtractionQuadruple operand1 operand2 (Store register)) =
let (operandRegister1, statements1) = loadImmediateOrRegister operand1 RiscV.A0
(operandRegister2, statements2) = loadImmediateOrRegister operand2 RiscV.A1
in Vector.snoc (statements1 <> statements2)
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.BaseInstruction RiscV.Op
$ RiscV.R RiscV.T0 RiscV.SUB operandRegister1 operandRegister2 (RiscV.Funct7 0b0100000)
$ RiscV.R register RiscV.SUB operandRegister1 operandRegister2 (RiscV.Funct7 0b0100000)
loadImmediateOrRegister :: Operand -> RiscV.XRegister -> (RiscV.XRegister, Vector Statement)
loadImmediateOrRegister :: RiscVOperand -> RiscV.XRegister -> (RiscV.XRegister, Vector Statement)
loadImmediateOrRegister (IntOperand intValue) targetRegister =
(targetRegister, lui intValue targetRegister)
loadImmediateOrRegister (VariableOperand _) _ = (RiscV.T0, Vector.empty)
loadImmediateOrRegister (VariableOperand (Store register)) _ = (register, Vector.empty)
lui :: Int32 -> RiscV.XRegister -> Vector Statement
lui intValue targetRegister

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@ -28,18 +28,18 @@ instance Show Variable
-- show (Variable variable) = '$' : Text.unpack variable
show (TempVariable variable) = '$' : show variable
data Operand
data Operand v
= IntOperand Int32
| VariableOperand Variable
| VariableOperand v
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Quadruple
data Quadruple v
= StartQuadruple
| StopQuadruple
| ParameterQuadruple Operand
| ParameterQuadruple (Operand v)
| CallQuadruple Text Word32
| AddQuadruple Operand Operand Variable
| SubtractionQuadruple Operand Operand Variable
| AddQuadruple (Operand v) (Operand v) v
| SubtractionQuadruple (Operand v) (Operand v) v
{-| GoToQuadruple Label
| AssignQuadruple Operand Variable
| ArrayQuadruple Variable Operand Variable
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ instance Monad Intermediate
(Intermediate x) >>= f = Intermediate $ x >>= (runIntermediate . f)
intermediate :: SymbolTable -> AST.Program -> HashMap AST.Identifier (Vector Quadruple)
intermediate :: SymbolTable -> AST.Program -> HashMap AST.Identifier (Vector (Quadruple Variable))
intermediate globalTable
= fst
. flip runState 0
@ -82,14 +82,14 @@ intermediate globalTable
:: SymbolTable
-> AST.Program
-> Intermediate (HashMap AST.Identifier (Vector Quadruple))
-> Intermediate (HashMap AST.Identifier (Vector (Quadruple Variable)))
program globalTable (AST.Program declarations) = HashMap.fromList . catMaybes
<$> traverse (declaration globalTable) declarations
:: SymbolTable
-> AST.Declaration
-> Intermediate (Maybe (AST.Identifier, Vector Quadruple))
-> Intermediate (Maybe (AST.Identifier, Vector (Quadruple Variable)))
declaration globalTable (AST.ProcedureDeclaration procedureName _ _ statements)
= Just
. (procedureName,)
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ declaration globalTable (AST.ProcedureDeclaration procedureName _ _ statements)
<$> traverse (statement globalTable) statements
-- declaration (AST.TypeDefinition _ _) accumulator = pure accumulator
statement :: SymbolTable -> AST.Statement -> Intermediate (Vector Quadruple)
statement :: SymbolTable -> AST.Statement -> Intermediate (Vector (Quadruple Variable))
statement _ AST.EmptyStatement = pure mempty
statement localTable (AST.CallStatement (AST.Identifier callName) arguments) = do
visitedArguments <- traverse (expression localTable) arguments
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ variableType (AST.VariableAccess identifier) symbolTable
variableType (AST.ArrayAccess arrayAccess' _) symbolTable =
variableType arrayAccess' symbolTable
expression :: SymbolTable -> AST.Expression -> Intermediate (Operand, Vector Quadruple)
expression :: SymbolTable -> AST.Expression -> Intermediate (Operand Variable, Vector (Quadruple Variable))
expression localTable = \case
(AST.LiteralExpression literal') -> pure (literal literal', mempty)
(AST.SumExpression lhs rhs) -> binaryExpression AddQuadruple lhs rhs
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ expression localTable = \case
, Vector.snoc (lhsStatements <> rhsStatements) newQuadruple
literal :: AST.Literal -> Operand
literal :: AST.Literal -> Operand Variable
literal (AST.IntegerLiteral integer) = IntOperand integer
{-literal (AST.HexadecimalLiteral integer) = IntOperand integer
literal (AST.CharacterLiteral character) = IntOperand $ fromIntegral character

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@ -5,11 +5,12 @@ module Main
import Language.Elna.CommandLine (CommandLine(..), commandLine, execParser)
import Language.Elna.PrinterWriter (riscv32Elf)
import Language.Elna.Object.Elf (elfObject)
import Language.Elna.Allocator (allocate)
import Language.Elna.Parser (programP)
import Language.Elna.NameAnalysis (nameAnalysis)
import Language.Elna.TypeAnalysis (typeAnalysis)
import Language.Elna.Intermediate (intermediate)
import Language.Elna.CodeGenerator (generateCode)
import Language.Elna.CodeGenerator (generateRiscV, riscVConfiguration)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.FilePath (replaceExtension, takeFileName)
import Text.Megaparsec (runParser, errorBundlePretty)
@ -31,7 +32,8 @@ main = execParser commandLine >>= withCommandLine
$ errorBundlePretty errorBundle
withSymbolTable output program symbolTable =
let _ = typeAnalysis symbolTable program
intermediate' = intermediate symbolTable program
instructions = generateCode symbolTable intermediate'
instructions = generateRiscV
$ allocate riscVConfiguration
$ intermediate symbolTable program
in elfObject output
$ riscv32Elf instructions