Typecheck statements

This commit is contained in:
Eugen Wissner 2024-08-08 19:11:24 +02:00
parent 573990551c
commit 18a299098c
Signed by: belka
GPG Key ID: A27FDC1E8EE902C0
2 changed files with 60 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ common warnings
default-language: GHC2021
library elna-internal

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@ -6,19 +6,27 @@ module Language.Elna.TypeAnalysis
import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (Except, runExcept, throwE)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, asks, runReaderT)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Language.Elna.AST as AST
import Language.Elna.Location (Identifier(..))
import Language.Elna.SymbolTable (Info(..), SymbolTable)
import Language.Elna.SymbolTable (Info(..), ParameterInfo(..), SymbolTable)
import qualified Language.Elna.SymbolTable as SymbolTable
import Language.Elna.Types (Type(..), booleanType, intType)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..))
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
data Error
= ArithmeticExpressionError Type
| ComparisonExpressionError Type Type
| UnexpectedVariableInfoError Info
| UnexpectedProcedureInfoError Info
| UndefinedSymbolError Identifier
| InvalidConditionTypeError Type
| InvalidAssignmentError Type
| ExpectedLvalueError AST.Expression
| ParameterCountMismatchError Int Int
| ArgumentTypeMismatchError Type Type
| ArrayIndexError Type
| ArrayAccessError Type
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -50,6 +58,54 @@ typeAnalysis globalTable = either Just (const Nothing)
program :: AST.Program -> TypeAnalysis ()
program (AST.Program _declarations) = pure ()
statement :: SymbolTable -> AST.Statement -> TypeAnalysis ()
statement globalTable = \case
AST.EmptyStatement -> pure ()
AST.AssignmentStatement lhs rhs -> do
lhsType <- expression globalTable lhs
rhsType <- expression globalTable rhs
unless (lhsType == intType)
$ TypeAnalysis $ lift $ throwE $ InvalidConditionTypeError lhsType
unless (rhsType == intType)
$ TypeAnalysis $ lift $ throwE $ InvalidConditionTypeError rhsType
unless (isLvalue lhs)
$ TypeAnalysis $ lift $ throwE $ ExpectedLvalueError lhs
AST.IfStatement condition ifStatement elseStatement -> do
conditionType <- expression globalTable condition
unless (conditionType == booleanType)
$ TypeAnalysis $ lift $ throwE $ InvalidConditionTypeError conditionType
statement globalTable ifStatement
maybe (pure ()) (statement globalTable) elseStatement
AST.WhileStatement condition whileStatement -> do
conditionType <- expression globalTable condition
unless (conditionType == booleanType)
$ TypeAnalysis $ lift $ throwE $ InvalidConditionTypeError conditionType
statement globalTable whileStatement
AST.CompoundStatement statements -> traverse_ (statement globalTable) statements
AST.CallStatement procedureName arguments ->
case SymbolTable.lookup procedureName globalTable of
Just (ProcedureInfo _ parameters)
| parametersLength <- Vector.length parameters
, argumentsLength <- length arguments
, Vector.length parameters /= length arguments -> TypeAnalysis $ lift $ throwE
$ ParameterCountMismatchError parametersLength argumentsLength
| otherwise -> traverse_ (uncurry checkArgument)
$ Vector.zip parameters (Vector.fromList arguments)
Just anotherInfo -> TypeAnalysis $ lift $ throwE
$ UnexpectedVariableInfoError anotherInfo
Nothing -> TypeAnalysis $ lift $ throwE
$ UndefinedSymbolError procedureName
checkArgument ParameterInfo{..} argument = do
argumentType <- expression globalTable argument
unless (argumentType == type')
$ TypeAnalysis $ lift $ throwE $ ArgumentTypeMismatchError type' argumentType
when (isReferenceParameter && not (isLvalue argument))
$ TypeAnalysis $ lift $ throwE $ ExpectedLvalueError argument
isLvalue (AST.ArrayExpression arrayExpression _) = isLvalue arrayExpression
isLvalue (AST.VariableExpression _) = True
isLvalue _ = False
expression :: SymbolTable -> AST.Expression -> TypeAnalysis Type
expression globalTable = \case
AST.VariableExpression identifier -> do