Map local variables in IR to their original names
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,10 +3,6 @@
- To access named parameters inside a procedure, IR should be able to reference
them. During the generation the needed information (e.g. offsets or registers)
can be extracted from the symbol table and saved in the operands.
- Glue always generates the same intermediate variable (LocalVariable 0) for
local variables. (LocalVariable 0) is handled the same as temporary variables
that are currently saved only in registers. There space on the stack allocated
for local variables.
# ELF generation
@ -6,7 +6,12 @@ module Language.Elna.Backend.Allocator
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Language.Elna.Backend.Intermediate (Operand(..), Quadruple(..), Variable(..))
import Language.Elna.Backend.Intermediate
( ProcedureQuadruples(..)
, Operand(..)
, Quadruple(..)
, Variable(..)
import Language.Elna.Location (Identifier(..))
newtype Store r = Store r
@ -19,60 +24,57 @@ allocate
:: forall r
. MachineConfiguration r
-> HashMap Identifier (Vector (Quadruple Variable))
-> HashMap Identifier (Vector (Quadruple (Store r)))
-> HashMap Identifier (ProcedureQuadruples (Store r))
allocate MachineConfiguration{..} = fmap function
function :: Vector (Quadruple Variable) -> Vector (Quadruple (Store r))
function = fmap quadruple
function :: Vector (Quadruple Variable) -> ProcedureQuadruples (Store r)
function quadruples' = ProcedureQuadruples
{ quadruples = quadruple <$> quadruples'
, stackSize = 0
quadruple :: Quadruple Variable -> Quadruple (Store r)
quadruple StartQuadruple = StartQuadruple
quadruple StopQuadruple = StopQuadruple
quadruple (ParameterQuadruple operand1) =
quadruple = \case
StartQuadruple -> StartQuadruple
StopQuadruple -> StopQuadruple
ParameterQuadruple operand1 ->
ParameterQuadruple (operand operand1)
quadruple (CallQuadruple name count) = CallQuadruple name count
quadruple (AddQuadruple operand1 operand2 variable)
= AddQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2)
CallQuadruple name count -> CallQuadruple name count
AddQuadruple operand1 operand2 variable
-> AddQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2)
$ storeVariable variable
quadruple (SubtractionQuadruple operand1 operand2 variable)
= SubtractionQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2)
SubtractionQuadruple operand1 operand2 variable
-> SubtractionQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2)
$ storeVariable variable
quadruple (NegationQuadruple operand1 variable)
= NegationQuadruple (operand operand1)
NegationQuadruple operand1 variable
-> NegationQuadruple (operand operand1)
$ storeVariable variable
quadruple (ProductQuadruple operand1 operand2 variable)
= ProductQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2)
ProductQuadruple operand1 operand2 variable
-> ProductQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2)
$ storeVariable variable
quadruple (DivisionQuadruple operand1 operand2 variable)
= DivisionQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2)
DivisionQuadruple operand1 operand2 variable
-> DivisionQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2)
$ storeVariable variable
quadruple (LabelQuadruple label) = LabelQuadruple label
quadruple (GoToQuadruple label) = GoToQuadruple label
quadruple (EqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel) =
LabelQuadruple label -> LabelQuadruple label
GoToQuadruple label -> GoToQuadruple label
EqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel ->
EqualQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2) goToLabel
quadruple (NonEqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel) =
NonEqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel ->
NonEqualQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2) goToLabel
quadruple (LessQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel) =
LessQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel ->
LessQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2) goToLabel
quadruple (GreaterQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel) =
GreaterQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel ->
GreaterQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2) goToLabel
quadruple (LessOrEqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel) =
LessOrEqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel ->
LessOrEqualQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2) goToLabel
quadruple (GreaterOrEqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel) =
GreaterOrEqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel ->
GreaterOrEqualQuadruple (operand operand1) (operand operand2) goToLabel
quadruple (AssignQuadruple operand1 variable)
= AssignQuadruple (operand operand1)
$ storeVariable variable
AssignQuadruple operand1 variable ->
AssignQuadruple (operand operand1) $ storeVariable variable
operand :: Operand Variable -> Operand (Store r)
operand (IntOperand x) = IntOperand x
operand (VariableOperand (TempVariable index))
= VariableOperand
$ Store
operand (VariableOperand variableOperand) =
VariableOperand $ storeVariable variableOperand
storeVariable (TempVariable index) = Store
$ temporaryRegisters !! fromIntegral index
operand (VariableOperand (LocalVariable index))
= VariableOperand
$ Store
$ temporaryRegisters !! fromIntegral index
storeVariable (TempVariable index) =
Store $ temporaryRegisters !! fromIntegral index
storeVariable (LocalVariable index) =
Store $ temporaryRegisters !! fromIntegral index
storeVariable (LocalVariable index) = Store
$ temporaryRegisters !! pred (length temporaryRegisters - fromIntegral index)
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
module Language.Elna.Backend.Intermediate
( Operand(..)
( ProcedureQuadruples(..)
, Operand(..)
, Quadruple(..)
, Label(..)
, Variable(..)
) where
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
@ -30,6 +32,11 @@ data Operand v
| VariableOperand v
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ProcedureQuadruples v = ProcedureQuadruples
{ quadruples :: Vector (Quadruple v)
, stackSize :: Word32
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data Quadruple v
= StartQuadruple
| StopQuadruple
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Language.Elna.Glue
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (State, gets, modify', runState)
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor(..))
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..), traverse_)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
@ -25,10 +25,12 @@ import Language.Elna.Backend.Intermediate
import Language.Elna.Frontend.SymbolTable (Info(..), SymbolTable)
import qualified Language.Elna.Frontend.SymbolTable as SymbolTable
import GHC.Records (HasField(..))
import Language.Elna.Frontend.AST (Identifier(..))
data Paste = Paste
{ temporaryCounter :: Word32
, labelCounter :: Word32
, localMap :: HashMap Identifier Variable
newtype Glue a = Glue
@ -47,31 +49,46 @@ instance Monad Glue
(Glue x) >>= f = Glue $ x >>= (runGlue . f)
glue :: SymbolTable -> AST.Program -> HashMap AST.Identifier (Vector (Quadruple Variable))
glue :: SymbolTable -> AST.Program -> HashMap Identifier (Vector (Quadruple Variable))
glue globalTable
= fst
. flip runState Paste{ temporaryCounter = 0, labelCounter = 0 }
. flip runState emptyPaste
. runGlue
. program globalTable
emptyPaste = Paste
{ temporaryCounter = 0
, labelCounter = 0
, localMap = mempty
:: SymbolTable
-> AST.Program
-> Glue (HashMap AST.Identifier (Vector (Quadruple Variable)))
program globalTable (AST.Program declarations) = HashMap.fromList . catMaybes
program :: SymbolTable -> AST.Program -> Glue (HashMap Identifier (Vector (Quadruple Variable)))
program globalTable (AST.Program declarations)
= HashMap.fromList . catMaybes
<$> traverse (declaration globalTable) declarations
:: SymbolTable
-> AST.Declaration
-> Glue (Maybe (AST.Identifier, Vector (Quadruple Variable)))
declaration globalTable (AST.ProcedureDeclaration procedureName _ _ statements)
= Just
. (procedureName,)
. Vector.cons StartQuadruple
. flip Vector.snoc StopQuadruple
. fold
<$> traverse (statement globalTable) statements
declaration globalTable (AST.ProcedureDeclaration procedureName _ variableDeclarations statements)
= traverse_ registerVariable variableDeclarations
>> nameQuadruplesTuple <$> traverse (statement globalTable) statements
registerVariable (AST.VariableDeclaration identifier _) = do
currentCounter <- fmap (fromIntegral . HashMap.size)
$ Glue $ gets $ getField @"localMap"
Glue $ modify' $ modifier identifier $ LocalVariable currentCounter
modifier identifier currentCounter generator = generator
{ localMap = HashMap.insert identifier currentCounter
$ getField @"localMap" generator
nameQuadruplesTuple quadrupleList = Just
( procedureName
, Vector.cons StartQuadruple
$ flip Vector.snoc StopQuadruple
$ fold quadrupleList
declaration _ (AST.TypeDefinition _ _) = pure Nothing
statement :: SymbolTable -> AST.Statement -> Glue (Vector (Quadruple Variable))
@ -104,15 +121,16 @@ statement localTable (AST.AssignmentStatement variableAccess' assignee) = do
(rhsOperand, rhsStatements) <- expression localTable assignee
let variableType' = variableType variableAccess' localTable
accessResult <- variableAccess localTable variableAccess' Nothing variableType' mempty
pure $ rhsStatements <> case accessResult of
lhsStatements <- case accessResult of
{-(AST.Identifier identifier, Just accumulatedIndex, accumulatedStatements) ->
Vector.snoc accumulatedStatements
$ ArrayAssignQuadruple rhsOperand accumulatedIndex
$ LocalVariable identifier -}
(AST.Identifier identifier, Nothing, accumulatedStatements) ->
Vector.snoc accumulatedStatements
$ AssignQuadruple rhsOperand
$ LocalVariable 0
(identifier, _Nothing, accumulatedStatements)
-> Vector.snoc accumulatedStatements
. AssignQuadruple rhsOperand
<$> lookupLocal identifier
pure $ rhsStatements <> lhsStatements
{- statement localTable (AST.WhileStatement whileCondition whileStatement) = do
(conditionStatements, jumpConstructor) <- condition localTable whileCondition
startLabel <- createLabel
@ -135,6 +153,10 @@ createTemporary = do
{ temporaryCounter = getField @"temporaryCounter" generator + 1
lookupLocal :: Identifier -> Glue Variable
lookupLocal identifier =
fmap (HashMap.! identifier) $ Glue $ gets $ getField @"localMap"
createLabel :: Glue Label
createLabel = do
currentCounter <- Glue $ gets $ getField @"labelCounter"
@ -242,13 +264,13 @@ expression localTable = \case
(AST.DivisionExpression lhs rhs) ->
binaryExpression DivisionQuadruple lhs rhs
(AST.VariableExpression variableExpression) -> do
pure (VariableOperand (LocalVariable 0), mempty)
{- let variableType' = variableType variableExpression localTable
let variableType' = variableType variableExpression localTable
variableAccess' <- variableAccess localTable variableExpression Nothing variableType' mempty
case variableAccess' of
(AST.Identifier identifier, Nothing, statements) ->
pure (VariableOperand (Variable identifier), statements)
(AST.Identifier identifier, Just operand, statements) -> do
(identifier, _Nothing, statements)
-> (, statements) . VariableOperand
<$> lookupLocal identifier
{-(AST.Identifier identifier, Just operand, statements) -> do
arrayAddress <- createTemporary
let arrayStatement = ArrayQuadruple (Variable identifier) operand arrayAddress
@ -14,7 +14,12 @@ import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Language.Elna.Architecture.RiscV as RiscV
import Language.Elna.Backend.Allocator (MachineConfiguration(..), Store(..))
import Language.Elna.Backend.Intermediate (Label(..), Operand(..), Quadruple(..))
import Language.Elna.Backend.Intermediate
( Label(..)
, Operand(..)
, ProcedureQuadruples(..)
, Quadruple(..)
import Language.Elna.Location (Identifier(..))
import Data.Bits (Bits(..))
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..), foldlM)
@ -80,13 +85,13 @@ createLabel = do
$ Text.Builder.toLazyText
$ Text.Builder.decimal currentCounter
generateRiscV :: HashMap Identifier (Vector RiscVQuadruple) -> Vector Statement
generateRiscV :: HashMap Identifier (ProcedureQuadruples RiscVStore) -> Vector Statement
generateRiscV = flip evalState 0
. runRiscVGenerator
. foldlM go Vector.empty
. HashMap.toList
go accumulator (Identifier key, value) =
go accumulator (Identifier key, ProcedureQuadruples{ quadruples = value }) =
let code = Vector.cons (JumpLabel key [GlobalDirective, FunctionDirective])
. fold <$> mapM quadruple value
in (accumulator <>) <$> code
@ -114,32 +119,10 @@ quadruple StopQuadruple = pure $ Vector.fromList
, Instruction (RiscV.BaseInstruction RiscV.OpImm $ RiscV.I RiscV.SP RiscV.ADDI RiscV.SP 4)
, Instruction (RiscV.BaseInstruction RiscV.Jalr $ RiscV.I RiscV.RA RiscV.JALR RiscV.Zero 0)
quadruple (AddQuadruple operand1 operand2 (Store register))
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
pure $ lui (immediateOperand1 + immediateOperand2) register
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 =
let Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
in pure $ Vector.singleton $ Instruction
$ RiscV.BaseInstruction RiscV.Op
$ RiscV.R register RiscV.ADD operandRegister1 operandRegister2 (RiscV.Funct7 0b0000000)
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
addImmediateRegister variableOperand1 immediateOperand2
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 =
addImmediateRegister variableOperand2 immediateOperand1
addImmediateRegister variableOperand immediateOperand =
let statements = lui immediateOperand register
Store operandRegister = variableOperand
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.BaseInstruction RiscV.Op
$ RiscV.R register RiscV.ADD register operandRegister
$ RiscV.Funct7 0b0000000
quadruple (AddQuadruple operand1 operand2 store) =
commutativeBinary (+) RiscV.ADD (RiscV.Funct7 0b0000000) (operand1, operand2) store
quadruple (ProductQuadruple operand1 operand2 store) =
commutativeBinary (*) RiscV.MUL (RiscV.Funct7 0b0000001) (operand1, operand2) store
quadruple (SubtractionQuadruple operand1 operand2 (Store register))
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
@ -180,32 +163,6 @@ quadruple (NegationQuadruple operand1 (Store register))
$ RiscV.BaseInstruction RiscV.Op
$ RiscV.R register RiscV.SUB RiscV.Zero operandRegister1
$ RiscV.Funct7 0b0100000
quadruple (ProductQuadruple operand1 operand2 (Store register))
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
pure $ lui (immediateOperand1 * immediateOperand2) register
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 =
let Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
in pure $ Vector.singleton $ Instruction
$ RiscV.BaseInstruction RiscV.Op
$ RiscV.R register RiscV.MUL operandRegister1 operandRegister2 (RiscV.Funct7 0b0000001)
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
multiplyImmediateRegister variableOperand1 immediateOperand2
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 =
multiplyImmediateRegister variableOperand2 immediateOperand1
multiplyImmediateRegister variableOperand immediateOperand =
let statements = lui immediateOperand register
Store operandRegister = variableOperand
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.BaseInstruction RiscV.Op
$ RiscV.R register RiscV.MUL register operandRegister
$ RiscV.Funct7 0b0000001
quadruple (DivisionQuadruple operand1 operand2 (Store register))
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
@ -261,198 +218,18 @@ quadruple (DivisionQuadruple operand1 operand2 (Store register))
quadruple (LabelQuadruple (Label label)) = pure $ Vector.singleton $ JumpLabel label mempty
quadruple (GoToQuadruple label) = pure $ Vector.singleton $ unconditionalJal label
quadruple (EqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel)
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
if immediateOperand1 == immediateOperand2
then pure $ Vector.singleton $ unconditionalJal goToLabel
else pure Vector.empty
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 = do
let Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
pure $ Vector.singleton
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BEQ operandRegister1 operandRegister2
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
compareImmediateRegister variableOperand1 immediateOperand2
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 =
compareImmediateRegister variableOperand2 immediateOperand1
compareImmediateRegister variableOperand immediateOperand =
let statements = lui immediateOperand immediateRegister
Store operandRegister = variableOperand
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BEQ operandRegister immediateRegister
quadruple (NonEqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel)
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
if immediateOperand1 /= immediateOperand2
then pure $ Vector.singleton $ unconditionalJal goToLabel
else pure Vector.empty
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 = do
let Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
pure $ Vector.singleton
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BNE operandRegister1 operandRegister2
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
compareImmediateRegister variableOperand1 immediateOperand2
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 =
compareImmediateRegister variableOperand2 immediateOperand1
compareImmediateRegister variableOperand immediateOperand =
let statements = lui immediateOperand immediateRegister
Store operandRegister = variableOperand
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BNE operandRegister immediateRegister
quadruple (LessQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel)
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
if immediateOperand1 < immediateOperand2
then pure $ Vector.singleton $ unconditionalJal goToLabel
else pure Vector.empty
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 = do
let Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
pure $ Vector.singleton
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BLT operandRegister1 operandRegister2
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
let statements2 = lui immediateOperand2 immediateRegister
Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements2
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BLT operandRegister1 immediateRegister
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 =
let statements1 = lui immediateOperand1 immediateRegister
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements1
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BLT immediateRegister operandRegister2
quadruple (GreaterQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel)
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
if immediateOperand1 > immediateOperand2
then pure $ Vector.singleton $ unconditionalJal goToLabel
else pure Vector.empty
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 = do
let Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
pure $ Vector.singleton
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BLT operandRegister2 operandRegister1
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
let statements2 = lui immediateOperand2 immediateRegister
Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements2
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BLT immediateRegister operandRegister1
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 =
let statements1 = lui immediateOperand1 immediateRegister
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements1
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BLT operandRegister2 immediateRegister
quadruple (LessOrEqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel)
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
if immediateOperand1 <= immediateOperand2
then pure $ Vector.singleton $ unconditionalJal goToLabel
else pure Vector.empty
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 = do
let Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
pure $ Vector.singleton
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BGE operandRegister2 operandRegister1
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
let statements2 = lui immediateOperand2 immediateRegister
Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements2
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BGE immediateRegister operandRegister1
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 =
let statements1 = lui immediateOperand1 immediateRegister
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements1
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BGE operandRegister2 immediateRegister
quadruple (GreaterOrEqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel)
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
if immediateOperand1 >= immediateOperand2
then pure $ Vector.singleton $ unconditionalJal goToLabel
else pure Vector.empty
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 =
let Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
in pure $ Vector.singleton
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BGE operandRegister1 operandRegister2
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
let statements2 = lui immediateOperand2 immediateRegister
Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements2
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BGE operandRegister1 immediateRegister
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 =
let statements1 = lui immediateOperand1 immediateRegister
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements1
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BGE immediateRegister operandRegister2
quadruple (EqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel) =
commutativeComparison (==) RiscV.BEQ (operand1, operand2) goToLabel
quadruple (NonEqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel) =
commutativeComparison (/=) RiscV.BNE (operand1, operand2) goToLabel
quadruple (LessQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel) =
lessThan (operand1, operand2) goToLabel
quadruple (GreaterQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel) =
lessThan (operand2, operand1) goToLabel
quadruple (LessOrEqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel) =
lessOrEqualThan (operand1, operand2) goToLabel
quadruple (GreaterOrEqualQuadruple operand1 operand2 goToLabel) =
lessOrEqualThan (operand2, operand1) goToLabel
quadruple (AssignQuadruple operand1 (Store register))
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1 = pure
$ lui immediateOperand1 register
@ -489,3 +266,143 @@ lui intValue targetRegister
hi = intValue `shiftR` 12
lo = fromIntegral intValue
:: (Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32)
-> RiscV.Funct3
-> RiscV.Funct7
-> (Operand RiscVStore, Operand RiscVStore)
-> Store RiscV.XRegister
-> RiscVGenerator (Vector Statement)
commutativeBinary immediateOperation funct3 funct7 (operand1, operand2) (Store register)
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 = pure
$ lui (immediateOperation immediateOperand1 immediateOperand2) register
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 =
let Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
in pure $ Vector.singleton $ Instruction
$ RiscV.BaseInstruction RiscV.Op
$ RiscV.R register funct3 operandRegister1 operandRegister2 funct7
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
commutativeImmediateRegister variableOperand1 immediateOperand2
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 =
commutativeImmediateRegister variableOperand2 immediateOperand1
commutativeImmediateRegister variableOperand immediateOperand =
let statements = lui immediateOperand register
Store operandRegister = variableOperand
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.BaseInstruction RiscV.Op
$ RiscV.R register funct3 register operandRegister funct7
:: (Int32 -> Int32 -> Bool)
-> RiscV.Funct3
-> (Operand RiscVStore, Operand RiscVStore)
-> Label
-> RiscVGenerator (Vector Statement)
commutativeComparison immediateOperation funct3 (operand1, operand2) goToLabel
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
if immediateOperation immediateOperand1 immediateOperand2
then pure $ Vector.singleton $ unconditionalJal goToLabel
else pure Vector.empty
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 = do
let Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
pure $ Vector.singleton
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' funct3 operandRegister1 operandRegister2
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
compareImmediateRegister variableOperand1 immediateOperand2
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 =
compareImmediateRegister variableOperand2 immediateOperand1
compareImmediateRegister variableOperand immediateOperand =
let statements = lui immediateOperand immediateRegister
Store operandRegister = variableOperand
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' funct3 operandRegister immediateRegister
lessThan :: (Operand RiscVStore, Operand RiscVStore) -> Label -> RiscVGenerator (Vector Statement)
lessThan (operand1, operand2) goToLabel
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
if immediateOperand1 < immediateOperand2
then pure $ Vector.singleton $ unconditionalJal goToLabel
else pure Vector.empty
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 = do
let Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
pure $ Vector.singleton
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BLT operandRegister1 operandRegister2
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
let statements2 = lui immediateOperand2 immediateRegister
Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements2
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BLT operandRegister1 immediateRegister
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 =
let statements1 = lui immediateOperand1 immediateRegister
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements1
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BLT immediateRegister operandRegister2
lessOrEqualThan :: (Operand RiscVStore, Operand RiscVStore) -> Label -> RiscVGenerator (Vector Statement)
lessOrEqualThan (operand1, operand2) goToLabel
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
if immediateOperand1 <= immediateOperand2
then pure $ Vector.singleton $ unconditionalJal goToLabel
else pure Vector.empty
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 = do
let Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
pure $ Vector.singleton
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BGE operandRegister2 operandRegister1
| VariableOperand variableOperand1 <- operand1
, IntOperand immediateOperand2 <- operand2 =
let statements2 = lui immediateOperand2 immediateRegister
Store operandRegister1 = variableOperand1
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements2
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BGE immediateRegister operandRegister1
| IntOperand immediateOperand1 <- operand1
, VariableOperand variableOperand2 <- operand2 =
let statements1 = lui immediateOperand1 immediateRegister
Store operandRegister2 = variableOperand2
Label goToLabel' = goToLabel
in pure $ Vector.snoc statements1
$ Instruction
$ RiscV.RelocatableInstruction RiscV.Branch
$ RiscV.RBranch goToLabel' RiscV.BGE operandRegister2 immediateRegister
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
proc main() {
var i: int;
i := 28;
printi(i + 30);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user