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module Language.Elna.Driver.CommandLine
( CommandLine(..)
, IntermediateStage(..)
, commandLine
) where
import Options.Applicative
( Parser
, ParserInfo(..)
, argument
, flag'
, fullDesc
, help
, helper
, info
, long
, metavar
, optional
, progDesc
, short
, str
, strOption
import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..), (<**>))
data IntermediateStage
= ParseStage
| ValidateStage
| CodeGenStage
deriving (Eq, Show)
data CommandLine = CommandLine
{ input :: FilePath
, output :: Maybe FilePath
, intermediateStage :: Maybe IntermediateStage
} deriving (Eq, Show)
intermediateStageP :: Parser IntermediateStage
= flag' ParseStage parseStageP
<|> flag' ValidateStage validateStageP
<|> flag' CodeGenStage codeGenStageP
parseStageP = long "parse"
<> help "Run the lexer and parser, but stop before assembly generation"
validateStageP = long "validate"
<> help "Run through the semantic analysis stage, stopping before TAC generation"
codeGenStageP = long "codegen"
<> help "Perform lexing, parsing, and assembly generation, but stop before code emission"
commandLineP :: Parser CommandLine
commandLineP = CommandLine
<$> argument str inFile
<*> optional (strOption outFile)
<*> optional intermediateStageP
inFile = metavar "INFILE" <> help "Input file."
outFile = long "output"
<> short 'o'
<> metavar "OUTFILE"
<> help "Output file."
commandLine :: ParserInfo CommandLine
commandLine = info (commandLineP <**> helper)
$ fullDesc <> progDesc "Elna compiler."