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{- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
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-- | Object file generation.
module Language.Elna.Object.ElfCoder
( ElfEnvironment(..)
, ElfWriter(..)
, ElfHeaderResult(..)
, UnresolvedRelocation(..)
, UnresolvedRelocations(..)
, addHeaderToResult
, addSectionHeader
, elfHeaderSize
, elfObject
, elfSectionsSize
, putSectionHeader
, partitionSymbols
, module Language.Elna.Object.Elf
) where
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, runStateT, modify', gets)
import Data.Bits (Bits(..))
import Data.ByteString (StrictByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as ByteString.Builder
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import System.IO (Handle, IOMode(..), SeekMode(..), hSeek, withFile)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Language.Elna.Object.Elf
import Language.Elna.Object.StringTable (StringTable)
import qualified Language.Elna.Object.StringTable as StringTable
import GHC.Records (HasField(..))
data UnresolvedRelocation = UnresolvedRelocation StrictByteString Elf32_Addr Word8
data UnresolvedRelocations =
UnresolvedRelocations (Vector UnresolvedRelocation) (ElfHeaderResult Elf32_Sym) Elf32_Word
data ElfEnvironment = ElfEnvironment
{ objectHeaders :: ElfHeaderResult Elf32_Shdr
, objectHandle :: Handle
newtype ElfWriter a = ElfWriter
{ runElfWriter :: StateT ElfEnvironment IO a
data ElfHeaderResult a = ElfHeaderResult
{ sectionNames :: StringTable
, sectionHeaders :: Vector a
} deriving Eq
instance Functor ElfWriter
fmap f (ElfWriter x) = ElfWriter $ f <$> x
instance Applicative ElfWriter
pure = ElfWriter . pure
(ElfWriter f) <*> (ElfWriter x) = ElfWriter $ f <*> x
instance Monad ElfWriter
(ElfWriter x) >>= f = ElfWriter $ x >>= (runElfWriter . f)
instance MonadIO ElfWriter
liftIO = ElfWriter . liftIO
partitionSymbols :: ElfHeaderResult Elf32_Sym -> (Vector Elf32_Sym, Vector Elf32_Sym)
partitionSymbols = Vector.partition go . getField @"sectionHeaders"
go Elf32_Sym{ st_info } = (st_info .&. 0xf0) == 0
-- | ELF header size.
elfHeaderSize :: Elf32_Off
elfHeaderSize = 52
-- | Calculates the size of all sections based on the 'sh_size' in the given
-- headers and adds 'elfHeaderSize' to it.
elfSectionsSize :: Vector Elf32_Shdr -> Elf32_Off
elfSectionsSize = (elfHeaderSize +)
. Vector.foldr ((+) . sh_size) 0
addHeaderToResult :: StrictByteString -> a -> ElfHeaderResult a -> ElfHeaderResult a
addHeaderToResult name newHeader accumulator@ElfHeaderResult{..} = accumulator
{ sectionHeaders = Vector.snoc sectionHeaders newHeader
, sectionNames = StringTable.append name sectionNames
addSectionHeader :: StrictByteString -> Elf32_Shdr -> ElfWriter ()
addSectionHeader name newHeader = ElfWriter $ modify' modifier
modifier elfEnvironment@ElfEnvironment{ objectHeaders } = elfEnvironment
{ objectHeaders = addHeaderToResult name newHeader objectHeaders
putSectionHeader :: StrictByteString -> Elf32_Shdr -> StrictByteString -> ElfWriter ()
putSectionHeader name newHeader encoded = do
objectHandle' <- ElfWriter $ gets $ getField @"objectHandle"
liftIO $ ByteString.hPut objectHandle' encoded
addSectionHeader name newHeader
-- Writes an ELF object to the provided file path. The callback writes the
-- sections, collects headers for those sections and returns the ELF header.
elfObject :: FilePath -> ElfWriter Elf32_Ehdr -> IO ()
elfObject outFile putContents = withFile outFile WriteMode withObjectFile
withObjectFile objectHandle
= hSeek objectHandle AbsoluteSeek (fromIntegral elfHeaderSize)
>> putContents' objectHandle
>>= uncurry afterContents
putContents' objectHandle
= flip runStateT (initialState objectHandle)
$ runElfWriter putContents
zeroHeader = Elf32_Shdr
{ sh_type = SHT_NULL
, sh_size = 0
, sh_offset = 0
, sh_name = 0
, sh_link = 0
, sh_info = 0
, sh_flags = 0
, sh_entsize = 0
, sh_addralign = 0
, sh_addr = 0
initialState objectHandle = ElfEnvironment
{ objectHeaders = ElfHeaderResult
{ sectionHeaders = Vector.singleton zeroHeader
, sectionNames = mempty
, objectHandle = objectHandle
afterContents header ElfEnvironment{ objectHeaders = ElfHeaderResult{..}, ..} =
let hPutBuilder = ByteString.Builder.hPutBuilder objectHandle
writeSectionHeaders byteOrder' =
traverse_ (hPutBuilder . elf32Shdr byteOrder') sectionHeaders
in either throwIO pure (byteOrder (e_ident header))
>>= writeSectionHeaders
>> either throwIO (putHeaders objectHandle) (elf32Ehdr header)
putHeaders objectHandle encodedHeader
= hSeek objectHandle AbsoluteSeek 0
>> ByteString.Builder.hPutBuilder objectHandle encodedHeader