
403 lines
12 KiB
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import fs from 'fs/promises'
import path from 'node:path'
import childProcess from 'node:child_process'
import process from 'process'
import os from 'os'
import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'
// Define constants.
const tmp = path.resolve('./build/tools')
const target = 'riscv32-unknown-linux-gnu'
const baseDirectory = path.resolve('./tools')
const busyboxVersion = '1.36.1'
const kernelVersion = '5.15.158'
const gccVersion = '14.1.0'
const binutilsVersion = '2.42'
const glibcVersion = '2.39'
function findBuildTarget () {
const env = {
LANG: 'en_US.UTF-8'
const gccV = childProcess.spawn('gcc', ['--verbose'], { stdio: ['ignore', 'ignore', 'pipe'], env })
const buffers = []
gccV.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
gccV.on('exit', function () {
const [_, target] = Buffer.concat(buffers)
.find(line => line.startsWith('Target: '))
.split(' ')
function createImage (rootfs) {
const rootExt4 = path.join(tmp, 'rootfs.ext4')
childProcess.execFileSync('dd', ['if=/dev/zero', `of=${rootExt4}`, 'bs=1M', 'count=1024'], { stdio: 'inherit' })
childProcess.execFileSync('/sbin/mkfs.ext4', ['-d', rootfs, rootExt4], { stdio: 'inherit' })
async function downloadAndUnarchive (url) {
const response = await fetch(url)
const bodyReader = response.body.getReader()
const basename = path.basename(url.pathname)
let archiveType = ''
let rootDirectory = ''
switch (path.extname(basename)) {
case '.bz2':
archiveType = '-j'
rootDirectory = path.basename(basename, '.tar.bz2')
case '.xz':
archiveType = '-J'
rootDirectory = path.basename(basename, '.tar.xz')
return new Promise(async function (resolve, reject) {
const untar = childProcess.spawn('tar', ['-C', tmp, archiveType, '-xv'], { stdio: ['pipe', 'inherit', 'inherit'] })
let done = false
untar.on('exit', function () {
resolve(path.join(tmp, rootDirectory))
do {
const chunk = await bodyReader.read()
done = chunk.done
if (chunk.value !== undefined) {
} while (!done)
async function buildBusyBox (sysroot, rootfs) {
const cwd = await downloadAndUnarchive(new URL(`https://busybox.net/downloads/busybox-${busyboxVersion}.tar.bz2`))
const env = {
CROSS_COMPILE: path.join(sysroot, 'bin', `${target}-`)
const configuration = [
childProcess.execFileSync('make', ['defconfig'], { stdio: 'inherit', env, cwd })
childProcess.execFileSync('make', ['-j', os.availableParallelism()], { stdio: 'inherit', env, cwd })
childProcess.execFileSync('make', [...configuration, 'install'], { stdio: 'inherit', env, cwd })
async function buildKernel (sysroot, rootfs) {
const cwd = await downloadAndUnarchive(
new URL(`https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-${kernelVersion}.tar.xz`)
const env = {
CROSS_COMPILE: `${target}-`,
ARCH: 'riscv',
PATH: `${path.join(sysroot, 'bin')}:${process.env['PATH']}`
childProcess.execFileSync('make', ['rv32_defconfig'], { stdio: 'inherit', env, cwd })
childProcess.execFileSync('make', ['-j', os.availableParallelism()], { stdio: 'inherit', env, cwd })
childProcess.execFileSync('make', ['headers'], { stdio: 'inherit', env, cwd })
const userDirectory = path.join(rootfs, 'usr')
await fs.cp(path.join(cwd, 'usr/include'), path.join(userDirectory, 'include'), { recursive: true })
return path.join(cwd, 'arch/riscv/boot/Image')
async function buildInit (sysroot) {
const env = {
PATH: `${path.join(sysroot, 'bin')}:${process.env['PATH']}`
const compilerArguments = [
'-ffreestanding', '-static',
'-o', path.join(tmp, 'init'),
path.join(baseDirectory, 'init.cpp')
childProcess.execFileSync('riscv32-unknown-linux-gnu-g++', compilerArguments, { stdio: 'inherit', env })
async function buildGlibc (sysroot, rootfs, options) {
const sourceDirectory = await downloadAndUnarchive(
new URL(`https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glibc/glibc-${glibcVersion}.tar.xz`)
const configureOptions = [
`--with-headers=${path.join(rootfs, 'usr/include')}`,
const env = {
PATH: `${path.join(sysroot, 'bin')}:${process.env['PATH']}`
const cwd = path.join(path.dirname(sourceDirectory), 'build-glibc');
await fs.mkdir(cwd)
childProcess.execFileSync(path.join(path.relative(cwd, sourceDirectory), './configure'), configureOptions, {
stdio: 'inherit',
childProcess.execFileSync('make', ['-j', os.availableParallelism()], { stdio: 'inherit', env, cwd })
childProcess.execFileSync('make', [`DESTDIR=${rootfs}`, 'install'], { stdio: 'inherit', env, cwd })
async function buildCrossBinutils (sysroot) {
const sourceDirectory = await downloadAndUnarchive(
new URL(`https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/binutils/binutils-${binutilsVersion}.tar.xz`)
const cwd = path.join(path.dirname(sourceDirectory), 'build-binutils');
await fs.mkdir(cwd)
const configureOptions = [
childProcess.execFileSync(path.join(path.relative(cwd, sourceDirectory), 'configure'), configureOptions, {
stdio: 'inherit',
childProcess.execFileSync('make', ['-j', os.availableParallelism()], { stdio: 'inherit', cwd })
childProcess.execFileSync('make', ['install'], { stdio: 'inherit', cwd })
return sourceDirectory
async function buildGCC1 (sysroot, rootfs, options) {
const sourceDirectory = await downloadAndUnarchive(
new URL(`https://gcc.gnu.org/pub/gcc/releases/gcc-${gccVersion}/gcc-${gccVersion}.tar.xz`)
const cwd = path.join(path.dirname(sourceDirectory), 'build-gcc');
await fs.mkdir(cwd)
childProcess.execFileSync(path.join(sourceDirectory, 'contrib/download_prerequisites'), {
stdio: 'inherit',
cwd: sourceDirectory
const configureOptions = [
const flags = '-O2 -fPIC'
const env = {
CFLAGS: flags,
CXXFLAGS: flags,
PATH: `${path.join(sysroot, 'bin')}:${process.env['PATH']}`
childProcess.execFileSync(path.join(path.relative(cwd, sourceDirectory), 'configure'), configureOptions, {
stdio: 'inherit',
childProcess.execFileSync('make', ['-j', os.availableParallelism()], { stdio: 'inherit', env, cwd })
childProcess.execFileSync('make', ['install'], { stdio: 'inherit', env, cwd })
return sourceDirectory
async function buildBinutils (sourceDirectory, sysroot, rootfs, options) {
const cwd = path.join(path.dirname(sourceDirectory), 'build-binutils');
await fs.rm(cwd, { recursive: true, force: true })
await fs.mkdir(cwd)
const configureOptions = [
const env = {
PATH: `${path.join(sysroot, 'bin')}:${process.env['PATH']}`
childProcess.execFileSync(path.join(path.relative(cwd, sourceDirectory), 'configure'), configureOptions, {
stdio: 'inherit',
childProcess.execFileSync('make', ['-j', os.availableParallelism()], { stdio: 'inherit', env, cwd })
childProcess.execFileSync('make', [`DESTDIR=${rootfs}`, 'install'], { stdio: 'inherit', env, cwd })
return sourceDirectory
async function buildGCC2 (sourceDirectory, sysroot, rootfs, options) {
const cwd = path.join(path.dirname(sourceDirectory), 'build-gcc');
await fs.rm(cwd, { recursive: true, force: true })
await fs.mkdir(cwd)
const configureOptions = [
const flags = '-O2 -fPIC'
const env = {
CFLAGS: flags,
CXXFLAGS: flags,
PATH: `${path.join(sysroot, 'bin')}:${process.env['PATH']}`
childProcess.execFileSync(path.join(path.relative(cwd, sourceDirectory), 'configure'), configureOptions, {
stdio: 'inherit',
childProcess.execFileSync('make', ['-j', os.availableParallelism()], { stdio: 'inherit', env, cwd })
childProcess.execFileSync('make', ['install'], { stdio: 'inherit', env, cwd })
async function buildGCC3 (sourceDirectory, sysroot, rootfs, options) {
const cwd = path.join(path.dirname(sourceDirectory), 'build-gcc');
await fs.rm(cwd, { recursive: true, force: true })
await fs.mkdir(cwd)
const configureOptions = [
const flags = '-O2 -fPIC'
const env = {
CFLAGS: flags,
CXXFLAGS: flags,
PATH: `${path.join(sysroot, 'bin')}:${process.env['PATH']}`
childProcess.execFileSync(path.join(path.relative(cwd, sourceDirectory), 'configure'), configureOptions, {
stdio: 'inherit',
childProcess.execFileSync('make', ['-j', os.availableParallelism()], { stdio: 'inherit', env, cwd })
childProcess.execFileSync('make', [`DESTDIR=${rootfs}`, 'install'], { stdio: 'inherit', env, cwd })
async function createRoot (rootfs) {
for (const directory of ['proc', 'sys', 'dev', 'etc/init.d', 'usr/local', 'usr/local/bin']) {
await fs.mkdir(path.join(rootfs, directory))
await fs.cp(path.join(baseDirectory, 'files/fstab'), path.join(rootfs, 'etc/fstab'))
await fs.cp(path.join(baseDirectory, 'files/rcS'), path.join(rootfs, 'etc/init.d/rcS'))
await fs.cp(path.join(baseDirectory, 'files/rcK'), path.join(rootfs, 'etc/init.d/rcK'))
await fs.cp(path.join(baseDirectory, 'files/inittab'), path.join(rootfs, 'etc/inittab'))
const sysroot = path.join(tmp, 'sysroot')
const rootfs = path.join(tmp, 'rootfs')
const options = {
build: await findBuildTarget()
for (const targetDirectory of [tmp, sysroot, rootfs]) {
await fs.rm(targetDirectory, { recursive: true, force: true })
await fs.mkdir(targetDirectory)
const binutilsSource = await buildCrossBinutils(sysroot)
const gccSource = await buildGCC1(sysroot, rootfs, options)
const kernelImage = await buildKernel(sysroot, rootfs)
await buildGlibc(sysroot, rootfs, options)
await buildBinutils(binutilsSource, sysroot, rootfs, options)
await buildGCC2(gccSource, sysroot, rootfs, options)
buildInit (sysroot)
await buildBusyBox(sysroot, rootfs)
await createRoot(rootfs)
await buildGCC3(gccSource, sysroot, rootfs, options)