
24 lines
720 B
Raw Normal View History

2024-12-23 12:14:09 +01:00
# Firstly, load the common customization script.
. --autoload --no-alias initialization/common
# Undo some standard configuration.
export YASH_PS1='${LOGNAME}@${HOSTNAME%%.*}[$(date +%k:%M)]: '\
'${${${PWD:/~/\~}##*/}:-$PWD} ${{SHLVL-0}:/1}\$ '
export YASH_PS1R='${{?:/0/}:+\\fr.$?\\fd. }'
unset -f sh
# Clear the screen with Ctrl-L.
bindkey --emacs '\^L' clear-and-redraw-all
bindkey --vi-insert '\^L' clear-and-redraw-all
bindkey --vi-command '\^L' clear-and-redraw-all
# Define shortcuts.
alias rdpwin='xfreerdp /f /sound /v: /'
# Programming environment.
command -v rbenv >/dev/null 2>&1 && eval "$(rbenv init -)"
command -v fastfetch >/dev/null 2>&1 && fastfetch
# vim: set ft=sh: