1577 lines
37 KiB
1577 lines
37 KiB
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
* Arbitrary precision arithmetic.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016-2018.
* License: $(LINK2 https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2 mailto:info@caraus.de, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2 https://github.com/caraus-ecms/tanya/blob/master/source/tanya/math/mp.d,
* tanya/math/mp.d)
module tanya.math.mp;
import std.algorithm.comparison;
import std.algorithm.mutation : copy, fill, reverse;
import std.range;
import tanya.algorithm.mutation;
import tanya.container.array;
import tanya.encoding.ascii;
import tanya.memory;
static import tanya.memory.op;
import tanya.meta.trait;
import tanya.meta.transform;
* Algebraic sign.
enum Sign : bool
/// The value is positive or `0`.
positive = false,
/// The value is negative.
negative = true,
* Mutliple precision integer.
struct Integer
package digit[] rep;
package ptrdiff_t size;
package Sign sign;
pure nothrow @safe @nogc invariant
assert(this.size > 0 || !this.sign, "0 should be positive.");
private alias digit = uint;
private alias word = ulong;
// Count of bits per digit.
private enum : digit
digitBitCount = 28,
mask = 0xfffffff,
* Creates a multiple precision integer.
* Params:
* T = Value type.
* value = Initial value.
* allocator = Allocator.
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE allocator !is null)
this(T)(const T value, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
if (isIntegral!T)
this = value;
/// ditto
this(T)(ref T value, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
if (is(Unqual!T == Integer))
this = value;
/// ditto
this(T)(T value, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
if (is(T == Integer))
if (allocator is value.allocator)
this.rep = value.rep;
this.size = value.size;
this.sign = value.sign;
value.rep = null;
value.size = 0;
value.sign = Sign.positive;
this = value;
/// ditto
this(shared Allocator allocator) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
assert(allocator !is null);
this.allocator_ = allocator;
* Constructs the integer from a sign-magnitude $(D_KEYWORD ubyte) range.
* Params:
* R = Range type.
* sign = Sign.
* value = Range.
* allocator = Allocator.
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE allocator !is null)
this(R)(const Sign sign,
R value,
shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
if (isBidirectionalRange!R && hasLength!R
&& is(Unqual!(ElementType!R) == ubyte))
grow(value.length / (digitBitCount / 8) + 1);
int bit, delta;
for (; !value.empty; ++this.size)
word w;
for (bit = delta; (bit < digitBitCount) && !value.empty; bit += 8)
w |= (cast(word) value.back) << bit;
delta = bit - digitBitCount;
this.rep[this.size] |= w & mask;
if (delta > 0)
this.rep[this.size + 1] = (w >> digitBitCount) & mask;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
ubyte[8] range = [ 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xdd, 0xee ];
auto integer = Integer(Sign.positive, range[]);
assert(integer == 7383520307673030126);
* Constructs the integer from a two's complement representation.
* Params:
* R = Range type.
* value = Range.
* allocator = Allocator.
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE allocator !is null)
this(R)(R value, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
if (isBidirectionalRange!R && hasLength!R
&& is(Unqual!(ElementType!R) == ubyte))
this(Sign.positive, value, allocator);
if (!value.empty && ((value.front & 0x80) != 0))
// Negative number.
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
ubyte[8] range = [ 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xdd, 0xee ];
auto integer = Integer(range[]);
assert(integer == 7383520307673030126);
ubyte[8] range = [ 0xe6, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xdd, 0xee ];
auto integer = Integer(range[]);
assert(integer == -1839851729181745682);
* Copies the integer.
this(this) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
auto tmp = allocator.resize!digit(null, this.size);
tanya.memory.op.copy(this.rep[0 .. this.size], tmp);
this.rep = tmp;
* Destroys the integer.
~this() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
allocator.resize(this.rep, 0);
static private const short[16] bitCounts = [
4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0
// Counts the number of LSBs before the first non-zero bit.
private ptrdiff_t countLSBs() const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
if (this.size == 0)
return 0;
ptrdiff_t bits;
for (bits = 0; (bits < this.size) && (this.rep[bits] == 0); ++bits)
digit nonZero = this.rep[bits];
bits *= digitBitCount;
/* now scan this digit until a 1 is found */
if ((nonZero & 0x01) == 0)
digit bitCountsPos;
bitCountsPos = nonZero & 0x0f;
bits += bitCounts[bitCountsPos];
nonZero >>= 4;
while (bitCountsPos == 0);
return bits;
* Returns: Number of bytes in the two's complement representation.
@property size_t length() const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
if (this.sign)
const bc = countBits();
auto length = bc + (8 - (bc & 0x07));
if (((countLSBs() + 1) == bc) && ((bc & 0x07) == 0))
return length / 8;
else if (this.size == 0)
return 0;
return (countBits() / 8) + 1;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
Integer i;
assert(i.length == 0);
auto i = Integer(-123456789);
assert(i.length == 4);
* Assigns a new value.
* Params:
* T = Value type.
* value = Value.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
ref Integer opAssign(T)(const T value)
if (isIntegral!T)
rep[0 .. this.size].fill(digit.init);
grow(digitBitCount / 8 + 1);
static if (isSigned!T)
ulong absolute;
if (value >= 0)
absolute = value;
this.sign = Sign.positive;
absolute = -value;
this.sign = Sign.negative;
ulong absolute = value;
this.sign = Sign.positive;
for (this.size = 0; absolute; absolute >>= digitBitCount, ++this.size)
this.rep[this.size] = absolute & mask;
return this;
/// ditto
ref Integer opAssign(T)(ref T value)
if (is(Unqual!T == Integer))
this.rep = allocator.resize(this.rep, value.size);
tanya.memory.op.copy(value.rep[0 .. value.size],
this.rep[0 .. value.size]);
this.size = value.size;
this.sign = value.sign;
return this;
/// ditto
ref Integer opAssign(T)(T value)
if (is(T == Integer))
swap(this.rep, value.rep);
swap(this.sign, value.sign);
swap(this.size, value.size);
swap(this.allocator_, value.allocator_);
return this;
* Casting.
* Params:
* T = Target type.
* Returns: Converted value.
T opCast(T : bool)() const
return this.size > 0;
/// ditto
T opCast(T)() const
if (isIntegral!T && isUnsigned!T)
T ret;
ubyte shift;
for (size_t i; i < this.size && shift <= T.sizeof * 8; ++i)
ret |= (cast(T) this.rep[i]) << shift;
shift += digitBitCount;
return ret;
/// ditto
T opCast(T)() const
if (isIntegral!T && isSigned!T)
return this.sign
? cast(T) -(cast(Promoted!(Unsigned!T)) (cast(Unsigned!T) this))
: cast(Unsigned!T) this;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
auto integer = Integer(79);
assert(cast(ushort) integer == 79);
integer = -79;
assert(cast(short) integer == -79);
integer = 4294967295;
assert(cast(long) integer == 4294967295);
integer = -4294967295;
assert(cast(long) integer == -4294967295);
integer = long.min;
assert(cast(long) integer == long.min);
integer = long.min + 1;
assert(cast(long) integer == long.min + 1);
integer = 0;
assert(cast(long) integer == 0);
/* Trim unused digits.
* This is used to ensure that leading zero digits are
* trimed and the leading "size" digit will be non-zero
* Typically very fast. Also fixes the sign if there
* are no more leading digits
void contract() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
/* decrease size while the most significant digit is
* zero.
while ((this.size > 0) && (this.rep[this.size - 1] == 0))
/* reset the sign flag if size == 0 */
if (this.size == 0)
this.sign = Sign.positive;
private void grow(const size_t size) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
if (this.rep.length >= size)
const oldLength = this.rep.length;
allocator.resize(this.rep, size);
this.rep[oldLength .. $].fill(digit.init);
private size_t countBits() const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
if (this.size == 0)
return 0;
auto r = (this.size - 1) * digitBitCount;
digit q = this.rep[this.size - 1];
while (q > 0)
q >>= (cast(digit) 1);
return r;
private void add(ref const Integer summand, ref Integer sum)
const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
const(digit)[] max, min;
if (this.size > summand.size)
min = summand.rep[0 .. summand.size];
max = this.rep[0 .. this.size];
min = this.rep[0 .. this.size];
max = summand.rep[0 .. summand.size];
sum.grow(max.length + 1);
const oldSize = sum.size;
sum.size = cast(int) (max.length + 1);
auto result = sum.rep;
digit carry;
foreach (i, ref const d; min)
result.front = d + max.front + carry;
carry = result.front >> digitBitCount;
result.front &= mask;
// Copy higher digests if one of the summands is greater than another
// one.
for (; !max.empty; max.popFront(), result.popFront())
result.front = max.front + carry;
carry = result.front >> digitBitCount;
result.front &= mask;
result.front = carry;
// Clear digits above the old size.
for (auto i = sum.size; i < oldSize; ++i)
sum.rep[i] = 0;
private void add(const digit summand, ref Integer sum)
const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
sum.grow(this.size + 2);
sum.rep[0] = this.rep[0] + summand;
auto carry = sum.rep[0] >> digitBitCount;
sum.rep[0] &= mask;
size_t i;
for (i = 1; i < this.size; ++i)
sum.rep[i] = this.rep[i] + carry;
carry = sum.rep[i] >> digitBitCount;
sum.rep[i] &= mask;
sum.rep[i++] = carry;
for (; i < sum.size; ++i)
sum.rep[i] = 0;
sum.size = this.size + 1;
private void subtract(ref const Integer subtrahend, ref Integer difference)
const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
const oldSize = difference.size;
difference.size = this.size;
size_t i;
digit carry;
for (i = 0; i < subtrahend.size; ++i)
difference.rep[i] = (this.rep[i] - subtrahend.rep[i]) - carry;
carry = difference.rep[i] >> (cast(digit) (8 * digit.sizeof) - 1);
difference.rep[i] &= mask;
// Copy higher digests if the minuend has more digits than the
// subtrahend.
for (; i < this.size; ++i)
difference.rep[i] = this.rep[i] - carry;
carry = difference.rep[i] >> (cast(digit) ((8 * digit.sizeof) - 1));
difference.rep[i] &= mask;
// Clear digits above the size.
for (i = difference.size; i < oldSize; ++i)
difference.rep[i] = 0;
private void subtract(const digit subtrahend, ref Integer difference)
const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
const oldSize = difference.size;
difference.sign = this.sign;
difference.size = this.size;
difference.rep[0] = this.rep[0] - subtrahend;
auto carry = difference.rep[0] >> ((digit.sizeof * 8) - 1);
difference.rep[0] &= mask;
size_t i;
for (i = 1; i < this.size; ++i)
difference.rep[i] = this.rep[i] - carry;
carry = difference.rep[i] >> ((digit.sizeof * 8) - 1);
difference.rep[i] &= mask;
for (; i < oldSize; ++i)
difference.rep[i] = 0;
// Compare the magnitude.
private int compare(ref const Integer that) const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
if (this.size > that.size)
return 1;
else if (this.size < that.size)
return -1;
return this.rep[0 .. this.size]
.cmp(that.rep[0 .. that.size].retro);
* Comparison.
* Params:
* I = Comparand type.
* that = The second integer.
* Returns: A positive number if $(D_INLINECODE this > that), a negative
* number if $(D_INLINECODE this < that), `0` otherwise.
int opCmp(I : Integer)(auto ref const I that) const
if (this.sign != that.sign)
if (this.sign == Sign.negative)
return -1;
return 1;
if (this.sign == Sign.negative)
return that.compare(this);
return compare(that);
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
auto integer1 = Integer(1019);
auto integer2 = Integer(1019);
assert(integer1 == integer2);
integer2 = 3337;
assert(integer1 < integer2);
integer2 = 688;
assert(integer1 > integer2);
integer2 = -3337;
assert(integer1 > integer2);
/// ditto
int opCmp(I)(const I that) const
if (isIntegral!I)
if (that < 0 && !this.sign)
return 1;
else if (that > 0 && this.sign)
return -1;
else if (this.size > I.sizeof)
return this.sign ? -1 : 1;
const diff = (cast(I) this) - that;
if (diff > 0)
return 1;
else if (diff < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
auto integer = Integer(1019);
assert(integer == 1019);
assert(integer < 3337);
assert(integer > 688);
assert(integer > -3337);
* Params:
* I = Comparand type.
* that = The second integer.
* Returns: Whether the two integers are equal.
bool opEquals(I)(auto ref const I that) const
if (is(I : Integer) || isIntegral!I)
return opCmp!I(that) == 0;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
auto integer = Integer(1019);
assert(integer == Integer(1019));
assert(integer != Integer(109));
* Assignment operators with another $(D_PSYMBOL Integer).
* Params:
* op = Operation.
* operand = The second operand.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op : "+")(auto ref const Integer operand)
if (this.sign == operand.sign)
add(operand, this);
else if (compare(operand) < 0)
this.sign = operand.sign;
operand.subtract(this, this);
subtract(operand, this);
return this;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
auto h1 = Integer(1019);
auto h2 = Integer(3337);
h1 += h2;
assert(h1 == 4356);
auto h1 = Integer(4356);
auto h2 = Integer(2_147_483_647);
h1 += h2;
assert(h1 == 2147488003);
auto h1 = Integer(2147488003L);
auto h2 = Integer(2_147_483_647);
h1 += h2;
assert(h1 == 4294971650);
/// ditto
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op : "-")(auto ref const Integer operand)
if (this.sign != operand.sign)
add(operand, this);
else if (compare(operand) >= 0)
subtract(operand, this);
operand.subtract(this, this);
this.sign = this.sign ? Sign.positive : Sign.negative;
return this;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
auto h1 = Integer(3);
auto h2 = Integer(4);
h1 -= h2;
assert(h1 == -1);
auto h1 = Integer(8589934590L);
auto h2 = Integer(2147483647);
h1 -= h2;
assert(h1 == 6442450943);
auto h1 = Integer(6442450943);
auto h2 = Integer(4294967294);
h1 -= h2;
assert(h1 == 2147483649);
auto h1 = Integer(2147483649);
auto h2 = Integer(h1);
h1 -= h2;
assert(h1 == 0);
/// ditto
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op : "*")(auto ref const Integer operand)
const digits = this.size + operand.size + 1;
multiply(operand, this, digits);
if (this.size > 0)
this.sign = this.sign == operand.sign ? Sign.positive : Sign.negative;
return this;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
auto h1 = Integer(123);
auto h2 = Integer(456);
h1 *= h2;
assert(h1 == 56088);
/// ditto
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op : "/")(auto ref const Integer operand)
assert(operand.length > 0, "Division by zero.");
divide(operand, this);
return this;
/// ditto
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op : "%")(auto ref const Integer operand)
assert(operand.length > 0, "Division by zero.");
divide(operand, null, this);
return this;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
auto h1 = Integer(18);
auto h2 = Integer(4);
h1 %= h2;
assert(h1 == 2);
h1 = 8;
h1 %= h2;
assert(h1 == 0);
h1 = 7;
h1 %= h2;
assert(h1 == 3);
h1 = 56088;
h2 = 456;
h1 /= h2;
assert(h1 == 123);
/// ditto
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op : ">>")(const size_t operand)
if (operand == 0)
return this;
if (operand >= digitBitCount)
shiftRight(operand / digitBitCount);
const bit = cast(digit) (operand % digitBitCount);
if (bit != 0)
const mask = ((cast(digit) 1) << bit) - 1;
const shift = digitBitCount - bit;
digit carry;
foreach (ref d; this.rep[0 .. this.size].retro)
const newCarry = d & mask;
d = (d >> bit) | (carry << shift);
carry = newCarry;
return this;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
auto integer = Integer(4294967294);
integer >>= 10;
assert(integer == 4194303);
integer = 27336704;
integer >>= 1;
assert(integer == 13668352);
integer = 4294967294;
integer >>= 20;
assert(integer == 4095);
integer >>= 0;
assert(integer == 4095);
integer >>= 20;
assert(integer == 0);
integer >>= 2;
assert(integer == 0);
integer = 1431655765;
integer >>= 16;
assert(integer == 21845);
integer >>= 16;
assert(integer == 0);
/// ditto
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op : "<<")(const size_t operand)
const step = operand / digitBitCount;
if (this.rep.length < this.size + step + 1)
grow(this.size + step + 1);
if (operand >= digitBitCount)
const bit = cast(digit) (operand % digitBitCount);
if (bit != 0)
const mask = ((cast(digit) 1) << bit) - 1;
const shift = digitBitCount - bit;
digit carry;
foreach (ref d; this.rep[0 .. this.size])
const newCarry = (d >> shift) & mask;
d = ((d << bit) | carry) & this.mask;
carry = newCarry;
if (carry != 0)
this.rep[this.size++] = carry;
return this;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
auto integer = Integer(4294967295);
integer <<= 1;
assert(integer == 8589934590);
* Unary operators.
* Params:
* op = Operation.
* Returns: New $(D_PSYMBOL Integer).
Integer opUnary(string op : "~")() const
auto ret = Integer(this, allocator);
foreach (ref a; ret.rep[0 .. ret.size])
a = ~a & mask;
return ret;
/// ditto
Integer opUnary(string op : "-")() const
auto ret = Integer(this, allocator);
ret.sign = ret.sign ? Sign.positive : Sign.negative;
return ret;
* Unary operators.
* Params:
* op = Operation.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
ref inout(Integer) opUnary(string op : "+")() inout
return this;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
auto h1 = Integer(79);
Integer h2;
h2 = +h1;
assert(h2 == 79);
h2 = -h1;
assert(h2 == -79);
assert(h1 == 79);
h1 = -h2;
assert(h1 == 79);
h2 = ~h1;
assert(h2 == cast(ubyte) ~79);
/// ditto
ref Integer opUnary(string op : "++")()
if (this.sign)
subtract(1, this);
add(1, this);
return this;
/// ditto
ref Integer opUnary(string op : "--")()
if (this.size == 0)
add(1, this);
this.sign = Sign.negative;
else if (this.sign)
add(1, this);
subtract(1, this);
return this;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
Integer integer;
assert(integer == 1);
assert(integer == 0);
integer = 511;
assert(integer == 512);
assert(integer == 511);
integer = 79;
assert(integer == 80);
assert(integer == 79);
integer = -2;
assert(integer == -1);
assert(integer == 0);
assert(integer == -1);
* Implements binary operators.
* Params:
* op = Operation.
* operand = The second operand.
* Returns: Result.
Integer opBinary(string op)(auto ref const Integer operand) const
if ((op == "+" || op == "-") || (op == "*"))
mixin("return Integer(this, allocator) " ~ op ~ "= operand;");
/// ditto
Integer opBinary(string op)(const auto ref Integer operand) const
if (op == "/" || op == "%")
assert(operand.length > 0, "Division by zero.");
mixin("return Integer(this, allocator) " ~ op ~ "= operand;");
/// ditto
Integer opBinary(string op)(const size_t operand) const
if (op == "<<" || op == ">>")
mixin("return Integer(this, allocator) " ~ op ~ "= operand;");
// Shift right a certain amount of digits.
private void shiftRight(const size_t operand) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
if (operand == 0)
if (this.size <= operand)
this = 0;
const reducedSize = this.size - operand;
this.rep[operand .. this.size].copy(this.rep[0 .. reducedSize]);
this.rep[reducedSize .. this.size].fill(digit.init);
this.size = reducedSize;
// Shift left a certain amount of digits.
private void shiftLeft(const size_t operand) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
if (operand == 0)
const increasedSize = this.size + operand;
this.size = increasedSize;
auto top = this.size - 1;
auto bottom = this.size - 1 - operand;
for (; top >= operand; --bottom, --top)
this.rep[top] = this.rep[bottom];
this.rep[0 .. operand].fill(digit.init);
private void multiply(const digit factor, ref Integer product)
const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
product.grow(this.size + 1);
product.sign = this.sign;
word carry;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < this.size; ++i)
auto newCarry = carry + (cast(word) this.rep[i] * factor);
product.rep[i] = newCarry & mask;
carry = newCarry >> digitBitCount;
product.rep[i++] = carry & mask;
for (; i < this.size; ++i)
product.rep[i] = 0;
product.size = this.size + 1;
private void multiply(ref const Integer factor,
ref Integer product,
const size_t digits) const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
Integer intermediate;
intermediate.size = digits;
for (size_t i; i < this.size; ++i)
const limit = min(factor.size, digits - i);
word carry;
auto k = i;
for (size_t j; j < limit; ++j, ++k)
const result = cast(word) intermediate.rep[k]
+ (cast(word) this.rep[i] * factor.rep[j])
+ carry;
intermediate.rep[k] = result & mask;
carry = result >> digitBitCount;
if (k < digits)
intermediate.rep[k] = carry & mask;
swap(product, intermediate);
private void divide(Q, ARGS...)(ref const Integer divisor,
auto ref Q quotient,
ref ARGS args) const
if ((is(Q : typeof(null))
|| (is(Q : Integer) && __traits(isRef, quotient)))
&& (ARGS.length == 0 || (ARGS.length == 1 && is(ARGS[0] : Integer))))
assert(divisor != 0, "Division by zero.");
if (compare(divisor) < 0)
static if (ARGS.length == 1)
args[0] = this;
static if (!is(Q == typeof(null)))
quotient = 0;
Integer q, t1, t2;
q.grow(this.size + 2);
q.size = this.size + 2;
auto x = Integer(this);
auto y = Integer(divisor);
const sign = this.sign == divisor.sign ? Sign.positive : Sign.negative;
x.sign = y.sign = Sign.positive;
auto norm = y.countBits() % digitBitCount;
if (norm < digitBitCount - 1)
norm = digitBitCount - 1 - norm;
x <<= norm;
y <<= norm;
norm = 0;
auto n = x.size - 1;
auto t = y.size - 1;
y.shiftLeft(n - t);
while (x >= y)
++q.rep[n - t];
x -= y;
y.shiftRight(n - t);
for (auto i = n; i >= (t + 1); --i)
if (i > x.size)
if (x.rep[i] == y.rep[t])
q.rep[(i - t) - 1] = (((cast(digit) 1) << digitBitCount) - 1);
word tmp = (cast(word) x.rep[i]) << digitBitCount;
tmp |= x.rep[i - 1];
tmp /= y.rep[t];
if (tmp > mask)
tmp = mask;
q.rep[i - t - 1] = tmp & mask;
q.rep[i - t - 1] = (q.rep[i - t - 1] + 1) & mask;
q.rep[i - t - 1] = (q.rep[i - t - 1] - 1) & mask;
// Left hand.
t1 = 0;
t1.rep[0] = ((t - 1) < 0) ? 0 : y.rep[t - 1];
t1.rep[1] = y.rep[t];
t1.size = 2;
t1.multiply(q.rep[i - t - 1], t1);
// Right hand.
t2.rep[0] = ((i - 2) < 0) ? 0 : x.rep[i - 2];
t2.rep[1] = ((i - 1) < 0) ? 0 : x.rep[i - 1];
t2.rep[2] = x.rep[i];
t2.size = 3;
while (t1.compare(t2) > 0);
y.multiply(q.rep[i - t - 1], t1);
t1.shiftLeft(i - t - 1);
x -= t1;
if (x.sign == Sign.negative)
t1 = y;
t1.shiftLeft(i - t - 1);
x += t1;
q.rep[i - t - 1] = (q.rep[i - t - 1] - 1) & mask;
x.sign = (x.size == 0) ? Sign.positive : this.sign;
static if (!is(Q == typeof(null)))
swap(q, quotient);
quotient.sign = sign;
static if (ARGS.length == 1)
x >>= norm;
swap(x, args[0]);
private Integer square() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
Integer result;
const resultSize = 2 * this.size + 1;
result.size = resultSize;
for (size_t i; i < this.size; ++i)
const doubleI = 2 * i;
word product = cast(word) result.rep[doubleI]
+ (cast(word) this.rep[i] * this.rep[i]);
result.rep[doubleI] = product & mask;
word carry = product >> digitBitCount;
size_t k = doubleI + 1;
for (auto j = i + 1; j < this.size; ++j, ++k)
product = (cast(word) this.rep[i]) * (cast(word) this.rep[j]);
product = (cast(word) result.rep[k]) + (2 * product) + carry;
result.rep[k] = product & mask;
carry = product >> digitBitCount;
for (; carry != 0; ++k)
product = (cast(word) result.rep[k]) + carry;
result.rep[k] = product & mask;
carry = product >> digitBitCount;
return result;
// Returns 2^^n.
private Integer exp2(size_t n) const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
auto ret = Integer(allocator);
const bytes = n / digitBitCount;
ret.grow(bytes + 1);
ret.size = bytes + 1;
ret.rep[bytes] = (cast(digit) 1) << (n % digitBitCount);
return ret;
* Returns: Two's complement representation of the integer.
Array!ubyte toArray() const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
out (array)
assert(array.length == length);
Array!ubyte array;
if (this.size == 0)
return array;
const bc = countBits();
const remainingBits = bc & 0x07;
array.reserve(bc / 8);
if (remainingBits == 0)
Integer tmp;
if (this.sign)
auto length = bc + (8 - remainingBits);
if (((countLSBs() + 1) == bc) && (remainingBits == 0))
length -= 8;
tmp = exp2(length) + this;
tmp = this;
array.insertBack(cast(ubyte) (tmp.rep[0] & 0xff));
tmp >>= 8;
while (tmp != 0);
return array;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
auto integer = Integer(0x66778899aabbddee);
ubyte[8] expected = [ 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xdd, 0xee ];
auto array = integer.toArray();
assert(equal(array[], expected[]));
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
Integer integer;
assert(integer.toArray().length == 0);
auto integer = Integer(0x03);
ubyte[1] expected = [ 0x03 ];
auto array = integer.toArray();
assert(equal(array[], expected[]));
ubyte[63] expected = [
0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08,
0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10,
0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18,
0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20,
0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28,
0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30,
0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38,
0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x00, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63,
auto integer = Integer(Sign.positive, expected[]);
auto array = integer.toArray();
assert(equal(array[], expected[]));
ubyte[14] expected = [
0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
0x08, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x00, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63,
auto integer = Integer(Sign.positive, expected[]);
auto array = integer.toArray();
assert(equal(array[], expected[]));
mixin DefaultAllocator;