
1650 lines
36 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
* Single-dimensioned array.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016-2017.
* License: $(LINK2 https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2 mailto:info@caraus.de, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.container.array;
import core.checkedint;
import core.exception;
import std.algorithm.comparison;
import std.algorithm.mutation;
import std.conv;
import std.range.primitives;
import std.meta;
import std.traits;
import tanya.memory;
* Random-access range for the $(D_PSYMBOL Array).
* Params:
* E = Element type.
struct Range(E)
private E* begin, end;
private alias ContainerType = CopyConstness!(E, Array!(Unqual!E));
private ContainerType* container;
assert(this.begin <= this.end);
assert(this.container !is null);
assert(this.begin >= this.container.data);
assert(this.end <= this.container.data + this.container.length);
private this(ref ContainerType container, E* begin, E* end) @trusted
assert(begin <= end);
assert(begin >= container.data);
assert(end <= container.data + container.length);
this.container = &container;
this.begin = begin;
this.end = end;
@disable this();
@property Range save()
return this;
@property bool empty() const
return this.begin == this.end;
@property size_t length() const
return this.end - this.begin;
alias opDollar = length;
@property ref inout(E) front() inout
return *this.begin;
@property ref inout(E) back() inout @trusted
return *(this.end - 1);
void popFront() @trusted
void popBack() @trusted
ref inout(E) opIndex(const size_t i) inout @trusted
assert(i < length);
return *(this.begin + i);
Range opIndex()
return typeof(return)(*this.container, this.begin, this.end);
Range!(const E) opIndex() const
return typeof(return)(*this.container, this.begin, this.end);
Range opSlice(const size_t i, const size_t j) @trusted
assert(i <= j);
assert(j <= length);
return typeof(return)(*this.container, this.begin + i, this.begin + j);
Range!(const E) opSlice(const size_t i, const size_t j) const @trusted
assert(i <= j);
assert(j <= length);
return typeof(return)(*this.container, this.begin + i, this.begin + j);
inout(E)[] get() inout @trusted
return this.begin[0 .. length];
* One dimensional array.
* Params:
* T = Content type.
struct Array(T)
/// The range types for $(D_PSYMBOL Array).
alias Range = .Range!T;
/// Ditto.
alias ConstRange = .Range!(const T);
private size_t length_;
private T* data;
private size_t capacity_;
assert(this.length_ <= this.capacity_);
assert(this.capacity_ == 0 || this.data !is null);
* Creates a new $(D_PSYMBOL Array) with the elements from a static array.
* Params:
* R = Static array size.
* init = Values to initialize the array with.
* allocator = Allocator.
this(size_t R)(T[R] init, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
* Creates a new $(D_PSYMBOL Array) with the elements from an input range.
* Params:
* R = Type of the initial range.
* init = Values to initialize the array with.
* allocator = Allocator.
this(R)(R init, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
if (!isInfinite!R
&& isInputRange!R
&& isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!R, T))
* Initializes this array from another one.
* If $(D_PARAM init) is passed by value, it won't be copied, but moved.
* If the allocator of ($D_PARAM init) matches $(D_PARAM allocator),
* $(D_KEYWORD this) will just take the ownership over $(D_PARAM init)'s
* storage, otherwise, the storage will be allocated with
* $(D_PARAM allocator) and all elements will be moved;
* $(D_PARAM init) will be destroyed at the end.
* If $(D_PARAM init) is passed by reference, it will be copied.
* Params:
* R = Source array type.
* init = Source array.
* allocator = Allocator.
this(R)(ref R init, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
if (is(Unqual!R == Array))
/// Ditto.
this(R)(R init, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator) @trusted
if (is(R == Array))
if (allocator is init.allocator)
// Just steal all references and the allocator.
this.data = init.data;
this.length_ = init.length_;
this.capacity_ = init.capacity_;
// Reset the source array, so it can't destroy the moved storage.
init.length_ = init.capacity_ = 0;
init.data = null;
// Move each element.
moveEmplaceAll(init.data[0 .. init.length_], this.data[0 .. init.length_]);
this.length_ = init.length_;
// Destructor of init should destroy it here.
@trusted @nogc unittest
auto v1 = Array!int([1, 2, 3]);
auto v2 = Array!int(v1);
assert(v1 == v2);
auto v3 = Array!int(Array!int([1, 2, 3]));
assert(v1 == v3);
assert(v3.length == 3);
assert(v3.capacity == 3);
private @trusted @nogc unittest // const constructor tests
auto v1 = const Array!int([1, 2, 3]);
auto v2 = Array!int(v1);
assert(v1.data !is v2.data);
assert(v1 == v2);
auto v3 = const Array!int(Array!int([1, 2, 3]));
assert(v1 == v3);
assert(v3.length == 3);
assert(v3.capacity == 3);
* Creates a new $(D_PSYMBOL Array).
* Params:
* len = Initial length of the array.
* init = Initial value to fill the array with.
* allocator = Allocator.
this(const size_t len, T init, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator) @trusted
uninitializedFill(this.data[0 .. len], init);
length_ = len;
/// Ditto.
this(const size_t len, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
length = len;
/// Ditto.
this(shared Allocator allocator)
assert(allocator !is null);
allocator_ = allocator;
auto v = Array!int([3, 8, 2]);
assert(v.capacity == 3);
assert(v.length == 3);
assert(v[0] == 3 && v[1] == 8 && v[2] == 2);
auto v = Array!int(3, 5);
assert(v.capacity == 3);
assert(v.length == 3);
assert(v[0] == 5 && v[1] == 5 && v[2] == 5);
@safe unittest
auto v1 = Array!int(defaultAllocator);
* Destroys this $(D_PSYMBOL Array).
~this() @trusted
allocator.deallocate(this.data[0 .. capacity]);
* Copies the array.
auto buf = this.data[0 .. this.length_];
this.length_ = capacity_ = 0;
this.data = null;
* Removes all elements.
void clear()
length = 0;
auto v = Array!int([18, 20, 15]);
assert(v.length == 0);
assert(v.capacity == 3);
* Returns: How many elements the array can contain without reallocating.
@property size_t capacity() const
return capacity_;
@safe @nogc unittest
auto v = Array!int(4);
assert(v.capacity == 4);
* Returns: Array length.
@property size_t length() const
return length_;
/// Ditto.
size_t opDollar() const
return length;
* Expands/shrinks the array.
* Params:
* len = New length.
@property void length(const size_t len) @trusted
if (len == length)
else if (len > length)
initializeAll(this.data[length_ .. len]);
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
const T* end = this.data + length_ - 1;
for (T* e = this.data + len; e != end; ++e)
length_ = len;
Array!int v;
v.length = 5;
assert(v.length == 5);
assert(v.capacity == 5);
v.length = 7;
assert(v.length == 7);
assert(v.capacity == 7);
assert(v[$ - 1] == 0);
v[$ - 1] = 3;
assert(v[$ - 1] == 3);
v.length = 0;
assert(v.length == 0);
assert(v.capacity == 7);
* Reserves space for $(D_PARAM size) elements.
* If $(D_PARAM size) is less than or equal to the $(D_PSYMBOL capacity), the
* function call does not cause a reallocation and the array capacity is not
* affected.
* Params:
* size = Desired size.
void reserve(const size_t size) @trusted
if (capacity_ >= size)
bool overflow;
const byteSize = mulu(size, T.sizeof, overflow);
void[] buf = this.data[0 .. this.capacity_];
if (!allocator.reallocateInPlace(buf, byteSize))
buf = allocator.allocate(byteSize);
if (buf is null)
scope (failure)
const T* end = this.data + this.length_;
for (T* src = this.data, dest = cast(T*) buf; src != end; ++src, ++dest)
moveEmplace(*src, *dest);
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
allocator.deallocate(this.data[0 .. this.capacity_]);
this.data = cast(T*) buf;
this.capacity_ = size;
@nogc @safe unittest
Array!int v;
assert(v.capacity == 0);
assert(v.length == 0);
assert(v.capacity == 3);
assert(v.length == 0);
* Requests the array to reduce its capacity to fit the $(D_PARAM size).
* The request is non-binding. The array won't become smaller than the
* $(D_PARAM length).
* Params:
* size = Desired size.
void shrink(const size_t size) @trusted
if (capacity <= size)
const n = max(length, size);
void[] buf = this.data[0 .. this.capacity_];
if (allocator.reallocateInPlace(buf, n * T.sizeof))
this.capacity_ = n;
@nogc @safe unittest
Array!int v;
assert(v.capacity == 0);
assert(v.length == 0);
assert(v.capacity == 5);
assert(v.length == 2);
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the array is empty.
@property bool empty() const
return length == 0;
* Removes the value at the back of the array.
* Returns: The number of elements removed
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE !empty).
void removeBack()
length = length - 1;
* Removes $(D_PARAM howMany) elements from the array.
* This method doesn't fail if it could not remove $(D_PARAM howMany)
* elements. Instead, if $(D_PARAM howMany) is greater than the array
* length, all elements are removed.
* Params:
* howMany = How many elements should be removed.
* Returns: The number of elements removed
size_t removeBack(const size_t howMany)
out (removed)
assert(removed <= howMany);
const toRemove = min(howMany, length);
length = length - toRemove;
return toRemove;
auto v = Array!int([5, 18, 17]);
assert(v.removeBack(0) == 0);
assert(v.removeBack(2) == 2);
assert(v.removeBack(3) == 1);
assert(v.removeBack(3) == 0);
* Remove all elements beloning to $(D_PARAM r).
* Params:
* r = Range originally obtained from this array.
* Returns: A range spanning the remaining elements in the array that
* initially were right after $(D_PARAM r).
* Precondition: $(D_PARAM r) refers to a region of $(D_KEYWORD this).
Range remove(Range r) @trusted
assert(r.container is &this);
assert(r.begin >= this.data);
assert(r.end <= this.data + length);
auto end = this.data + this.length;
moveAll(.Range!T(this, r.end, end), .Range!T(this, r.begin, end));
length = length - r.length;
return .Range!T(this, r.begin, this.data + length);
@safe @nogc unittest
auto v = Array!int([5, 18, 17, 2, 4, 6, 1]);
assert(v.remove(v[1 .. 3]).length == 4);
assert(v[0] == 5 && v[1] == 2 && v[2] == 4 && v[3] == 6 && v[4] == 1);
assert(v.length == 5);
assert(v.remove(v[4 .. 4]).length == 1);
assert(v[0] == 5 && v[1] == 2 && v[2] == 4 && v[3] == 6 && v[4] == 1);
assert(v.length == 5);
assert(v.remove(v[4 .. 5]).length == 0);
assert(v[0] == 5 && v[1] == 2 && v[2] == 4 && v[3] == 6);
assert(v.length == 4);
assert(v.remove(v[]).length == 0);
private void moveBack(R)(ref R el) @trusted
if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(R, T))
reserve(this.length + 1);
moveEmplace(el, *(this.data + this.length_));
* Inserts the $(D_PARAM el) into the array.
* Params:
* R = Type of the inserted value(s) (single value, range or static array).
* el = Value(s) should be inserted.
* Returns: The number of elements inserted.
size_t insertBack(R)(R el)
if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(R, T))
return 1;
/// Ditto.
size_t insertBack(R)(ref R el) @trusted
if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(R, T))
reserve(this.length_ + 1);
emplace(this.data + this.length_, el);
return 1;
/// Ditto.
size_t insertBack(R)(R el)
if (!isInfinite!R
&& isInputRange!R
&& isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!R, T))
static if (hasLength!R)
reserve(length + el.length);
size_t retLength;
foreach (e; el)
retLength += insertBack(e);
return retLength;
/// Ditto.
size_t insertBack(size_t R)(T[R] el)
return insertBack!(T[])(el[]);
/// Ditto.
alias insert = insertBack;
struct TestRange
int counter = 6;
int front()
return counter;
void popFront()
counter -= 2;
bool empty()
return counter == 0;
Array!int v1;
assert(v1.insertBack(5) == 1);
assert(v1.length == 1);
assert(v1.capacity == 1);
assert(v1.back == 5);
assert(v1.insertBack(TestRange()) == 3);
assert(v1.length == 4);
assert(v1.capacity == 4);
assert(v1[0] == 5 && v1[1] == 6 && v1[2] == 4 && v1[3] == 2);
assert(v1.insertBack([34, 234]) == 2);
assert(v1.length == 6);
assert(v1.capacity == 6);
assert(v1[4] == 34 && v1[5] == 234);
* Inserts $(D_PARAM el) before or after $(D_PARAM r).
* Params:
* R = Type of the inserted value(s) (single value, range or static array).
* r = Range originally obtained from this array.
* el = Value(s) should be inserted.
* Returns: The number of elements inserted.
* Precondition: $(D_PARAM r) refers to a region of $(D_KEYWORD this).
size_t insertAfter(R)(Range r, R el)
if (!isInfinite!R
&& isInputRange!R
&& isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!R, T))
assert(r.container is &this);
assert(r.begin >= this.data);
assert(r.end <= this.data + length);
const oldLen = length;
const offset = r.end - this.data;
const inserted = insertBack(el);
bringToFront(this.data[offset .. oldLen], this.data[oldLen .. length]);
return inserted;
/// Ditto.
size_t insertAfter(size_t R)(Range r, T[R] el)
assert(r.container is &this);
assert(r.begin >= this.data);
assert(r.end <= this.data + length);
return insertAfter!(T[])(r, el[]);
/// Ditto.
size_t insertAfter(R)(Range r, auto ref R el)
if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(R, T))
assert(r.container is &this);
assert(r.begin >= this.data);
assert(r.end <= this.data + length);
const oldLen = length;
const offset = r.end - this.data;
static if (__traits(isRef, el))
bringToFront(this.data[offset .. oldLen], this.data[oldLen .. length]);
return 1;
/// Ditto.
size_t insertBefore(R)(Range r, R el)
if (!isInfinite!R
&& isInputRange!R
&& isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!R, T))
assert(r.container is &this);
assert(r.begin >= this.data);
assert(r.end <= this.data + length);
return insertAfter(.Range!T(this, this.data, r.begin), el);
/// Ditto.
size_t insertBefore(size_t R)(Range r, T[R] el)
assert(r.container is &this);
assert(r.begin >= this.data);
assert(r.end <= this.data + length);
return insertBefore!(T[])(r, el[]);
/// Ditto.
size_t insertBefore(R)(Range r, auto ref R el)
if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(R, T))
assert(r.container is &this);
assert(r.begin >= this.data);
assert(r.end <= this.data + length);
const oldLen = length;
const offset = r.begin - this.data;
static if (__traits(isRef, el))
bringToFront(this.data[offset .. oldLen], this.data[oldLen .. length]);
return 1;
Array!int v1;
v1.insertAfter(v1[], [2, 8]);
assert(v1[0] == 2);
assert(v1[1] == 8);
assert(v1.length == 2);
v1.insertAfter(v1[], [1, 2]);
assert(v1[0] == 2);
assert(v1[1] == 8);
assert(v1[2] == 1);
assert(v1[3] == 2);
assert(v1.length == 4);
v1.insertAfter(v1[0 .. 0], [1, 2]);
assert(v1[0] == 1);
assert(v1[1] == 2);
assert(v1[2] == 2);
assert(v1[3] == 8);
assert(v1[4] == 1);
assert(v1[5] == 2);
assert(v1.length == 6);
v1.insertAfter(v1[0 .. 4], 9);
assert(v1[0] == 1);
assert(v1[1] == 2);
assert(v1[2] == 2);
assert(v1[3] == 8);
assert(v1[4] == 9);
assert(v1[5] == 1);
assert(v1[6] == 2);
assert(v1.length == 7);
Array!int v1;
v1.insertBefore(v1[], [2, 8]);
assert(v1[0] == 2);
assert(v1[1] == 8);
assert(v1.length == 2);
v1.insertBefore(v1[], [1, 2]);
assert(v1[0] == 1);
assert(v1[1] == 2);
assert(v1[2] == 2);
assert(v1[3] == 8);
assert(v1.length == 4);
v1.insertBefore(v1[0 .. 1], [1, 2]);
assert(v1[0] == 1);
assert(v1[1] == 2);
assert(v1[2] == 1);
assert(v1[3] == 2);
assert(v1[4] == 2);
assert(v1[5] == 8);
assert(v1.length == 6);
v1.insertBefore(v1[2 .. $], 9);
assert(v1[0] == 1);
assert(v1[1] == 2);
assert(v1[2] == 9);
assert(v1[3] == 1);
assert(v1[4] == 2);
assert(v1[5] == 2);
assert(v1[6] == 8);
assert(v1.length == 7);
* Assigns a value to the element with the index $(D_PARAM pos).
* Params:
* E = Value type.
* value = Value.
* pos = Position.
* Returns: Assigned value.
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE length > pos).
ref T opIndexAssign(E : T)(auto ref E value, const size_t pos)
return opIndex(pos) = value;
/// Ditto.
Range opIndexAssign(E : T)(auto ref E value)
return opSliceAssign(value, 0, length);
nothrow @safe @nogc unittest
Array!int a = Array!int(1);
a[0] = 5;
assert(a[0] == 5);
* Assigns a range or a static array.
* Params:
* R = Value type.
* value = Value.
* Returns: Assigned value.
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE length == value.length).
Range opIndexAssign(size_t R)(T[R] value)
return opSliceAssign!R(value, 0, length);
/// Ditto.
Range opIndexAssign(Range value)
return opSliceAssign(value, 0, length);
@nogc unittest
auto v1 = Array!int([12, 1, 7]);
v1[] = 3;
assert(v1[0] == 3);
assert(v1[1] == 3);
assert(v1[2] == 3);
v1[] = [7, 1, 12];
assert(v1[0] == 7);
assert(v1[1] == 1);
assert(v1[2] == 12);
* Params:
* pos = Index.
* Returns: The value at a specified index.
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE length > pos).
ref inout(T) opIndex(const size_t pos) inout @trusted
assert(length > pos);
return *(this.data + pos);
* Returns: Random access range that iterates over elements of the array,
* in forward order.
Range opIndex() @trusted
return typeof(return)(this, this.data, this.data + length);
/// Ditto.
ConstRange opIndex() const @trusted
return typeof(return)(this, this.data, this.data + length);
const v1 = Array!int([6, 123, 34, 5]);
assert(v1[0] == 6);
assert(v1[1] == 123);
assert(v1[2] == 34);
assert(v1[3] == 5);
static assert(is(typeof(v1[0]) == const(int)));
static assert(is(typeof(v1[])));
* Comparison for equality.
* Params:
* that = The array to compare with.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the arrays are equal, $(D_KEYWORD false)
* otherwise.
bool opEquals()(auto ref typeof(this) that) @trusted
return equal(this.data[0 .. length], that.data[0 .. that.length]);
/// Ditto.
bool opEquals()(auto ref const typeof(this) that) const @trusted
return equal(this.data[0 .. length], that.data[0 .. that.length]);
/// Ditto.
bool opEquals(Range that)
return equal(opIndex(), that);
* Comparison for equality.
* Params:
* R = Right hand side type.
* that = Right hand side array range.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the array and the range are equal,
* $(D_KEYWORD false) otherwise.
bool opEquals(R)(R that) const
if (is(R == Range) || is(R == ConstRange))
return equal(opIndex(), that);
Array!int v1, v2;
assert(v1 == v2);
v1.length = 1;
v2.length = 2;
assert(v1 != v2);
v1.length = 2;
v1[0] = v2[0] = 2;
v1[1] = 3;
v2[1] = 4;
assert(v1 != v2);
v2[1] = 3;
assert(v1 == v2);
* Returns: The first element.
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE !empty).
@property ref inout(T) front() inout
return *this.data;
@safe unittest
auto v = Array!int([5]);
assert(v.front == 5);
v.length = 2;
v[1] = 15;
assert(v.front == 5);
* Returns: The last element.
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE !empty).
@property ref inout(T) back() inout @trusted
return *(this.data + length - 1);
auto v = Array!int([5]);
assert(v.back == 5);
v.length = 2;
v[1] = 15;
assert(v.back == 15);
* Params:
* i = Slice start.
* j = Slice end.
* Returns: A range that iterates over elements of the container from
* index $(D_PARAM i) up to (excluding) index $(D_PARAM j).
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE i <= j && j <= length).
Range opSlice(const size_t i, const size_t j) @trusted
assert(i <= j);
assert(j <= length);
return typeof(return)(this, this.data + i, this.data + j);
/// Ditto.
ConstRange opSlice(const size_t i, const size_t j) const @trusted
assert(i <= j);
assert(j <= length);
return typeof(return)(this, this.data + i, this.data + j);
Array!int v;
auto r = v[];
assert(r.length == 0);
auto v = Array!int([1, 2, 3]);
auto r = v[];
assert(r.front == 1);
assert(r.back == 3);
assert(r.front == 2);
assert(r.back == 2);
assert(r.length == 1);
auto v = Array!int([1, 2, 3, 4]);
auto r = v[1 .. 4];
assert(r.length == 3);
assert(r[0] == 2);
assert(r[1] == 3);
assert(r[2] == 4);
r = v[0 .. 0];
assert(r.length == 0);
r = v[4 .. 4];
assert(r.length == 0);
* Slicing assignment.
* Params:
* R = Type of the assigned slice or length of the static array should
* be assigned.
* value = New value (single value, range or static array).
* i = Slice start.
* j = Slice end.
* Returns: Slice with the assigned part of the array.
* Precondition: $(D_INLINECODE i <= j && j <= length
* && value.length == j - i)
Range opSliceAssign(size_t R)(T[R] value, const size_t i, const size_t j)
assert(i <= j);
assert(j <= length);
copy(value[], this.data[i .. j]);
return opSlice(i, j);
/// Ditto.
Range opSliceAssign(R : T)(auto ref R value, const size_t i, const size_t j)
assert(i <= j);
assert(j <= length);
fill(this.data[i .. j], value);
return opSlice(i, j);
/// Ditto.
Range opSliceAssign(Range value, const size_t i, const size_t j) @trusted
assert(i <= j);
assert(j <= length);
assert(j - i == value.length);
copy(value, this.data[i .. j]);
return opSlice(i, j);
@nogc @safe unittest
auto v1 = Array!int([3, 3, 3]);
auto v2 = Array!int([1, 2]);
v1[0 .. 2] = 286;
assert(v1[0] == 286);
assert(v1[1] == 286);
assert(v1[2] == 3);
v2[0 .. $] = v1[1 .. 3];
assert(v2[0] == 286);
assert(v2[1] == 3);
v1[0 .. 2] = [5, 8];
assert(v1[0] == 5);
assert(v1[1] == 8);
assert(v1[2] == 3);
* Returns an array used internally by the array to store its owned elements.
* The length of the returned array may differ from the size of the allocated
* memory for the array: the array contains only initialized elements, but
* not the reserved memory.
* Returns: The array with elements of this array.
inout(T[]) get() inout @trusted
return this.data[0 .. length];
auto v = Array!int([1, 2, 4]);
auto data = v.get();
assert(data[0] == 1);
assert(data[1] == 2);
assert(data[2] == 4);
assert(data.length == 3);
data = v[1 .. 2].get();
assert(data[0] == 2);
assert(data.length == 1);
* Assigns another array.
* If $(D_PARAM that) is passed by value, it won't be copied, but moved.
* This array will take the ownership over $(D_PARAM that)'s storage and
* the allocator.
* If $(D_PARAM that) is passed by reference, it will be copied.
* Params:
* R = Content type.
* that = The value should be assigned.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
ref typeof(this) opAssign(R)(ref R that)
if (is(Unqual!R == Array))
return this = that[];
/// Ditto.
ref typeof(this) opAssign(R)(R that) @trusted
if (is(R == Array))
swap(this.data, that.data);
swap(this.length_, that.length_);
swap(this.capacity_, that.capacity_);
swap(this.allocator_, that.allocator_);
return this;
* Assigns a range to the array.
* Params:
* R = Content type.
* that = The value should be assigned.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
ref typeof(this) opAssign(R)(R that)
if (!isInfinite!R
&& isInputRange!R
&& isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!R, T))
length = 0;
return this;
@safe @nogc unittest
auto v1 = const Array!int([5, 15, 8]);
Array!int v2;
v2 = v1;
assert(v1 == v2);
@safe @nogc unittest
auto v1 = const Array!int([5, 15, 8]);
Array!int v2;
v2 = v1[0 .. 2];
assert(equal(v1[0 .. 2], v2[]));
// Move assignment.
private @safe @nogc unittest
Array!int v1;
v1 = Array!int([5, 15, 8]);
* Assigns a static array.
* Params:
* R = Static array size.
* that = Values to initialize the array with.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
ref typeof(this) opAssign(size_t R)(T[R] that)
return opAssign!(T[])(that[]);
@safe @nogc unittest
auto v1 = Array!int([5, 15, 8]);
Array!int v2;
v2 = [5, 15, 8];
assert(v1 == v2);
mixin DefaultAllocator;
auto v = Array!int([5, 15, 8]);
assert(v.front == 5);
assert(v[1] == 15);
assert(v.back == 8);
auto r = v[];
r[0] = 7;
assert(r.front == 7);
assert(r.front == v.front);
@nogc unittest
const v1 = Array!int();
const Array!int v2;
const v3 = Array!int([1, 5, 8]);
static assert(is(PointerTarget!(typeof(v3.data)) == const(int)));
@nogc unittest
// Test that const arrays return usable ranges.
auto v = const Array!int([1, 2, 4]);
auto r1 = v[];
assert(r1.back == 4);
assert(r1.back == 2);
assert(r1.back == 1);
assert(r1.length == 0);
static assert(!is(typeof(r1[0] = 5)));
static assert(!is(typeof(v[0] = 5)));
const r2 = r1[];
static assert(is(typeof(r2[])));
@nogc unittest
Array!int v1;
const Array!int v2;
auto r1 = v1[];
auto r2 = v1[];
assert(r1.length == 0);
assert(r1 == r2);
v1.insertBack([1, 2, 4]);
assert(v1[] == v1);
assert(v2[] == v2);
assert(v2[] != v1);
assert(v1[] != v2);
@nogc unittest
struct MutableEqualsStruct
int opEquals(typeof(this) that) @nogc
return true;
struct ConstEqualsStruct
int opEquals(const typeof(this) that) const @nogc
return true;
auto v1 = Array!ConstEqualsStruct();
auto v2 = Array!ConstEqualsStruct();
assert(v1 == v2);
assert(v1[] == v2);
assert(v1 == v2[]);
auto v3 = const Array!ConstEqualsStruct();
auto v4 = const Array!ConstEqualsStruct();
assert(v3 == v4);
assert(v3[] == v4);
assert(v3 == v4[]);
auto v7 = Array!MutableEqualsStruct(1, MutableEqualsStruct());
auto v8 = Array!MutableEqualsStruct(1, MutableEqualsStruct());
assert(v7 == v8);
assert(v7[] == v8);
assert(v7 == v8[]);
@nogc unittest
struct SWithDtor
~this() @nogc
auto v = Array!SWithDtor(); // Destructor can destroy empty arrays.
private unittest
class A
A a1, a2;
auto v1 = Array!A([a1, a2]);
private @safe @nogc unittest
auto v = Array!int([5, 15, 8]);
size_t i;
foreach (e; v)
assert(i != 0 || e == 5);
assert(i != 1 || e == 15);
assert(i != 2 || e == 8);
assert(i == 3);
size_t i = 3;
foreach_reverse (e; v)
assert(i != 2 || e == 8);
assert(i != 1 || e == 15);
assert(i != 0 || e == 5);
assert(i == 0);