
420 lines
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
* This module provides a portable way of using operating system error codes.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2017-2018.
* License: $(LINK2 https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2 mailto:info@caraus.de, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2 https://github.com/caraus-ecms/tanya/blob/master/source/tanya/os/error.d,
* tanya/os/error.d)
module tanya.os.error;
import tanya.meta.trait;
// Socket API error.
private template SAError(int posix, int wsa = posix)
version (Windows)
enum SAError = 10000 + wsa;
alias SAError = posix;
// Error for Windows and Posix separately.
private template NativeError(int posix, int win)
version (Windows)
alias NativeError = win;
alias NativeError = posix;
version (Windows)
private enum eProtocolError = -71;
else version (OpenBSD)
private enum eProtocolError = -71;
private enum eProtocolError = 71;
* System error code.
struct ErrorCode
* Error code numbers.
enum ErrorNo : int
/// The operation completed successfully.
success = 0,
/// Operation not permitted.
noPermission = NativeError!(1, 5),
/// Interrupted system call.
interrupted = SAError!4,
/// Bad file descriptor.
badDescriptor = SAError!9,
/// An operation on a non-blocking socket would block.
wouldBlock = SAError!(11, 35),
/// Out of memory.
noMemory = NativeError!(12, 14),
/// Access denied.
accessDenied = SAError!13,
/// An invalid pointer address detected.
fault = SAError!14,
/// No such device.
noSuchDevice = NativeError!(19, 20),
/// An invalid argument was supplied.
invalidArgument = SAError!22,
/// The limit on the number of open file descriptors.
tooManyDescriptors = NativeError!(23, 331),
/// The limit on the number of open file descriptors.
noDescriptors = SAError!24,
/// Broken pipe.
brokenPipe = NativeError!(32, 109),
/// The name was too long.
nameTooLong = SAError!(36, 63),
/// A socket operation was attempted on a non-socket.
notSocket = SAError!(88, 38),
/// Protocol error.
protocolError = eProtocolError,
/// Message too long.
messageTooLong = SAError!(90, 40),
/// Wrong protocol type for socket.
wrongProtocolType = SAError!(91, 41),
/// Protocol not available.
noProtocolOption = SAError!(92, 42),
/// The protocol is not implemented or has not been configured.
protocolNotSupported = SAError!(93, 43),
/// The support for the specified socket type does not exist in this
/// address family.
socketNotSupported = SAError!(94, 44),
/// The address family is no supported by the protocol family.
operationNotSupported = SAError!(95, 45),
/// Address family specified is not supported.
addressFamilyNotSupported = SAError!(97, 47),
/// Address already in use.
addressInUse = SAError!(98, 48),
/// The network is not available.
networkDown = SAError!(100, 50),
/// No route to host.
networkUnreachable = SAError!(101, 51),
/// Network dropped connection because of reset.
networkReset = SAError!(102, 52),
/// The connection has been aborted.
connectionAborted = SAError!(103, 53),
/// Connection reset by peer.
connectionReset = SAError!(104, 54),
/// No free buffer space is available for a socket operation.
noBufferSpace = SAError!(105, 55),
/// Transport endpoint is already connected.
alreadyConnected = SAError!(106, 56),
/// Transport endpoint is not connected.
notConnected = SAError!(107, 57),
/// Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown.
shutdown = SAError!(108, 58),
/// The connection attempt timed out, or the connected host has failed
/// to respond.
timedOut = SAError!(110, 60),
/// Connection refused.
connectionRefused = SAError!(111, 61),
/// Host is down.
hostDown = SAError!(112, 64),
/// No route to host.
hostUnreachable = SAError!(113, 65),
/// Operation already in progress.
alreadyStarted = SAError!(114, 37),
/// Operation now in progress.
inProgress = SAError!(115, 36),
/// Operation cancelled.
cancelled = SAError!(125, 103),
* Error descriptions.
private enum ErrorStr : string
success = "The operation completed successfully",
noPermission = "Operation not permitted",
interrupted = "Interrupted system call",
badDescriptor = "Bad file descriptor",
wouldBlock = "An operation on a non-blocking socket would block",
noMemory = "Out of memory",
accessDenied = "Access denied",
fault = "An invalid pointer address detected",
noSuchDevice = "No such device",
invalidArgument = "An invalid argument was supplied",
tooManyDescriptors = "The limit on the number of open file descriptors",
noDescriptors = "The limit on the number of open file descriptors",
brokenPipe = "Broken pipe",
nameTooLong = "The name was too long",
notSocket = "A socket operation was attempted on a non-socket",
protocolError = "Protocol error",
messageTooLong = "Message too long",
wrongProtocolType = "Wrong protocol type for socket",
noProtocolOption = "Protocol not available",
protocolNotSupported = "The protocol is not implemented or has not been configured",
socketNotSupported = "Socket type not supported",
operationNotSupported = "The address family is no supported by the protocol family",
addressFamilyNotSupported = "Address family specified is not supported",
addressInUse = "Address already in use",
networkDown = "The network is not available",
networkUnreachable = "No route to host",
networkReset = "Network dropped connection because of reset",
connectionAborted = "The connection has been aborted",
connectionReset = "Connection reset by peer",
noBufferSpace = "No free buffer space is available for a socket operation",
alreadyConnected = "Transport endpoint is already connected",
notConnected = "Transport endpoint is not connected",
shutdown = "Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown",
timedOut = "Operation timed out",
connectionRefused = "Connection refused",
hostDown = "Host is down",
hostUnreachable = "No route to host",
alreadyStarted = "Operation already in progress",
inProgress = "Operation now in progress",
cancelled = "Operation cancelled",
* Constructor.
* Params:
* value = Numeric error code.
this(const ErrorNo value) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
this.value_ = value;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
ErrorCode ec;
assert(ec == ErrorCode.success);
ec = ErrorCode.fault;
assert(ec == ErrorCode.fault);
* Resets this $(D_PSYMBOL ErrorCode) to default
* ($(D_PSYMBOL ErrorCode.success)).
void reset() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
this.value_ = ErrorNo.success;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
auto ec = ErrorCode(ErrorCode.fault);
assert(ec == ErrorCode.fault);
assert(ec == ErrorCode.success);
* Returns: Numeric error code.
ErrorNo opCast(T : ErrorNo)() const
return this.value_;
/// ditto
ErrorNo opCast(T : int)() const
return this.value_;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
ErrorCode ec = ErrorCode.fault;
auto errorNo = cast(ErrorCode.ErrorNo) ec;
assert(errorNo == ErrorCode.fault);
static assert(is(typeof(cast(int) ec)));
* Assigns another error code or error code number.
* Params:
* that = Numeric error code.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
ref ErrorCode opAssign(const ErrorNo that) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
this.value_ = that;
return this;
/// ditto
ref ErrorCode opAssign(const ErrorCode that) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
this.value_ = that.value_;
return this;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
ErrorCode ec;
assert(ec == ErrorCode.success);
ec = ErrorCode.fault;
assert(ec == ErrorCode.fault);
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
auto ec1 = ErrorCode(ErrorCode.fault);
ErrorCode ec2;
assert(ec2 == ErrorCode.success);
ec2 = ec1;
assert(ec1 == ec2);
* Equality with another error code or error code number.
* Params:
* that = Numeric error code.
* Returns: Whether $(D_KEYWORD this) and $(D_PARAM that) are equal.
bool opEquals(const ErrorNo that) const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
return this.value_ == that;
/// ditto
bool opEquals(const ErrorCode that) const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
return this.value_ == that.value_;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
ErrorCode ec1 = ErrorCode.fault;
ErrorCode ec2 = ErrorCode.accessDenied;
assert(ec1 != ec2);
assert(ec1 != ErrorCode.accessDenied);
assert(ErrorCode.fault != ec2);
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
ErrorCode ec1 = ErrorCode.fault;
ErrorCode ec2 = ErrorCode.fault;
assert(ec1 == ec2);
assert(ec1 == ErrorCode.fault);
assert(ErrorCode.fault == ec2);
* Returns string describing the error number. If a description for a
* specific error number is not available, returns $(D_KEYWORD null).
* Returns: String describing the error number.
string toString() const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
foreach (e; __traits(allMembers, ErrorNo))
if (__traits(getMember, ErrorNo, e) == this.value_)
return __traits(getMember, ErrorStr, e);
return null;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
ErrorCode ec = ErrorCode.fault;
assert(ec.toString() == "An invalid pointer address detected");
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
ErrorCode ec = cast(ErrorCode.ErrorNo) -1;
assert(ec.toString() is null);
private ErrorNo value_ = ErrorNo.success;
alias ErrorNo this;