
1192 lines
37 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
* URL parser.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016-2017.
* License: $(LINK2 https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2 mailto:info@caraus.de, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.network.url;
import std.ascii : isAlphaNum, isDigit;
import std.traits : isSomeString;
import std.uni : isAlpha, isNumber;
import std.uri;
import tanya.memory;
version (unittest) private
import std.typecons;
static Tuple!(string, string[string], ushort)[] URLTests;
static this()
version (unittest)
URLTests = [
tuple(``, [
"path": "",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(``, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(``, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "",
"path": "/",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(``, [
"path": "",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(``, [
"host": "",
"path": "/",
], ushort(60000)),
tuple(`example.org`, [
"path": "example.org",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`example.org/`, [
"path": "example.org/",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://example.org`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "example.org",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://example.org/`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "example.org",
"path": "/",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`www.example.org`, [
"path": "www.example.org",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`www.example.org/`, [
"path": "www.example.org/",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org/`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`www.example.org:2`, [
"host": "www.example.org",
], ushort(2)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org/index.html`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/index.html",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`www.example.org/?`, [
"path": "www.example.org/",
"query": "",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`www.example.org:80/?`, [
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/",
"query": "",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org/?`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/",
"query": "",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/?`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/",
"query": "",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/index.html`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/index.html",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/foo/bar/index.html`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/foo/bar/index.html",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/file.png`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/file.png",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/deep/directory/structure/and/file.png?lots=1&of=2&parameters=3&too=4`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/deep/directory/structure/and/file.png",
"query": "lots=1&of=2&parameters=3&too=4",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/file.php`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/file.php",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/this/../a/../deep/directory`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/this/../a/../deep/directory",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/this/../a/../deep/directory/`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/this/../a/../deep/directory/",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/../image.png`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/../image.png",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/index.html`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/index.html",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/index.html?`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/index.html",
"query": "",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/#foo`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/",
"fragment": "foo",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/?#`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/",
"query": "",
"fragment": "",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/?test=1`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/",
"query": "test=1",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org/?test=1&`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/",
"query": "test=1&",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/?&`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/",
"query": "&",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/index.html?test=1&`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/index.html",
"query": "test=1&",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org/index.html?&`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/index.html",
"query": "&",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/index.html?foo&`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/index.html",
"query": "foo&",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org/index.html?&foo`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/index.html",
"query": "&foo",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://www.example.org:80/index.html?test=1&test2=char`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/index.html",
"query": "test=1&test2=char",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`www.example.org:80/index.html?test=1&test2=char#some_ref123`, [
"host": "www.example.org",
"path": "/index.html",
"query": "test=1&test2=char",
"fragment": "some_ref123",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://secret@www.example.org:80/index.html?test=1&test2=char#some_ref123`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"user": "secret",
"path": "/index.html",
"query": "test=1&test2=char",
"fragment": "some_ref123",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://secret:@www.example.org/index.html?test=1&test2=char#some_ref123`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"user": "secret",
"pass": "",
"path": "/index.html",
"query": "test=1&test2=char",
"fragment": "some_ref123",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://:hideout@www.example.org:80/index.html?test=1&test2=char#some_ref123`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"user": "",
"pass": "hideout",
"path": "/index.html",
"query": "test=1&test2=char",
"fragment": "some_ref123",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`http://secret:hideout@www.example.org/index.html?test=1&test2=char#some_ref123`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"user": "secret",
"pass": "hideout",
"path": "/index.html",
"query": "test=1&test2=char",
"fragment": "some_ref123",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://secret:hid:out@www.example.org:80/index.html?test=1&test2=int#some_ref123`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.org",
"user": "secret",
"pass": "hid:out",
"path": "/index.html",
"query": "test=1&test2=int",
"fragment": "some_ref123",
], ushort(80)),
tuple(`nntp://news.example.org`, [
"scheme": "nntp",
"host": "news.example.org",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glic/glibc.tar.gz`, [
"scheme": "ftp",
"host": "ftp.gnu.org",
"path": "/gnu/glic/glibc.tar.gz",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`zlib:http://foo@bar`, [
"scheme": "zlib",
"path": "http://foo@bar",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`zlib:filename.txt`, [
"scheme": "zlib",
"path": "filename.txt",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`zlib:/path/to/my/file/file.txt`, [
"scheme": "zlib",
"path": "/path/to/my/file/file.txt",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`foo://foo@bar`, [
"scheme": "foo",
"host": "bar",
"user": "foo",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`mailto:me@mydomain.com`, [
"scheme": "mailto",
"path": "me@mydomain.com",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`/foo.php?a=b&c=d`, [
"path": "/foo.php",
"query": "a=b&c=d",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`foo.php?a=b&c=d`, [
"path": "foo.php",
"query": "a=b&c=d",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://user:passwd@www.example.com:8080?bar=1&boom=0`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "www.example.com",
"user": "user",
"pass": "passwd",
"query": "bar=1&boom=0",
], ushort(8080)),
tuple(`file:///path/to/file`, [
"scheme": "file",
"path": "/path/to/file",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`file://path/to/file`, [
"scheme": "file",
"host": "path",
"path": "/to/file",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`file:/path/to/file`, [
"scheme": "file",
"path": "/path/to/file",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(``, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "",
"path": "/abc.asp",
"query": "a=1&b=2",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://foo.com#bar`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "foo.com",
"fragment": "bar",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`scheme:`, [
"scheme": "scheme",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`foo+bar://baz@bang/bla`, [
"scheme": "foo+bar",
"host": "bang",
"user": "baz",
"path": "/bla",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`gg:9130731`, [
"scheme": "gg",
"path": "9130731",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(``, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "",
"path": "/:80",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://x:?`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "x",
"query": "",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`x:blah.com`, [
"scheme": "x",
"path": "blah.com",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`x:/blah.com`, [
"scheme": "x",
"path": "/blah.com",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://::?`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": ":",
"query": "",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://::#`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": ":",
"fragment": "",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://?:/`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "?",
"path": "/",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://@?:/`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "?",
"user": "",
"path": "/",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`file:///:`, [
"scheme": "file",
"path": "/:",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`file:///a:/`, [
"scheme": "file",
"path": "a:/",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`file:///ab:/`, [
"scheme": "file",
"path": "/ab:/",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`file:///a:/`, [
"scheme": "file",
"path": "a:/",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`file:///@:/`, [
"scheme": "file",
"path": "@:/",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`file:///:80/`, [
"scheme": "file",
"path": "/:80/",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`[]`, [
"path": "[]",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://[x:80]/`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "[x:80]",
"path": "/",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(``, [
"path": "",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`/`, [
"path": "/",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`/rest/Users?filter={"id":"789"}`, [
"path": "/rest/Users",
"query": `filter={"id":"789"}`,
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`//example.org`, [
"host": "example.org",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`/standard/?fq=B:20001`, [
"path": "/standard/",
"query": "fq=B:20001",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`/standard/?fq=B:200013`, [
"path": "/standard/",
"query": "fq=B:200013",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`/standard/?fq=home:012345`, [
"path": "/standard/",
"query": "fq=home:012345",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`/standard/?fq=home:01234`, [
"path": "/standard/",
"query": "fq=home:01234",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://user:pass@host`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "host",
"user": "user",
"pass": "pass",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`//user:pass@host`, [
"host": "host",
"user": "user",
"pass": "pass",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`//user@host`, [
"host": "host",
"user": "user",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`//example.org:99/hey?a=b#c=d`, [
"host": "example.org",
"path": "/hey",
"query": "a=b",
"fragment": "c=d",
], ushort(99)),
tuple(`//example.org/hey?a=b#c=d`, [
"host": "example.org",
"path": "/hey",
"query": "a=b",
"fragment": "c=d",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://example.org/some/path.cgi?t=1#fragment?data`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "example.org",
"path": "/some/path.cgi",
"query": "t=1",
"fragment": "fragment?data",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://example.org/some/path.cgi#fragment?data`, [
"scheme": "http",
"host": "example.org",
"path": "/some/path.cgi",
"fragment": "fragment?data",
], ushort(0)),
tuple(`x://::abc/?`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`http:///blah.com`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://:80`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://user@:80`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://user:pass@:80`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://:`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://@/`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://@:/`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://:/`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://?`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://#`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://:?`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://blah.com:123456`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://blah.com:70000`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://blah.com:abcdef`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://user:@pass@host/path?argument?value#etc`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://foo.com\@bar.com`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`http://email@address.com:pass@example.org`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
tuple(`:`, string[string].init, ushort(0)),
* A Unique Resource Locator.
struct URL
/** The URL scheme. */
const(char)[] scheme;
/** The username. */
const(char)[] user;
/** The password. */
const(char)[] pass;
/** The hostname. */
const(char)[] host;
/** The port number. */
ushort port;
/** The path. */
const(char)[] path;
/** The query string. */
const(char)[] query;
/** The anchor. */
const(char)[] fragment;
* Attempts to parse an URL from a string.
* Output string data (scheme, user, etc.) are just slices of input string (e.g., no memory allocation and copying).
* Params:
* source = The string containing the URL.
* Throws: $(D_PSYMBOL URIException) if the URL is malformed.
this(in char[] source)
auto value = source;
ptrdiff_t pos = -1, endPos = value.length, start;
foreach (i, ref c; source)
if (pos == -1 && c == ':')
pos = i;
if (endPos == value.length && (c == '?' || c == '#'))
endPos = i;
// Check if the colon is a part of the scheme or the port and parse
// the appropriate part
if (value.length > 1 && value[0] == '/' && value[1] == '/')
// Relative scheme
start = 2;
else if (pos > 0)
// Validate scheme
// [ toLower(alpha) | digit | "+" | "-" | "." ]
foreach (ref c; value[0..pos])
if (!c.isAlphaNum && c != '+' && c != '-' && c != '.')
if (endPos > pos)
if (!parsePort(value[pos..$]))
throw defaultAllocator.make!URIException("Failed to parse port");
goto ParsePath;
if (value.length == pos + 1) // only scheme is available
scheme = value[0 .. $ - 1];
else if (value.length > pos + 1 && value[pos + 1] == '/')
scheme = value[0..pos];
if (value.length > pos + 2 && value[pos + 2] == '/')
start = pos + 3;
if (scheme == "file" && value.length > start && value[start] == '/')
// Windows drive letters
if (value.length - start > 2 && value[start + 2] == ':')
goto ParsePath;
start = pos + 1;
goto ParsePath;
else // certain schemas like mailto: and zlib: may not have any / after them
if (!parsePort(value[pos..$]))
scheme = value[0..pos];
start = pos + 1;
goto ParsePath;
else if (pos == 0 && parsePort(value[pos..$]))
// An URL shouldn't begin with a port number
throw defaultAllocator.make!URIException("URL begins with port");
goto ParsePath;
// Parse host
pos = -1;
for (ptrdiff_t i = start; i < value.length; ++i)
if (value[i] == '@')
pos = i;
else if (value[i] == '/')
endPos = i;
// Check for login and password
if (pos != -1)
// *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" )
foreach (i, c; value[start..pos])
if (c == ':')
if (user is null)
user = value[start .. start + i];
pass = value[start + i + 1 .. pos];
else if (!c.isAlpha &&
!c.isNumber &&
c != '!' &&
c != ';' &&
c != '=' &&
c != '_' &&
c != '~' &&
!(c >= '$' && c <= '.'))
if (scheme !is null)
scheme = null;
if (user !is null)
user = null;
if (pass !is null)
pass = null;
throw make!URIException(defaultAllocator,
"Restricted characters in user information");
if (user is null)
user = value[start..pos];
start = ++pos;
pos = endPos;
if (endPos <= 1 || value[start] != '[' || value[endPos - 1] != ']')
// Short circuit portscan
// IPv6 embedded address
for (ptrdiff_t i = endPos - 1; i >= start; --i)
if (value[i] == ':')
pos = i;
if (port == 0 && !parsePort(value[i..endPos]))
if (scheme !is null)
scheme = null;
if (user !is null)
user = null;
if (pass !is null)
pass = null;
throw defaultAllocator.make!URIException("Invalid port");
// Check if we have a valid host, if we don't reject the string as url
if (pos <= start)
if (scheme !is null)
scheme = null;
if (user !is null)
user = null;
if (pass !is null)
pass = null;
throw defaultAllocator.make!URIException("Invalid host");
host = value[start..pos];
if (endPos == value.length)
start = endPos;
endPos = value.length;
pos = -1;
foreach (i, ref c; value[start..$])
if (c == '?' && pos == -1)
pos = start + i;
else if (c == '#')
endPos = start + i;
if (pos == -1)
pos = endPos;
if (pos > start)
path = value[start..pos];
if (endPos >= ++pos)
query = value[pos..endPos];
if (++endPos <= value.length)
fragment = value[endPos..$];
if (scheme !is null)
scheme = null;
if (user !is null)
user = null;
if (pass !is null)
pass = null;
if (host !is null)
host = null;
if (path !is null)
path = null;
if (query !is null)
query = null;
if (fragment !is null)
fragment = null;
* Attempts to parse and set the port.
* Params:
* port = String beginning with a colon followed by the port number and
* an optional path (query string and/or fragment), like:
* `:12345/some_path` or `:12345`.
* Returns: Whether the port could be found.
private bool parsePort(in char[] port) pure nothrow @safe @nogc
ptrdiff_t i = 1;
float lPort = 0;
for (; i < port.length && port[i].isDigit() && i <= 6; ++i)
lPort += (port[i] - '0') / cast(float)(10 ^^ (i - 1));
if (i == 1 && (i == port.length || port[i] == '/'))
return true;
else if (i == port.length || port[i] == '/')
lPort *= 10 ^^ (i - 2);
if (lPort > ushort.max)
return false;
this.port = cast(ushort)lPort;
return true;
return false;
auto u = URL("example.org");
assert(u.path == "example.org");
u = URL("relative/path");
assert(u.path == "relative/path");
// Host and scheme
u = URL("https://example.org");
assert(u.scheme == "https");
assert(u.host == "example.org");
assert(u.path is null);
assert(u.port == 0);
assert(u.fragment is null);
// With user and port and path
u = URL("https://hilary:putnam@example.org:443/foo/bar");
assert(u.scheme == "https");
assert(u.host == "example.org");
assert(u.path == "/foo/bar");
assert(u.port == 443);
assert(u.user == "hilary");
assert(u.pass == "putnam");
assert(u.fragment is null);
// With query string
u = URL("https://example.org/?login=true");
assert(u.scheme == "https");
assert(u.host == "example.org");
assert(u.path == "/");
assert(u.query == "login=true");
assert(u.fragment is null);
// With query string and fragment
u = URL("https://example.org/?login=false#label");
assert(u.scheme == "https");
assert(u.host == "example.org");
assert(u.path == "/");
assert(u.query == "login=false");
assert(u.fragment == "label");
u = URL("redis://root:password@localhost:2201/path?query=value#fragment");
assert(u.scheme == "redis");
assert(u.user == "root");
assert(u.pass == "password");
assert(u.host == "localhost");
assert(u.port == 2201);
assert(u.path == "/path");
assert(u.query == "query=value");
assert(u.fragment == "fragment");
private unittest
foreach(t; URLTests)
if (t[1].length == 0 && t[2] == 0)
catch (URIException e)
auto u = URL(t[0]);
assert("scheme" in t[1] ? u.scheme == t[1]["scheme"] : u.scheme is null,
assert("user" in t[1] ? u.user == t[1]["user"] : u.user is null, t[0]);
assert("pass" in t[1] ? u.pass == t[1]["pass"] : u.pass is null, t[0]);
assert("host" in t[1] ? u.host == t[1]["host"] : u.host is null, t[0]);
assert(u.port == t[2], t[0]);
assert("path" in t[1] ? u.path == t[1]["path"] : u.path is null, t[0]);
assert("query" in t[1] ? u.query == t[1]["query"] : u.query is null, t[0]);
if ("fragment" in t[1])
assert(u.fragment == t[1]["fragment"], t[0]);
assert(u.fragment is null, t[0]);
* Contains possible URL components that can be returned from
* $(D_PSYMBOL parseURL).
enum Component : string
scheme = "scheme",
host = "host",
port = "port",
user = "user",
pass = "pass",
path = "path",
query = "query",
fragment = "fragment",
* Attempts to parse an URL from a string.
* Params:
* T = $(D_SYMBOL Component) member or $(D_KEYWORD null) for a
* struct with all components.
* source = The string containing the URL.
* Returns: Requested URL components.
URL parseURL(typeof(null) T)(in char[] source)
return URL(source);
/// Ditto.
const(char)[] parseURL(immutable(char)[] T)(in char[] source)
if (T == "scheme"
|| T == "host"
|| T == "user"
|| T == "pass"
|| T == "path"
|| T == "query"
|| T == "fragment")
auto ret = URL(source);
return mixin("ret." ~ T);
/// Ditto.
ushort parseURL(immutable(char)[] T)(in char[] source)
if (T == "port")
auto ret = URL(source);
return ret.port;
assert(parseURL!(Component.port)("http://example.org:5326") == 5326);
private unittest
foreach(t; URLTests)
if (t[1].length == 0 && t[2] == 0)
catch (URIException e)
ushort port = parseURL!(Component.port)(t[0]);
auto component = parseURL!(Component.scheme)(t[0]);
assert("scheme" in t[1] ? component == t[1]["scheme"] : component is null,
component = parseURL!(Component.user)(t[0]);
assert("user" in t[1] ? component == t[1]["user"] : component is null,
component = parseURL!(Component.pass)(t[0]);
assert("pass" in t[1] ? component == t[1]["pass"] : component is null,
component = parseURL!(Component.host)(t[0]);
assert("host" in t[1] ? component == t[1]["host"] : component is null,
assert(port == t[2], t[0]);
component = parseURL!(Component.path)(t[0]);
assert("path" in t[1] ? component == t[1]["path"] : component is null,
component = parseURL!(Component.query)(t[0]);
assert("query" in t[1] ? component == t[1]["query"] : component is null,
component = parseURL!(Component.fragment)(t[0]);
if ("fragment" in t[1])
assert(component == t[1]["fragment"], t[0]);
assert(component is null, t[0]);